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Rabbi Schneider - The Feast of Trumpets Jesus' Return

Rabbi Schneider - The Feast of Trumpets Jesus' Return
TOPICS: Rabbi Schneider: Devotions, Feast of Trumpets, Second Coming

Revelation Chapter 22, you want to mark this in your Bible, "Behold, I come quickly..." But the truth is many of us live as if His kingdom is not near. We don't live in a supernatural awakened state to the fact that Jesus could break in any time. That the return of Jesus is soon. Jesus said, "Behold, I come soon, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give to each one according to what he's done". So what I want to do today, beloved one, is wake us up to how near Christ's return really is because Jesus gave us signs that would cause us to know that the time is at hand. We read about many of these signs in Matthew 24, but all throughout the pages of the Word of God, both old and new. I want to go now with you through some of the signs that we are seeing happen in present time that should cause us to know how close we are.

Number one, moral absolutes based on the written word of God and the ten commandments have been removed from our society. We remove the ten commandments from public-owned property, I should say, from government property. We know all the restrictions now about bringing any type of religion into any type of politics, the division between church and state. And beyond that, the culture that we're living in today has pushed biblical morality out. And I know I'm preaching to the choir now. So now that if you and I are standing on the absolute morals that are outlined for us in the ten commandments in the Word of God, we are now looked at like dinosaurs. We're looked at like being irrelevant. We are looked at as being inferior and lesser, old-fashioned, out of touch, out of date. We are pushed out because God has been taken out of our culture.

This is a predominant sign that Jesus' approach is soon. seeing happen today in fulfillment of biblical prophecy is the confusion that is taking place regarding sexual identity. In the beginning, the Lord created them male and female. He didn't create us with all these pronouns that are blurred together that means something other than either male or female. And yet today there's such confusion in society. People are no longer determining their identity by how they were created. They're choosing what identity they want to be sexually, regardless of their biological characteristics. This, of course, creates very, very disastrous consequences and is leading to such brokenness and such a confusion. And confusion and chaos is the primary manifestation of the realm of darkness. The confusion that we're seeing in society today, beloved ones, is a result of the fact that Jesus is getting ready to return, that the Holy Spirit is beginning to step back, so that the enemy can begin to reap havoc in the world, so that the antichrist can arise, preparing the way for Yeshua HaMashiach to return.

One of the most interesting Hebrew prophets contained in our Old Testament is the Prophet Daniel. Daniel talked to us about the signs of the times before the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God. He talked to us about what would happen at the very end of the age. And one of the things that Daniel saw was that information and knowledge had completely covered the earth. Think about it. When Daniel was alive things moved so slowly. I mean, people had been living the same way year after year after year after year after year for hundreds and thousands of years. They made fires. They ate their food over a fire. They got their food from their livestock and from their vegetables and the fruit they grew. Okay, of course, during Daniel time there was no mail systems. All the letters could be sent personally through a carrier. But I mean, knowledge traveled very, very slowly. The great scientific breakthroughs that have happened have generally happened in the last 200 years.

But Daniel saw that the very end of the age there'll be a tremendous change in the amount of information and knowledge that was covering the earth. And of course today you can look up on your phone by doing a search on your phone right through the internet, you can find an answer to almost anything. You don't know an answer to something? How do you work this? How do you do that? All you got to do is Google it on your phone, right? Knowledge is right at the tip of our fingertip. And this knowledge for all the knowledge that we have today it's made life easier in so many ways. But let me ask you this question. Is society really happier? It might be easier in a lot of ways, but are we any happier? I don't think so. I don't think so.

Daniel saw that before the Kingdom of God took possession of the world fully. Knowledge will have covered the earth and we are living beloved ones in the information age. I don't have time to cover too many more signs right now, but one of the predominant signs that we're seeing today is the fact that Jesus warned us in Matthew 24 that in the last days, there'd be many false Christs and false teachers that would lead many away. And Jesus said if it was possible they would even deceive the elect. I want you to know today the Scripture truths that we need to be buying into are those that are contained in the written word of God. And the written word of God talks about repentance, salvation from sin, and giving our lives wholly to King Jesus. Why? Because He's coming back soon. He loves you, beloved one, and He deserves it. Let's be ready for the soon return of Messiah Jesus this Rosh Hashanah, Yom Teruah.