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Matt Hagee - His Victorious Church
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Matt Hagee - His Victorious Church
Matt Hagee - His Victorious Church
Ephesians 3:20–21 are two verses that cannot be taught separate from one another. When you read Ephesians 3:20, everybody gets excited because the first thing that it says is, «Now to him who is able». And without a doubt, we can talk for days, and [...]
Matt Hagee - You Better Believe It
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Matt Hagee - You Better Believe It
Matt Hagee - You Better Believe It
John 5 tells us very quickly and clearly, the power of belief and the danger of unbelief. You have to understand that there are consequences to both. And truly, in this world, it really doesn’t matter what the topic is, there’s only two types of [...]
Matt Hagee - Are You Out of Your Mind?
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Matt Hagee - Are You Out of Your Mind?
Matt Hagee - Are You Out of Your Mind?
You need to know that you were created to overcome. You were not born to lose. God did not breathe the breath of life in you so that you could be overwhelmed and walked upon in this world. He gave you the life that you have so that you could live [...]
Matt Hagee - Who Can This Be?
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Matt Hagee - Who Can This Be?
Matt Hagee - Who Can This Be?
Turn in your Bibles to Matthew 8, beginning at the 23rd verse, as this morning we continue in this series "The God of Miracles," looking at this miracle from the gospel of Matthew, familiar to many as the calming of the seas when Jesus [...]
Matt Hagee - The King of Glory
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Matt Hagee - The King of Glory
Matt Hagee - The King of Glory
You've heard it this morning, but if you've been here before or if you ever come back, you have been introduced to the phrase, "Vote the Bible". One of the reasons why Pastor Hagee has given that commission to everyone who's [...]
Matt Hagee - Too Big to Rig
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Matt Hagee - Too Big to Rig
Matt Hagee - Too Big to Rig
When you consider the life of Daniel, many are familiar with it in parts and pieces. Some know the story of Daniel being cast into the lion's den. That happened in his old age. Some know the story of Daniel's three friends, Meshach, [...]
Matt Hagee - We've Got Work to Do
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Matt Hagee - We've Got Work to Do
Matt Hagee - We've Got Work to Do
When you read the Bible, you need to understand that predicated on the chapter and verse you're looking at, it's a piece of a puzzle that connects to a bigger picture. When people say to me that they've read the Bible through from [...]
Matt Hagee - The Investment of Hope
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Matt Hagee - The Investment of Hope
Matt Hagee - The Investment of Hope
Everyone is investing all of the time in something. People wanna use the word "Investment" and isolate it simply to a financial exchange, and it has an application there, but everything in your life is some measure of an investment. [...]
Matt Hagee - The God We Take For Granted
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Matt Hagee - The God We Take For Granted
Matt Hagee - The God We Take For Granted
The problem with our world today is not with a God who has never failed and is faithful from generation to generation. The problem in the world today are the hearts of evil men who take God for granted. And today, we turn to Psalms 78, and we see a [...]
Matt Hagee - Faith, Your Access to Heaven's Power Here and Now
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Matt Hagee - Faith, Your Access to Heaven's Power Here and Now
Matt Hagee - Faith, Your Access to Heaven's Power Here and Now
The currency of the kingdom is love, and faith and hope are how you access that currency. Whenever you read in the Word of God faith, hope, and love, they're always working together. And it works together so that you will have the opportunity [...]
Matt Hagee - The Currency of The Kingdom
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Matt Hagee - The Currency of The Kingdom
Matt Hagee - The Currency of The Kingdom
Church, let me begin by saying that I am thrilled, considering the world that we live in today, that I am a part of a kingdom that is not of this world. I'm ecstatic that there is not a red kingdom and a blue kingdom, an elephant kingdom and a [...]
Matt Hagee - The Cure For The Crisis
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Matt Hagee - The Cure For The Crisis
Matt Hagee - The Cure For The Crisis
Christ gives us a very clear instruction here in John 8. He says, "You shall know the truth". And when you discuss truth in our modern world, it's important that you define it because we live in a time where people are doing [...]
Matt Hagee - It Runs In The Family
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Matt Hagee - It Runs In The Family
Matt Hagee - It Runs In The Family
Simple is not always easy. Knowing right and doing right is often a difficult difference. How many of you have ever known better, you just didn't do better? I mean, you knew that you wanted to be Mr. Nice guy, but Mr. Nasty showed up. You knew [...]
Matt Hagee - The Priority Principle
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Matt Hagee - The Priority Principle
Matt Hagee - The Priority Principle
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of 2 Timothy 3:1 through 5, as this morning we begin a sermon series entitled "Prospering in perilous times". I don't think you have to look too far in the world that we're living [...]
Matt Hagee - I Dare You To Grow
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Matt Hagee - I Dare You To Grow
Matt Hagee - I Dare You To Grow
And if you brought your Bibles, turn them to Matthew the 13th chapter beginning at the 3rd verse. As this morning, we begin to consider this series, "The storyteller," discussing the parables of Jesus and their purpose both then and now. [...]
Matt Hagee - The Cause of the Crisis
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Matt Hagee - The Cause of the Crisis
Matt Hagee - The Cause of the Crisis
The whole world is out of order because the whole world is under the sway, that word sway means the influence. It's like an individual who is intoxicated, whenever they begin to move, they can't stand straight because they're under [...]
Matt Hagee - The Parable of Breakthrough
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Matt Hagee - The Parable of Breakthrough
Matt Hagee - The Parable of Breakthrough
So, the purpose of the parables was not for Jesus to present God in a way that you would agree with him, but for Jesus to introduce you to the God of heaven that you needed to understand. And therefore, he is teaching the disciples a principle about [...]
Matt Hagee - Parallel Truths
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Matt Hagee - Parallel Truths
Matt Hagee - Parallel Truths
Recently, in the united sates, television networks covered the story of a buried treasure found by a farmer in a Kentucky cornfield. This story is about the treasure they call the Kentucky hoard. Here's how it goes: One day, a farmer is walking [...]
Matt Hagee - The Love of the Father
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Matt Hagee - The Love of the Father
Matt Hagee - The Love of the Father
In Luke 15, we meet a scandalous Savior. Jesus is having lunch, and tax collectors and sinners come to him. Tax collectors worked for Rome. They were hated amongst the Jews, because they were Jewish in their heritage, Jewish in their citizenship, [...]
Matt Hagee - Repairing The Divide
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Matt Hagee - Repairing The Divide
Matt Hagee - Repairing The Divide
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the 107th Psalm. Today we'll begin at the first verse and look at several of the verses that are found in this Psalm, as we conclude the sermon series "The great divide". We've been [...]
Matt Hagee - A House Divided
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Matt Hagee - A House Divided
Matt Hagee - A House Divided
We live in a nation that's divided. And the words of Mark 3:25 have been presented to us in hours of crisis before. The first time that they were used in a political speech, it was recorded in the race for the U.S. Senate in the state of [...]
Matt Hagee - Outgrowing Depression
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Matt Hagee - Outgrowing Depression
Matt Hagee - Outgrowing Depression
Today, I want you to see how you can outgrow depression. Just like an individual standing before you today, says, "Well, when I was a kid, I had asthma". Well, what happened? "I outgrew it". As a young and immature Christian, you [...]
Matt Hagee - Anti-Depressants
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Matt Hagee - Anti-Depressants
Matt Hagee - Anti-Depressants
Last week, we considered what the Bible has to say about the cause of depression. Proverbs 12:25, it very clearly says that "Anxiety in the heart of a man causes depression, but a good word". Somebody say, "A good word". Not [...]
Matt Hagee - Heavens Prescription For An Abundant Life
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Matt Hagee - Heavens Prescription For An Abundant Life
Matt Hagee - Heavens Prescription For An Abundant Life
If you brought your Bibles, I invite you to turn them to the Book of Proverbs 12:25, as this morning we begin a brand-new sermon series entitled "Anti-depressants". This is a topic that we hear a lot about in the world around us, but we [...]
Matt Hagee - Hope That Does Not Fail
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Matt Hagee - Hope That Does Not Fail
Matt Hagee - Hope That Does Not Fail
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of Romans 5, beginning at the 1st through the 5th verse, as this morning we begin a new sermon series on a topic that is one of the most vital elements in any human being's existence, and that [...]
Matt Hagee - The True Identity of the Church
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Matt Hagee - The True Identity of the Church
Matt Hagee - The True Identity of the Church
The reason that the world we live in is so chaotic, so confused, and has a culture that would embrace a lie instead of a truth is because the church has forfeited its responsibility of shining. Listen to the conversation that Jesus is having here [...]
Matt Hagee - Dead Men Walking
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Matt Hagee - Dead Men Walking
Matt Hagee - Dead Men Walking
This morning, as we discuss "Dead Men Walking," I want to give you a picture of how my life started and the hope that it'll help you understand the resurrection power of Christ that lives in those who are redeemed. It was a Saturday [...]
Matt Hagee - The One Thing Hell Hopes You Never Find Out
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Matt Hagee - The One Thing Hell Hopes You Never Find Out
Matt Hagee - The One Thing Hell Hopes You Never Find Out
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of Colossians 1:13 and 14, as this morning, we begin a new sermon series entitled "Identity theft" with this message, "The one thing that hell hopes you never find out". [...]
Matt Hagee - Watch Your Step
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Matt Hagee - Watch Your Step
Matt Hagee - Watch Your Step
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of Amos 3, as this morning we begin a brand-new sermon series entitled "The great divide". I don't think anyone would debate or argue the fact that our nation is probably more divided [...]
Matt Hagee - The Impartation of His Gift
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Matt Hagee - The Impartation of His Gift
Matt Hagee - The Impartation of His Gift
The power of the Holy Spirit, is a promise for you when you become his child. The reason that this is important for you to understand is because so many times through our own traditions and our own backgrounds, we have come to decide who is [...]
Matt Hagee - The Promise of His Power
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Matt Hagee - The Promise of His Power
Matt Hagee - The Promise of His Power
Jesus is having a conversation with more than 500 people in Acts 1:4. We know that there's more than 500 people, because later in the New Testament, Paul writes that he appeared to 500 witnesses. Whenever we read that he, Jesus, was assembled [...]
Matt Hagee - The Witness
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Matt Hagee - The Witness
Matt Hagee - The Witness
This morning, we begin a sermon series entitled "The Witness". And we're familiar with this concept of the witness, because we see it in the world around us on a regular basis. We see it on the news whenever someone is reporting an [...]
Matt Hagee - Holding On To Hope
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Matt Hagee - Holding On To Hope
Matt Hagee - Holding On To Hope
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of Hebrews 10:23, as this morning we conclude the series "Hope for a Better Tomorrow" with this message "Holding On to Hope". In this series, we've seen the biblical [...]
Matt Hagee - The Hope of Inheritance
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Matt Hagee - The Hope of Inheritance
Matt Hagee - The Hope of Inheritance
Hope is an essential ingredient in the life of every human being. Without hope, you may exist, but you will not live the life that Christ came to give you. According to John 10, it says Christ came to give life more abundantly. And in order for you [...]
Matt Hagee - The Courage To Try Again
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Matt Hagee - The Courage To Try Again
Matt Hagee - The Courage To Try Again
The Bible is a book of courage. In Hebrews, you read these words: without faith, it is impossible to please God. And courage is the forerunner of faith. Because courage is never the absence of fear. Courage is doing what you should do in spite of [...]
Matt Hagee - The God Who Holds Tomorrow
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Matt Hagee - The God Who Holds Tomorrow
Matt Hagee - The God Who Holds Tomorrow
When it comes to the issue of Bible prophecy, oftentimes, people want to say it's just too complicated to understand. And they want to skip over the details. Other times, people want to get too close to the argument and get into the debate. And [...]
Matt Hagee - My Rock, My Sword, My Shield
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Matt Hagee - My Rock, My Sword, My Shield
Matt Hagee - My Rock, My Sword, My Shield
Read with me Psalm 18:30 and following. If you're there, say, amen. "As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is proven: he is a shield to all who trust in him. For who is God, except the Lord? And who is a rock, except our [...]
Matt Hagee - How To Handle The Hard Place
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Matt Hagee - How To Handle The Hard Place
Matt Hagee - How To Handle The Hard Place
Today we read Psalm 18, beginning at verse 4. If you found it, say, amen. "The pangs of death surrounded me, and the floods of ungodliness made me afraid. The sorrows of sheol surrounded me: the snares of death confronted me". Verse 6, [...]
Matt Hagee - The Rock of My Salvation
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Matt Hagee - The Rock of My Salvation
Matt Hagee - The Rock of My Salvation
This morning's message is entitled "The rock of my salvation". Jesus Christ is, obviously, the rock of salvation for all those who believe in him. And I assure you of this: his word is true. When you read his word in John 16, here is [...]
Matt Hagee - Nine Principles of Personal Prosperity
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Matt Hagee - Nine Principles of Personal Prosperity
Matt Hagee - Nine Principles of Personal Prosperity
I want you to take out your cell phone, because I've prepared notes for you that will give you the outline of what we're about to cover, because we will not be able to cover it all. So we're going to put a qr code up here on the [...]
Matt Hagee - Remember Where It Comes From
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Matt Hagee - Remember Where It Comes From
Matt Hagee - Remember Where It Comes From
The book of Deuteronomy is the last book that Moses writes before he climbs mount Nebo and walks into eternity. And throughout the book of Deuteronomy, he uses this phrase, "Remember". He's writing to the grandchildren and the [...]
Matt Hagee - The Priority of Principle
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Matt Hagee - The Priority of Principle
Matt Hagee - The Priority of Principle
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of 2 Timothy 3:1 through 5, as this morning we begin a sermon series entitled "Prospering in perilous times". I don't think you have to look too far in the world that we're living [...]
Matt Hagee - The Wounded, The Wicked, and The Worthy
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Matt Hagee - The Wounded, The Wicked, and The Worthy
Matt Hagee - The Wounded, The Wicked, and The Worthy
When it comes to the parables of Jesus, these are not fictitious stories that are to be considered in light with other fables. When it comes to the parables of Jesus, you have to recognize that they are a Revelation that has power in your life if [...]
Matt Hagee - God Is Able
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Matt Hagee - God Is Able
Matt Hagee - God Is Able
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the book of Ephesians 3, beginning at the 20th verse, as this morning we conclude the sermon series "answers, arguments and angry men" with this message "God is able". Say that with me. [...]
Matt Hagee - Rock Solid Answer
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Matt Hagee - Rock Solid Answer
Matt Hagee - Rock Solid Answer
If you brought your Bibles, turn them to the Book of Acts 4, beginning at the 11th verse, as this morning we continue in the sermon series "answers, arguments and angry men" with this message, "a rock-solid answer". Today, we [...]
Matt Hagee - Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
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Matt Hagee - Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Matt Hagee - Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
This morning, our text is found in 1 Peter 3:15, as we begin a brand-new sermon series entitled "answers, arguments and angry men". Before we begin, we're going to do something we've never done at church. Don't panic. But [...]
Matt Hagee - Mom, You Are Enough
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Matt Hagee - Mom, You Are Enough
Matt Hagee - Mom, You Are Enough
Today, I want to take a few moments from the book of Luke 1, and let every woman in this sanctuary know and those who are watching know, mom, you are enough. Oftentimes, we want to disqualify ourselves from being adequate for the job at hand because [...]
Matt Hagee - Get a Grip
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Matt Hagee - Get a Grip
Matt Hagee - Get a Grip
Genesis 32:24 is where we find Jacob wrestling with God. But really and truly, if you want to know where Jacob's wrestling match started, you have to go all the way back to his beginning. Here in Genesis 32, the Bible speaks about him being [...]
Matt Hagee - Just Say the Word
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Matt Hagee - Just Say the Word
Matt Hagee - Just Say the Word
Today, we turn to Matthew's gospel, the 8th chapter, and we see where this kind of life of hope and confidence comes from. And by God's grace and the anointing of his Holy Spirit, give you the opportunity to leave here today living this [...]
Matt Hagee - Desperate Enough To Cross The Line
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Matt Hagee - Desperate Enough To Cross The Line
Matt Hagee - Desperate Enough To Cross The Line
This morning's message is entitled "Desperate Enough to Cross the Line". Have you ever had a line that you just told yourself, "I'll never cross it, I mean, I'm just never going to cross that line, there's no way [...]
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