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Rabbi Schneider - Miracles, The Art of God

Rabbi Schneider - Miracles, The Art of God
Rabbi Schneider - Miracles, The Art of God
TOPICS: Hannah's Song Season 2, Miracle

Before we launch into where we left off in Season 1, which is verse 6 of chapter 2, I want to point out the fact that today within the church, we have a custom of bringing our infant children to the church after they've been born, early after they've been born, and dedicating the child to the Lord there within the congregation in the church building oftentimes. This tradition is taken directly out of the book, beloved ones, of 1 Samuel. Listen, as I read now, showing you how infant dedication today that is practiced in the Christian community is taken right out of the Hebrew Scriptures from this specific episode in the book of 1 Samuel 1. "Now when she had weaned him, she took them up with her, with a three year old bull, and one ephah of flour, and a jug of wine, and brought him to the house of the LORD in Shiloh"...

Again, I just want to make the point that the ceremony of dedicating our children to the Lord in a church building or in some type of facility with a pastor or a priest, that right or that tradition is taken right out of the verse that I'm reading. It's taken from the book of 1 Samuel where Chana, Hannah dedicated Samuel to the Lord when she brought him to Eli the priest in the house of the Lord. So it's important to understand our Hebrew roots, beloved, because again, infant dedication comes from this. So let's continue on. "She brought him to the house of the Lord and Shiloh although the child was young. And they slaughtered the bull and brought the boy to Eli. She said," speaking to Eli here, "Oh, my lord! As your soul lives, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you, praying to the LORD".

Because remember, Hannah was in the temple there praying to the Lord months earlier, just a few months earlier, you know, nine months earlier, requesting of the Lord to give her a child. Remember, Eli thought she was drunk. And when he realized she was grieving, he blessed her, she left and conceived. So she reminds him, "I'm the one that was here, that you rebuked, and you thought I was drunk and you prayed for me to have a child when you understood I wasn't drunk, but just grieving and crying out in anguish for my soul. And look, I'm back. The Lord answered my prayer". The Lord answers prayer, beloved. Not only did he open Chana's womb, but He's the God of miracles today. Let me tell you, the miracles of God never stop.

Chana when she conceived, when the Lord had opened her womb after all this time of barrenness that she had been experiencing, she didn't think that it was just random. She came back to the house of the Lord and dedicated her child to the Lord because she knew that her womb being opened to be able to give birth to Samuel was a gift from HaShem. And you and I need to cultivate that same habit in our lives of giving thanks for all the things that the Lord is doing for us, recognizing there are miracles. And the miracles of your God will never run out.

Some of us are going through times right now, we're going through a season where it feels in the natural like things are hopeless, or there's nothing going on, we're up against some challenge. But I want you to know that the miracles of God are inexhaustible. And even as he has been faithful to you and I in days past, he's still the same God. There's a new miracle for you. There's a new miracle that's being birthed into your life even now. So look up from where your redemption comes. Rejoice continually, I say, and you will overcome every obstacle. As we read these stories in Scripture, beloved, we're not simply reading history. We're reading of the living God, who's doing the same thing today that He did in years gone by. Paul said in the New Testament, that the things that are written in the Hebrew Bible, in the Tanakh, are not only written for the children of Israel, but they're written for you and I as well, for us upon whom the end of the ages has come.

So I just want to encourage you today, our God is a God of miracles. The same God that open Hannah's womb is doing miracles in the lives of all His children continuously and everlastingly. Because God is continually bringing forth new miracles in our life. And so once again, she spoke to Eli, she said, "I'm the one that stood before you. I was barren and you prayed for me, and we prayed to the Lord. And look," in verse 27, "For this boy I prayed, and the Lord said, Yud Hei Vav Hei, the covenant God of Israel has given me my petition, which I asked of Him. So I have also dedicated him to the Lord. As long as he live", she said, "he is dedicated to the Lord. And they worship together the LORD there". So it's great when we are taking part in dedicating a child to recognize that it's not without precedents.

If you'll forgive me if I'd share with you the most humorous story that I've ever experienced in dedicating a child. This is going back about 15 years ago. A beloved couple in the congregation I was pastoring at the time had a little infant Boy that had been constipated. And it was a challenge and a problem, and you know, there's a lot of pain involved and the child was suffering. They brought the child to be dedicated. And as soon as I lifted up the child to the Lord, his bowels were loosed, and he was cured of his constipation right there and right then on the spot. And the parents noted it and really rejoiced in it. And they didn't just take it for granted that, "Oh, it happened here", or that it was some accident. They took it as a miracle from the Lord releasing this child from the pain that the child was in and releasing the parents, Hallelujah, of the burden.

And so it is in this setting of dedicating Samuel, Hannah's child, to the Lord, to live for Him as long as he was alive. And for Hannah to be a source of encouragement to him to live his life for the Lord, is in this setting, that Hannah burst out in what is called in Scripture, the Song of Chana or the Song of Hannah, as she begins to praise God for who He is and for all He has done for her. And I'm just going to read the first five verses, which I covered in Season 1. So I encourage you to go back and get Season 1, because it's powerful and it will lift your spirit. If you're feeling despondent and you're feeling discouraged, beloved, go back and get Season 1 in the series, because the Word of God is alive and it's living, and it will lift you up.

So let me read now verses 1 through 5 of chapter 2. As Hannah, after dedicating Samuel, who became the great Prophet Samuel in Israel, let's read now how she goes into that song and thanksgiving at his dedication. "Then Hannah prayed and said, 'My heart exalts in the LORD; my horn is exalted in the God of Israel, Yud Hei Vav Hei, in the LORD, my mouth speaks boldly against my enemies, because I rejoice in your salvation. There is no one holy like Yahweh, indeed, there was no one beside You, nor is there any rock like our God. Boasts no more so very proudly, do not let arrogance come out of your mouth; for the LORD is God, for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and with Him, actions are weighed. The bows of the mighty are shattered, but the feeble gird on strength. Those who are full hire themselves out for bread, but those who are hungry cease to hunger, even the barren give birth to seven, and she who has many children languishes".

So I've already preached several messages in Season 1 and the verses that I just read, so I'm not going to go over them right now again. Please, go back and get that series. Let's pick up in verse 6. She continues, "The LORD", Yud Hei Vav Hei, which are the four letters that compose God's sacred name, the covenant name of the God of Israel, whom Semitic scholars believe is pronounced a breathy, reverent, Yahweh, "The Lord kills," she said in verse 6, "and makes alive; He brings down to Sheol and raises up. The LORD makes poor and rich; He brings low, He also exalts".

Now, the point that needs to be stressed here-and if you've been following Discovering the Jewish Jesus, you've heard me speak on this many times-is that the Hebraic concept of God is oftentimes much fuller than the concept of God that people have if they only read the New Testament. Because the New Testament didn't come out of a vacuum. The New Testament is rooted in the Hebrew Bible, the Bible that we're reading from right now. That's why Matthew 1 begins. "This is the genealogy of Yeshua the Messiah, the Son of David, the son of Abraham". From the very first verse of the New Testament, Matthew shows us it's rooted in the Hebrew Bible.

So to understand who Yeshua is and who His father is, we have to understand the Hebrew Bible. And one of the things that we come to understand about God, as we understand the Hebraic mindset through our reading of the Hebrew Scriptures, is that the children of Israel, the Hebrews that wrote the Hebrew Bible, they understood that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below. Deuteronomy 4:39. You see, Hannah is saying here in verse 6, "The LORD kills and makes alive". But the common Christian teaching today is, "Oh, the Lord would never kill. The Lord would never put somebody to death. The Lord would never judge somebody. The Lord would never make anything bad happen". Isn't that what many in the church think today? Isn't that the type of theology that we often hear being communicated from our pulpits? Isn't that what many of you have been taught to believe? That God is good, and because He's good, He would never cause anything painful to happen to us? That because God's good, we think, He would never cause any suffering.

Let me say it again, beloved one. Many of us have been taught that because our God is good, which He absolutely is, He would never cause anybody to suffer. But Beloved, that is not comparing apples to apples. Yes, God is good, and in Him is only light. But that does not mean that a good God would never cause suffering. In fact, God, in His goodness causes suffering. Because it's only when men suffer oftentimes that they're brought to recognize their own sin and to call out to Him. So this concept that many of us have been taught that because God is good He would never bring judgment, because God's good He would never cause pain, because God's good He would never do anything to anybody that would make them hurt, that concept does not line up with the Word of God. It's shallow, it's superficial, it's empty, and it is false.

Listen to what Hannah said. "The LORD kills," verse 6, "and makes alive, He brings down to Sheol and He raises up. The LORD makes poor and rich; He brings low and exalts". Think about Nebuchadnezzar. First, the Lord raised him up. Then when Nebuchadnezzar was raised up as king, he got proud. So what did God do? God brought judgment into his life. He made him become mentally ill. And in his mental illness, Nebuchadnezzar learned how weak and how dependent on the Lord he needed to be. And when he came to his senses because of the suffering that Yahweh brought on him, then the Lord raised Nebuchadnezzar back up to his kingship. And when Nebuchadnezzar was raised back up, after he learned the needed lesson from the suffering that the Lord brought upon him, he said, "The Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below, and no one can stop Him or say to Him, 'What are you doing?'"

You see, beloved, the Hebrew mind that we see reflected in the Hebrew Scriptures through the entire portion of the Old Testament, recognizes that the true God of the universe, the God of Israel, and the God and Father of Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah is Lord in the heaven above and on the earth beneath. And listen, sometimes His judgments are His greatest mercy. Sometimes the judgment of God is simply a reflection of His love for us because without being judged, we wouldn't repent. But because He loves us so much He brings judgment. And the judgment isn't because He doesn't love us, but rather it's because He does love us. That's why the book of Proverbs tells us that when we spare our children the rod, when we don't discipline them, we don't love them.

The Scripture says, "He that spares the rod spoils the child or hates his child". It's because God loves us that He brings judgment and discipline. Think about the Apostle Paul. He said there was a messenger of Satan given him to torment him, to keep him from exalting himself. So this very messenger of Satan, Paul says, was actually a gift of the Lord to keep Paul from exalting himself so that Paul could stay right in the pocket of how Hashem's anointing. I want you to get this beloved one. Jesus said, "Salvation is of the Jews". Yeshua said to the woman of Samaria that believed in God, but didn't have a good understanding of who the God of Israel was, Yeshua said to a woman, "You don't know what you're worshiping".

And so today, many within our church, beloved, because we have not learned the Hebraic roots of our faith, we have a faulty theology. We don't understand what we're worshiping. God is sovereign. He's Adon Olam, he's master of the world. And this is what Hannah is proclaiming here. "The LORD kills and makes alive; he brings down to Sheol and he raises up. The LORD makes poor and rich; He brings low, he also exalts". And so I want to encourage you today, let's trust in God's sovereignty in our lives. Everything that's happening in the world is moving towards God's ultimate intention, especially during the season that we're in during these days, so many things are happening.

I know that this broadcast will air at different times, we will continue to air it over the years. But I was just reading the other day that even during this present season, during this present season, we've had what? We've had one of the biggest cyclones ever to hit the world in India. We've had two earthquakes in the last two months. We've had 40,000 killer bees unleashed in the western part of the United States, attacking people. We've had thousands and thousands and thousands of deaths in the United States and all over the world from COVID-19. And people are wondering what's going on? Where is God? But I want to say to you, He's God and heaven above and the earth below, and He's got you, beloved child, right in His hand. He's loving you. He's protecting you. And as long as you and I stay humble, and walk before Him with our hearts open in love, He's going to bless us and give us a victory through every storm.