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Rabbi Schneider — Pentecost

TOPICS: Pentecost

In today's episode, we're gonna be looking at Pentecost from its Hebraic roots, looking at it in its initial historical context, and making application for our lives today.

God bless you and Shalom, beloved ones. My name's Rabbi Schneider; welcome today to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I want to talk with you today about Pentecost. We know it in Judaism as Shavuot. It's the same day when the Church calls this day Pentecost and the Jewish community calls it Shavuot. We're talking about the same holy day.

The reason that Jewish people refer to Pentecost as Shavuot is because in the Torah where this holy day of the Lord is first revealed, the Lord said it's supposed to take place seven weeks and a day after the previous feast that we call First Fruits. Seven weeks and a day equals , and that's where we come up with the term Pentecost, because as many of you know, Pentecost means 50.

What we're gonna do today, by the grace of God, is we're gonna be looking at Shavuot or Pentecost both in its original historical context as well as in present day application for our lives today.

You see, the Old and New Testaments fit together like a hand in a glove, and all God's holy days that are first revealed in the Old Testament or the Tanakh, are shadows of something that Jesus has done for his church today, for his bride, for you and I.

Paul said that the Old Testament was written not just for the people that were alive during the days that it was written in, and not just for Judaism, but Paul says that the Old Testament was also written for us believers in Jesus upon whom the end of the ages has come.