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Robert Barron - The Revolution of the Resurrection
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Robert Barron - The Revolution of the Resurrection
Robert Barron - The Revolution of the Resurrection
Peace be with you. Friends, for this Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time, we’re right on the cusp now of Lent, so next Sunday is the First Sunday of Lent, and it gives me the opportunity to talk about something I always love to talk about, which is the [...]
Robert Barron - Give Expecting Nothing Back
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Robert Barron - Give Expecting Nothing Back
Robert Barron - Give Expecting Nothing Back
Peace be with you. Friends, our Gospel for today is from the Sermon on the Plain, that’s Luke’s version of Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount. So we’re getting the essential teaching of Jesus, which means our ears have to perk up. It means we’ve got to [...]
Robert Barron - Place Your Heart in God
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Robert Barron - Place Your Heart in God
Robert Barron - Place Your Heart in God
Peace be with you. Friends, on this sixth Sunday of ordinary time, we have something similar to what we found last week. Remember last week, we had Isaiah juxtaposed with the Gospel of Luke, and each author bringing out essential features of the [...]
Robert Barron - Graced Sinners on Mission
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Robert Barron - Graced Sinners on Mission
Robert Barron - Graced Sinners on Mission
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the fifth Sunday Ordinary Time, and the church gives us a wonderful pairing of readings. The first reading from the sixth chapter of the prophet Isaiah and the Gospel from the fifth chapter of the Gospel of [...]
Robert Barron - God Returns to His Temple
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Robert Barron - God Returns to His Temple
Robert Barron - God Returns to His Temple
Peace be with you. Friends, we have the good fortune this year that the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord falls on a Sunday, so we can reflect on it perhaps a bit more deeply. It’s easy enough to sentimentalize this feast. It’s lovely. The [...]
Robert Barron - You Can't Give What You Don't Have
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Robert Barron - You Can't Give What You Don't Have
Robert Barron - You Can't Give What You Don't Have
Peace be with you. Friends, on this third Sunday of Ordinary Time, I want to talk to you about walls and bridges. Those old enough to remember, I’m referencing a John Lennon album from the mid-1970s, Walls and Bridges. There’s I think, a tendency [...]
Robert Barron - The Marriage of Divinity and Humanity
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Robert Barron - The Marriage of Divinity and Humanity
Robert Barron - The Marriage of Divinity and Humanity
Peace be with you. Friends, I don’t know if you’re like me, but I always have a sense of relief when we come back to ordinary time. We’ve been through the season of Advent and Christmas and now the Church returns us to ordinary time and it gives us [...]
Robert Barron - Science Points to God
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Robert Barron - Science Points to God
Robert Barron - Science Points to God
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to this great feast of the Epiphany. It’s just one of my favorites. I love, every Christmas season, having the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of this feast because it just keeps generating meaning, I find. [...]
Robert Barron - Why Mary Matters
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Robert Barron - Why Mary Matters
Robert Barron - Why Mary Matters
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the fourth Sunday of Advent. We're now coming to the culmination of our preparation for Christmas, and the church has introduced us to a number of Advent figures: Isaiah, John the Baptist, et cetera. But [...]
Robert Barron - The Promise of Emmanuel
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Robert Barron - The Promise of Emmanuel
Robert Barron - The Promise of Emmanuel
Peace be with you. Friends, many mythologies and philosophies in the ancient world hold that time is cyclical. What I mean is it just goes round and around, never really getting anywhere, but just the constant repetition. A bit like the change of [...]
Robert Barron - God Became a Baby
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Robert Barron - God Became a Baby
Robert Barron - God Became a Baby
Peace be with you, and a very blessed and Merry Christmas to everybody. What is it about babies that’s just so irresistibly charming? Now, I realize some parents might be thinking, «What a typical celibate’s perspective on things»? but you know what [...]
Robert Barron - The Peace that the World Can’t Give
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Robert Barron - The Peace that the World Can’t Give
Robert Barron - The Peace that the World Can’t Give
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the third Sunday of Advent. And I want to draw attention to our second reading. It's from Paul to the Philippians. Now again, can I urge you, take out your Bibles, read Paul to the Philippians. You can do [...]
Robert Barron - Have You Wandered Away from God?
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Robert Barron - Have You Wandered Away from God?
Robert Barron - Have You Wandered Away from God?
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the second Sunday of Advent and there's a lot of talk about building highways. Now, what is going on there and why is that being used as a spiritual symbol? Well, first of all, remember the importance in [...]
Robert Barron - Three Dimensions of Advent
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Robert Barron - Three Dimensions of Advent
Robert Barron - Three Dimensions of Advent
Peace be with you. We come to the first Sunday of Advent, New Year's Day. The new liturgical year commences. And so once again everybody, we get back to basics. We start preparing ourselves for the coming of Christ. Adventus in Latin means just [...]
Robert Barron - Which Kingdom Are You In?
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Robert Barron - Which Kingdom Are You In?
Robert Barron - Which Kingdom Are You In?
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the end of the liturgical year, this feast of Christ the King. Think of this now as this great stately procession we've been following all during the year. At the very end of it comes the King. So we close [...]
Robert Barron - A New World Unveiled
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Robert Barron - A New World Unveiled
Robert Barron - A New World Unveiled
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, so just one more week in the liturgical year. We're coming toward the end of the year, and as is typical, the church gives us readings of an apocalyptic nature, so [...]
Robert Barron - Trusting God in Dire Straits
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Robert Barron - Trusting God in Dire Straits
Robert Barron - Trusting God in Dire Straits
Peace be with you. Friends, our first reading is that wonderful, wonderful story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. It's one of my favorites. It's a kind of hidden gem, I think, in the Old Testament. Like so many of the stories in the [...]
Robert Barron - The Highest Good Is God Alone
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Robert Barron - The Highest Good Is God Alone
Robert Barron - The Highest Good Is God Alone
Peace be with you. Friends, I know I say this a lot, but the readings today take us to very holy ground for this 31st Sunday of the year. Reading one is taken from the sixth chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy. I'm going to encourage you, get [...]
Robert Barron - Answering God's Call
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Robert Barron - Answering God's Call
Robert Barron - Answering God's Call
Peace be with you. Friends, we're at the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time. The year goes by fast, doesn't it? We're almost at the end of the liturgical year. The readings, it's a rare thing when all three of them do have a golden [...]
Robert Barron - What Real Power Looks Like
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Robert Barron - What Real Power Looks Like
Robert Barron - What Real Power Looks Like
Peace be with you. Friends, our Gospel's taken from the 10th chapter of Mark, and it's such high octane spiritual business here. It just behooves us to attend very carefully to these dynamics because what's being laid out for us is [...]
Robert Barron - What Do You Ask God For?
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Robert Barron - What Do You Ask God For?
Robert Barron - What Do You Ask God For?
Peace be with you. Friends for this 28th Sunday of ordinary time. Our first reading is from the marvelous book of Wisdom. If you look in the Bible in the so-called wisdom literature, you have this book, you've got Proverbs, Sirach, and many [...]
Robert Barron - The Biblical Vision of the Family
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Robert Barron - The Biblical Vision of the Family
Robert Barron - The Biblical Vision of the Family
Peace be with you. Friends, our readings, the first reading from Genesis and the Gospel from Mark are super important, because they have to do with what we call technically Christian anthropology, the Christian or biblical understanding of who we [...]
Robert Barron - Whoever Is Not Against Us Is For Us
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Robert Barron - Whoever Is Not Against Us Is For Us
Robert Barron - Whoever Is Not Against Us Is For Us
Peace be with you. Friends, the first reading and third reading today are wonderful because they have to do with, I think, a basic problem in the Church, which is the Church at war with itself. You know, mind you, the devil is the scatterer, [...]
Robert Barron - The Ladder Doesn't Matter
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Robert Barron - The Ladder Doesn't Matter
Robert Barron - The Ladder Doesn't Matter
Peace be with you. Friends, why was the story of Jesus with the little children so vividly remembered by the first Christians? Verses of it appear in the three synoptic gospels and it's our gospel for this weekend. I think somehow they [...]
Robert Barron - Faith Without Works Is Dead
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Robert Barron - Faith Without Works Is Dead
Robert Barron - Faith Without Works Is Dead
Peace be with you. Friends, I guess, "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread". I'm going to go once more into this great issue that has been a dividing Western Christianity since the Reformation: the issue of faith and works. I do [...]
Robert Barron - Be Opened
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Robert Barron - Be Opened
Robert Barron - Be Opened
Peace be with you. Friends, our gospel for today is one of my favorites, and it's such a evocative scene, and it's one of Jesus' miracles. Now, that He was a wonder worker, I think, is undeniably true. It's one of the most basic [...]
Robert Barron - The Goodness (and Dangers) of the Law
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Robert Barron - The Goodness (and Dangers) of the Law
Robert Barron - The Goodness (and Dangers) of the Law
Peace be with you. Friends, we turn now from our Johannine hiatus. We were looking at chapter six of John's Gospel for the past several weeks. We return now to our reading of the Gospel of Mark, which we're doing during this liturgical [...]
Robert Barron - Do You Accept This Teaching?
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Robert Barron - Do You Accept This Teaching?
Robert Barron - Do You Accept This Teaching?
Peace be with you. Friends, we come now to the close of this great discourse of Jesus in the sixth chapter of John. The Church has been drawing us through this pivotal text, and we come to the conclusion. I mentioned last week it was, sort of, the [...]
Robert Barron - Really, Truly, and Substantially Present
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Robert Barron - Really, Truly, and Substantially Present
Robert Barron - Really, Truly, and Substantially Present
Peace be with you. Friends, we're reading, of course, these weeks from the sixth chapter of John, this pivotal section of the New Testament where John lays out his Eucharistic theology, and we come today really to the sort of rhetorical high [...]
Robert Barron - Strength for the Journey
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Robert Barron - Strength for the Journey
Robert Barron - Strength for the Journey
Peace be with you. Friends, we're continuing our reading of the sixth chapter of the Gospel of John, all about the Eucharist, the source and summit of the Christian life. And we're looking at different dimensions of it. So it's a very [...]
Robert Barron - Everything in This World Passes Away
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Robert Barron - Everything in This World Passes Away
Robert Barron - Everything in This World Passes Away
Peace be with you, friends, we continue reading the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John. And we are in the midst of this great Eucharistic awakening in our country. It is important for us to pay attention to these passages from John 6, because each of [...]
Robert Barron - Where Heaven and Earth Meet
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Robert Barron - Where Heaven and Earth Meet
Robert Barron - Where Heaven and Earth Meet
Peace be with you. Friends, during the B-cycle of readings for the liturgical year, we always have this section during the summertime. We read, I think it's for five weeks, from the sixth chapter of John's Gospel, which is all about the [...]
Robert Barron - The Shepherd Has Arrived
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Robert Barron - The Shepherd Has Arrived
Robert Barron - The Shepherd Has Arrived
Peace be with you. Friends, the readings for this Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time are very interesting the way they're kind of interwoven with each other. I want to start with Jeremiah. I want to go to the gospel, but then I want to circle [...]
Robert Barron - The Earliest Moments of the Church
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Robert Barron - The Earliest Moments of the Church
Robert Barron - The Earliest Moments of the Church
Peace be with you. Friends, it's the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time, and our gospel is from the 6th chapter of Mark. Mark the first Gospel, this rather spare, understated Gospel. But gosh, every part of it, precisely for that reason, is worth [...]
Robert Barron - A Thorn in the Flesh
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Robert Barron - A Thorn in the Flesh
Robert Barron - A Thorn in the Flesh
Peace be with you. Friends, for this Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, I want to do something I don't do that often, and that's to talk about the second reading. It's from Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians, and it's [...]
Robert Barron - Reach Out in Faith
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Robert Barron - Reach Out in Faith
Robert Barron - Reach Out in Faith
Peace be with you. Friends, I mentioned last week that we're in the Gospel of Mark now in this liturgical cycle, and Mark is such a... He's a literary master, really. As I mentioned last time, there's something Hemingway-esque about [...]
Robert Barron - Peace in the Storm
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Robert Barron - Peace in the Storm
Robert Barron - Peace in the Storm
Peace be with you. Friends, during this B-cycle of the liturgical readings, we're reading from the Gospel of Mark, and there's something about Mark that's just, I don't know, kind of bracing. It's the first of the Gospels. [...]
Robert Barron - See Things Differently
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Robert Barron - See Things Differently
Robert Barron - See Things Differently
Peace be with you. Friends, people of faith just see things differently. People of faith see things differently. I don't mean that they're living in an illusory world. They see the world that's in front of them. They see what the [...]
Robert Barron - What Is Sin?
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Robert Barron - What Is Sin?
Robert Barron - What Is Sin?
Peace be with you. Friends, I’m not sure if you’re like me, but even though I love Lent and Easter and all the great festivities, it’s with a sense of relief that I return with the Church to Ordinary Time. And how wonderful now on this Tenth Sunday, [...]
Robert Barron - The Power of Eucharistic Adoration
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Robert Barron - The Power of Eucharistic Adoration
Robert Barron - The Power of Eucharistic Adoration
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to this great feast of Corpus Christi. So every year, right at the end of the whole Easter season, just before we turn back to ordinary time, we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi. And of course, this year, as [...]
Robert Barron - Three Ways of Approaching the Trinity
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Robert Barron - Three Ways of Approaching the Trinity
Robert Barron - Three Ways of Approaching the Trinity
Peace be with you. Friends, we come once again to Trinity Sunday, the preacher’s nightmare, which should not be the preacher’s nightmare. Every Sunday is Trinity Sunday. What I want to do (and why not, it’s Trinity Sunday) is commit a little act of [...]
Robert Barron - Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
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Robert Barron - Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
Robert Barron - Fruits of the Spirit, Works of the Flesh
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the Feast of Pentecost along with Christmas and Easter and the greatest feast in the church year. The great celebration of the Holy Spirit. We remember that great day when the Father and the Son sent the Holy [...]
Robert Barron - Get to Work
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Robert Barron - Get to Work
Robert Barron - Get to Work
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the wonderful feast today of the Ascension of the Lord, a very important feast and one that has all sorts of interesting theological and spiritual implications. I want to draw your attention first, it's [...]
Robert Barron - Hints of the Holy Spirit
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Robert Barron - Hints of the Holy Spirit
Robert Barron - Hints of the Holy Spirit
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the Sixth Sunday of Easter. We're getting very close to Pentecost. So what the Church does, it gives us readings that are kind of hinting at the Holy Spirit, giving us a kind of foretaste of this great [...]
Robert Barron - It's Time for Some Pruning
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Robert Barron - It's Time for Some Pruning
Robert Barron - It's Time for Some Pruning
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the fifth Sunday of Easter and, boy, the Gospel is so powerful from the Gospel of John because it speaks this truth, and I've talked about it a lot before, but it's what's distinctive really to [...]
Robert Barron - Three Qualities of a Good Shepherd
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Robert Barron - Three Qualities of a Good Shepherd
Robert Barron - Three Qualities of a Good Shepherd
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the fourth Sunday of Easter, known as Good Shepherd Sunday because Jesus says in the gospel, listen, "I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep". Now, here's what I [...]
Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
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Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
Robert Barron - What Happens After We Die?
Peace be with you. Friends, last week we looked at the twentieth chapter of Saint John's Gospel, one of the great Resurrection appearances. And this week, on the Third Sunday of Easter, we have a passage from that magnificent twenty-fourth [...]
Robert Barron - Do You Struggle to Believe?
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Robert Barron - Do You Struggle to Believe?
Robert Barron - Do You Struggle to Believe?
Peace be with you. Friends, on the second Sunday of Easter, we have this marvelous inexhaustible reading from the 20th chapter of John. It's one of the accounts of the resurrection appearances of Jesus, and I've been preaching on this [...]
Robert Barron - Evidence of the Resurrection
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Robert Barron - Evidence of the Resurrection
Robert Barron - Evidence of the Resurrection
Peace be with you, and a very happy, very blessed Easter to everybody. So, we come to the climax of the Church's year, we come to the feast of feasts, we come to the very reason for being of Christianity. St.Paul said, "If the Lord has not [...]
Robert Barron - Put Yourself in the Passion Narrative
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Robert Barron - Put Yourself in the Passion Narrative
Robert Barron - Put Yourself in the Passion Narrative
Peace be with you. Friends, it is Palm Sunday and we have the great privilege on Palm Sunday to read every year one of the Passion narratives. And this year we're reading from the Gospel of Mark. So we read Mark's and the extraordinary [...]
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