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Peter Tan-Chi - Devote Your Heart to God

Peter Tan-Chi - Devote Your Heart to God
TOPICS: Heart, Devotion

Our verse for today, 2 Chronicles 16:9. Everybody, let’s all read. For the eyes of the Lord. Moved to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. Here are a few things you will learn from this verse. Number one, God is looking. The eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth. The grammar is, «The Lord is searching». He’s looking. You know why He’s looking. He’s looking for you. Can you tell your neighbor. God loves you. Tell your neighbor. God loves you. Can I tell you something? We live in uncertain times. You will sooner or later encounter problems, uncertainties. But one thing is certain. I want you to know God loves you. You matter to God. You are important to God.

Tell your neighbor. Look at them in the eyes. Tell them you matter. You are important. That’s why God is looking. He’s looking for you not to punish you. God is looking for people, everybody read, «That He may strongly support». That word is beautiful in the Hebrew language, it means to grab you intently and with tenacity, God wants to hold you tightly to support you. You know why? Because God wants to give you strength. You need strength that through this, all of us had problems. The day will come when you will discover that your problems are bigger than what you can solve. To some people, it takes time for them to realize that they need God.

I have a friend, CEO of a multinational company. He would never attend Bible study, only his wife. Suddenly, one day the doctor told him, I don’t like your X-ray. I don’t like what I see. And then he asked Dr., What’s the problem? The doctors said, I think you have cancer. This guy CEO, very successful. Suddenly understood why he needs to attend Bible study, why he needs to pray. My advice, do not wait for calamities in your life so that you would begin praying. You will begin looking for God. Today, I think all of you are here not by accident. God wants to make sure you hear this message because God is on your side. God is not against you. So do not run away from Him. Look at this verse, everybody read one more time. The eyes of the Lord moved to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support.

So God wants to support you, He is on our side. The problem is, why are you running away from Him? But there’s a condition. The condition of this promise is simply this. Those whose heart is completely His. You know, in this room today, there are three kinds of people. Three kinds of heart. The first one, it is completely devoted to God. Number two, partially devoted to God. Number three, no heart for God. Now, let me ask you, is your heart completely His, or partially His, or no Heart? Are you examining your heart right now? Can I tell you something? God knows your heart. God is looking at your heart. God is saying, «I want to bless you, but you need to give Me all your heart». Our title is, «Devote your heart» to whom? «To God».

How many of you are single? Raise your hands, singles. Where is your heart right now? Is it devoted to God or is it devoted to…? I don’t know who, but my point is this: Your heart is always devoted to something or someone. It cannot be neutral. Right now, what are you devoted to? Money? Career? Family? Those are not bad things but, God is saying, «I want your whole devotion». Put God first. Let’s read this together: «You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy against you…» This is what Jesus said, okay? «These people honored me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me». (Matthew 15:7-8)

You know, God looks at your heart. The context of this quotation is that the people who are religious they go through the rituals, they offer animal sacrifices, they go through a lot of motions. But Jesus is saying, «Uh-uh, your heart is far away from Me». What’s the topic for today? Devote your heart to God. Do you mind turning to your neighbor one more time? Tell your neighbor, «Devote your heart to God». Why? The Bible tells us in Proverbs 4:23, «Watch over your heart with all diligence for from it flow the springs of life». What does this mean? The word 'watch' means 'guard'. You guard your heart with all diligence. Let us guard our hearts. Because the heart is prone to wander. The heart has to be watched because the heart is the real you. You are in the human body. Your human body is not you; the real you, the seat of your will, the seat of your emotions, the one that makes decisions is the heart.

And where your heart is, it determines the direction of your life. And that’s why the Bible says, «Watch your heart», everybody read, «with all diligence for from it flows the springs of life». It is foundational. If the spring is polluted, the water is polluted. If the heart is not right, your decisions will be wrong. Let me give you an example. When Jesus tells us, «Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength». (Matt. 22:37) Remember that command? Love God with what? All your heart, soul, mind. Why is that foundational? Look at me. If you love God with all your heart, will you cheat your neighbor? If you love God with all your heart, will you study the Bible?

If you love God with all your heart, will obey Him? Yes or no? See, the problem is love. If you don’t love God, the commandments are problematic. If you don’t love God, you will always struggle with sin. Do you know that sin is pleasurable? The only way you will overcome sin is you must love God more than pleasure. There’s no way to overcome the struggle when it comes to self-centeredness, selfishness. You need to love God, but you cannot love God until you experience Jesus in your heart. Because only Jesus can change your heart. Look at the heart of Solomon. Let’s read together. Together. «When Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away after other gods. His heart was not wholly devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been». (1 Kings 11:4)

This verse tells me that you have to watch your heart. Just because you gave your heart to Jesus when you were younger does not mean you will continue to be devoted to Him. Once upon a time, Solomon was devoted to God. God appeared to Solomon twice. But when Solomon got old because of power, because of success, because of pleasure, his heart was turned away. Is it possible that once upon a time your heart was devoted to Jesus, to God but, now, it is no longer wholly devoted? Something has taken over. Look at the comparison in the heart of David. Do you know how God described David? Did you know David committed some of the ugliest sins? What did David commit? Adultery, deception, murder. Yes or no? And yet, at the end of his life, God described David as a «man after His heart». (Acts 13:22)

How can that be? Look at Acts 13:22, the Lord said- everybody read, «I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after My heart, who will do all My will». In short, the heart is not perfect. But if you give your heart to God, wanting to please Him because you love Him, it does not mean you will never fail; it does not mean you are perfect but, it means when you do something wrong and God convicts your heart, you are going to change, you are going to repent, you are going to humble yourselves. You see the difference? A man whose heart is devoted to God will learn to repent. He is going to be humble when he is corrected. Why? Because your heart is in the right place. You want to please Him. God loves you. But He wants your heart to be devoted to Him.

How many of you are married? Raise your hand. Those who are already married. This is the secret. If you love God hundred percent, your capacity to love your wife increases. That is the secret. When you love God with all your heart, your capacity to love others grows even more. So the secret is, you love God with all your heart and your ability to love others will grow. If you don’t love God with all your heart, you are going to have problems because God tells you love Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Everybody read this together: «The eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His». Then the prophet said, «You have acted foolishly in this matter».

The word 'foolish' means idiotic, moronic. You are not thinking straight. What are you doing? Did you know what happened here? You will not know what really happened here until I give you the background of his story. Are you ready for the background of King Asa? Let’s look at 2 Chronicles 14. Let’s read together. When Asa became king, he was still young, the Bible described him as what, everybody read. «Asa did good and right in the sight of the LORD his God…» You see, when your heart is devoted to the Lord, your action speaks. The Bible says, «He did good. He did right». That’s how you can tell if the heart is right. Next, «…he removed the foreign altars and high places, tore down the sacred pillars, cut down the Asherim…» He removed idolatry.

When your heart is devoted to God, you will get rid of idols in your lives. That’s what He did. Next. You know what he did? Because his heart was devoted to God, He «…commanded Judah to seek the Lord». You see, if your heart is devoted to God, you’ll want to seek Him. You’ll want to know Him. What can we learn about this man? The Bible tells us, he also «observed the law and the commandment». (2 Chron. 14:4) If your heart is right with God, will you obey Him? Yes or no? Louder. If you love the Lord, will obey His commandments? Now, let me ask you a question. How many of you have teenagers and young people living with you? You have teenagers and young people, or you are still teenagers or young? Raise your hand. You know, I’d love you to exercise with me. You have to raise your hands.

Now, young people, parents, how in the world will you convince your young people to be holy, to stay pure? Why will a young woman keep her virginity? Why will your daughter protect herself from premarital sex? Why will they do it when everyone else is doing something else? There’s only one answer. If they love the Lord, they will obey the Lord. Next verse. The Bible tells us that King Asa was a good king. But just because you are a good king does not mean you won’t have problems. Many people don’t understand theology. They think, if I walk with God, if I serve God, if I am following the Lord then I should not have any problems! Wrong. God does not promise to exempt you from problems, but He promised to give you strength to overcome problems.

In fact, God will use problems to make you a better person. But you need His strength. This is what happened to King Asa. He had a problem. What was his problem? Let’s read. «Zerah the Ethiopian came out against [them] with an army of a million men and 300 chariots…» (2 Chron. 4:9) My goodness! One million men going to attack your country. It is a disaster! «Asa went out to meet him, and they drew up in battle formation in the valley of Zephathah and Mareshah». (2 Chron. 4:10) What did Asa do? Can you guess what he did as he was about to fight this Ethiopian army? Read the next verse. The Bible tells us, «Asa…» everybody read, «called to the LORD his God…» In short, he prayed. How did he pray?

«'…There is no one besides You to help [us] in the battle between the powerful and those who have no strength; so help us, O LORD our God, we trust in You, [and] in Your name have come against this multitude. O LORD, You are our God; let no man prevail against You». (2 Chron. 14:11) He (King Asa) prayed. You know what God did? I won’t show you the verses anymore. You go home, you read 2 Chronicles 14. The Bible tells us, God gave King Asa and his army amazing victory. The victory was so powerful that the Ethiopians were destroyed and they never recovered to bother Israel again. That is how victorious they were. But when Asa became old, that’s the problem, when he became old. Because he did not guard/watch his heart, you know what happened to him? Let’s find out. 2 Chronicles 16. Everybody read, «In the 36th year of Asa’s reign, Baasha king of Israel came against Judah…» Huh? In the 36th year.

In the Philippines, how many years does a president have? Six. But this guy, King Asa, was the king for how many years? 36. How many (presidential) terms is that? And now he’s going on his seventh term. In other words, this guy is so powerful, he has been a king for 36 years- a lot of experience, a lot of victory, a lot of money, very successful. Something happened to him. Once upon a time, his heart was devoted to God. But then what happened? I’m surprised. You know what happened? Let’s read. «Asa brought out silver and gold from the treasuries of the house of the LORD and the king’s house, and sent them to Ben-hadad king of Aram (today, Syria; the king of Syria)». (2 Chron. 16:1-2)

Now, let me ask you, where was King Asa putting his faith, his confidence in? Money, silver and gold. What happened to him? How come once upon a time he was devoted to God and now he is trusting his own strategy? Look at his strategy. Read the next verse. «Let there be a treaty between you and me, between my father and your father. Behold, I sent you silver and gold; break your treaty with Baasha king of Israel so he will withdraw from me». (2 Chron. 16:3) He was depending on his strategy. The strategy was brilliant. He depended on money, he depended on political connections. Look at the map so you will understand what’s going on. If you look at the map, King Asa was the king of the southern kingdom of Israel. King Asa. King Baasha was the king of the northern kingdom. Remember, Israel was, once upon a time, one kingdom. After the foolishness of Solomon, it was divided into a southern kingdom, and northern kingdom. Southern kingdom: you have the tribe of Judah and Benjamin; Northern Kingdom: the rest of the ten tribes. And then you have Aram (Syria).

Look at his strategy. All right, I’m going to give money to this king (Ben-hadad) so this king will attack this kingdom (Israel, Northern Kingdom). Did his strategy work, yes or no? The Bible tells us, it was so successful. You know, it was so successful, the Bible tell us that in 2 Chronicles 16:4. «Ben Hadad (the king of Aram) listened to King Asa and sent commanders of his armies against the cities of Israel». In Tagalog, «Ginulo. Ginulo yung kingdom ni Baasha». So Baasha has to stop attacking Judah. So was he successful, yes or no? Yes.

Now, let me ask you a question. What’s wrong with being successful? The reason why it is wrong is because God has something better for King Asa. Everybody, please read. «At that time, Hanani the seer (the word 'seer' is also a name for a prophet, the prophet of God) came to Asa king of Judah… 'Because you have relied on the King of Aram and have not relied on the LORD your God, therefore the army of the king of Aram has escaped out of your hand.'» (2 Chron. 16:7) Historically speaking, Aram became a problem for the nation of Israel and Judah. God’s plan was total victory for King Asa but, he compromised. Humanly speaking, he was successful. But God is saying, let’s read together, «Were not the Ethiopians and the Lubim an immense army with very many chariots and horsemen»? Everybody read, «…yet because you relied on the LORD, He delivered them into your hand». (2 Chron. 16:8)

God is saying, «Excuse Me, when you were younger, you had bigger problems. You trusted Me and I delivered you. What’s going on»? Read the next verse. Now you see the context. The context is this: «The eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. You have acted foolishly in this. Indeed, from now on, you will surely have wars». (2 Chron. 16:9) My friends, what happened to King Asa? Can I tell you what happened to him? Success brings pride. And when you become proud, you commit the sin of idolatry. What is idolatry? Anything, anyone that takes the place of God in your life. For example, ask yourself today, do you have any idols in your heart, in your life? How can you tell you have an idol? Very simple. The first test.

Where are you putting your security? Are you putting your security in money? Are you putting your security in your career? Ask yourself, what is the object of your trust? What are you putting your confidence on for your entire life? Is it God, or is it money? Another test, the test of happiness. What will really make you happy? Many people say, «I would be happy when…» «I would be happy if…» So singles, have you heard of this statement? «If I marry this person… when I get married… I would be happy». Have you heard of that statement? Singles, if you believe that you will only be happy when you get married, I want you to ask those married people. How many of you are married? Ask those married people, if it is true or not. You know this is the reality. Marriage brings happiness but you cannot depend on people to make you happy. I have been married for 50 years. Praise God!

When I was single, I was happy in the Lord. When my wife was single, she was happy in the Lord. Both of us were happily single. When you are single and you are not happy, don’t ever think that when you get married you’ll be happy. A single person who is miserable, once they get married, they will be doubly miserable. You can never have idols. You know why? Idols can never fulfill its promises, only God can really satisfy you. Final test for idols in your heart. Are you ready? It’s called a test of emotion. What will really make you angry if it is taken away from you? Let me repeat. What we really make you sad, what will really make you angry should it be taken away from you? You know, I have discovered that many parents have idolized their children. You have made something good your idol.

That’s wrong. You must learn to hold on to things loosely. You know why? Because God can take them away anytime. Even ministry. I tell pastors, «Do not idolize ministry because we have only one God, the Lord Jesus Christ. We serve Him». But don’t make your work, your career, your family your God. King Asa made a big mistake. He began to believe in himself. In Tagalog, «Bilib sa sarili». That is the problem. So he did not listen. Why do I say that? Look at the next verse. You know what happened when he was corrected by people? Let’s read together. «Asa was angry with the seer and put him in prison…» Imagine he got angry when he was corrected. «…he was enraged at him». Not only that. Asa «…oppressed some of the people at the same time». (2 Chron. 16:10)

Why would this king get angry when people correct him? Ladies and gentlemen, be honest, if you are criticized, if you are corrected by people, are you thankful or do you get angry? How many of you, be honest- if you are criticized, if you are rebuked, if you are corrected, how many of you are happy that these people love me and they are correcting me? You’re happy. Raise your hand. See. How many of you are not happy when people correct you? The honest ones. Okay, whatever you do, some of you will never raise your hands. No problem. My friend, why did he become angry? Because his idol was himself. When he was criticized, he got angry. Look at the next verse. God loves this guy so much. «In the 39th year of his reign…» 39th. Boss, this guy is quite old; from 36 years, now, 39 years. «…Asa became diseased in his feet. His disease was severe, yet even in his sickness, he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians». (2 Chron. 16:12)

There is nothing wrong to seek help from doctors, but put your confidence not in the medicine, not in doctors. Put your confidence in whom? God, the ultimate healer. Agree? What was his problem? You see what I’m saying? If your heart is not right, even though God is speaking to you, you will not listen. Do you know that God allows sickness, He allows problems in order to speak to you? How many of you are having problems today? Be honest. You are having problems. You have some problems. Higher. You have some problems. Do you know why you have problems? Not because God hates you. Every time you have problems, you have to ask yourself, «Lord, what are You teaching me»? «What are You teaching me»? But King Asa did not connect his life, his problem with God. Why? His heart became hardened. Is that in the Bible? I will show you how your heart becomes hard.

Let’s read this, Hebrews 3:13. Everybody read, «Encourage one another day after day, as [long as] it is called 'Today, '…» That’s why I want you to be part of a small group. In a small group, I encourage people. Look. «…So that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin». You know, sin will make your heart hard. A little sin, a little compromise, and your heart becomes harder and harder and harder. My advice is this: If you do something wrong, like King David, and God calls your attention, you humble yourself and you repent. You say, «Lord, I agree, I’m wrong. Forgive me». You change, but do not have a hard heart. Stop giving excuses. Stop blaming others.

If you have sin, don’t bypass it. Don’t pretend you have no sin because your heart would become harder and harder. And pretty soon, it is so hard you don’t even know. You have no more interest in Bible study, you have no more interest in worship. In fact, when you sing to the Lord, it’s nothing. Your heart is hard. God wants you to know something. Let’s read Jeremiah together. «For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and hope». (Jer. 29:11) You know God is saying, «I have wonderful plans for you, plans for welfare, not for calamity». However, in order to know these plans, what must you do? «You will call upon Me and come and pray to Me. And I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when…» condition, «when you search for Me with all your heart». (Jer. 29:12–13)

Wow! God says, when you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him. The ultimate blessing of giving your heart, devoting your heart to God, is the greatest blessing of God Himself. Look at Jeremiah 33. Most of us are missing out. When you are missing out in your Christian life, you do not know what God has in store for you. Let’s read this together. «Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know». (Jer. 33:3) One more time. «Call to me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know».

You know, as I look in life, I always tell people, it is costly to follow Jesus. Yes, I admit, it can be costly. But it is more costly not to follow Jesus. There are consequences if we don’t follow Jesus. But to me, the greatest cost are the things that you will not experience because you did not follow Jesus. What do I mean? Years ago, my wife devoted her heart to Jesus. She was very happy in the States, but God told her to come to the Philippines. She loved the Lord, so she obeyed the Lord, and she came to the Philippines. And around the same time, I gave my heart to the Lord a bit earlier than that. But God told me, «Do not go to the States».

My friends were all going to the States. God told me, «You stay». I devoted my heart to Jesus. I stayed. And guess what happened? I made a simple decision to stay. She made a simple decision to come here. Our paths crossed. I was just thinking, what would I miss if I did not follow the Word of Jesus? That, my friend, was 50 years ago. I will not know what I will miss, and then I will not know what I would have missed because God gave us five wonderful children! I praise God! These are amazing blessings! I will not know what I would have missed because God gave us five wonderful in-laws! And I do not know what we would have missed, my wife and I, because we have 22 wonderful grandchildren! And I will never know the blessing of 50 years of wonderful marriage!

Friends, I will not know what I would have missed. CCF is one of the greatest blessings, you are the greatest blessing that God has for us. As my wife and I look back. A simple decision. But this simple decision of obeying Jesus has eternal consequences, and many of us are missing out on the blessing that God wants you to have. You’ve got to understand, God is on our side. God wants to bless us. Why are we running away from God? What is stopping you from surrendering your heart to Jesus? Why are you reluctant in giving your all to Jesus? Look at Romans 8 one more time. What does the Bible say? «What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us»? (Rom 8:31)

How do you know that God is for us? Read: «He who did not spare His own son but delivered Him over for us, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things». You know what God is saying? God is saying, «If I gave you my most precious possession, My son Jesus, if I give you My son Jesus, why will I withhold all the other things»? Think about it. Friends, you need to watch your heart daily because the heart is prone to wander. Some of you have wandered away from the Lord. You are physically present but your heart is not wholly devoted to the Lord. I want you to ask yourself, «Is my heart fully devoted to the Lord»?

Let’s bow our heads and pray. Some of you are struggling. I don’t know what’s holding you back. Is it a relationship? Is it any kind of sin? What is it? What are you compromising that you are not willing to surrender to God? Remember, the costs of not following Jesus are the blessings you will never know. I want you to really humble yourselves today, and pray this prayer with me. Those of you who would like to acknowledge God as your lover. God loves you, and He wants your heart. Will you pray this prayer with me together, wherever you are.

Our Father in heaven, here I am. I devote my heart to You. I devote my broken heart, my hardened heart, my sinful heart. I surrender them all to You, and Jesus, I ask You to transform my heart, make it pleasing to You. And give me the strength from this day onward to be committed to following You, to stop compromising. But, Lord, I cannot do this on my own. Help me. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I now accept you, Jesus, as my Lord and my Savior. Today, I trust You completely. Help me to maintain that trust by knowing You more and more. I commit to You my entire future, my family. In Jesus name, I pray, we all pray. Amen and amen.