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Samuel Rodriguez - You Carry The Glory

Samuel Rodriguez - You Carry The Glory
TOPICS: Glory of God

1 Samuel 5: "After the Philistines captured the Ark of God, they took it from the battleground in Ebenezer to the town of Ashdod. They carried the Ark of God into the temple of Dagon and place it beside an idol of Dagon". Even the idea, by the way, theologically speaking, there's a bit of just of let's just say a glitch in the prophetic theological matrix. When you hear the idea that the mucha mula hombres captured the Ark of God. Because the Ark of God is the facilitative platform for the glory of God.

So just to think that the bad guys were able to capture the glory of God in a box. They carried the Ark of God into the temple of Dagon and they placed it beside an idol of Dagon. "But when the citizens of Ashdod went to see it the next morning, Dagon had fallen with his face to the ground, in front of the ark of the Lord". So, they took Dagon and put him in his place again. "But the next morning the same thing happened". Dagon had fallen face down before the ark of the Lord again. But this time... Somebody say, "This time". "But this time his head and hands had broken off. They were lying in the doorway, the entryway. Only the trunk of his body was left intact".

Here's the subject matter. We're going to expedite the process here. I'm going to speak to you on the subject matter, timber. Somebody say, "Timber". It's coming down. When the prophetic stands next to the pathetic, the prophetic always wins. Look at your neighbor, the one you like the most and tell them, "Timber, it's coming down". Your other neighbor, the one you slightly tolerate, tell them, "Timber, it's coming down". Let me break this down for you, if you're taking any notes and good luck with that. Here we go, number one: when hell declares victory, watch God show up. Verse 1: "After the Philistines capture the Ark of God, they took it from the battleground to the town of Ashdod".

In the Old Testament, the Ark of God, God's treasure chest represented, as you well know, God's presence, power and promise. The Ark of God served as the Old Testament platform that facilitated the glory of God. The glory of God is the manifest presence of God. So whatever heaven touched, be it the rod of Aaron, be it manna, the Ten Commandments. These items in the Bible are described as glorious. When the king of glory touches it, it is glorious. The Philistines believed that they had to capture the ark, the glory, Israel's secret weapon. This is their idea, every single time we fight the Israelites, they show up with this box and they win. We have ten times the amount of soldiers, and yet they win. We surprised them in the middle of the night, and yet they win.

So, they figured out the secret sauce: "It's the box. It's that Ark of God thing. It's that glory of God thingy-wingy. So, all we have to do is capture the Ark of God, take hold of the glory of God and we win". And they captured, they captured, they did. The Philistines captured the Ark of God. The Philistines believed, they believed they were celebrating, lattes on the house. They believed: they took the glory hostage. They stood convinced that they took the power of God captive. They even convinced themselves, that they had placed a lid on the presence of God. And they were soon to discover, you can't incarcerate the glory. I'll repeat that for the hearing impairment, you can't incarcerate the glory. You can't imprison the power of God.

"For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory". Psalm 84:11. "For the vicarious, atoning work of Jesus on the cross and the resurrection". We, according to the apostle Paul, are Carriers of the glory. Having chosen them, he called them to come to him. Having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. "Giving them right standing, he gave them his glory". Romans 8:30. This is why the prince of darkness hate your guts. Hell. Hell doesn't come after you, because you're black, white, yellow, brown, republican, democrat, independent, charismatic, or automatic. If you are born again, hell comes against you because you carry the glory of the risen Christ.

Do you realize your family carries the glory of the risen Christ? In other words, the enemy doesn't attack you because of the foolish things you did in your past. He attacks you because of the glorious things you're about to see even more in your future. The enemy wants to overwhelm your now because you're about to occupy the next. So right now, right now in Las Vegas, in America, and around the world, it looks like, you turn on the news it looks like the Philistines have once again captured the glorious. If you go on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, if you watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX, listen to certain influencers, it looks like the Philistines of the 21st century, once again successfully captured the glory.

Well, what if have told you? And here's the word, the very same thing that took place in Dagon's temple is about to take place in Las Vegas and America. I don't know about you. How many are ready to see, every Dagon, every lie of the enemy? Is there anyone in icy? Is there anyone here desperate to see every lie of the enemy come down? I dare you to open up your mouth and shout, it's coming down! Four words. Watch God show up. "But Pastor Sam, remember we're coming out of a global pandemic". Watch God show up. "But the country is more divided than ever before". Watch God show up. "There are food shortages and rumors of crazy things to come". Watch God show up. "There's a war in Ukraine, China threatening Taiwan". "But the marriage is falling apart". "Children are rebellious". "The medical report came in".

Put a smile on your face. God's about to show us his glory like we have, we are about to see the glory of Jesus! Watch God show up. I don't think, I don't hope, I don't wish, I don't feel. I know. I said I know. No, I am serious, this is not like spaghetti on the proverbial prophetic wall, that we are about to see God show up. What if I tell you I would put my life on the line? That's how certain I am. You're saying, "Pastor Sam, you're going down a slippery slope". I'm just gon' give you the word. I'm go tell you why I know, Luke 1:37: "The Word of God never fails". Hebrews 10:23: "He can be trusted to keep his promise".

And what did he promise? He promised in Joel 2:28 and reiterated the promise in Acts 2:17, that in the last days. In the last days. What did he promise? "In the last days, the devil will win. In the last days, darkness will prevail. In the last days, all hell will break loose". No, he said, "In the last as days, I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh". In other words, watch God show... Alright, raise your right hand. Let's just release this. The next thing to fill your family will not be more drama. The next thing to fill your family will be the glory of the living Christ. If you got that, raise your hand.

The next thing to capture your mind, will not be more negative thoughts. It will be the glory of the risen Christ. And the next thing to fill America, fill the nation will not be COVID 2021 or 22, the next thing to fill the nations, to fill your children and your children's children, will be the glory of the risen Christ. Numbers 14:21, I'm making it legal. "As I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord". Habakkuk 2:14: "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters... Cover the sea". If you believe this, raise your hands. Ephesians 4:10, "He who descended, is himself also he who ascended far above the heavens, that he might feel all things".

So, if you believe that we are about to see more people save than ever before, give God the best shout you've given him this entire day. If you believe our prodigal sons and daughters are coming back home, give God a shout like you believe it. If you believe we're about to see more people healed than ever before, give God a shout like you believe it. If you believe we are about to see more people delivered than ever before, give God a shout like you believe it. Isaiah 14:27 has one of the most steroid filled, no offense. No, I mean creatine, sorry.

One of the most powerful verses you could ever read. It says, this is, "I the Lord, all powerful, have made plans, and no one can stop me now". Therefore, when the enemies of truth, love, and grace convince themselves, that they have successfully captured the glory, four words watch God show up. We got to hurry this. I told you, take notes hopefully.

Number two: when the prophetic stands next to the pathetic, the prophetic always wins. I'll illustrate this really happened, not making it up. You all know that we, by the grace of God, we produce movies and my next one is coming out in either Christmas or Easter. We're negotiating with the studio, but the production side, so I'm gonna illustrate what, this really happened, not making it up. This truly, this is like a Netflix series. Because it's cool, like the optics of it are like fire. This is powerful. The Philistines capture the ark.

So for this illustration, I am, hence, the glory. That's Dagon, so because Dagon is usually muscular like that and the glory is usually wimpy like, no, I'm kidding, I'm not that stuff that's not accurate. So, what I want you to do, you're going to carry the glory. Now, I'm the glory. They literally carry the glory. So, these steps, you guys are good? Like exercise wise, you guys are good? Like, you wanna stretch? Anything? There's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, I'm pretty sure we haven't done this with eight steps before. You're good? Alright, so I'm gonna be here. Your job is to pick me up and you're gonna carry the glory, nicely, yeah. Thank you. Don't you think it's time to hear the anthem from jake Hamilton right about now? Anyone? Am I the only one? This is the right time. Okay. So, you ready?


Okay, so I'm here. Let's...

Do a arms, legs, things.

Take your time. Take your time.

Watch that speaker.

Watch your...

Put me down. Right here, put me right here, right next to him. Right next, no, no, no don't hit me. Right here, right here, right here. Alright, let's do it again. So, they literally... Don't go anywhere citizens of Ashdod, don't go anywhere. They literally placed the glory, this really happened. Not making this up. This stuff is real. They took the glory of God in the box, right next to Dagon. This is crazy. They took the glory of God and they placed it next to a false... Oh, I'm sorry. Real quick. I'm just reading the book. Did these guys drag the ark? They didn't? They didn't, like, push it in? What do they do? They carry it. Even the enemy knows, that the glory must be respected. I'm gonna prove this to you.

If the Philistines wanted to in perpetuity defeat the Israelites by taking away their secret weapon, wouldn't they have easily have just lifted up the lid, removed the lid, broken the rod of Aaron, done away with the Ten Commandments? Why didn't they? Why didn't they do away with the secret weapon. Instead of doing away with it, they respected it. They actually carried it with great due deference. They walked it in gently. Even the devil knows that there are things he can't touch in your life.

They place the ark right next to Dagon. They put the glory of God in the box and place it beside, here it is, two objects cannot occupy the same place. Your past and your future cannot occupy the same space. Your dream and your nightmare cannot occupy the same space. The prophetic and the pathetic cannot occupy the same space. Complacency and conviction cannot occupy the same space. truth and lies cannot occupy the same space. Hatred and love cannot occupy the same space. Sin and holiness cannot occupy the same space. Forgiveness and unforgiveness cannot occupy the same space. Belief and doubt, faith and fear cannot occupy the same space. Something has to go.

There is a battle, so help me, there's a battle going on for your space. And before we confront the external Philistines. We must address the internal Dagons. In other words, there's a battle going on right now. And the true battle is between your mind and your mantle. The true battle is between your mind and your mantle. The real battle is between the thoughts in your head and the calling of God upon your life. The real battle is between your memories and your imagination. You'll get that by tomorrow morning. The real battle is between anxiety and anointing. It's between drama and destiny. But how many here not hope, not feel, not think, but how many know the battle has already been won?

Let me ask that one more time. How many know the battle has already been won? Let me ask you one more time. How many are 193% certain the battle has already been won? If you believe it, praise like you believe it. If you believe it, shouting like you believe it, worship like you believe it, act like you believe it, pray like you believe it, live like you believe it, serve like you believe it. 1 Corinthians 15:57: "Christ is our victory. Let nothing move you". When the prophetic stands next to the pathetic the prophetic always wins.

Number three, real quick, we're about to land this. When the glory stands firm darkness will collapse. When the citizens of Ashdod went to see it the next morning, Dagon had fallen. I love this. Alright, Jason, get ready. We're doing this. This really happened. That's the crazy stuff. It's like in some sort of movie. The glory is here. These guys leave, shut the door. The glory is here, the statue's right here. Here's the glory. Here it is. Here's truth. Here's the lie. Here it is. You ready? So, you're gonna fall like Dagon fell. Okay, wherever the glory of God is present Dagons have to fall. That's what I need you to walk out with this message. You carry glory.

Romans 8:30: "You are carriers of the glory". And a matter of fact, the glory upon you is not even a stagnant glory. According to the writing of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 3 Paul who inspired by the Holy Spirit, says your glory is not even like a stagnant glory. You, you Christ people, you covenant people. Moses had a glory, his went away. And then he says, "But our glory oh, man, our glory doesn't even stay the same. Our glory continues to grow". Hence, two Corinthians 3:18: "We go from glory to... From glory to... From glory to..." that means your family is about to experience a new level of glory, and your home is about, how about this?

This church is about to experience, international church of Las Vegas, get ready, you are about to experience a new level of glory like you have never seen before. Alright. Great. So, when I count to three, Dagon, I want you to come down. Really? This truly happened. So, I know it seems like, no, it really did. You're going to come down and I'm going to speak prophetically into what's happening in America right now and the nation. There are so many Dagons that have to come down. So many things. Dagon is coming down. We're going to shout, timber. And you go come down. The Dagon, there is a Dagon attempting to deconstruct our Judeo-Christians value system. Let me speak prophetically and declare, believe it or not, that Dagon is about to come down.

There is a Dagon in America attempting to indoctrinate our children with false ideologies regarding race, gender and sex. That Dagon is coming down in Jesus' name. And a matter of fact, can I take a second here, pastor? Are we streaming? Are we recording this? We are. Lord bless your heart. I won't get in trouble here we go. To every single Dagon, trying to sexualize our children, I just, maybe I won't get invited again. I've reached a point where I just, I call it the I don't give a holy hoot anointing. Get your hands off our children! Get your hands off our children! Get your hands off our children!

Hey, Dagon of pedophilia and perversion and sexualization you are coming... Somebody shout like you believe it. "Be on guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong". 1 Corinthians 16:13. What will it take for Dagon to fall? I'm gonna need your help, Dagon. Hold on. I'll tell you what's it's gonna take. Just a book we wrote during COVID, God blessed it. Just, yeah, he blessed it. We were on good morning America. I've been on GMA before. Great people. They brought me in, and it was Christmas of last year, and they said, "Pastor Sam, we want you to come in". But usually they bring me in for politics and culture and society and all that.

This time they said, "Hey, we couldn't come in, but different deal. Come in and give us a word". So many of y'all saw we were on GMA. It was like first or second? Whatever. And God blew it up, and it just became a moment. The Spirit of God just filmed the studio in New York, and so, and God, corresponding, of course, with that, he blessed the book, and the book became a bestseller. It's called "Persevere with power: what heaven starts hell cannot stop". But let me show you some stuff here, let me just break some stuff down. Tuck and run: chapter six. Dream weaving, remember that song dream weavers. Gotta be over 35 for that. Walk, worship and win. Risk like Rahab. I like that. The Way Maker that's good.

Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, I'll be in the back, this book is now discounted and so I just ripped some pages off the book that we wrote, and God blessed it again. Biblically substantiated committed to biblical orthodoxy and truth. God blessed multiplied it. But me ripping pages from a book I wrote, it will do very little to nothing as it pertains to making certain the Dagons of the 21st century come down. I need a Bible. Pastor, please, let me have your Bible. Beautiful. This is your Bible? It is, it says pastor Andrew mason. I hereby confirm and do not deny this is his Bible. Let's do the same thing with the Bible. So, we're gonna do the same thing I did with my book, with the Bible. Not just any Bible, but pastor's Bible.

So, let's do this. Because listen, folks, to be honest, if you look at all the Barnard studies and some of the other studies right now, there are chapters in the Bible that right now over 75% to 80% of pastors don't preach about cause they're too controversial. So, if we're gonna ignore them, might as well rip them. So might as well just take them out. Might as well do it. So let me just look at, just randomly chapters that are not controversial. Oh, I found Romans 1. Oh, so yeah, let's at the count of three, I just want you to shout, rip it. And I'm going to rip it. Romans 1. Romans, acts, Romans. Here we go. Oh, there it is, the letter of Paul to the Romans. Here we go, the count of three, you shout, "Now"! And I will rip this.