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Samuel Rodriguez - The Promotional Push

Samuel Rodriguez - The Promotional Push

By the way, do you ever wanna go into a Latino church and prophesy and not miss it? All you have to say is, "God has a word for Hosea or maria". Am I right? Even if it's not God, somebody is gonna get a word. Once you have a word. Can't miss it. Sammy wasn't, the only way Sammy was my dad, he was Samuel. Nobody ever calls him Sammy. So, he even said Sammy, a young Samuel, a Sammy. He said Sammy. So, my pastor in my church are so beautiful. They're still alive. He turns around and he goes, the church, you know, real, they don't traumatize anybody. Which means, so, I'm going, "Oh, snap". By name.

And my pastor says, and I'm going like, "Oh my gosh. What is this? He called me out by name, dude. This is not cool". And I'm going, "If this rapture stuff is for real, come, Lord Jesus, come". That guy looks at me. I come over here. He goes, "You're a young boy becoming a young man but God sees you as a grown-up man". And he starts laying out everything that I'm doing right now. And I don't mean some stuff. I don't mean generic like, "And God says he will use you". Amen. No, with great specificity. Then he wraps up like this, "The Lord says you will pray for presidents of the United States of America". Who says that? "Bro, you better not miss it 'cause if you get this wrong that young man is gonna become an atheist one day. So, don't miss it". It was so God.

There was a young lady over there who listened to it. Right there. And she heard it, and she said, "Man, if this is true I'mma wait for him to grow up". That's my wife of 35 years. And that's how I got to the White House. George W. Bush brought me in as an advisor and I'm advising George W. Bush. I never knock on the door. I never said, "You know, God gave me a word, that I have to be your advisor". I would be in a special place right now. No, God opened up doors 'cause God gave me a word. He gave a kid a word. Why am I telling you this? Because the word upon your life, there's not a devil in hell or a demon on earth that will be, I'mma say that one more time.

Some of you have been through battles recently. Some of you have fought Jezebel. You fought Ahab. You fought Baal and you say, "Why am I going through this"? Because when heaven starts it, hell cannot stop it. So, I advised president George W. Bush for four years. President Obama brought me in for eight years. I don't have to vote for them to advise them. He brought me in. I advised president Obama for eight years on a plethora of issues, and then president Trump for four years. I participated in two presidential inaugurations. This is all God, I just told you, it has to be God in spite of me, ain't got nothing to do with me. God just ordained it before the beginning of time. Ephesians 2:10. Before I was even born, he prepared these things for his glory, so his name can be exalted. It's about him.

And president Obama when he got elected. Then in 2009 in January for the ceremony, he was elected in 2008, 2009 was the inauguration. They invited me to participate in the provident inauguration ceremony at st. John episcopal church. I read from the gospel of Luke. And then years later, fast forward, president Trump gets elected. I'm driving with my wife. We're driving from a restaurant in San Rafael and we're aiming towards Sacramento. It's a Puerto Rican restaurant. They were getting Mofongo Creole Camarones. Real delicious, you gotta taste it. It's delicious stuff. But you gotta be careful. If you put too much garlic, anyway, that's a different point. That's a dumb point.

So, we're driving from San Francisco, South Salito area towards Sacramento on the 80 me and my wife. And we have it, and my phone is on bluetooth, right? And all of a sudden, I get this call. It says, "Unknown number". Beep. I usually don't pick it up 'cause I think it's the IRS. So, when the Holy Spirit said, "Pick it up, Sam". So, I just went, boop, and I heard this. "We're looking for reverend Samuel Rodriguez". I definitely thought it was the IRS then 'cause it looked like it was. But it wasn't. "We're calling you from president Trump's transition team, the president, and we're calling you from the senate inaugural committee. The president elect would like you to participate in his inauguration".

So, I've diving on my wife like this going like, like this we're going like, you know, it's just me and her going, I thought it was my cousin Paco from the Bronx. But it wasn't, it was legit. So, I began to ask. I go like, "First of all, I'm flabbergasted. I'm humbled. I don't know what to say. Can you tell the president elect that I'm beyond words, speechless here, honored, and grateful. What would you like me to do"? The guy says, "We would like you to participate in his inauguration". So, I'm trying to look 'cause I did it before, right? I don't know if it's the private one, the public one. I'm trying to get info, Intel. So, I'm going like, "Okay, would you like me to pray"? The guy says, "Yes". But it was like a, "Yes," with nothing afterwards.

So, I go, "Would you like me to read scripture"? He goes, "Sure, why not"? As a pastor, I wanted to but I didn't. Integrity is everything. I wanted to ask, "Would you like me to raise the offering? And raise the offering is not", but I didn't. She didn't lie to you. I did it. It did not happen. So, finally, he got, like, the thing, like, the win that I was looking for. He goes, "Reverend Rodriguez, we want you to participate in the big ceremony, the one that over 1 billion people will be watching around the world. The one on the capital steps. That's where we want you to participate". And I go like, "Wow. I'm honored". So, I go, "Okay". He goes, "Well, you know you have to go through an FBI check, Department of Justice. Well, you have to go through all that when you already advised".

So, you know, you gonna be sequestered the night before. You're gonna be taken away, put away in a special place. You can't, "Got that. Got that". And he goes, "Okay, so give me your email so we can start checking in". And I go like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's good. I'll give you my email, but sir, I'm gonna need some time to pray about this". Man, the whole thing changed. Like, the whole, you felt, like, the infect, everything, like, the whole atmosphere. The guy? There's an awkward pause like, "You need to pray about praying"? Which is a great theological conundrum, by the way. And I go, "Yes". My wife is no longer looking at me. She's looking that way, which is both a sign and a wonder. She's giving me a sign that's making me wonder.

So, I'm going, you know, and the guy is going, "Well, how much time do you need"? And I'm trying to talk to my wife. She's no longer looking at me. I'm going like to myself, I'm going, "Three weeks". He goes, "You need three weeks to pray"? I go, "Yes". Awkward silence again. He goes, "I guess I'll call you back in three weeks". I go, "Thank you". He goes, "Thank you". I looked at my wife and I go, "Ava, call pastor Carla, our intercessors. I need you to pray right now. She looks at me. And the reason", you may be asking, "What do you need to pray about"? 'Cause I pastor a church in Sacramento, our main campus. The church is 40% Caucasian, which is the code word for white. It is. Google it. It's 40% African American, which means black. And 20% Latino, native Americans and Asians. It looks like heaven. It's primarily millennial, but it looks like heaven, the church. It looks like the kingdom of heaven.

In my mind I'm going, "If I do this, I'm gonna lose a portion of my church". I'm being very honest. It's called being vulnerable. I thought, "If I do this, people are gonna leave my church which means I have to lay off staff, which means budget cuts, which means", I'm thinking, like, all this stuff. And then, my wife looked at me and said, "What are you doing"? And I go, "Honey, we gotta pray because, you know, when", she goes, "What are you doing"? I go, "Honey, I just finished telling you, we're gonna pray". She goes, "What are you doing"? I go, "Okay". We're gonna pray. She goes, "For what"? I go, "What do you mean, for what? I just explained to you". She goes, "I was there". I go, "Where"? "When you were a kid, when God showed up and said you were gonna pray for president of the..."

You don't need to pray if it's the will of God. You need to pray for God to fill you with the word for you to share with the entire nation and the world that will listen on that day. That woman rebuked me. Put the white shot, please. Media team, if you have the white shot. There's the white shot. You see the Obamas, the Bidens, the Clintons, the Trumps. I was hiding and seated behind the Bushs. I really was. Forty-eight hours before, alright, I said, "Yes, finally". And by the way, little Corbin, I knew it was God when we finally confirmed it, I said, "Anything in particular you want me to share"? He says, "Pastor Sam, we're inviting you because we want you to share whatever the spirit tells you to share".

So, there it is. That's the mantle of truth and love. And about 48 hours beforehand, a magazine reporter of a very famous magazine whose name you'd recognized who I worked with before came up to me and said, "Sam", she called me Sammy. She says, "Sammy, please tell me you're not gonna do this". I go, "I have to do this". She goes, "You're both on CNN and Fox. You're one of the few people on both networks. The donkeys and the elephants both love you. They respect you. The moment you do this, it's gonna change". I said, "But I did it for the other guy from the other party". They went, "But things have changed. If you do it for this guy, people are gonna abandon you. You're gonna lose half of your followers. You're gonna lose your influence. Don't do it". I go, "I have no choice. You weren't there. I have no... I'm doing it".

So, then she looks at me and says, "Alright, if you're gonna do it promise me, you're not gonna say the name". I go, "What are you talking about"? She says, "Pastor Sam, do you know for 12 years, the name hasn't been mentioned". I go, "What"? She goes, "The name". She call it, "The name". I go, "The name hasn't been mentioned"? She goes, "No. The last one to mention the name was Billy Graham in 2005. There is an unspoken rule after Billy Graham mentioned the name, that whoever prays for the presidential in ceremony should not mention the name. Matter of fact, we encourage people not to even say God. When you pray, pray in the name of wisdom, in the name of faith, in the name of love. Worst case scenario, say, 'God,' but don't mention the name".

And I said, "Why not"? She said, "No, that name is divisive. There's people in this country that don't believe in that name. So that name will... That's... You don't wanna use that. Don't use, don't say the name". And I go, "Wow, 12 years since what". So I sat back her, the arch cardinal of New York went up first, great guy. He prayed in the name of wisdom. And then it was my turn. I wanna tell you that I wasn't nervous. I wanna tell you that. Not making, I was, my body was trembling. But, I mean, I'm talking about like, woo, the moment I started moving up, God is my witness here on this stage, the Holy Spirit, the mantle, started falling upon me.

By the time I got to the podium I felt like I was born for that hour, anointed for that hour, made for that hour. Holy Spirit hit me. And I read Matthew 5. I read it, you've seen. I've read it, if not YouTube it. I prayed it, declared it. And I concluded, "I'm about to go back to my seat". Holy Spirit tells me, "Go ahead, say it. Say it Sammy, say it. Say it Sammy, say it. Say it Sammy, say it". So a boy from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania looked into the camera and said, "Respectfully, I make this declaration in the name of Jesus Christ".

And the president shouted, "Amen"! Members of congress shouted, "Amen"! The crowd, the crowd shouted, "Amen"! What! All over the world people were tweeting, Pastor Sam you were live in ordination, in the ordination. The ordination is secular, they didn't beep you out. You said, "Jesus". There are muslim nations that heard the name of Jesus. Why did the world react like that? Believe it or not there is still power in the name of Jesus. How many believe there is salvation in the name of Jesus? There is deliverance in the name of Jesus. There is healing in the name of Jesus. There is breakthrough, there is power in the name of...

Lift up your hands. I feel God all over this place. We're about to see the generation of the mantle to lift up the name of Jesus, to preach in the name of Jesus, to fill the earth with the glory of Jesus. Hey! We're about to see a generation ignite the world with the sovereignty and the majesty of Jesus. Shout, if you believe it. Lift up your hands right there where you're at. Oh, I feel the Lord. There's a mantle coming down upon this generation. There's a mantle coming down upon a generation, it is the mantle of the spirit, it is the mantle of drought, fire, and rain. It is the mantle of speaking truth and love, lifting up the name of Jesus.

Why did God put you on this planet for such a time as this? "To fill the earth with glory of Jesus. Everything we do, we do for the glory of Christ," 1 Corinthians 10:31. "Everything we do, we do for the glory of Jesus in the name of Jesus," Colossians 3:17. "No other name given unto man through by which salvation has come unto all mankind. But the name of Jesus," acts 4:12. "The name to whom which every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess," Philippians 2:10 and 11. "For whosoever calls upon that name," Romans 10:13, "Shall be saved". The name promised in John 14:12 to 14, "Whatsoever you ask in my name that I shall do for the father to be glorified of the son even greater things".

Oh Jesus. I want everybody to look up here. As you look up, I gotta finish that as you... Don't move stay right there where you're at, you gotta hear this. This is, he spoke truth with love and truth in love and even then Jezebel got so angry and said, "I'mma kill you and I swear by my Gods in 24 hours you gon' be dead mister man of the mantle. You mister prophet, I promise you by my Gods you will be dead". You know what he did, you know what Elijah did? You would assume that every time you prayed God would answer your prayers right? Like a logical continuum. You would assume that if you prayed for a drought and God gave a drought if you prayed for fire and God gave you fire, if you prayed for rain and God gave you, if somebody is threatening you all you have to do is what? Right? Right.

You would assume every time I pray God answers. But he didn't. He freaked out. He literally lost it. You know what he did? He left the ministry. He left under a broom tree where God had to feed him. He had to send divine heaven for provision. He got into such a depression, anxiety, and fear, he ended up on the side of a mountain on a cliff where God looked at him and said, "Elijah, what are you doing here"? When God asks you what you're doing there you're probably lost. I'mma tell you why. He listened to Jezebel. Who speaks into you is much more important than who speaks about you.

There's a battle and I need you to remember this, the battle is between your mind and your mantle. The battle will always be between your mind and your mantle. The battle will be between the thoughts in your head and the calling of God upon your life. The battle is between your memories and your imagination. The battle's between anxiety and anointing, fear, and faith. But how many here know, not think, not hope, not feel, how many know that on the cross the battle has already been won. "We are more than conquerors through Christ our Lord." Romans 8:37.

So there it is, what did she say, in how many hours you gon' die? You remember? 24. She said 24 right. Twenty-four hours passed guess what? Elijah did not die. But, what if I tell you this, 48 hours passed Elijah did not die. What if I tell you a week passed Elijah did not die. What if I tell you a year passed Elijah did not die. What if I tell you ten years passed Elijah did not die. What if I tell you 100 years passed Elijah did not die. What if I tell you a 1,000 years passed Elijah did not die. What if I tell you it's been 2,800 years approximately since Jezebel made her tweet and Elijah has yet to die.

The Bible says, 2 Kings 2:11, "Elijah and Elisha were walking together when a chariot of fire separated them. A whirlwind took him up". Elijah never died, as a matter of fact watch this, the next time we see Elijah he's taking a selfie with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. Matthew 17:2, we find Elijah on the mountain top next to Jesus. The man never died. What does that mean for you? Whatever hell has declared upon you, upon your family, hey, I have news for you, the opposite will take place.