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Michael Youssef - Leading The Way in Egypt

Michael Youssef - Leading The Way in Egypt

I am so honored to be here back in Cairo. And I'm gonna tell you something that is the absolute truth, and my wife knows this. I've been around the world about 76 times. I have been, I have preached everywhere in the world, but there is a very special privilege and honor to be in my home country. The Lord laid this message on my heart several months ago, just for you. Increasingly, religious and non-religious publications are asking the same question. Is this the end of the world?

Both the religious and non-religious observers are looking at the current events and they are coming to the same conclusion. So many global watchers are observing world events and they are coming to the same conclusion. But the most important question is this: Are you ready for the end of the world? Jesus is coming back, and are you ready to meet him on the air? Jesus told us that this world as we know it will come to an end. Jesus, who holds the future of the world in his hands, gave us some things to look forward to. He gave us some sign about the nearness of his return.

In Matthew 24 and 25, he gives us some of these signs. Jesus called these signs, labor pains. We know when the baby is about to be born, the labor pain increases in frequency and in intensity. One of these labor pains is the increase of selfishness. Another sign is falsehood and deception. Another sign he said, is the increase in the number of earthquakes, and floods, and natural catastrophes, and an increase in the loss of the value of money. Does this sound familiar here in Egypt? But then he gives us the greatest sign of all.

Here's what Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be prior to the coming of the Son of Man? For the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. And they knew nothing about what is going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away". Jesus said, "This is how it will be in the coming of the Son of Man". Question: What those days of Noah are like? God tells us in his Word. There were days of loss of morality. There was an increase in hatred and lust and bloodshed. There is an increase in moral depravity.

Let's look at the Word of God in Genesis chapter 6, and see those days of Noah. In chapter 6, verse 5, "The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race has become, and that every inclination of thought was only evil all the time". In 2 Peter chapter 3, verse 3, he tells us about the last days. Scoffers will be saying, where is this day of the return of Christ? They have been saying this for many years. Yet all these signs that the Lord Jesus Christ gave us are in place right now. As I view what's happening in the world, I see some people in the grip of fear, but those who have placed their whole faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their only Savior and Lord need not fear.

In fact, we look forward to that day because Jesus is our Savior. Therefore, that day is a day of rejoicing. The Bible said, "Therefore, there is no condemnation upon those who are in Christ, Jesus". And when you place your whole trust in him, you will have no fear, you will have no anxiety, you will have no worries. And in fact, the opposite is true. You will have peace in the midst of the world's turmoil. You will have joy in the midst of the world's sorrow. "As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days prior to the coming of the Son of Man".

Let's look closely at the days of Noah. Jesus said in Matthew 24:38, "The days before the flood came and swept them away, they were eating, and drinking, and marrying, and giving in marriage". They were oblivious to the coming danger until the flood came and swept them away. That's how it's going to be at the end times. But there's something else that is so disturbing about the last days in which we live right now. In the days of Noah, they just lost their physical lives. But in the coming judgment, there is going to be an eternity in suffering and torment. And that is why it is very important that if you do not know Jesus as your only Savior, you do that tonight.

In the New Testament, the Apostle Peter tells us, in 2 Peter chapter 2, verse 5, "For God did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood unto its ungodly people". Listen to this part, "But he protected Noah". Why? Because he was a preacher of righteousness. Apostle Peter continues, "The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials". And God can deliver you tonight. If you come to him and ask for his deliverance, he will deliver you no matter where you are. When you place your whole trust in Jesus Christ, he will set you free. When you receive him as Lord, when you obey his Word, and when you love him with all your heart, he will protect you from danger, that danger that is awaiting the whole world.

I pray tonight that no one at the sound of my voice anywhere in the world would ignore the call of God on you to turn around and come to him. The Bible said, today if you hear his voice, harden not your heart. Please listen carefully. God is calling you. He is calling you to escape from sin and guilt. He wants to deliver you from addictions and depression. God wants to set you free from fear and anxiety. God is calling you, and that's why you are here tonight. He's calling you for peace and he's calling you for joy in this life. And they can only be found in Jesus alone. God wants to assure you that you can spend eternity with Jesus in heaven. Someone here might say, when things really get bad, I'm going to get right with God.

My friend, this could be your last chance to hear this invitation and respond to it. You may never get another chance. Today is the day of salvation. Harden not your heart. I'm here to tell you tonight that you can be assured of heaven now. Will you respond to his invitation? Will you come surrendering to him? You will never be the same. Would you bow your heads with me in prayer please? I don't know where you are but you know where you are. You could be in the far country or you could be so close but not close enough. No doubt you are hearing many voices right now. The Holy Spirit is saying to you, respond tonight, but Satan is saying not yet, you got a lot of living to do. Who can guarantee the next minute? So, say to the Lord:

Lord, Lord, I'm here today to give you my life, to receive you as my only Savior and Lord, to obey you for the rest of my life.