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Peter Tan-Chi - The Best News

Peter Tan-Chi - The Best News

The title today is: The Best News. What is the Best News? You can be sure of heaven. Are you ready? How to be sure you'll go to heaven? What is A? Admit. Say that with me? Admit. What must you admit? You must admit your problem. You must admit that you are a sinner. Admit, that's very important. It's called the "posture of humility". If you don't admit you won't seek help. What will you admit? All right. Let's look at the Bible. Romans 3:9. "What then? Are we better than they? Not at all; for we have already charged that both Jews and Greeks are all under sin".

In other words, Paul is saying all of us have a problem. As pastor Ricky shared last week. In a court case, he has already proven the case, we are all guilty. But now, he's summarizing the verdict and he's using Old Testament Scriptures. From verses 10 down, "as it is written," these are all quotations from the Old Testament. Paul is using an amazing technique in Bible preaching. It's called "stringing the pearls". He uses different verses in the Old Testament, but talks about the same thing. And then, he put them all together. At least you have seven Old Testament references, to the Book of What are the Old Testament references? Okay.

Number one, he's now quoting Ecclesiastes 7:20 and this is also found in Psalm, "There is none", everybody read, Romans 3:11, "There is none righteous, not even one; There is none who understands, There is none who seeks for God". What Paul is saying, the universality of our sinfulness, there's none. No one is perfect. None. In fact, he says something is wrong with the heart. What's our heart problem? "none who seeks for God". Something's wrong with the mind, "There is none who understands". That's our dilemma. Next verse (v.12) tells us, "All have turned aside," notice the grammar "All... together they have become useless; There is none who that's good. There is none even one" Psalm 14:1-3, 53:1-3.

Universality of sin, pervasiveness of sin. Then, he gives you an x-ray of the human body, from the mind to the throat, to the feet. He's saying, "We are all guilty". Example. He focuses on the mouth because the Bible says "from the mouth speaks the heart". Out of your heart, what comes out of your mouth? That's exactly what he's saying, the mouth speaks the heart. So be careful what you say. it reflects your heart. v.13 "Their throat is an open grave, with their tongues they keep deceiving," Psalm 5:9, "The poison of asps is under their lips"; Psalm 140:3. These are all in the Book of Psalm.

Continue v.14-17, "Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness" Psalm 10:7, "Their feet are swift to shed blood, Destruction and misery are in their paths, And the path of peace they have not known". Old Testament quotation from Isaiah 59:7-8. Lastly v.18, he began with "There is no one seeks after God," he closes with "There is no fear of God before their eyes", Psalm 36:1. What is he saying? That's the problem with humanity. What's wrong with us? Admit we are sinners. He began by saying "No one seek after God," he ended with "There's no fear of God".

In other words, our problem has to do with our relationship with God. We don't give God, honor. We don't seek after Him. We don't give Him proper respect. We don't worship Him. We don't love Him. That is our root problem. Your attitude toward God is everything. That's why I take it, seriously, when I come to worship God, I prepare my heart. I try to dress a little bit better. I take worship, seriously. Wherever we go, I say, that's my relationship with God. When I wake up in the morning, I consider what is God's will for my life. Because your relationship with God is the key, it affects your life. So question: Are we guilty, are we not guilty? Louder.

So, admit. Are you willing to admit that you are a sinner? B: what is B, what must you "believe" in? You must believe that God is on your side, that God loves you. What is the proof of His love for you? Let's continue reading. He concluded so that we are desperate by saying we are all in trouble v.19-20, "Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God; because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin".

You see, there are many people today, like the Jewish people, they believe that they can go to heaven on their own good works. If they obey the Law, somehow, they can make it to heaven. But the Bible is saying, no matter how good you are, no matter how hard you try, the Law cannot save you. Because the Law is like a mirror, the Law reveals to you what's wrong with your behavior. Example. I will not know something's wrong with adultery, unless the Bible says, "Thou shall not commit adultery". I will not know that there is something wrong with lying, when the Bible says, "Thou shall not lie". So, the Law condemns us. Do you understand? The Law was prepared by God so that you and I will know His divine character, God is holy, God is good. And to show us we are all guilty. Do you see the point?

So, Romans 3 is telling us: You must believe that God loves you so much, He gave you the Law to show you that you need help. Read the next verse, right? Let's study. What is the next verse? Ah, beautiful English grammar, "But..." everybody, say the word "bu". Every time you see the English word "but," there's a change of thought. Guilty, guilty, guilty, but... but that's good news. What is "but"? "But now," in other words, not in the past. "But now apart from the Law the rightness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets," What in the world is the meaning of the "righteousness of God"?

Wow. This is a very important concept you need to understand. The Bible says there is now a righteousness of God revealed apart from the Law. Huh? What does that mean? I will explain. "...even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; there is no distinction;" In other words, one kind of righteousness is from the Law, you obey, you are righteous. But God is saying now there's a new kind of righteousness God is going to give us. It is nothing to do with the Law. It has everything to do with Jesus. So that's what it says, "even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus".

So what in the world is this "righteousness of God in Jesus"? The entire Book of Romans deals with the righteousness of God. That word "righteousness of God" is over 50 times used. I will share with you how it is used. So, how is the righteousness of God given to us? Notice what it says. Everybody read "through faith in Jesus". So what must you believe? You must believe that the answer to our problem is Jesus. Next verse, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," Now this is the basis of what you need to know, what is God's solution to our problem. Everybody read, "for..." Oh, are you included? Are we included?

So I tell people, how do you go to heaven? Number one, admit we are sinners. Admit your problem. Number two, believe. Believe that the only answer to your problem is Jesus. "being justified as a gift by His grace, through the redemption, which is in Christ Jesus; whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation for his blood through faith". So, here are the theological words I'm going to explain, today. First word is Justification. You are justified. What in the world does that mean? Next, I will explain to you the meaning of the word "redemption". Another important word. What is the meaning of Redemption? Ano ba ibig sabihin nun?

Number three, what is propitiation? These are important theological words. Until you understand this, you will never appreciate Salvation through Christ. So are you ready to appreciate them? Right. Let's talk about Justification. The word "justification" comes from the root word "dikaios," dikê, it is what? To make you righteous. To conform to a certain standards that if you don't comply, you have a problem. Righteousness, dikaios. Justification, dikaios. This are from the same root word. So what am I saying? This righteousness, listen to me now, comes from God. It is God's declaration.

What is God's declaration to you today? God is saying you are righteous. Best thing about it. I'm a sinner, you are a sinner, God is saying now, listen to me. If you have Jesus, God is saying, "I am declaring you as righteous". How can that be? As if you have not sinned. How can that be? But that's what the Bible says. I will explain to you how it can be. It's a legal term. The word "justification" is used in the court of law, when the judge says, "You are not guilty," you are justified. It's a legal term. God is saying legally before Him, you are what? Justified. Tell your neighbor, "You are justified. Your record is now clean". I don't know about you.

When I understood this concept, it gave me tremendous peace, your record is now clean. You know, when I stand before God, someday, I look at my life. I'm a sinner. but God is now saying, "Peter, your record is spotless, clean". Hallelujah! Praise God. How did that happen? It's a gift. How did that happen? It is Christ righteousness imputed on us. Now, this is something you need to understand. What do you mean by "Christ righteousness imputed on us"? Let's look at the Bible. You know, I often ask people... Let's continue. Let's look at that verse. How did we become righteous? Everybody read, "He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf" What does that mean? Christ knew no sin. Christ was sinless. "God made Him who knew no sin to be sin," Christ bore our sin on the cross, "so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him".

What the Bible is saying, is this; because of what Christ did for you and for me, because of what He did, you are now as righteous as Christ. Why? On the cross, He bore all your sins. And on the cross, He gave you, in exchange, the righteousness of His life. But that can only be real, if you do something. Before I tell you what you must do, where are we now? Letter B. What must you believe in? That Jesus is the only solution to our problem. Why? Because righteousness, justification comes from Him. Comprende?

Now, let me ask you a question. Are you justified, yes or no? Hmm. I will teach you how to make sure. Would you like to know how to make sure? All right. Some of you are telling me, "It's too good to be true. Peter, if you know my past, if you only know what I've done". I tell you, even today, I look at my record today, I still fail from time to time. But I praise God. God is saying, "I will declare your righteous". This is a declaration, not from man, not from the Philippines Supreme court. This is a declaration from the Supreme Supreme court of the whole universe, God. When God says you are not guilty, you are not guilty. What's the next word? Redemption.

Now, what is Redemption? Can I tell you the meaning of the word "redemption"? All right. It is no longer a legal term. It is a commercial term. During the time of Paul, they have lots of slaves. Rome was full of slaves. However, a slaves can be set free through redemption. When you pay a certain amount of money, you are set free. So, the word "redemption" comes from the Greek word "apolutrosis," ap-ol-oo'-tro-sis, two Greek words, "apo" means what? To take away; lutrosis, "lúo" to set free. So, Redemption means what? To set you free through a payment. So what is Redemption? Price paid for a slave who is then set free by the one who bought him. I used a Tagalog term, what's written here is, "tubos".

How many of you know "tubos"? Pawnshop? Have you been to a pawnshop? How many of you have been to a pawnshop? Okay. You are all very rich, so you don't need to go to the pawnshop. But truth is, I was making a joke with my office staff and they told me, "Sir, I have nothing to pawn, so I don't go to the pawnshop". No, the truth is this: you go to a pawnshop, right? You get money, and what must you do? In 30 days or 60 days, you must "tubos". You must go back and get it. You redeem it. The Bible tells us we were once upon a time, a slave of sin.

By the way, this concept of redemption, if your house is foreclosed... How many of you have experienced foreclosure? The debt of foreclosure? my friend, it's one of the scariest thing. When the bank write you a letter, "We are foreclosing your property". Under the law, you are given one year to redeem it. That's a right. But that concept of redemption and the right to redeem, that's from the Bible. Redemption. You owe the bank money. Your house is going to be closed. Example only, your friend goes to the bank and he pays for you. He redeemed your house and lot. What happens to your house and lot? The bank will not get it because it has been redeemed. Once upon a time, you are enslaved to sin. Satan has control over you. You are slave, you are following him.

And then the Bible says, boom! Colossians 1. Let's read that together. Colossians 1:13 tells us, together, "For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have" what? "redemption..." So the Bible tells us: You are redeemed. Redeemed by the blood of Jesus. So there is forgiveness. Do you realize you are a redeemed person? You look at 1 Corinthians 6:19. I love 1 Corinthians 6:19. Everybody, read this together, "Or do you not know your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God," everybody read, " are not your own? For you have been bought with the price: therefore glorify God in your body".

My friend, do you understand what Christ did for you? When He died on the cross, He paid with His life, with His blood, your freedom. Under the bondage of sin, He sets you free by His own life, by His blood. And because you are set free, the Bible says you are no longer your own. Who owns you? Look, look, "you have been bought with a price".

What is that price? The death of Christ on the cross, and what must you do now? Everybody read, "therefore glorify God in your body". Do you see the motivation? The motivation, is you have been set free, because you have been bought with the price, you are no longer your own. So, my motivation to serve God is because I belong to Him. I am ransomed. Can you be sure of going to heaven? Yes. Why? Number one, you are justified by God. Number two, you are ransomed. And number three, understand this word, propitiation.

Let's look at that verse one more time. Propitiation together now, right, "whom God displayed publicly" notice "publicly," "as a propitiation in His blood through faith". You will not understand justification, if you divorce that from redemption, if you divorce that from propitiation. Now, what is the meaning of the word "propitiation". The english term is very difficult, right? Some of your translation uses the word "expiration". Okay. My friend, I will keep it simple. Propitiation, what does it simply means?

All right. Let's look. Propitiation means "averting the wrath of God by the offering of a gift". It refers to the turning away of the wrath of God as the just judgment of our sin by God's own provision of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. In simple English, let me tell you: when Jesus died on the cross, He absorbed the wrath of God in His body. That's called Propitiation. He was the payment to satisfy the wrath of God. You see, you and I have a problem. Not only are we sinners. There's a Judgment Day coming. And when that judgment day come, remember the first message I gave you? The wrath of God is real. The wrath of God is not an imagination. God is holy because He's holy, He must judge sin. You will never understand why Jesus had to die on the cross.

Every time I share the ABC of salvation, can I tell you what I do? I ask my friends, just two weeks ago. I shared ABC with at least 10 people. To me, sharing the gospel is a privilege. I ask them, A: are willing to admit you a sinner? One was a philosopher. Pilosopo eh. Sabi ng misis ko, pero ako, hindi. So I made a joke. So, finally he admitted. Have you lied? Have you lied? Nagsinungaling ka na ba? Have you cheated? Have you stolen something? Case closed. Guilty. B: Do you believe that God loves you? Then I said, "How do you know God loves you"? Why did Jesus die on the cross for you? Can you answer me that question? Why did Jesus die on the cross? You will never understand that until you know the word "propitiation".

Let me tell you. For many people, they say, "Jesus died on the cross because He loves me". I said, "Your answer is partly correct. He loves you, but why did He have to die on the cross? Can you not love somebody without having to die"? Then, they began thinking, "Why did Jesus die on the cross"? "Ah, to sacrifice". "Why? Can He not sacrifice any other way"? "Ah, he died on the cross to be a model". What kind of model is that? You see, that is our common answer. We do not know why Jesus had to die on the cross. Are you ready? To die on the cross is a necessity. Because God is holy, He will judge sin. How will God judge sin? On the other hand, He loves us. So, I always give this simple illustration. How many of you have mothers? Raise your hand. You better all raise your hand. Mothers.

All right. Now, let me ask you a question. Now, this is a very extreme illustration, but it does happen. Example, somebody entered your house, rape your sister or your mother, and kill your sister or your mother right before your eyes. And finally that person is caught. When that person is caught, he's right before the judge. Now, he stands for the judge. He says, "Judge, I admit I am guilty. I admit I murdered, I raped. Now Judge, from now on, I would be nice to women. From now on, I'll be nice to mothers. I won't abuse women, anymore. I will do good deeds. Judge, can you let me go"? What do you want the judge to do? Do you want the judge to carry out the sentence? Or do you want the judge to just say, "Okay, I'll let you go". How many of you, because of justice and fairness, you want the judge to implement the law? Raise your hand.

Now, how many of you says, "No"? Okay. Let the judge set him free. How many? You know why? Because all of you believe justice has to be served. Yes or no? You will never know why Jesus is the only way, until you understand God is holy, God is just. Our problem is we are sinners. How can a holy God, how can a just God, forgive sinners without being accused of unjust? Do you see the problem? God loves you, but you are guilty. How will he set you free? Now, you understand propitiation. Propitiation is when Jesus died on the cross, He satisfied the demand for justice. He took the wrath of God upon His life. He paid the full penalty of God's judgment for sin. And because He did that for you, the Bible tell us, you are now set free.

In Pagan religion, you offer a sacrifice to appease gods. How many of you saw that movie: Troy? Remember, when they were about to sail, the king had to offer his own daughter as a sacrifice to please the gods? So the weather would be nice. In Christianity, in the Bible, it's totally different. God is the one who offered himself as a propitiation, to satisfy the wrath of justice. In short, Jesus died, not just for you. He died for God. Do you understand theology, now? Jesus died to satisfy the wrath of God because God is just. But He loves you, He paid for you. So, God is now just in justifying us. So that's the meaning of this verse. He is now the just and justifier. Hallelujah for Jesus! I really praise God for Jesus.

Now, the next thing you need to know is C. What is A? Admit. B? Believe that Jesus is the only way. But you see, many people believe but nothing happens. What is C? Very important. You must "commit". You must call on Him. Do you remember the two criminals on the cross? What did one criminal do? He made fun of Jesus. What did the other criminal do? He called on Jesus. He said, "Jesus, when you come, remember me". What did Jesus say? Jesus said, "Today, you shall be with Me in paradise". Today. You know, the same thing for you. If you call on Jesus, if you commit your life, your future to Him, He promise, today. Now let me explain that to you. All right. Let's look at Romans. So that you'll understand the beauty of the gospel. Okay.

Romans 3:27-28, "Where then is boasting"? How can you boast that you'll go to heaven? "It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works"? Is it because you go to church every Sunday. Every day, you do good works, you give money to the poor. Is that the way to go to heaven? Answer? "No, but by a law of faith" what is the law of faith? "For we maintain that" everybody read now. That's not my saying. Everybody read, "a man (a woman) is justified by faith apart from the works of the Law". Praise God, I am going to heaven not because I've obeyed the Law but because of Christ. Question. Can I now abuse my salvation? Can I now keep on sinning? I'm going to heaven.

You know, the Bible is amazing. Read the next verse. Together, "Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also," Now you got to know, he's talking to two kinds of people. Those who are very religious, the Jewish people who love the Law, who keeps on obeying the Law, and the Gentiles who don't know anything about the Law. He's talking to both kinds of people. And he's saying both kinds of people are going to be saved by faith, "since indeed God who will justify the circumcised by faith," referring the Jews, "and the uncircumcised through faith," referring to the Gentiles. "Do we then nullify the Law through faith? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the Law".

What does that mean? The Bible is saying through faith, through Christianity, is not neglecting the Law. You are not saved by the Law but you are saved to be able to obey the Law. Let me repeat. Obeying the Law will never save us because you can never make it. But once you are saved, He gives you the motivation, He gives you the desire, He gives you the power to be able to obey the Law. It may not be perfect. But Paul is saying, the Bible saying, because of faith, my obedience to the Law becomes a byproduct. This theological word I want to share with you, Faith, is so crucial. You know why? Many people don't understand.

A: they understand, admit "I'm a sinner". Okay, I admit. B: I believe Jesus died on the cross. I believe He's the only way. Yes. But C, you know what is C? The aspect of faith is not just mental agreement. The Bible tells us that devil believes, but the devil is not save. The Book of James is very clear, the devil believes and he trembles, but he's not saved. What does it mean to have faith? Look at this guy, Mr. Blondin. I realize, many of you have not heard of this story. Charles Blondin was a French man. He's an amazing tight rope walker. He's so good. He illustrates for you, what is real faith. You know why? He decided to put on a show in Niagara falls. There's an island in Niagara falls where you put a tight rope and he would walk across and people would clap. He was so good. He decided to bring wheelbarrow. And he will bring the wheelbarrow on a tight rope.

Imagine the wind, people will clap. Now, he look at the audience, they were clapping. "How many of you believe I can bring somebody across"? "Yehey"! All right. "You, you come, you come". Nobody showed up. They all said, "I believe, I believe," but they refused to commit. What kind of faith is that? That my friend is what I call intellectual faith, but not heart. You believe in Jesus. Yes. Are you willing to commit your life to Jesus? That, my friend, is saving faith. The last word I want you to know is all of this is by "grace". Remember that verse? Justified by faith through grace. Grace is a theological word. Do you know the meaning of the word "grace"? Grace simply means what? Undeserved favor. That's from the word "charis," undeserved favor. God's Riches at Christ's expense.

Now, many people don't understand grace, as we close, I like you to understand grace. Do you know? I'll give you a simple illustration of what grace is. Years ago, I made a movie. The true story of Dr. Kim. When there was civil war in Korea, the communist against the democratic Korea. There was only one Korea before. The communist got hold of this family, a pastor. And the communist asked the pastor, "Deny Jesus, or I'll shoot you". Communist, they know, what is holding back Communism is Christianity, the teaching of Christ. The pastor says, "Shoot me". The communist says, "Okay". Then, he pointed a gun at his son, the only son. "I will not shoot him. if you promise you will not preach, anymore". You know the father was in a dilemma. And the son look at the father, crying. The son said, "Dad, don't deny Jesus. Don't".

So, the father look at the son, then the father did not deny Jesus. So what did the communist do? Shot the son in front of the father's eyes. After the civil war, the murderer, that young communist soldier got caught. He was trapped in the South and he was court-martialed. Now, the father went to the judge advocate general and appealed. You have to know three words to understand grace. The first word is "justice". And the second word is "mercy". The third word is "grace". What is justice? Under the court martial law rule that young boy is going to be killed. He's going to be in the firing squad. The father said, "Please spare his life". He was asking for what? Mercy.

The judge advocate said, "Okay, because I want to adopt him". He said, "You killed my only son. I don't have any son, you'll be my son. I'll take care of you". The communist couldn't understand such love. He said, "As God loves me, I love you". Do you know what happened to that boy? That adopted boy, that adopted young man, he became an amazing pastor. Why? He understood grace? He understood, it's all God's grace. We don't deserve this. My friend, you and I don't deserve heaven, but it's grace. Today, there are two kinds of people in this room. One, you have not experienced grace. You don't understand salvation. That's why you are not on fire for the Lord. I want you to commit your life today, to Jesus.

Another kind of people, you have known the grace of God, but you are not sharing the gospel. Why? Something has happened, spiritually you have grown cold. Or you have not understood. I encourage you, those of you who know Jesus, you know you are sure to go to heaven, tell others. Those of you who are not sure today, I want you to be sure. Let's bow our heads and pray. Those of you want to be sure.

Lord, I admit I am a sinner. (Follow in your heart, tell God, you admit you're a sinner. B:) Lord, I believe You love me. You died for me. Jesus, You are my justifier. Thank You. You are my ransom. Jesus, Thank you, You died in my place. By faith, I call upon You, today, I commit my life to You. Jesus, I come to you by faith. I receive your grace of forgiveness. I receive your grace of eternal life. Lord Jesus, Thank You, for dying on the cross. And Lord Jesus, I welcome You into my life, as my Lord and my Savior. In Jesus' name, we all pray Amen. And amen.