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Sid Roth - What Chuck Missler Saw Coming in the Future

Sid Roth - What Chuck Missler Saw Coming in the Future

Sid Roth: Hello! Sid Roth here! Welcome to my world where it's 'naturally supernatural'! Are UFOs real? I mean for sure? Does the Bible talk about them? Are UFOs involved in end time Bible prophecy? End time events? Could they be a little piece of a puzzle that we have missed? My guest, Chuck Missler, says 'yes'! He's a naval academy graduate and former branch chief of the department of guided missiles. CEO of 6 public companies, 4 of the 6 were highly classified in the department of defense. Chuck Missler, you are such, in my opinion and I'm entitled to say this, you are such a renowned wonderful Bible teacher! Are you a little, are you a little 'meshuga'? What are you talking about! UFOs! Flying saucers! I mean I don't get it!

Chuck Missler: Well first of all I appreciate the intended encouragement but I really came at this whole subject because of my love for the Bible! It happens that I come out of an information science background. My whole career, 30 years in the strategic community, gives me perhaps a little different perspective than most people would have going at this topic but I wanna right up front indicate that it was my biblical interest that brought me into this rather than my high-tech background although that's proven to be that and my department of defense connections have been very valuable to me, so it's, that's one of the reasons I find myself in this peculiar posture.

Sid Roth: But it's really, it's not, in other words he has a lot of experience, a lot of knowledge from the intelligence community which helps him put a lot together of what we'll be talking about but he's saying it's his love for the Bible that is really motivating him right now. So you found a controversial verse in Genesis 6 which has to do with a prophecy that Jesus said.

Chuck Missler: Let's start with, always start, I start with Jesus and in Matthew 24 he gives 4 disciples an inside briefing on the second coming and in that briefing he makes a very strange remark! He says 'as the days of Noah were, so shall the days of the coming of the Son of Man be'. Now many people presume he just meant that it was because of the business as usual, but anyway the point is we need to understand what the 'days of Noah' were like in order to understand what he was saying. So that takes us to Genesis 6 and when you jump into Genesis 6 you quickly discover that very few seminaries teach what that passage really says. And so the first, as you get into that Genesis 6 you have to understand the first 2 verses are one sentence and it deals with this strange goings on between the 'fallen angels' producing hybrids with humans! And that was so uncomfortable in the early years of the church that it was the understanding of the early rabbis. It was also the understanding of the early church that what it was dealing with was fallen angels cohabiting with human women producing a strange hybrid offspring. But when you get to about the 5th century that was a very uncomfortable posture so they cooked up this what they call the 'Lines of Seth' argument and that's what's taught in most seminaries. One of the things I discover is that many people who are seminary, products of most seminaries haven't been taught that there are different perspectives of Genesis 6 and it's the literal careful study version of Genesis 6 that starts to raise the fog on this whole issue.

Sid Roth: Now tell me about the word 'Nephilim'. What does that mean?

Chuck Missler: It in the Hebrew it comes from the verb 'nephal'. It means the 'fallen ones' and that's the term used, don't confuse that with the fallen angels. The fallen angels according to Genesis 6 cohabited with human women to produce a hybrid offspring that are called in the Hebrew the 'Nephilim'. In the septuagint version of the Old Testament, the translation of the Old Testament into Greek, they used the word 'gigantes' which is transliterated 'giants' and they did happen to be giants but that's not what the word means. The word actually means in the Greek 'the earthborn'. And so from the Greek point of view they're 'the earthborn' and from the Hebrew point of view they're 'the fallen ones' but either way they're pointing to a hybrid and it apparently was part of satan's plan to contaminate the Messianic line.

Sid Roth: But, so the purpose of the flood was to get rid of these people.

Chuck Missler: Exactly! You put your finger, that's exactly the point. When you study verse 9 of Genesis 6 it speaks of Noah, that his genealogy was untainted, unblemished. And apparently it was a distinctive in that sense. He may not have been the only one unblemished but the fact that he was unblemished qualified him for what God was going to do among other things. But point is the whole issue that God chose to do was to save 8 people in the ark and erase the blackboard, so to speak!

Sid Roth: Okay. But if the blackboard was erased then we don't have to fool with them today if they were all destroyed.

Chuck Missler: Except, except Genesis 6 verse 4 says 'there were Nephilim in the land in those days' comma, 'and also after that'. We discover many, many, many good Bible scholars miss this. That you really won't understand subsequent events in the Old Testament by not realizing it happened again. When, when God in Genesis 15 and Genesis 17 confirms the land covenant to Abraham, he tells Abraham that he and his descendants are going to be away for 400 years but after 400 years they're gonna return. That gave satan, who was obviously listening, the realization that he had 4 centuries to lay down a minefield and that's why when Moses enters the land and he sends his, at Kadesh Barnea he sends in the 12 reconnoiters, if I can call them that, they come back and say, in numbers 13 verse 33 says there were Nephilim in the land. So it happened again!

Sid Roth: I'll tell you what! Hold that thought. Did you know that a dozen astronauts have reported UFOs? Don't go away! We'll be right back!

Sid Roth: Hello! Sid Roth here with Chuck Missler. And Chuck, so many astronauts are reporting UFOs but one was amazing! This one astronaut, John Blaha, a ham radio operator, actually picked up what he was saying. Uh, as a matter of fact a picture is worth a thousand words. Let's take a look at that now.

Sid Roth: I have a question for you. Why is there so much misinformation? Why are there so many cover-ups? I mean when astronauts are reporting UFOs what is the reason in your opinion for the misinformation, the cover-up?

Chuck Missler: I would be conjecturing like most people. One of the great mysteries in this whole area is why the cover-ups by all the governments but the most by the United States. Other countries are starting to release those information but in the United States there is a deliberate attempt to hide this area and that's probably the biggest mystery isn't this one. The biggest one is Roswell. Why is the Roswell incident back in 1947 enjoy a higher level of classification than our most sensitive warheads?

Sid Roth: You're from the intelligence community! You should tell me!

Chuck Missler: Well...

Sid Roth: It makes no sense! I agree!

Chuck Missler: And it's a mystery. I don't have a conjecture as to why they're doing it but it's clear. Two presidents and four congressman have been unable to crack the security that surrounds the Roswell incident! Why? That was 60 years ago! And that's the mystery, obviously there's all kinds of bizarre stories that have come out of that experience but the real mystery to me isn't that. The real mystery is why is it classified? Why does the government hide it? And I don't have any conjectures. I think those conjectures are just as wild as the other conjectures about the UFOs.

Sid Roth: Well according to your tapes this cover-up was very unusual because some 30 newspapers reported it in '47 and then just immediately after what happened?

Chuck Missler: Yeah. Blanchard, the colonel of the base when that Roswell thing first happened issued a press release that a saucer had landed and so forth. Within a few hours 400 miles away at the brigadier general in charge of the 8th air force countermanded that press release and hatched this story about it was a weather balloon and so forth. That starts a whole series of the silliest most inane cover-up stories. There's been a sequence of them. First it was a weather balloon. Well that didn't fly. Then we had one after the other. And to the community it's almost insulting because the cover-up stories are so empty, so foolish, so ridiculous.

Sid Roth: But what about that new technique, digital imaging?

Chuck Missler: Digital imaging. Yeah. It's interesting that during when brigadier general Ramey made his press release countermanding Blanchard's, the press took pictures. Many years later just a few years ago a guy by the name of Johnson who took the picture, we were able to get the negatives, and by using advanced digital analysis of the negatives they were able, an analyst by the name of Rudiak was able to use advanced information techniques to unravel some words that were on the memo that was in Ramey's hand and it speaks of the victims and the disk that crashed. In other words this...

Sid Roth: It actually calls it not a plane, a disk?

Chuck Missler: A disk that crashed and there are victims implying, see the stories have always said there were 4 bodies, 3 were dead, one was still alive. That was the unconfirmed rumors that we heard. Well it turns out that that memo that unravelling is regarded as the 'smoking gun' because it demonstrates that the air force has been lying all along!

Sid Roth: Well these UFOs they defy laws of physics. Your degree is in physics, I believe.

Chuck Missler: Yes. Well yes. The thing that is, the fundamentals, we wanna get right at them, I'm sorry I'm presuming a lot here with your audience, the UFOs have 2 problems. The one problem is they are tangible. They show up on multiple radars. They leave physical evidence, burnt ground and radioactivity and so forth. So they're tangible. They're not like hallucinations. Radar sets do not have hallucinations. Okay?

Sid Roth: Right.

Chuck Missler: On the other hand they make right angle turns at exotic speeds. They go faster than the speed of sound without sonic booms. They do things that seem to violate physical laws and yet they are, they are physical in one sense and yet they're not physical in another. Now the other area we need to just acknowledge is this is the toughest area to research because not only because of all the hoaxes and all the crackpots that are in this area is because of the deliberate disinformation by the government trying to hide these areas. But the net reality is Jacques Vallee, the Frenchman, and J. Allen Hynek, the American are probably the two most of the early pioneers, the two most reputable researchers. They both came to the conclusion that these things are hyper-dimensional. They're not extra-galactical. That's a very fundamental insight, by the way, because they seem to pose to being something that they're not. But their real point is that we're dealing here with a phenomenon that bridges the physical reality we understand and a reality that's outside that. One of the things we've discovered just in the last few years is that some of the constants of physics are changing, that we thought were constant. In 'scientific American' in June of 2005 ran an article in which they pointed out if the constants of physics are changing that implies that our physical reality is actually a subset, a shadow of a larger reality. And when you start dealing in the ufo area that's one of the other demonstrations that there is a hyper-dimensional aspect of this.

Sid Roth: And you actually from your research believe that some of the people that report they've been abducted is actually true.

Chuck Missler: That is the spookiest side of this whole area and probably the classic author in this area is Dr. John mack, head of psychiatry for Harvard hospital, he's written a book on this whole area, clearly, and there was a conference at MIT on this whole subject, there are enormous numbers of people, some estimates are between over one percent of the population, maybe as high as two or three percent claim to have had an experience which involves being abducted by these vehicles or whatever. And now their stories are too bizarre to accept on the one hand. On the other hand when you profile these people they're above average intelligence, no prior psychiatric history, clearly subject to some serious trauma, and not anxious. They're almost trying to hide these stories rather than reveal them!

Sid Roth: And their stories are similar! That's the thing that's so amazing to me!

Chuck Missler: They're united by some common threads. In fact that was mack's challenge to the conference at MIT. He says if what these people say is happening isn't happening, what is happening? Because these stories all have common links that are spooky.

Sid Roth: I'll tell you what. Hold that thought. When we come back we're going to talk about how these UFOs tie in with end times. Don't go away! We'll be right back!

Sid Roth: Hello! Sid Roth here with Chuck Missler. And Chuck, the only reason you're involved in this is it's a missing ingredient, a missing piece, something that no one looks at in the end times, these UFOs. Are these, are these people around today in your opinion? These descendants of the Nephilim?

Chuck Missler: I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Well not necessarily as descendants directly, because I think that's been dealt with.

Sid Roth: I follow. Okay.

Chuck Missler: But I think there is but at the same time I do suspect that the UFOs are in effect a modern-day echo if you will and that may be what Jesus was talking about when he says 'as the days of Noah were'. That he's implying a parallelism. And so that's why we got interested in this in the first place. And if that's true we can test it very simply because if we're correct these events are gonna increase as we get increasingly closer to what we call the end times.

Sid Roth: Okay. There's an illusion to this that's, I mean it really grabbed me when you explained it on my radio show from Daniel.

Chuck Missler: Yes. Oh, exactly. In Daniel chapter 2 we have the famous image of Nebuchadnezzar and as you go through it the mystery is the iron mixed with clay. And when Daniel goes to explain what the miry clay is, he says 'as for the miry clay,' comma, 'they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men'. Now I've had the exegetical experts confirm this, the 'they,' see he shifts to a personal pronoun but the 'they' has to be something other than the seed of men in order for them to mingle, just grammatically it requires that. So that leads to a speculation what are we talking about here? One of the possibilities is that we're dealing here with something that's not the seed of men, namely Nephilim, hybrids. And that's a hint there that there'll be a proliferation of hybrids at the end times cause that's what Daniel is talking about. So that's a staggering verse to deal with.

Sid Roth: You talk about Joshua's assignment to destroy all the people in particular areas that a lot of people wonder about.

Chuck Missler: Yeah. When you read it as a New Testament reader you're shocked because God tells Joshua to wipe out every man, woman and child of 4 key tribes and that shocks you know the New Testament reader because we don't understand that there is a gene pool problem again. We understand Genesis 6 the flood of Noah was dealing with among other things with a gene pool problem in the human predicament. What we don't realize is that satan had again laid down a minefield in Canaan cause when he found out from God's Revelation to Abraham that his descendants would be away and then return after 400 years that gave satan 400 years to lay down a minefield. When you study the book of judges geographically you discover that they didn't follow through in certain areas to wipe out, their instructions. One of the places they missed was a place called 'Bashan' we call that the Golan Heights today. There's other areas in the central part that we would call Judea and Samaria but now it's called 'the west bank'.

Sid Roth: The west bank! Right.

Chuck Missler: And there's the third area a place called 'Gaza'. And when you stand back from that and you realize those areas where they failed to follow through in the book of judges are the same areas that are under dispute today! And you begin to realize that there's a demon, a demon overlay on human history here that we need to understand.

Sid Roth: That's my next question. In your opinion are we talking about aliens from foreign planets or are we talking about demons?

Chuck Missler: Well first of all I don't believe if... even J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee concluded they're not inter-galactical for a number of good physical reasons. We believe they're hyper-dimensional, they're demonic. They also pretend to be something they're not. That means that one of their tools is deceptions and so that gives us a perspective of where they stand biblically. I believe that they are real today and that they are demonic in their, in their root purpose. And so that creates a danger to anyone that isn't tutored in this area and that's one reason that we include it in our materials in terms of our own spiritual hygiene.

Sid Roth: Well there are over a dozen astronauts that have reported to UFOs and one astronaut in particular, his name is Dr. Edgar Mitchell, he's appealing that the files be opened. Let's take a look at that.

Dr. Edgar Mitchell: And what I am suggesting is it is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence. And I call upon our government to open up like other governments have. And you'll hear about that this morning. Like the Belgians have. The French have. The Brazilians have. The Argentines. The Mexicans have all released their files. It's about time now that we do the same thing and become a part of this planetary community.

Sid Roth: Huhh. That's is so amazing to me, Chuck. Are we going to open up our files or not?

Chuck Missler: And the very fact is resistance is alarming you would think that if there's nothing to hide they would open it up. So the question that we can only speculate, you only feed speculation the way they're operating in keeping it a secret.

Sid Roth: Okay. Former president Reagan. You were telling me about it. Amazing, amazing statement he made about UFOs!

Chuck Missler: Well that they may be the ingredient that it may take to get the world together. But on that presidential side there have been two presidents that have tried to crack the security and couldn't and four congressmen. And so we need to put pressure...

Sid Roth: So, so what is gonna happen when the president of the United States says there are UFOs, we're being invaded, there's gonna be a one-world government and I mean there we are! End time prophesy!

Chuck Missler: It looks like it's very easy to see how this could have a major role in setting the stage if we understand the classical biblical scenario. And that's one reason when you go at this area you're primary study should be to understand what the Bible has said all along is the destiny of man and the, and the history, the forward history of governments. And so as we watch every day as we look at our newspaper and see where the world is going, not just in this area, the whole geopolitical horizon is converging, the more you know about your Bible and the more you know about what's really going on in the geopolitical horizon the more you see the convergence. We're plunging into the climax of human history!

Sid Roth: Based on all of your Bible study, all your research where is America right now?

Chuck Missler: Well America is in deep trouble! The America you and I grew up in I believe is over! I think that the, everybody that the most common question I get asked as I travel and have a question and answer sessions is 'where is America in prophecy'? And everybody, all the end time players in eschatology are well-identified in the Bible and they're there. America is conspicuous by not being. The other question I always get asked is 'why hasn't God judged America'? Billy Graham quipped several decades ago...

Sid Roth: Well listen! We have a few seconds left in this show. We don't know when the end's gonna come. We don't know the day or the hour. Make Jesus your Lord! Get to know him intimately! Let God say 'I wanna be your friend'. He's speaking it to you now!