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Peter Tan-Chi - Jesus Is Coming Again, Be Ready

Peter Tan-Chi - Jesus Is Coming Again, Be Ready
TOPICS: Second Coming

Today, I want to discuss with you the end times according to Jesus. What did Jesus have to say about the end times? Are you curious? Do you know the doctrine of the second coming of Jesus is repeated again and again in the Bible? For example, in the first coming of Jesus, for every one prophecy, you have eight prophecies about the Second Coming. If Jesus came the first time, for the second coming, you have more prophecies. Out of 27 books in the New Testament, you have 24 books that talk about the second coming. Jesus repeats this again and again, mentioned 300 times in the Bible. Is it important, the second coming? Why?

Let me tell you why it is important. According to Jesus, He wants you to know the second coming because it’s going to impact your life. It’s going to impact your future. Whether you are ready or not, it’s going to impact your entire life. That’s why it is important. Why? Because some of you will be ready and some of us will not be ready. How can you be ready? That is the topic today. What’s the reason? I want you to be ready for three benefits that I want you to know today. The first benefit is you will have protection, because God wants you to know the truth.

So God wants to protect you. Second, God wants you to persevere. Many times, we give up. And number three, God wants you to be prudent, to be wise. Let’s start with the first one. God wants you to know the truth, to protect you from deception. Let’s read together Matthew 24, verse one and two, together. Ready, go. «Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him». «And He said to them,» now this is amazing, «Do you not see all these things»? All these beautiful, look at the temple, look at that building, and then this is the shocking prophecy «I say to you,» everybody read, «not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down». Not one stone.

Now you may think, stones? What’s so unique about stones? Let me show you an example of how big the stones were. You know, when I was in Jerusalem, okay, this is me. Can you see how big the stones are? Now, these are not even in the temple. This is the Temple Mount. When I say Temple Mount, the temple is located on a plateau, but they built up the plateau by using this Temple Mount, to put there on top. This is just, in Tagalog, what do you call a retaining wall? This is just a retaining wall. It is not the temple itself. But according to Josephus, the size of the stone, if you look at this, He (Jesus) says, not one will be on top of each other. What an amazing prophecy.

Did this happen? Yes or no? How did it happen? In 70 A.D., something happened. Rome got angry with the Jewish people. What Rome did, remember, the Jewish people are very stubborn, they don’t want to be under the Roman Empire. They rebelled. They kept rebelling. Finally, the king got so angry, he sent their best general, their best legion, Titus, Vespasian. These two generals, you know what they did? They surrounded Jerusalem, they slaughtered the people, they burned the temple. Now that temple has gold on the ceiling, plated gold. And when the gold melted, it went to the crevices of the stone. As a Roman soldier, you want money. So what did they do? They decided to remove all the stones. Piece by piece. For what purpose? To collect the gold.

You know, when Jesus says something, I discovered it will happen. Humanly speaking, unbelievable. When Jesus was teaching, That’s around A.D. 30. In less than 40 years, the prophecy came true. The entire building, the entire temple collapsed. What is the principle here? Look at Matthew 24. «Heaven and earth will pass away, but My word will not pass away». Do you know what He’s saying? When Jesus says something, it will surely happen. When Jesus promised something, it will surely come true. When Jesus gives you a warning and you disregard it, it will surely happen. My friend, you can bet your entire life on the strength of the word of Jesus. The only problem is this, do you know the words of Jesus? And that’s why He wants you to know, to protect you from deception.

Let’s read the next verse. «He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, 'Tell us…'» Notice, three questions… When will these things happen? When will the temple collapse? In their mind, it’s connected with «what will be the sign of Your second coming»? And then to them, it’s connected with «and the end of the age». Remember, He wants you to know the truth, to protect you. Tell your neighbor, to protect you. Protect you from what? Let’s find out. «Jesus answered and said to them, 'See to it that no one misleads you.'» To be misled. What does that mean? Let’s find out. «Many will come in My name saying, 'I am the Christ, ' and will mislead many» «Many will come in My name saying» «Okay, I am the Son of God, I’m Jesus».

So, ladies and gentlemen, you need to know the truth. If not, you will be misled. That’s why you need to know. Let’s read the next verse, another verse. Everybody read. «Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many». Do you understand? Jesus is saying, one of the marks of end times is deception, lies. Another verse, Matthew 24, «For false Christs false prophets will arise…» They will show what? Wow! Great signs and wonders. To mislead. Mislead who? «If possible, even the elect». Who are the elect? Louder. Point to your neighbor, «You are the elect». That’s where you have the word «chosen», Ecclesia. The word church is from the root word, «elect, chosen».

You see, Satan’s technique is to deceive you. People don’t understand the strategy of Satan. They think Satan will appear with two horns and a tail, and then appear to you, «Boogah»! You know, if Satan were to do that, all of you would not follow Satan. You know why? You would run away. But how does he do it? I will show you from Revelation, how Satan is described. Satan is described as a great dragon, he «was thrown down, the serpent of old…» You’ll find that in the book of Genesis «who is called the devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world». He is a deceiver. Satan is a liar. That’s what Jesus said. And his only way to fight you, to destroy you, is to lie. And you, once you begin in the lies of Satan, you are in deep trouble.

Remember this principle: In the book of 2 Corinthians, the Bible tells us the battle of the Christian life in the mind. Remember? Paul says, our fight, our battle, is in your thought life. You must capture your thought life, make sure it is submitted to the Word of God. So if Satan would want you to do something bad, he begins with what? Thought life. If you believe something not true, it’s going to impact your emotions, and then it’s gonna impact your actions. People don’t understand the power of thought life. you’ve got to guard your thought life. Satan’s technique is to let you think God does not love you. Wrong thinking.

The root problem of sin is to think in your mind that God is not after your best interest. The moment you fall into that trap, you are about to disobey God. You know why? Because Satan’s tool is to attack your mind. Your thought life. Think about it. So may I suggest, everytime you have ideas, negative ideas about God, about people, before you jump to conclusions, you sit back. You pray. «Lord, is this something from you or not»? You see, God wants to protect you from wrong thinking, especially on… Notice, go back to Matthew chapter 24, it talks about false Christs. Let’s read this, together. «False Christs and false prophets will arise» right? «and will show great signs…»

Look, if possible, to mislead the elect. Everybody read, «Behold, I have told you in advance». Now, when the Bible talks about false prophets and false Christs, you may think, well, you want to confine that to the Second Coming. Sure, but expand your thinking. What are false Christs? False Christs, false Messiah. Many of us are clinging to something that is not true. It’s called your false savior. You think «if I had money, I would be happy». Money is your false Christ. The word «Christ» is the word for what? Messiah… what you are counting on to save you. For some of us, you are counting on money, relationships.

Some of you are thinking, «if I get married, I will surely be happy». What are you thinking? Marriage will make you happy. These are called false Christs. So principle number one, you need to know the truth so that you will be protected. Understand? For your own good. If not, you’re going to be in trouble. That’s why Jesus is telling them now. «I will tell you the truth, beware of false Christs, false prophets». Today there are many false teachers. I was asked a while ago, «How can you tell and not be paranoid with false teaching»? Very simple. Do you know how? If you know the truth, mastered the truth, anything that is false, you’ll know. If you focus on what’s false, you study this false religion, you study that false religion.

That’s good, but that’s not the way. The way is to know the truth. And once you know the truth, anything that is false, you’ll smell, you know. So you’ve got to know the truth. That’s what Jesus is saying, «Know the truth. I want to protect you». Let’s read this together. «Be on the alert». Everybody together. «Be on the alert, for you do not know the day». You don’t know. So the lesson today is simply this, always be ready, because you do not know the day. Because if you think He is not coming yet, and that’s the best tool of Satan. So Satan is telling you today, «No need to change, there’s tomorrow. You don’t need to give your life to Jesus now, there is a tomorrow». Jesus warns us in this parable.

Look at Matthew 24, verse 48-51. Everybody, «The master of that slave will come on that day when he does not expect him and at an hour which he does not know». You know why? Because he believed a lie. What is the lie? The evil slave will say. «My master is not yet coming for a long time». You see, when you hear this message today, «Be Ready, Jesus is Coming Again». You know what Satan will tell you? «No need to be ready, I have the future». God is speaking to your heart, «Repent! Change». In your heart, «Not now, later on». My friend, look at the consequence. Verse 51, ready? Go. «I will cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth».

I want you to look at your concordance, study weeping and gnashing. It describes those people who think they know God, but by their lives it does not reveal any evidence. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. My point is this, what you do with Jesus today, whether you follow Him or you don’t follow Him, will impact your eternity. Number two, what does it mean to be ready? To be ready means what? Look at the outline. To be ready means to persevere. Because if you don’t persevere, you’re gonna have a problem. So three things you need to know how to persevere. What are the three things I’d like you to know?

Number one, Jesus is coming again. Okay? Everybody, Jesus is coming again. That’s for sure. Number two that’s for sure, Nobody knows when. For sure. And number three, some will not be ready. For sure. Is Jesus coming again? Louder. Yeah, sure. When will Jesus come? Satan wants to mislead you. You do not know when, but always be ready. Sometimes people will use that to ask you to stop working already. Stop working. Some people, they do nothing, they just study prophecy. That’s all they do. They like prophecy. They eat prophecy for breakfast, prophecy for lunch, prophecy for dinner. That’s all they study. Prophecy. Prophecy. Excuse me. You better work in your office, okay? You need to work. You need to earn money to feed your family. You couldn’t just be «Oh, Jesus is coming already, I will do nothing».

That’s also wrong. Now, don’t be extreme, on the other side, «He’s not coming, so forget about being ready». No, no. You must live as though Jesus can come anytime. Can I tell you how I do it? I live my life as though Jesus can come anytime. At the same time, I plan my life as though He’s not yet coming. Meaning, I plan. I make long term plans. But I live every day as if Jesus can come again. Are we clear? I don’t neglect my responsibility at the expense of saying He will come again. I prepare. I know He’s coming soon. So I make decisions based on that reality. At the same time, I balance it with doing my job. So why do you know the truth? To protect you. Number two, for you to keep on doing what is right. Don’t give up.

Can I tell you the warning of Jesus so that you don’t give up? Well, look at Matthew 24, verse six and eight. Together, «You’ll be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See to it that you’re not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places Famines. Earthquakes». In the Book of Luke, pestilence. «All these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs». God is telling you right now when you hear wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilence. These are just the beginning of birth pangs. God is saying, «You’re going to hear more of this». More of this will happen.

So don’t be shocked. There will be more pandemics, there be more wars and rumors of war. That is just the beginning. Okay? Don’t get discouraged. Don’t give up. what else will they do? Look at Matthew 24, verse nine. «Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another». You know what God is saying? «All of you will face persecution, you’ll have problems». I praise God, in this country, if you are a true follower of Jesus, what is our persecution if ever? Do you go to jail? I don’t think so. What’s the worst persecution you can have in this country? Maybe they’ll cancel you. Maybe they’ll make fun of you.

I remember when I became a follower of Jesus, my friend laughed at me. «Bible, Bible ah». You know, I would read my Bible, put newspaper around it, because I don’t want them to laugh at me. I mean, that is the worst persecution you can have. Yes or no? Maybe. But today, can I tell you, based on research, what’s going on today? If you look at the Open Door research, this is the research today. Just one year alone, 4,998 Christians were killed because of their faith in Jesus. In short, 13 people will die every day because of their faith in Jesus. I praise God you don’t have this problem in the Philippines. 14,766 churches and Christian properties are attacked, burned, closed down.

In short, average every day are 40 incidents. 4,100 Christians are unjustly arrested, detained. Average of 11 people per day. many parts of the world. Christians are persecuted. Look at Matthew 24:11–13, let’s read together. «False prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved». This to me is the most dangerous. When your love for Jesus will grow cold. Many Christians will survive persecution, but very few Christians will survive prosperity. What do I mean?

Look at 2 Timothy. You’ve got to persevere. You’ve got to know the truth. The Bible tells us «in the last days, difficult times will come». What are the characteristics that God wants you to know so you will persevere? «Men will be lovers of self, lovers of money» I added here the last one, «lovers of pleasure». I want to focus on love because when your heart grows cold, it’s very dangerous. A research was made why many people don’t go to church today. You know why they don’t go to church? It’s because of prosperity. In the States, because people are more prosperous, and I saw this in the Philippines also, because you have more money, you have more options on Sunday. More places to go, more fun stuff to do.

And that’s why many people are not attending the corporate worship service. The issue is the heart. If you love Jesus, you will worship Him privately and you will worship him collectively. By the way, those of you are watching me, don’t be, I’m not attacking you. You want to worship in Zoom? You still love the Lord, okay? But I’m just saying, be careful. You guard your heart. You’ve got to persevere. You will not persevere when you don’t love Jesus. And you know the truth is this. Will you please read Matthew 24:14 «This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come».

Jesus tells us a clear sign is when the gospel is preached to all the world. Let me ask you a question. Is this fulfilled? Yes or no? Today, you still have around 2 billion people who have not heard the gospel. As of today. Today, you have more Christians than ever before in the time of Christ up to now. You have more Christians alive. So there are many believers. At the same time, you still have many unbelievers. And that’s why CCF, we send out missionaries, we evangelize. Do you know why? Jesus tells us one thing, «This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to the whole world». «There will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will».

So this is called the Great Tribulation, the worst period of time in the history of humanity, especially against Christians. It’s about to happen. And don’t be discouraged, persevere. Read the next verse, «Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved;» Apparently, this tribulation affects others also. He talks about «no life would be saved; but for the sake of the elect», who are the elect? Turn to your neighbor. You. These days will be cut short. In other words, the Bible says God will intervene. Read the next verse, «immediately after the tribulation, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken».

This is what I describe as climate change. This is the real climate change. The whole universe will be affected. So don’t be surprised when you begin to see signs. «And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory». Ladies and gentlemen, when Jesus came the first time He was born in a lowly manger. He was born without great announcement. The people who saw Him were shepherds, ordinary people. The second time Jesus comes again, there will be announcement, there will be a trumpet, and the whole world will know. Look at this verse, «the Son of Man coming on the cloud», meaning glory, «with power and great glory». Are you ready?

Well, I want you to look at the timeline so that you will not be shocked or surprised. Based on history, our history is not cyclical, it’s directional. The history of humanity is going to face a climax, and that climax is the coming of Jesus, the King of Kings. But notice, Jesus came the first time 2,000 years ago. He promised before He comes again, Israel will be restored. Remember? Remember that’s in the Bible. 1948, we discussed this. There would be earthquakes, famines, plagues, these are the beginning. And then the Bible says you will have tribulation. This is for sure. What is not sure is the rapture.

You may say, «What is the rapture»? I want to teach you theology. The word «rapture» simply means you will be taken up. Now many people argue unnecessarily. They say the Christians will disappear before the tribulation. Some say they will disappear in the middle of the tribulation. Some will say they will stay up to the end of the tribulation. Which is which? Would you like to know the truth? Look at me now. Jesus is coming again. Say that with me. Jesus is coming again, and we do not know when. Soon. When will the rapture take place? Soon. That’s it. Last. God wants you to be prudent. What is the meaning of the word prudent? To be prudent means wise. Because choices have consequences.

How do you make wise choices? What does it mean to be prudent? That means you compare short-term benefit with long-term benefit. Are you short-term minded or are you long-term? Temporal or eternal? Are you focused on the immediate pleasure or are you focused on long-term pleasure? It all depends on you, but I want you to be wise. You’ve got to make choices. Choices, it’s about values. What is important, what is not. «The coming of the Son of Man…» Are you ready?

All right. Matthew 24:37. Together read, «the coming of the Son of Man will be like the days of Noah». It’s going to be like Noah, «…in those days before the flood…» What were they doing? Eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage. «until the day that Noah entered the ark. They did not understand until the flood came and took them…» Everybody read, «all away». In other words, all of them perished. «So will the coming of the Son of Man be». What does that mean? The coming of Jesus is like the days of Noah.

Let me describe to you the days of Noah. You need to go back to Genesis. So the Bible introduced us to a family called Noah. The first encounter of Noah is Genesis 5:32. «Noah was 500 years old». The flood came when Noah was 600 years old. So in between, you have 100 years of Noah’s life, and this is being described here. «Noah found favor,» found grace, «in the eyes of the Lord». The secret of this story is the word «Noah found grace». In other words, you and I, the elect, the chosen ones, are product of God’s grace. Grace means what? Something you don’t deserve. It’s from God. What else can you learn about Noah? «These are the records of the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man».

What would make you righteous? The grace of God. «Blameless in his time». God’s grace. «Noah walked with God». How can you walk with God? God’s grace. I cannot walk with God on my own strength. «Noah became the father of three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth». Next verse. Everybody read. «The earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence. God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth». Is the world corrupt today? Is it evil today? Is it violent today? What can you learn about God? God sees, God knows.

Look at verse 15. «God said to Noah, 'The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them.'» All of them. Let me ask you a question, Who alone has the right and the power to say, «I’m going to destroy everybody». Who? Louder. Listen to me. Many times, we question God. Can I tell you something? God is the creator, God is the King of kings and God is the Lord of lords. God has every right to do whatever He wants to do. God decided years ago, «I’m going to destroy everybody except the family of Noah».

Can anybody stop God? No. Ladies and gentlemen, the earlier you understand God is God, and we are not God, better realize God can do anything. But before you become afraid, realize God can do anything but He’s a good God. God is righteous. God wants righteousness, but God is holy. So when He sees something that’s not good, it affects Him. And then God says, «enough is enough». My friend, all of you are given a chance to change your life. But don’t count on that idea that you will always have tomorrow to repent. Because when your time is up, it’s up. God says, «the whole world I’m going to destroy». No man can stop Him, and that’s what He told Noah.

Noah, I want you to imagine you’re Noah and you hear this from God, «What? You’re going to destroy everything»? Will you be shocked? Yes or no? Read the next verse, God told Noah, «Make for yourself an ark of gopher wood; you shall make the ark with rooms, and shall cover it inside and outside with pitch. This is how you shall make it: the length of the ark, 300 cubits, Its breadth 50 cubits, and its height 30 cubits». You know my wife and I had the privilege of visiting Noah’s Ark. So I will show you the actual picture. This is the best replica in history, that they tried to follow the biblical dimension. Noah’s ark, this is very, very big. It’s over 500ft long. It’s very wide. The ratio is 6 is to 1. Any boat engineer will understand, the best design is with one fit width, six feet length. One is to six.

Look at this amazing picture. This is how big the door of the ark is. Is it big or small? Very big. We are inside the ark, okay? Why did I want you to see the picture of the ark? Let me tell you why. Look at Genesis chapter six, verse 17. Let’s read together. «Behold… I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish».

Let me ask you a question. Does God need to ask your permission if He wants to destroy the earth? Yes or no? No. Can anybody stop God? You better understand, our God is sovereign. He does not need your approval, He does not need your permission, there’s no Supreme Court in the universe that can stop Him, because God is the King of kings. But I praise God, He’s good. He’s righteous. He’s fair. But He’s holy. And there is a time when God says «enough is enough». And that’s what He says. But then look at His grace, «I will establish My covenant with you; and you shall enter the ark, you and your sons and your wife, and your sons…»

Notice He emphasized, your three sons and their three wives. Eight. Remember the magic number, eight. Only eight will be saved. Read the next verse, everybody. «the Lord said to Noah, 'Enter the ark, you and all your household, for you alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this time… After seven more days, I will send rain on the earth 40 days and 40 nights; and I will blot out from the face of the land every living thing that I have made.'» Everybody read. «Noah did according to all that the Lord has commanded him». So God commanded Noah, «Noah! Seven more days, the rain will come, the flood is going to happen. Enter the ark».

Let’s read the next verse. What happened? «On the very same day Noah and Shem and Ham», notice, three sons, «Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah’s wife…» «And the three wives… were with them, they entered the ark. Those that entered, male and female of all the flesh,» Including the animals. Remember, God chose the animals. «…as God had commanded him;» Everybody read, «and the Lord closed…» what? Closed the door. I want to emphasize something. Today, the door of salvation is open. It’s open. But one day, that door will be closed. And when the flood came, I will guarantee you many people would have loved to enter the ark, but they could not enter. Why not? Who shut the door? Not Noah. God.

I want you to think of that, because one day that door will be shut. What does it mean to be wise? The meaning is, look at Hebrews 11:6, Be like Noah. The Bible talks about, «Without faith it is impossible to please Him (God), for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him». Notice, I want you to know something. Without faith, you cannot please God. What does it mean to have faith? God gives the example, read the next verse. Hebrews 11:7. Everybody read, «by faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark». In other words, real faith is obedience. You hear, you believe, and what do you do? You take action. «By faith Noah, warned by God about things not yet seen».

Noah had no idea what is the meaning of a flood, what is the meaning of this rain, no idea. But he believed. «In reverence, prepared an ark». That’s being wise. Next. Louder. «For the salvation of his household». A wise man will consider the salvation not just of himself, his family members. You know, Noah was a wise man. He also focused on his family. He built an ark, not just for himself. He obeyed God, right? God cares about family. Continue reading. «By which he condemned the world, and became an heir of the righteousness which comes according to faith».

Don’t misinterpret this verse. Salvation is not by works. You are saying, «Well, you know salvation means you need to build an ark». No, no. Building the ark is a byproduct of his faith. Genuine faith will produce what? Action. Building the are is the evidence of what? Faith. But more than that, I want you to notice something. «By which he condemned the world…» By building the ark, Noah condemned the world. How? Noah’s life was exemplary. He condemned the world by his action, because he obeyed God. People asked him, «what are you doing»? «I’m building an ark». «Why are you building the ark»? «Well, God told me there’s going to be a flood». «I don’t know a flood. What flood? You’ve got to be joking».

My friend, people will laugh at you today. They will tell you «Doing Bible, Bible study ah, you guys are wasting your time». That’s okay. You just make sure you do what God wants you to do. Are you prudent or not? Well, you better think through. What’s your values? Noah knew what’s going to happen, he focused on the ark, he focused on his family, he focused on what God wanted him to do. Now, what about the other people? Can I ask you a question? Did the other people have any idea that the flood is going to come?

My friend, Is it possible there are some people here today, you hear about it, you know about the coming of Jesus, but you do nothing about it? I am afraid some of you are outside the ark. You know, the ark is a picture of salvation. God wants you to be inside the ark. The door is open today, but the day will come when that door is going to be shut. And I don’t know what that day is for your life. But right now God is saying, «Come, the door is open». God wants all of us to be inside the ark. Surrender your life.

Jesus tells us, «I am the door». In the ark, only one door. Are you inside? Are you outside? You can believe all you want in the head. Faith without action is foolishness. Noah was a wise man. He was prudent, he took action. Some of you know Jesus, but you are very silent. You are not witnessing for Jesus. I suggest, Paul tells you, «I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus…» This is a charge «who is going to judge the living and the dead».

You are accountable to God. What must you do? «Preach the word». You preach the word two ways, by your mouth and by your life. If your life does not reflect Jesus, I suggest don’t preach. You know why? You’ll do more damage. But you must be like Noah, practice what you preach. So what’s the message today? Jesus is coming. Be ready. How can you be ready? Persevere. How can you be ready? Be wise. If God has spoken to you and you find it meaningful, you want to repent, you want to be inside the ark of salvation and not outside, you need to repent. Will you raise your hands? I’ll pray for you.

Lord Jesus, I want to be ready. I give You my life. Anything that I need to change, will You help me change? By grace, I come to You. Thank You for giving me this opportunity to repent of my sins, to repent of my life. I surrender to You. Help me to take You seriously, from this day onward.

Lord God, I now pray for the others. Encourage them also to share the gospel with their friends, to live out the gospel. Will You bless everybody here who have surrendered their lives to You? In Jesus' name we all pray. Amen and amen.