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Rabbi Schneider - God's Covenant Name Yahweh
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Covenant Name Yahweh
Rabbi Schneider - God's Covenant Name Yahweh
We're gonna continue straight away, my beloved friends, in our series today. And we're gonna be talking about God's personal name as revealed to Moshe, Moses, Yahweh, a breathy Yahweh. Now this name, this personal covenant name of God, Yahweh, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Return of the King
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Rabbi Schneider - Return of the King
Rabbi Schneider - Return of the King
I want to begin just by saying this, our Father that art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come, get this now, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let's take a look at this clip. During this time where everything is gearing up [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Waiting on the Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - Waiting on the Lord
Rabbi Schneider - Waiting on the Lord
Yeshua said in John 7:38, "He who believes in me from his", get this, now, "innermost being", got a mosquito there, "will flow rivers of living water". I want to focus on that word "innermost". Where does this [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Chaotic 'Order'
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Rabbi Schneider - The Chaotic 'Order'
Rabbi Schneider - The Chaotic 'Order'
Globalism is in the making. In an effort to control the world's response to things like pandemics, social injustice, the problems that we face today to protect the planet's resources, they're going to think that the answer is in globalization, a [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Rooted in the Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - Rooted in the Lord
Rabbi Schneider - Rooted in the Lord
I'm reading from the Book of Psalms. First chapter. First in the third verse. Hear the Word of God. "Blessed is the person who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners. He will be like a tree planted by [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Power of His Presence
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Rabbi Schneider - Power of His Presence
Rabbi Schneider - Power of His Presence
Rabbi Schneider : Father we open up our hearts to You. Fill us with Your precious Holy Spirit. Cynthia Schneider : I'm always amazed at how when Rabbi gets up to minister and he begins to minister the Word and all of a sudden seeing demonic [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Chaos of Polarization
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Rabbi Schneider - The Chaos of Polarization
Rabbi Schneider - The Chaos of Polarization
I recently read a book called "The Coming Civil War". An interesting book. Basically, the author is making a judgment call and what he feels after spending significant amount of time researching, studying, trying to understand what's going [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Strengthened in Our Inner Man
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Rabbi Schneider - Strengthened in Our Inner Man
Rabbi Schneider - Strengthened in Our Inner Man
Ah, it feels so good out here. Again, I'm in the fall season here in the Columbus, Ohio area. It's so gorgeous. Fall day, blue skies, warm temperature. You can smell the leaves in the atmosphere. Really rare day here. And it really reminds us how [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Two Decades of Impact
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Rabbi Schneider - Two Decades of Impact
Rabbi Schneider - Two Decades of Impact
I'm speaking directly to you, my beloved YouTube friend. This is specifically a message that's designed for those of you that listen to my teaching, that listen to this ministry on YouTube. I started out in television about 20 years ago on Christian [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Chaos of Culture
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Rabbi Schneider - The Chaos of Culture
Rabbi Schneider - The Chaos of Culture
Now I want to focus on chaos in the sphere of religion, spirituality, and the church. There's been a massive falling away of people being connected to local church bodies and identifying themselves as Bible-believing Christians. Deception, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Always Fixed on God
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Rabbi Schneider - Always Fixed on God
Rabbi Schneider - Always Fixed on God
Baruch Hashem, beloved. Welcome today, bless the name of the Lord. Beautiful day outside as you can see. We're at fall time here in the Ohio area. You can see behind me the beautiful trees. Wow, this is a great day, because we've had some warm [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Chaos of Rebellion
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Rabbi Schneider - The Chaos of Rebellion
Rabbi Schneider - The Chaos of Rebellion
Today I want to talk with you about the fact that the essence of what we're experiencing in the earth today is the result of the chaos of evil. What you and I are experiencing right now in the planet is an expression of the chaos of evil. Evil in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Beauty of Boundaries
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Rabbi Schneider - The Beauty of Boundaries
Rabbi Schneider - The Beauty of Boundaries
We're focusing on the Hebrew title of God, El Shaddai, God Almighty that provides for our needs, God Almighty that's able to do the impossible. And when we know that if we have El Shaddai in our life, we don't really need anything else. In other [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
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Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
I want to build tonight by speaking the most simple but profound thing that I could say to you: Jesus loves you. I want to ask a question right now. I want you to be honest with God. Who's here tonight and the Lord is convicting your heart? You [...]
Rabbi Schneider - El Shaddai, God Almighty
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Rabbi Schneider - El Shaddai, God Almighty
Rabbi Schneider - El Shaddai, God Almighty
Genesis 17.Hear the word of God. "Now when Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, 'I am God Almighty'..." Now who's God Almighty? El Shaddai. God, El Shaddai. Almighty. Very well-known title of our Lord. I am [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Building the Right Foundation
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Rabbi Schneider - Building the Right Foundation
Rabbi Schneider - Building the Right Foundation
Welcome and shalom today, my brothers and sisters. I'm speaking now especially to moms, I'm speaking now, especially to moms, dads and grandparents. I'm looking at the book of Proverbs chapter 22 verse six, a scripture that probably most of you are [...]
Rabbi Schneider - El Rohi, The God Who Sees
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Rabbi Schneider - El Rohi, The God Who Sees
Rabbi Schneider - El Rohi, The God Who Sees
Today I want to focus next on El Rohi. El Rohi. Remember, "El" is God. And then what God did is He connected His name to different descriptions of Him. And one of those descriptions is Rohi. El Rohi. Now, the name or the title of God, El [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
I want to tell you about something really exciting that happened at the NRB, which stands for the National Religious Broadcasters Conference this year. It was in Nashville, Tennessee. It's the largest gathering of Christian broadcasters in the world [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Many of us are familiar with Psalm 139, where David talks about how he's been fearfully and wonderfully made and how precious are the thoughts of the Lord towards him. It's such a beautiful psalm. We've got a little background noise. A lawn is [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Involved Is God
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Rabbi Schneider - How Involved Is God
Rabbi Schneider - How Involved Is God
God is revealed in the Hebrew Scripture by certain titles and names that will help give us, God's people, a deeper revelation and understanding of who He is. So we've been going through the Hebrew names and titles of God in the Hebrew Bible. We're [...]
Rabbi Schneider - No Longer Living Autonomously
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Rabbi Schneider - No Longer Living Autonomously
Rabbi Schneider - No Longer Living Autonomously
So let's dig in right now. Ephesians 2:1. Paul is speaking to the church. He's speaking to you and I. Paul is speaking to believers. Paul is speaking to those that are born again. Paul just got telling us in Chapter 1 that God saved us and forgave [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Claim Psalm 91 for Yourself
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Rabbi Schneider - Claim Psalm 91 for Yourself
Rabbi Schneider - Claim Psalm 91 for Yourself
I'm going to read a scripture now most of you are familiar with: Psalm number 91, verse one. It says this: “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty” And for those of you that know the rest of Psalm 91, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Riches of Glory
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Rabbi Schneider - The Riches of Glory
Rabbi Schneider - The Riches of Glory
So let's pick up now in Ephesians chapter 1, verse 16. He says, "I do not cease giving thanks for you while making mention of you in my prayers". I love this. If you want to know how to pray, if we want to know what are the deepest things [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
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Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
Rabbi Schneider - He Died in Our Place
Baruch Hashem, blessings to you, my beloved friends. Thank you for letting me minister to you today. We're looking at the Gospel of John, two foundational scriptures from John chapter one. Reading the Word of God, chapter one verse three says this: [...]
Rabbi Schneider - There Must Be Justice
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Rabbi Schneider - There Must Be Justice
Rabbi Schneider - There Must Be Justice
We're picking up right now, beloved ones, if you have your Bible, we're picking up in chapter 1. And I'm going to pick up today in verse number 11. Here we go. Paul is speaking and he says, "...we have obtained an inheritance, that's you and I, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Relying on the Knower
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Rabbi Schneider - Relying on the Knower
Rabbi Schneider - Relying on the Knower
Hear me when I say to you this: To walk in freedom, we must learn to abide in our Knower. What do I mean by that? Because our society today in the Western world is so affected by their intellect, many people, believers included, are more affected by [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Bring Ourself Into Alignment With an Eternal Reality
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Rabbi Schneider - Bring Ourself Into Alignment With an Eternal Reality
Rabbi Schneider - Bring Ourself Into Alignment With an Eternal Reality
You know, when you look at young people, they are only conscious of what's going on in their own life right now. I remember myself as a young person. I mean, I grew up during the Vietnam War and all these things that were going on in politics and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, 1,500 Years in the Making
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Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, 1,500 Years in the Making
Rabbi Schneider - Pentecost, 1,500 Years in the Making
Welcome and greetings in the name of Messiah, Yeshua. I'm excited because we're in the midst of the season that we call in Hebrew, Shavuot. Of course the Christian church refers to the same day as Pentecost. It's really the same day. But [...]
Rabbi Schneider - From Sinai to the Upper Room, His Spirit in You
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Rabbi Schneider - From Sinai to the Upper Room, His Spirit in You
Rabbi Schneider - From Sinai to the Upper Room, His Spirit in You
Everything that Yeshua, that Jesus did during His earthly ministry He timed to the exact day to fulfill these spring holy days. In other words, as many of you know, once again, He was crucified on Passover. He was buried during the next spring holy [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Entirely Dependent on God
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Rabbi Schneider - Entirely Dependent on God
Rabbi Schneider - Entirely Dependent on God
Baruch Hashem. Beloved, we're going to Psalm number 18, verse 32 today. It's the psalm of David. Listen what David said here. "The God who girds me with strength and makes my way blameless." So this is an incredible encouragement to me [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Living a Life From the Inside Out
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Rabbi Schneider - Living a Life From the Inside Out
Rabbi Schneider - Living a Life From the Inside Out
One of my favorite verses is this: A wise man's eyes are in his own head. Listen to that again. I'd like it to sink in. A wise man's eyes are in his own head. What does that mean? Somebody whose eyes are outward focused, running there, thinking that [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
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Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
Baruch Hashem, blessed be the name of the Lord, beloved ones. We are continuing today to give our attention to the Word of God, because the Word of God strengthens us, cleanses us, confirms us, and establishes us in Him. Romans chapter two verse [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Discerning Reality
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Rabbi Schneider - Discerning Reality
Rabbi Schneider - Discerning Reality
God is not some place. Often times people conceive of God, they conceive that He's some place, that He's in heaven. But God does not live, beloved, in a place. It's true that there is a place called heaven. Don't misunderstand. But God exists, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Glory is Rising Upon You
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Glory is Rising Upon You
Rabbi Schneider - God's Glory is Rising Upon You
Remember King David's words? Bless the Lord, Oh, my soul, and all that is within me. Bless His holy name. God is so good. God, You're so good. God, You're so good. You're so good to me. Amen. Isaiah chapter 60 verse two. “For behold, darkness will [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Give as You Have Received, Channel Your Blessings
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Rabbi Schneider - Give as You Have Received, Channel Your Blessings
Rabbi Schneider - Give as You Have Received, Channel Your Blessings
I love what we call the Aaronic Blessing. When the Lord told Moses that the priest, Aaron, and the continual priesthood should speak these words over God's people and the priestly prayer, or the Aaronic Blessing, I should say, goes like this. “The [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Humanity's Biggest Need
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Rabbi Schneider - Humanity's Biggest Need
Rabbi Schneider - Humanity's Biggest Need
"To the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved". So you and I, beloved one, if you're a child of God today, my dear brother or sister, you are predestined to the praise of God's grace. You and I [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Step Into Your Identity
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Rabbi Schneider - Step Into Your Identity
Rabbi Schneider - Step Into Your Identity
So we're gonna go now to the book of Romans 8, where Paul uses this very similar language saying the same thing. So I'm gonna go now to Romans 8 picking up in verse 28 Romans 8. Paul writes, "And we know that God causes all things to work [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Before the Foundation of the World
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Rabbi Schneider - Before the Foundation of the World
Rabbi Schneider - Before the Foundation of the World
So let's get right into it now. Ephesians 1, here we go, friends, verse number one, "Paul..." Many of you know that Paul is a Jew, the Jewish apostle. And the Hebrew name for Paul is Sha'ul. Paul or Sha'ûl, an apostle. And the word [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Hang on and Cling to God
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Rabbi Schneider - Hang on and Cling to God
Rabbi Schneider - Hang on and Cling to God
God is so good. God is so good. God is so good. He is so good to me. Amen. Praise the Lord. We love you today, Father God. We thank You for your goodness. And we rejoice in You today Abba Father in Yeshua's name. Thank You for the gift of Your Son. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Through Jesus, Our Messiah
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Rabbi Schneider - Through Jesus, Our Messiah
Rabbi Schneider - Through Jesus, Our Messiah
Baruch Hashem bless the Name of the Lord. We are in the midst of the Passover season, which is closely connected to the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Technically, Passover lasts one day, and then it's immediately followed by the seven days of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Master Plan, The Blood Connection
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Master Plan, The Blood Connection
Rabbi Schneider - God's Master Plan, The Blood Connection
I'm going to be talking today about the most important concept in the entire Word of God. We're going to be talking today about the blood of Jesus, the blood of the Lamb. We're going to begin today with the Gospel of John chapter 1, verse 29. Yeshua [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Christ, our Passover Lamb
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Rabbi Schneider - Christ, our Passover Lamb
Rabbi Schneider - Christ, our Passover Lamb
Chag Sameach. That's Hebrew for Happy Holiday. It's the Passover season. This is such an important time of year. You know, Yeshua is the fulfillment of Passover. In fact, Paul calls Him, Christ Our Passover. Our Jesus is the Lamb of God that's come [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover and Tithing
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Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover and Tithing
Well, this is an important time of year as it regards to the Lord reminding us about the great themes of our redemption that are reflected in the Appointed Days of the Lord, which are recorded for us in the Torah, the first five books of our Bible. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Passover, The Seder Connection
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Rabbi Schneider - Passover, The Seder Connection
Rabbi Schneider - Passover, The Seder Connection
Rabbi Schneider : The Passover has begun. And during the course of the Seder, we will drink from our cups and replenish them a total of four times. Let's all raise together the first cup. "With this cup, we commit our observance to the Lord, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
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Rabbi Schneider - Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
Rabbi Schneider - Drink in the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit
As you can see, beloved, I'm standing in the wind right now. I got my peyos behind my ears because if I don't, they'll be in front of my eyes. So it's an interesting thing to film when you're getting blasted by the wind like this, but I love it [...]
Rabbi Schneider - A Lesson Learned From Pharisees
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Rabbi Schneider - A Lesson Learned From Pharisees
Rabbi Schneider - A Lesson Learned From Pharisees
One of the more climactic episodes that we read about in the Gospel of John is what took place between Yeshua and the religious leaders after Jesus healed a man that was blind from birth on the Sabbath. You have to wonder why Jesus did so many of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Look up! Be Prepared
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Rabbi Schneider - Look up! Be Prepared
Rabbi Schneider - Look up! Be Prepared
Well, you can see, my friends, I'm standing right now in a very windy Jerusalem. In fact, I'm right outside Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives. You can see the old city behind me. You see the wall, you see the Temple Mount. And it's an exciting place [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Uncovering the Passover Roots of the Resurrection
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Rabbi Schneider - Uncovering the Passover Roots of the Resurrection
Rabbi Schneider - Uncovering the Passover Roots of the Resurrection
I'm feeling happy because I'm about to preach on the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua. What could lift up our hearts more than that, that Jesus rose from the dead? And when He rose from the dead, beloved one, that gave hope and power and the promise [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Legendary Publisher, Steve Strang of Charisma Interview
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Rabbi Schneider - Legendary Publisher, Steve Strang of Charisma Interview
Rabbi Schneider - Legendary Publisher, Steve Strang of Charisma Interview
Stephen Strang : Hello everyone, I'm Stephen Strang and welcome to the Strang Report podcast. Today I am honored and humbled to be able to interview and talk to one of the most important and successful authors that we have at Charisma Media. His [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Purpose in Everything
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Purpose in Everything
Rabbi Schneider - God's Purpose in Everything
"As He passed by, He saw a man blind for birth. And His disciples asked Him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents?'" Now, I want you to think about this for a second. When they saw the man that was blind, the disciples immediately [...]
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