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Rabbi Schneider - Through the Lens of Prophecy
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Rabbi Schneider - Through the Lens of Prophecy
Rabbi Schneider - Through the Lens of Prophecy
We have to understand, beloved, that when God said to Israel that He chose them out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, that the covenant that He made with them is irrevocable. Despite Israel’s unbelief, God said to Israel, The gift and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He Has Compassion for You
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Rabbi Schneider - He Has Compassion for You
Rabbi Schneider - He Has Compassion for You
I’m going to share a verse with you, beloved children of God, that should melt our hearts. Hear the word of God. Psalm 103 verses 13 and 14, does this touch you? If it does, make sure you comment in this YouTube because this is just so beautiful. I [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Heart of My Mission
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Rabbi Schneider - The Heart of My Mission
Rabbi Schneider - The Heart of My Mission
Over 20 years ago, not long after the Lord called me to start Discovering The Jewish Jesus, I was ministering in a church and I was there for three days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And after my time of ministry there, the pastor had a fellowship meal [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Transgressions Have Been Removed
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Rabbi Schneider - Transgressions Have Been Removed
Rabbi Schneider - Transgressions Have Been Removed
Beloved, I'm about to speak a verse, but before I speak it, I want to ask the Lord together that He will give us true revelation of this verse. It's easy to memorize verses for some of us. We can know the whole Bible, but that doesn't [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Revelation in the Old Testament
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Rabbi Schneider - Revelation in the Old Testament
Rabbi Schneider - Revelation in the Old Testament
In Hebrew, we call the Old Testament, most of you know, we call it the Tanakh, the Tanakh stands for the Torah, which is the five books of Moses, the first five books of our Bible from Genesis to Deuteronomy, the Nevi’im or Prophetic Writings in the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Father Understands Our Weaknesses
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Rabbi Schneider - Father Understands Our Weaknesses
Rabbi Schneider - Father Understands Our Weaknesses
I’ve got a verse for you, beloved. This verse should blow our minds. I’m reading from Psalm number 103, verse number 11. I want this really — Holy Spirit, I pray that You just give us revelation of the weight of what is written. Hear the Word of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are We Witnessing the Collapse of Civilization?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are We Witnessing the Collapse of Civilization?
Rabbi Schneider - Are We Witnessing the Collapse of Civilization?
I remember it wasn’t too long ago I had a prophetic dream. And the Lord often speaks to me through my dreams at night. I don’t mean every day or even every week but I mean often in my journey with Him over 40 years. And in this particular dream, I [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Modern Signs of Christ's Return
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Rabbi Schneider - The Modern Signs of Christ's Return
Rabbi Schneider - The Modern Signs of Christ's Return
I remember when I was in Bible college, I took a class on the Book of Revelation. And I was very confused about the Book of Revelation. It didn’t make sense to me. I couldn’t understand it. It was scary to me. And then I started reading different [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God Has Always Loved You
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Rabbi Schneider - God Has Always Loved You
Rabbi Schneider - God Has Always Loved You
One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm number 103. There's so much in Psalm 103. I can't cover it all in one short devotional. So I want to highlight today for us verses eight and ten. Listen to the Word of God. "The Lord is compassionate [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Soroti, Ushered into Repentance
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Rabbi Schneider - Soroti, Ushered into Repentance
Rabbi Schneider - Soroti, Ushered into Repentance
Rabbi Schneider: I want to close today with the word of repentance to you. How many of us pastors today and how many of you leaders are guilty of preaching the Word of God to your people, but then you're not adequately applying it to your own [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Handling Hatred
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Rabbi Schneider - Handling Hatred
Rabbi Schneider - Handling Hatred
I’m talking about Yeshua promising those that are peacemakers divine happiness. When Yeshua said in the Beatitudes, blessed are those, what he’s saying is those that practice this will be made divinely happy. You see, the world offers us all types [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Demonstrating God's Love
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Rabbi Schneider - Demonstrating God's Love
Rabbi Schneider - Demonstrating God's Love
Some of us are not aware that in addition to the Gospel of John, John wrote three letters that are found towards the end of the New Testament. I know that many of you know this, but perhaps some don't. In his first letter, not in the Gospel of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Lessons From My First Church
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Rabbi Schneider - Lessons From My First Church
Rabbi Schneider - Lessons From My First Church
I got married on a cold January Saturday in 1983 to my beautiful bride, Cynthia. On Monday, two days after our wedding, I was in Toccoa Falls, Georgia. I was starting Bible school. We drove from Cleveland to Georgia right after we got married, no [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Prophetic Warnings for 2025 (Charisma Media Interviews)
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Rabbi Schneider - Prophetic Warnings for 2025 (Charisma Media Interviews)
Rabbi Schneider - Prophetic Warnings for 2025 (Charisma Media Interviews)
John Matarazzo : Rabbi Kirt Schneider, it’s great to have you back here on Charisma, to share what God is speaking to you about 2025. But before we get into that, we talked last year about what God was saying for 2024. And one of the things you [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Seek Not the Glory of Man
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Rabbi Schneider - Seek Not the Glory of Man
Rabbi Schneider - Seek Not the Glory of Man
Our heart needs to be so pure that God’s Spirit can shine through it without any interference. a lot of people dismiss the Sermon on the Mount, especially the Beatitudes, as just kind of poetic pleasantries. But Jesus was actually giving us the keys [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Questing for Righteousness
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Rabbi Schneider - Questing for Righteousness
Rabbi Schneider - Questing for Righteousness
The Beatitudes are keys to living in the shalom and in the light of the kingdom of God. As we begin to incorporate Yeshua’s words of the Beatitudes into our life, we’re going to find ourselves walking in deeper and deeper fellowship with Him. And [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Walking in Perfect Freedom
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Rabbi Schneider - Walking in Perfect Freedom
Rabbi Schneider - Walking in Perfect Freedom
A very deep and profound verse in the Word of God is found in 1st John, John's first letter, chapter four, verse 18. And what John wrote there was that perfect love casteth out all fear. When you and I are strengthened by the Ruach HaKodesh, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Blessing of Discomfort
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Rabbi Schneider - The Blessing of Discomfort
Rabbi Schneider - The Blessing of Discomfort
Bruchim Habayim, b’Shem Adonai. Welcome, beloved one, in the name of the Lord. I’m in the land of Eretz Israel today, and I’m standing on the site that is traditionally targeted as the place where Yeshua, where Jesus preached the Sermon on the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Anchored in the Lord
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Rabbi Schneider - Anchored in the Lord
Rabbi Schneider - Anchored in the Lord
One of the beautiful portions of the Book of Psalms is contained in Psalm 121, verse one and two. It says “Where shall my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” I love to be reminded of that because sometimes [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Israel, Out of Bethlehem
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Rabbi Schneider - Israel, Out of Bethlehem
Rabbi Schneider - Israel, Out of Bethlehem
I am standing in an amazing spot because from this spot we're actually capturing two biblically historical scenes. Number one, I'm in Jerusalem. Behind me, you see the city of Bethlehem where Yeshua was born. It's not so little [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of Hanukkah Unlocked
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Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of Hanukkah Unlocked
Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of Hanukkah Unlocked
It’s interesting that Jewish people are so galvanized by Hanukkah you’ll see these menorahs even televised all over the big cities of the world but the holiday of Hanukkah is nowhere mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures. The only place that Hanukkah [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Empowered to Overcome
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Rabbi Schneider - Empowered to Overcome
Rabbi Schneider - Empowered to Overcome
2 Timothy 1:7 says this. «God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity, but of love and power and discipline or a sound mind.» I love this word because it helps us understand who God’s calling us to be. Sometimes we accept something as normal [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God Wants You To See It Too
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Rabbi Schneider - God Wants You To See It Too
Rabbi Schneider - God Wants You To See It Too
You see, one of the most important reasons that we should endeavor to understand the Jewish roots of our Christian faith is because it gives it legs. It roots it and it grounds it. In other words, the first book in the New Testament, Matthew, and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Not of This World
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Rabbi Schneider - Not of This World
Rabbi Schneider - Not of This World
One of my favorite scriptures is in John 18, verse 36. Yeshua is standing before Pilate. Pilate is questioning Him. Pilate is scared of Him. Pilate sees there's something unusual and powerful about this man, Yeshua of Nazareth. So as Pilate is [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Remnant Will Respond
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Rabbi Schneider - The Remnant Will Respond
Rabbi Schneider - The Remnant Will Respond
Now as I am sharing my heart with you today, it's very personal me, and yet this mandate that the Lord has put upon me in a fresh new way, because I've always been focused on reaching Jewish people. That's why Discovering the Jewish [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Lord's Assignment
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Rabbi Schneider - The Lord's Assignment
Rabbi Schneider - The Lord's Assignment
Greetings in Messiah, shalom, and love, beloved ones. The Scripture says that without vision the people perish. And we need vision in our life, even individually. And a lot of times what this means is that we're receiving new vision and fresh [...]
Rabbi Schneider - I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life
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Rabbi Schneider - I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Rabbi Schneider - I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life
One of my favorite scriptures in the Gospel of John is Yeshua's words where He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man cometh to the Father but through Me.” Think about what Jesus said. I'm focusing on one particular word. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Soroti, Uganda, Releasing the Anointing
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Rabbi Schneider - Soroti, Uganda, Releasing the Anointing
Rabbi Schneider - Soroti, Uganda, Releasing the Anointing
"Every mountain will be leveled. Every valley will be exalted. The last shall be first. The first shall be last. Justice and peace shall reign on the earth". Sunday morning, the leaders of Soroti as well as other areas, even coming from as [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Scientific Spiritual Reality
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Rabbi Schneider - Scientific Spiritual Reality
Rabbi Schneider - Scientific Spiritual Reality
We're going to be focusing today on the third chapter. We're looking at Paul's prayer that he prayed to the Father. I love focusing on the prayers that the apostles prayed and the prayer that Jesus prayed in John 17 because it teaches [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Only Kingdom to Focus on
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Rabbi Schneider - The Only Kingdom to Focus on
Rabbi Schneider - The Only Kingdom to Focus on
You know, there's so much going on right now in the world politically. And the country is very divided, obviously, and people are so emotional about politics. But I want us to remember today that politics, beloved, is just temporary. Nations [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The True Purpose of the Sabbath
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Rabbi Schneider - The True Purpose of the Sabbath
Rabbi Schneider - The True Purpose of the Sabbath
Is the Sabbath still relevant for Christians today? Think about this: the Ten Commandments. Which one of them do we say sometimes is not relevant? We all believe that we should worship one God and worship him alone, right? The first commandment? [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Gift of Grace
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Rabbi Schneider - The Gift of Grace
Rabbi Schneider - The Gift of Grace
Ephesians 2:8-9 says this: "For by grace you have been saved through faith". And even the faith that saves us, Paul tells us, is not the result of our own works. It's the gift of God. Sometimes people get a funny idea that faith is a [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God Has a Special Plan for Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - God Has a Special Plan for Israel
Rabbi Schneider - God Has a Special Plan for Israel
You know, many people are confused today and disturbed about what's going on with Israel, all the wars that are happening and that they've been through. And I want to read a portion of Scripture for you from the book of Ezekiel chapter [...]
Rabbi Schneider - A Soul That Carries the Blessing
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Rabbi Schneider - A Soul That Carries the Blessing
Rabbi Schneider - A Soul That Carries the Blessing
Hear the word of God. Paul is speaking. He says, " that the manifold wisdom of God might be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places. This was in accordance with the eternal purpose which He [...]
Rabbi Schneider - We Are His Workmanship
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Rabbi Schneider - We Are His Workmanship
Rabbi Schneider - We Are His Workmanship
Paul says, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works..." Now I want us to just think for a second, my beloved friend. Brothers and sisters, I want us to think about this. We are His workmanship. Who's the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Owning Your Salvation
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Rabbi Schneider - Owning Your Salvation
Rabbi Schneider - Owning Your Salvation
Yeshua said, "You did not choose me, I chose you". To really give a powerful example, think about the Apostle Shaul, we call him in Hebrew, the Apostle Paul. Here he is on his way to Damascus, right, to arrest any Jew that believed in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Yahweh Is the Father
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Rabbi Schneider - Yahweh Is the Father
Rabbi Schneider - Yahweh Is the Father
Hear the Word of God. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of the Lord abides forever. "Then the LORD", Yahweh... Again, every time you see capital L, capital O, capital R, capital D in the Old Testament, that's [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Experience the Free Gift of God
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Rabbi Schneider - Experience the Free Gift of God
Rabbi Schneider - Experience the Free Gift of God
Romans 6:23 says this: "The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life." We need to be thinking about our actions because the Word of God tells us that the fruit of sinning is death, that when we sow into darkness, we [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Kiev, Thirsting for Living Water
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Rabbi Schneider - Kiev, Thirsting for Living Water
Rabbi Schneider - Kiev, Thirsting for Living Water
Now I only want those to come that feel that the Lord has truly activated something in you tonight, that you've received an impartation, that there's a new divine energy that has come into you to hunger and pant for Yeshua and to put that [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Things the Lord Hates
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Rabbi Schneider - Things the Lord Hates
Rabbi Schneider - Things the Lord Hates
Yahweh is a person, and we can grieve Him and hurt Him. And I want to continue down this trail today by taking a deep look in Scripture, according to Yahweh Himself, about the things that humankind can do that hurt Him. "There are six things [...]
Rabbi Schneider - A Reminder to Rejoice
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Rabbi Schneider - A Reminder to Rejoice
Rabbi Schneider - A Reminder to Rejoice
Beloved, we're in the season of rejoicing. We say in Hebrew, the Hebrew word for joy is "simcha". And Simcha, my sister, changed her name actually to Simcha. It used to be Susie, and she changed it to Simcha. She just loved the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Truly Dedicated to the Lord?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are You Truly Dedicated to the Lord?
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Truly Dedicated to the Lord?
You know, the scripture tells us in Romans 12:1 that we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord. And when we present our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord, you know what happens? The glory falls. When the temple was [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Finding Gratitude in the Feast of Tabernacles
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Rabbi Schneider - Finding Gratitude in the Feast of Tabernacles
Rabbi Schneider - Finding Gratitude in the Feast of Tabernacles
Welcome. Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai. Welcome in the name of the Lord. I am in a spot right now. I wish you could be here. I'm in the deep forest of Colorado. In fact, I got some survival training here. And the guy that I brought over here [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Blood Fulfilled Yom Kippur
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Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Blood Fulfilled Yom Kippur
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua's Blood Fulfilled Yom Kippur
God bless you and shalom, my beloved friend. Some of you may have Jewish friends and you're a bit timid about sharing your faith in Jesus with them because deep down inside you're thinking: "The Jewish people are God's chosen [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Day of Atonement and Jesus' Sacrifice
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Rabbi Schneider - The Day of Atonement and Jesus' Sacrifice
Rabbi Schneider - The Day of Atonement and Jesus' Sacrifice
Today we're going to launch into a new appointed day of the Lord, the Day of Atonement, called in Hebrew "yom", meaning "day", or "kippur", meaning "covering". Why do we call it Yom Kippur, or the Day of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Embracing God's Appointed Times
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Rabbi Schneider - Embracing God's Appointed Times
Rabbi Schneider - Embracing God's Appointed Times
So we're going to be focusing on the holy days of Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), and the Feast of Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles. Before we get into these individual holy days, I want to create a foundation [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Themes of Redemption (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot)
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Rabbi Schneider - The Themes of Redemption (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and
Rabbi Schneider - The Themes of Redemption (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot)
Welcome and shalom, beloved friend. This is a very exciting and important time of year in conjunction with God's sacred calendar that's revealed to us in the book of Leviticus, we call it in Hebrew "Vayikra", chapter number 23. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Warfare into God's Grace
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Rabbi Schneider - Warfare into God's Grace
Rabbi Schneider - Warfare into God's Grace
Romans 6:14 says this: "Sin shall not be master over you". You know, for a lot of people, sin is an antiquated word, a word that they associate with the age of dinosaurs. But, beloved, sin and the power of it is as real today as it has [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Coming Back for You
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Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Coming Back for You
Rabbi Schneider - Jesus is Coming Back for You
It is a joyous, celebratory time of year as a Jewish person. And those of you that aren't Jewish but know Yeshua, this should be a celebratory time of year for you, too. We are in the midst of the holy appointed days of the Lord that take place [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Feast of Trumpets and Jesus
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Rabbi Schneider - The Feast of Trumpets and Jesus
Rabbi Schneider - The Feast of Trumpets and Jesus
The proof that these holy days that are contained in the Hebrew Scriptures are important to you, if you're a Gentile Christian today, is the fact that Jesus timed His earthly ministry to God's holy days. That should tell us... If Jesus was [...]
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