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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Doesn't Quit

Kenneth Copeland - Faith Doesn't Quit
TOPICS: Faith, Persistence

— Hello everybody, we're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, welcome to the "Believer's Voice Of Victory" broadcast. Father, we thank you today, we praise you, sir and we thank you for the opportunity to teach and to preach and to heal like Jesus, glory to God.

— Praise God.

— And we just worship you and praise you. We open our hearts. We open our minds as you open our hearts and you open our minds by your Spirit.

— Thank you.

— The entrance of your Word bringeth light, your Word says.

— Praise God.

— Revelation light of heaven and Jesus, and this life of faith. We thank you for it.

— Yes, we do.

— We give you the praise and the honor for it Lord Jesus. And it's in your name we pray, amen. Glory to God.

— Hallelujah.

— Good morning, Gloria.

— Good morning Kenneth.

— Amen, you look wonderful today.

— Thank you, you look good yourself.

— Thank you, Lord, for giving me this woman. We, Gloria and I on the 13th of April of 2019, we'll be married 57 years.

— Think about it.

— And we have never in 57 years, we've never had a serious argument ever. And it wasn't my fault it's her. But anyway she just, even Kenneth BC, I mean back before I knew the Lord, and I was about a, pretty explosive temper and all of that. She just always just calmed me down and just, it was just marvelous with this woman.

— I knew you'd turn out all right.

— Had a lot of faith in you.

— I did.

— And I just, it thrills me to publicly testify that this woman right here taught me how to love.

— Praise the Lord.

— You're pretty sweet yourself.

— Thrilled about it praise God, amen. Now, we're talking about the fundamentals of faith, the basics, the very basic fundamentals. What is it, how does it work, where does it come from, how do you feed it? What causes it to do what it does and the very, very, very bottom fundamentals? When you get the fundamentals right, you have a solid base from which to learn. There are things yesterday that I really would have liked to have said about faith 'cause they're just firing through my mind. And once I started to, I started to use that little pumpkin or whatever it is there, and the Lord said, no go off out in that direction.

— Calm down.

— Okay. But now, let me show you how how basic fundamentally these things need to be. Back during World War II and they were beginning to train pilots. They actually said gentlemen, this is an airplane. Well, everybody knew that. And let me just take you through the drill. This is an airplane and they're standing there thinking. This is a propeller, this is a wing. Now, everybody's following me, right? Well, Brother Copeland that's stupid. Now, wait a minute, wait a minute for you to say that. This is an aileron, the aileron is attached to the wing. This is the fuselage, this is the empennage. This is the vertical stabilizer. This is the horizontal stabilizer. This is the elevator, I lost most of you after.

— I got the wing.

— I got the wing part. But see this is just basic fundamental stuff. And you have to start out knowing that. The same thing makes a 747 fly, that made that J3 Cub back there or that little yellow Taylorcraft back there in 1941/42.

— That's a good point.

— Now, the basic fundamental laws are the same. The spiritual law, the book actually says in the book of Romans, "by what law, works, no the law of faith". Spiritual laws, a law can be depended on when you know and understand the elements of that law, Gloria.

— And it works every time.

— It's dependable.

— Yeah.

— But you have to know the different pieces in the parts. See, a 747 would have flown in 1918, 1718, 1618, just the same as 2018.

— If?

— If you'd known the laws. And each element of that law.

— And apply those laws.

— And you applied them correctly, if you don't apply them correctly?

— That's right.

— You stick it up like a dart.

— Or you stay on the ground?

— Yeah and, but see that what I'm pointing out here is, step by step by step, you get the basic fundamental laws of faith. That same law works in the law of love. It works in the law of righteousness. It works in the spiritual force of wisdom. It works in all of these different areas because Jesus said the whole kingdom, it's big now, get your catchers out. The whole kingdom of God is as if a man puts a seed in the ground, he goes to bed, he gets up night and day. The seed comes up, he doesn't know how, he just knows it will. But he has to know water, air and sunshine or it won't grow.

— What about soil?

— Well, if you've got the soil, You still have to have that basic elements, the basic fundamentals that make anything grow. You've got the soil and it has to be good soil, that's good. And he compared that, he said the sower sows the Word. This is bad soil, bad soil, bad soil, good soil.

— That's right.

— But it's the basic fundamentals, is what I'm, and you start off with the fundamentals of faith, because it's impossible to please God without faith. You can't get born again without it. You can't live a life of Christian life without it. You can't fight the good fight of faith without faith. So, now let's go back to Mark 11:22.

— You can't live in the supernatural without it.

— Impossible.

— That's right.

— "Have faith in God. "For verily I say unto you, that whosoever". So, this works for anybody. "Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, "be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea "and shall not doubt in his heart, "in his inner man, but shall believe". believe what Jesus? "Believe that you're the son of God? That's good but that's not what he's talking about here. "Believe that those things which He says shall come to pass, "He shall have whatsoever He sayeth"

— Amen.

— That is the basic fundamental law of faith, it's the basic fundamental law of fear. Because fear, fear is faith. When Adam, Adam had faith. When he fell everything about him would turn into the opposite. Love turned into hate, all the spiritual forces of Satan, because Satan became the God of this world at that time. Now, what had been faith turned into fear. Because you remember, Gloria, the scripture said "faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God". So you hear the Word of God, faith comes and it draws you to Him. When Adam heard the Word of God, he ran and hid. He was separated from God spiritually. And then God entered a covenant with him, killed an animal shed blood.

— Covered the disobedience, yeah.

— And clothed him and then he had a relationship with him again through covenant. Now, that's if, it is so vitally important to understand these are basic fundamental laws. Faith cometh by hearing, Romans 10:17. Hearing by the Word of God. Fear cometh by hearing and hearing by the lies of the devil. You listen to him, you'll say what he says and when you say what he says, fear is the result. And it'll 'cause the very thing you fear the most to come into your life. Now, therefore verse 24, "I say unto you Jesus said, what things so ever you desire when you pray, believe that you received them and you shall have them". And, now listen, this is couple of and is a conjunction. Joining together what was said to what is about to be said. "And when you stand praying forgive, if you have ought against any. That your Father also which is in heaven, may forgive you your trespasses". That is the very basic fundamental foundation of faith. Let me read this to you again. What I shared with you yesterday, "faith is a spiritual force, generated in the reborn human spirit, released through the mouth with words, faith-filled words, dominate the laws of sin and death. Spiritual forces are the most powerful forces on earth. Love, hate, faith, fear, all are released by words". Then Deuteronomy 30:19. "I place before you blessing, cursing, life, death".

— You choose it says.

— Yeah you choose, that you have the choice here in all of this, God's provided it. We have the choice, just before we went on air, Gloria said, she said, Kenneth faith is not an option because it says here have it. It didn't say try have it, it didn't say pray for it. It's a waste of your time to be praying for faith. Brother Copeland, I've been praying for faith for 10 years. Well, how did it work out for you. See when you're born again, you already have it in your spirit. Did you get that? What we just talked about that. Well, I mentioned it yesterday from Philippians 2:8, we're saved through grace, by faith the gift of God. What is that gift? He has dealt unto every man the measure of faith. You know that's powerful Gloria, think about this for a moment. In fact, I want you to say this when I, after I comment on it. We have, since the day we got born again, we have in us a measure. Now, every one of us, the moment we got born again got exactly the same measure. And like Gloria said yesterday, but now what did you do with it? We start off exactly the same. I have, Gloria has, you have a measure of the same faith that put the stars in the heavens and slung this Universe across the eons of time. I've got that same faith in me Now Gloria and I have been using our faith and exercising our faith for over 50 years. And we've had some great victories and we've got our teeth kicked in a few times, but we didn't.

— But not permanently.

— No, no, see we got knocked down, run over kicked and hit and every other kind of thing. But you just come up swinging. I mean, just praise God, I remember.

— We don't quit, you just don't quit.

— You don't quite.

— That's wht you have to do.

— That's what an Olympian does. The fundamentals of faith, you develop those fundamentals and they get bigger and bigger and bigger, but they never change. I remember finished years and years ago, I was writing back in the very beginning of our ministry. I was preaching in a small church in Oklahoma City and we were staying in the home of a very close friend of ours. She was a widow woman named Lavinia James. Lavinia was a case.

— There was only one Lavinia.

— There was only one Lavinia.

— Lord, every time I think about her, I miss her. She's in heaven and we were staying in her home. I had a morning service at the church and we were in teaching all week long. And when I woke up that morning, I had the flu so bad I couldn't get out of bed. I couldn't raise up. And I read the picture in my mind is Gloria, up in the bed with Lavinia James' electric shaver. No way I'm gonna turn her loose with a blade while I can, she had me by the head, like the hair of the head like she's holding me up and shaving me. And I just got out of it. I'm just sitting there glory be to God, glory be to God. Well Brother Copeland, why didn't you just call it? No! This book says by his stripes, ye were healed. I'm preaching, I'm going, amen.

— Don't quit.

— Don't quit. Some people I'm just too sick to go to the healing meeting. Well, now that's ignorance gone to seed. Brother Hagin is, so I mean she shaved me. Gloria, Lavinia left the room and Gloria dressed me. Mostly in the bed, I was that sick. Because the two of them just hoisted me up and got me in the car. And here we went to the church. Got up there and I stood up in that pulpit and I caught a hold of the podium and boy the room started going around and around. I said, I'll be right back. The choir practice room was right behind the, just on the other side of the wall there. I went out and went in there and I had a talk with Satan and I expect everybody out in that auditorium heard me. I hit him with every scripture I could think of and shook that off, went back out there and caught a hold of that podium. And it's still kind of, kind of swirling around, glory to God I preached on healing for an hour and 15 minutes, praise God walked out of that place that morning, every symptom gone and stronger than I was the day before.

— Praise God.

— Now, that's the way it works. You don't quit.

— You don't quit,

— Brother Copeland what if you'd have died? Glory to God, the other side of that is stunning. Yeah, the next face I'd see would be the face of Jesus. And then I'd go through that gate saying, this is Mark 11:23.

— When you think about it, the fear of death has paralyzed a lot of people where faith's concerned. 'cause you can't have the fear of death and faith at the same time.

— No you can't.

— So if you're believing for healing from a terminal disease, you can't mix fear with it. We have to just, you have to just stay on your faith, keep the Word pumping in your eyes, in your ears, saying it with your mouth, believing it with your heart. You'll come out, if you do it.

— And keep faith messages

— Yes, amen.

— Going all the time 24 hours a day. Don't take an a news break, don't take a TV break. Not if you're fighting some disease.

— Not for your life, fight for your life.

— No praise God don't you do it. I'm talking to somebody right now. Gloria is talking to somebody right now. You totally immerse yourself in this Word.

— And you say what it says.

— Yes you do, praise God.

— Amen.

— You don't, see what you're doing, man doesn't live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. This is faith food, this is you feed this in there.

— This is food to live by.

— Yes.

— Word to live by.

— Yes.

— It's what that says.

— F.F. Bosworth said, the reason your faith is so weak. You feed your flesh three hot meals a day and you feed your spirit one cold snack on Sunday.

— Yeah.

— Well you go to a church like EMIC, you go to a church like World Changers. You go to a church like Bill Winston's church, you're gonna and all the and then Jesse Duplantis Church, all these powerful faith, men and women of God, Mark and Trina Hankins praise God, you go to a church like that, you're gonna hear faith. I mean, they don't teach and preach anything.

— Yeah, but she can't go from Sunday to Sunday without feeding your eyes on the Word of God.

— And that's my point. That's just what you should be doing on Sunday.

— Yeah.

— And then you feed all week long.

— All week long.

— You don't eat once a week.

— No.

— Eat seven days a week, amen. And you just feed that faith, meditate on it. Think about it, think about it. We were listening last night to message a of Brother Hagin. And he was talking about the woman with the issue of blood.

— He probably taught it what? 30 years ago, 40 years ago.

— It was, but the thing of it is we listened to the same thing. I've heard him teach on that thousands of times. And last night I got something, but why? Because you're still growing. You're still going, you're still feeding your faith. You're still working in it, you're still meditating. And like Gloria said, faith is not optional.

— That's right.

— He didn't say pray for it, you're wasting your time if you're praying for it. Have it, He said, have it, okay, I take it.

— And what happens? You develop it, that's the way you developed it.

— Yes, you do.

— That's the way it grows.

— And you're talking about fear, 1st John chapter 4, 16th verse, you, fear perfected love, growing love. Now, you grow it same way on the Word of God. When you're studying faith, you're growing love because faith worketh by love. If you're not dealing with that, the faith isn't working anyway.

— They go together.

— When that is being developed in your life and I love the Lord my God, with all my heart all my soul, all my mind and all my strength. I love my neighbor as myself, fulfilling all the law and the prophets. I love the brethren, even as you love the brethren Lord Jesus. Fulfilling your commandment in the new Testament. The commandment of love glory to God.

— Praise God.

— And I'm using love by faith. And when you develop that, it cast out fear, it gets rid of it. It doesn't just manage.

— Or cover it.

— Yeah, it literally flushes it, the word cast there is the Greek word for flush. It just flushes it out of there. It finally just comes on up in there and come out and it just boils that fear out of there and it's gone, praise God

— Praise God

— You can stand right in the face of the devil with your knees, knocking and saying Satan in the name of Jesus I adjure you by Almighty God, get out my house and off my body.

— And guess what'll happen?

— He flees, James 4:7.

— He has no choice.

— Says "submit yourself to God "and resist the devil, he'll flee from you".

— It's the Word.

— And we're out of time.

— Already?

— Already.