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Peter Tan-Chi - Winning The War Within

Peter Tan-Chi - Winning The War Within
TOPICS: Temptation

We start a new series. Do you know what’s our new series? Everybody, «Winning the War Within». What does it mean «Winning the War Within»? What does it mean «Winning the War Within» is war all over the place: Ukraine, possible war with China and and Taiwan, other countries, but winning the war within is something real, in your heart. Right now in your inner life, I’m sure there is always a struggle. Yes or no? There’s a war going on. In fact, if you read the Book of Romans 8, 7, it talks about «What I like to do, I don’t do. What I don’t like to do, that’s what I do».

So, there’s a war within. How do you win the war within? Let’s have a quick review. It begins with chapters 1-3, Sin. What’s our real problem? Sin. And then chapters 3, 4, 5, it gives you the good news, Salvation. Our greatest need is forgiveness. He tells you that’s good news. But it does not stop there. Chapters 6, 7, 8 talk about Sanctification. In other words, listen to me now, the grace of God brings salvation but not period, It brings Salvation, and then it brings Sanctification. Because that is the work of God, He will transform your life. Then chapters 9-11, he talks about the Sovereignty of God. How does he do these things? Then, he gave Israel as an example, what will happen to the Jews? Then lastly, listen to me, couple of months from now, you will learn about Service, How can we live out righteousness?

Okay. Where are we now? Today, where are we? Season 3. What is Season 3? Winning the War Within, it’s called Sanctification, Episode 1. Today is Season 3, Episode 1. Sanctification. Okay. Are you ready? Now, what is the difference between Salvation and Sanctification? I came up with a simple chart to let you understand. Chapters 3, 4, 5 deals with Salvation. Chapters 6, 7, 8, deals with Sanctification. Salvation first, then Sanctification. Don’t reverse the order. Don’t say «I must be good first, and then, I will be saved». No, no, no. «Justification» comes first. By faith, justification. And then, «consecration». How do you live your life for Jesus? Salvation is a «point in time», A «point in time» where you are declared not guilty. However, Sanctification is a «process», it takes time to be Christlike.

Salvation is «by grace», it’s all the work of God. Sanctification is «by grace» also, this is God’s work in your life. Salvation deals with «what Jesus did for you» on the cross. Sanctification, «what Jesus is doing in you» right now, the Holy Spirit. Salvation deals with the «penalty of sin», «I’m guilty, He paid the price». Sanctification deals with the «power over sin», you have power over sin. I have good news for you, and I want to share this with you, today, «Christ died for us,» Salvation. Sanctification, «Christ lives in us». Hallelujah! Is Christ in you? Yes. «By faith». Salvation is all by faith. Sanctification is «by faith» and everybody, «obedience». You are not a robot, and God is saying now that «Do you know what I’ve done for you? Do you believe I’m in you, to give you the power»? Okay. Are you now ready?

All right. The outline, today, is so simple. Winning the War Within, right? Three main points that I want you to remember, Winning the War Within, in Romans 6:1-14. Number one, everybody read, «Know your new life». Number two, «Know your new freedom». Then, number three «Live out your new life». Very simple. First, you got to know your new life. Then, you got to know your new freedom. Then, you live it out. Now why is knowing so important? You cannot really change anybody until the mind is changed. Let me repeat. You cannot change your life until you have right thinking. Right thinking will produce what? Right behavior. So, ignorance will result in impotence. You know, many Christians are ignorant, so there’s no power. That’s why Romans 6 begins with the importance of you got to know your new life. Right?

What do I mean, you got to know your new life? For example, let me share with you Romans, the outline of, «Do you not know», look, everybody read. In chapter 6, look at the emphasis, «Do you not know», in Tagalog «Hindi mo ba alam»? «knowing your old self was crucified,» you got to know that «Christ rose again…» [v.9], «do you not know…» [v.16] Do you not know? In fact, I want to show you the idea of God wants you to know you have died to your old life, you have new life. What’s my proof? Look at Romans 6. Look at all the verses, dealing with «you have died to your old life». Look at the chart. Everybody, this will shock you.

In Romans 6 alone, almost 10 times, huh? «we who died to sin» [v.2] «we were baptized into his death» [v.3] «we were buried with Him through baptism into death» [v.4] «we became united with Him in the likeness of His death» [v.5] «our old man was crucified with Him» [v.6] «he who has died is freed from sin» [v.7] «we have died with Christ» [v.8] «consider yourselves to be dead to sin» [v.11] In other words, you have the repetition that God wants you to know, you have died. Can you turn to your neighbor? Tell your neighbor «You have died». «Huh? What does that mean, 'You have died, ' Peter? I’m so alive». «Oh no, no, no. Something spiritually happened. When you came to Christ, you died». What does that mean? He used baptism as an amazing illustration.

All right. Let’s look at the next verse. All right. Everybody read together. Romans 6:3-4, together, «Or do you not know», importance of knowledge, «…that all of us have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life». He is now giving Baptism as an illustration of what happened to you when you gave your life to Jesus. In the early church, Baptism is very important. Even today, in CCF, Baptism is important. We baptize people almost every month. Okay. What does it mean? You see, baptism into Christ, baptism into His death, it is a picture. It’s a symbol of dying to your old life, so when you’re baptized, you are put inside the water, and then when you come out, it’s newness of life.

Do you know, in the early church, Baptism is by immersion? It is not by sprinkling. Why? It’s a picture of what has happened to you when you give your life to Christ. Now, Baptism is from the literal Greek word «baptisto». What is baptisto? Literally, baptisto means the following, all right, immerse. So everybody, what color is this? When you are baptized, you are literally submerged. The idea is you are immersed. The Greek word is used to describe how they dyed the cloth from something white. Let’s say I want to make it red. Okay. Or red orange. What do I do? I put it in. This is a picture of what is Baptism, you are now identified with Christ. So what is Baptism? It is a picture of identification with Jesus. When Jesus died, you died. When He rose again from the dead, you rose again from the dead. It’s hard to understand but can I tell you something?

Look at 2 Corinthians 5:17. Let’s read that together. 2 Corinthians 5:17, everybody read, «Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, the new things have come». Look at the grammar here. If you are in Christ, you are a new person. Huh? Ladies and gentlemen, are you ashamed of your old life? When you look back, have you done something that is embarrassing, that is sinful? Well, I have done a lot, and many times I’m ashamed. But I praise God, when you are in Christ, the Bible says your old life died. Now, you have new life. Remember, Galatians 2:20. Let’s read that together. Galatians 2:20, together, «I have been crucified with Christ; and no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me», notice, Paul is saying «I died with Christ, no longer I but Christ» Is Paul is still alive? Yes or no? Yes. But what is he saying? «No longer I but Christ».

Can I tell you, I’m reminded of what happened to St. Augustine? Many of you know, Augustine was a playboy. He was a womanizer. Then, he came to Christ. When he came to Christ, something happened. And miraculously, transformation happened in his life. When he went back to his place, there was this amazing, beautiful girl that used to have sex with Augustine. She ran after him, «Augustine, Augustine, do you remember me»? Now, Augustine just walked. Just walked past her. She said, «Ah, maybe he has forgotten me». So she ran again. She ran again in front of him, «Augustine, Augustine. Do you remember me? This is my name. I am», Augustine said, «I know you. I remember you but it is no longer I».

Ah, Augustine realized no longer the old Augustine. He’s now a new creation. That, my friend, is something you need to know. When you come to Christ, all your past, finished. All your records kept clean. Amen. Okay. Are you happy? So today, sin will come to you, «Okay, okay. Let’s do this». What must you now say? «No longer I but Christ». Next, you must know your new freedom. What do I mean? Let’s look at the Bible. What does it mean, «your new freedom»? All right. Let’s look at Romans 6:5-6, tells us, «For if we have become united with Him», now, the word «united» has the idea of «grafting». Are you familiar with the agricultural term, you «graft» something in? That’s the word here, you are grafted, «with Christ». Together, please read aloud, «…knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin;»

You are no longer slaves to sin. What does it mean? It means in the past, you have no choice, but to keep on sinning. Today, you have a choice: to sin or not to sin. But you still have a choice. But you are no longer forced to sin. You see, in the past, my lifestyle was a lifestyle of sin. I came to Christ, and the Bible says your old life is gone, new life. Every day, I’m given a choice. Ladies and gentlemen, every sin you commit is a choice, that you are doing. You can never say, «Tao lamang ako, eh». What is that in English? I’m only human. Excuse me. You are more than human. You are now a child of God. Amen. Remind yourself in the morning when you wake up, «Good morning, Saint».

Are you a Saint? Yes. Are you free? Now, the problem is this: the more you give in to sin, the more it becomes a habit. As this man once said, «Every time you give in to habit, it becomes a necessity». Every time you give into something, it becomes a habit, then it becomes a necessity. That’s why many of us are in bondage because you choose to be in bondage. Look at our next verse. I like the next verse. What does it say? Everybody read, «for he who has died is freed from sin», you are free. «Now if we have died with Christ», notice the emphasis «we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him», new life, «knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, is never to die again; death no longer is master over Him».

The complete identification in the picture of Baptism tells you something spiritual has happened, which your eyes don’t see. You are now United with Christ. You are set free. Last night, my wife and I, we were watching a short YouTube on billionaires, multi, multi billionaires, who lost all their billions. And I’m curious what happened. I like to learn from the past. Now, this guy is a true story. This guy, and he’s the bill, or like, he’s like the small king of the Netherland right now. His brother did something bad. He, his younger brother, I call Kuta took over the throne. But his younger brother is very smart. His younger brother told the public, «My older brother is not in prison. He can be freed. In fact, he’s free».

Do you know why? They built a prison cell where the window is slightly smaller, and that door is slightly smaller, that a normal person can walk in and out. But the younger brother know that his brother has a problem. This guy loves to eat. What he did, when he put his brother inside that prison, where the door is enough for normal people, but this guy cannot walk through, you know why? He’s overweight. What the brother did is give him food, every day, lots of good food. His brother loved to eat. He kept eating and eating, instead of losing weight, what happened? He kept gaining weight. For 10 years, this guy was in prison by himself. You know why? He refused to fast and pray. He doesn’t know how to reduce.

I realized many Christians are like that. You give in to your lust, you give into your appetite, and you become a prisoner of yourself. The Bible says «you now have new freedom». You know how he got out of jail? Okay. Study history. I won’t tell you now. Okay. But the point is this, guys, are you free? Louder. But can you become a slave again? Yes, you choose. You know, years ago, during the trial about the Nazi soldiers, are you familiar with what happened to Germany? Right? The Nazi, they had nice uniform. Hitler was very smart. He gave his officers special uniform. Now, this guys were put on trial. Why? Because of the atrocity they committed. Remember, how they burned the Jews? You need witnesses.

So there are a group of Jews who were there, they survived the imprisonment, and they are now witnesses in the court trial. Now, when this Nazi officer was brought into the court, guess what happened? All the Jews stood up, and the judge said, «Why are you standing up? This Nazi officer has no power over you. Sit down». In Tagalog, «Relax lang. Bakit kayo tatayo? Why are you saluting them»? Out of habit. Friends, when sin knocks in your life, please don’t salute, as is, and tell the sin, «You have no power over me, I am a child of God». Amen.

Last. Not only, do you have new freedom, for the first time, if you read the next verse, it’s amazing. Look at Romans 6. Okay. So look at the outline: you have new life; know your new life; you must know your new freedom; lastly, what must you do? Live out. Live out your new life? What does it mean? Let’s look at the Bible. What does the Bible say? [Romans 6:10-12] «For the death that He died. He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. Even so», therefore, even so, «consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus». The word «consider» is a verb, imperative. For the first time in the Book of Romans 6, you are given a command regarding what to do?

In chapter 1 to chapter 5, everything is about what God has done for us. In chapter 6, the grammar changes. Here is the beginning of the command, consider. The word «consider» has the idea of appropriate, live it out. It’s like a check. If I give you a check, and you don’t encash it, it’s totally useless. The Bible is saying «consider». In other words, «live it out, you are free. Live it out, encash it». Next verb, «Therefore», everybody read, «do not let sin reign in your mortal body». This is a command. For the first time, in the Book of Romans, you are now given instructions. Consider yourself dead to sin. That’s the reality. You may not feel it, but the Bible says you are dead to sin. Number two, Do not present. The word «present» grammatically means, they are already presenting their body to sin.

It says here [Romans 6:13-14], «and do not go on presenting the members of your body to sin». Stop presenting your body to sin. Stop it. It’s a command. You see, the body is neutral. The body is not evil, but you have an evil nature, a sin nature that tries to control you. Paul is saying «stop giving in to your evil, sinful nature. Stop doing that. Do not present». Now, I like the word «present». You know why? Notice, «present yourselves to God». This is amazing Greek word «present». It is used to describe how a best man would present a beautiful bride to the bridegroom. Certifying she’s a virgin. That’s the idea of «present». It’s used in Jewish wedding where the best man will not present the bride.

The Bible is saying «You are a new person. You must present your life to the Lord, not the sin». Look at the grammar. Look at what it says here, everybody, «but present yourselves», to whom? «To God, as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God. For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under the Law but under grace». What the Bible is saying is you have a new master, not the Law. You see, the Law brings condemnation. Every time you fail you, you feel so bad. I have goodness for you. God is saying all of us are no longer under the Law, but under grace. What is through grace? Grace will bring about Sanctification. Grace will never abuse the forgiveness of God. Something happened. Therefore, you present.

Let me give an example. I read the story of a king who fell in love with the prostitute, the prostitute, you know their job, to have sex with any man who is willing to pay. When the king married the prostitute, I want to ask you a question, Do you think the prostitute will ever prostitute herself again to other men? No. Do you know why? She’s now a queen, a queen do not prostitute herself to anybody. Because she’s now a queen. Now, how do you look at yourself? prostitute or queen. My friend, how do you look at yourself? Instrument of sin or instrument of righteousness? My friend, you need to know to Kive a holy life. You need to know what God has done for us. Number one, God gave us a new life. Number two, God gave us a new freedom.

Why do you want to enslave yourself? That’s why the Bible is very emphatic when it tell us the idea of, Galatians 5:16–17. Let’s read this together. Together now, «But I say, walk by the Spirit», walk, it’s a command, present tense. You keep walking with the Lord. Walk by the spirit. What’s the promise? «And you will not carry out the desire of the flesh». You see, the flesh. The sinful nature is real. Please read the next verse, «For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another», that’s why, winning the war within, you have to recognize there’s a war going on, but you don’t have to be defeated. You are victorious. You know why? Christ is in us. Is Christ in you? Yes.

Okay. Walk by the Spirit. To share with you the reality of the power of Christ in us, I like you to hear the testimony of our brother, how it became so true in his life. Let’s welcome Tony. Good day, everyone. My name is Tony dela Paz. Many years ago, I was an insecure person with no purpose in life. I sought solace in the highs of drugs and in the momentary pleasures devices, which tripped me off my inhibitions. I started doing drugs at the age of 13 and was an addict for 15 years. It was at a very low point in my life when God first found me with no money, no friends. I heard the good news of salvation from a television program, and I prayed to receive Jesus Christ in my heart. The apparent spiritual awakening made me sober for the next three months, but the transformation was short lived because I clearly was not committed to Jesus Christ as Lord of my life.

Soon after, I was back to being wayward, even after being taken to custody at Camp Crame, I went deeper to drug abuse. The downward spiral made me miserable and hopeless. It came to a point of deep depression and wanted to take my own life, Realizing my helpless wretched and despondent condition, I sincerely prayed and cried out to God for help, acknowledging that I am powerless to change my life and surrendering everything to Him. I cannot forget that very moment, when a gust of wind blew around me as if freeing my very soul of all its burdens and struggles and experiencing peace that surpasses all understanding. God removed my desire for drugs and replaced it with a dear thirst for Him and His Word. But God’s divine orchestration, I attended a Sunday service in CCF, where I saw my brother whom I love and had not seen for a long time.

The message spoke to me and was affirmed by the pastor, as he shook my hands to welcome me. Life was slowly turning around. God helped me find the job despite my lack of credentials. I was sober, and eagerly shared the gospel to office mates. God also blessed me with a promotion and improved living conditions. One time, I was invited by my boss to an after-office drinking spree. At first I resisted but eventually gave in, and it became a regular Friday night out. Admittedly, I had become complacent, self-sufficient, and proud. One sin led to another. I found myself in sexual immorality with my girlfriend, which in turn, brought us to a rocky start of our married life. But God faithfully disciplined me to get me back on track.

One Friday night out, I suddenly felt my arms numbing and my chest tightening up. I was turning pale and felt close to dying. I felt like my body was shutting down. In my heart, I cried out to God in repentance, pleading for another chance. That night was a turning point, when I repented of my sins and dedicated my life to Christ. It was timely that we were invited to a discipleship group by my sister-in-law and her husband, Friday night outs were replaced by Friday dgroup. Eventually, I was entrusted to lead this dgroup when my brother-in-law moved to another country. Over time, the dgroup evolved with new members and I continued to be dgroup’s servant. God also opened opportunities, conduct Bible studies at work and in offices where others would invite me.

Time came when I was forced to resign for my job when I would not compromise over a policy that would make me lie to in my dealings with clients, my unemployment tested my faith, but God made me see how faithful he was to provide for my family. I later volunteered to help in a support group for people struggling with addictions. Later on, I was given the chance to work in Penuel Home, a retreat house for men struggling with all sorts of addictions. Since 2007, many residents have gone through the Bible-based, God-centered program, which transformed them and their families through the saving knowledge of Christ. Another opportunity that I have been privileged with, is to serve at our CCF Katipunan satellite with my wife and children.

My heart is full of gratitude for the Lord, for what He has done and continues to do in my life. It is Jesus Christ, who made the greatest impact in my life. And by His grace, He’s using me to impact the lives of others. All glory to the Lord. So my question to you, today, number one, have you experienced a new life in Christ? Do you understand your new life? Have you experienced your new freedom? I want you to live it out. Christ is in us. Amen. However, if you don’t have Christ, you have religion, it’s not going to do good. How do you know whether you have religion or you have Christ? Very simple. Look at your life. Have you seen changes in your life? If there are no changes in your life, I can almost predict what you have is religion.

I praise God this country, we’re religious. Maybe you grew up in a Christian family, you get Bible study and in your mind, «I know that already. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I have Jesus». Excuse me. The Bible says that devil believes and he trembles. However, what are we talking about? A real relationship, new life in Christ, like metamorphosis, you are transformed within. And then, the outward appearance changes. Don’t get it wrong. You need Jesus. And how do you have Jesus? When you humble yourselves and admit you are a sinner and you come to Jesus with no mental reservation. You’ll never come to Jesus with condition, «I will obey You, everything except, cannot». When you come to Jesus, «I surrender all. No exception. No matter what it takes, I will surrender to You». Let’s bow our heads.

Lord Jesus, I need You. I have been playing religion. There has been no transformation. I still live in sin but I want to change. Lord Jesus, come into my heart, give me the new heart that You promise, the new nature that You promise. Lord, change me from the inside out. I receive You, as my Lord and my Savior.

Lord Jesus, I thank You, for Tony. I thank You, for my brother, for his humility to confess, how he was into drugs, but how You have changed him. Keep him in the center of Your will, keep him walking with You. I pray for Chuck. I pray for his son, Matthew is here also, and the family, that You protect this family. And now, I pray for the people here. Those of us who are struggling with sin but their sin may not be drug addiction. It may be pornography. It may be anger. It may be temper, whatever it is, pride, judgemental spirit, Lord Jesus, may you transform their lives, their heart. I thank You, Lord, for You are in us to transform us and to change us. In Jesus' name, we all pray. Amen and Amen.