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Kenneth Copeland - Step Into the Power Realm to Receive Your Covenant Promises

Kenneth Copeland – Step Into the Power Realm to Receive Your Covenant Promises
TOPICS: Covenant, Promises

Go over to the 12th chapter, of the book of Hebrews. And I need to get both of these in. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him that endured such contradiction. God, The covenant, and The contradiction. Consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

I consider him, I consider, not the pain. I consider, not the debt. I consider it, not. Glory to God. Hallelujah. I consider it not. I consider him. I consider him, who is the high priest of my confession. He is the one that and men that die receive ties, but there he receives them of whom his witness he lived. I consider him financially. He is my Melchizedek. Glory to God. He's my financier. I consider him, I don't consider the debt. I consider him. I consider him the author and the finisher. The developer that the Greek word is the developer. He's the developer of my faith. Glory to God.

I consider him, I consider him. I consider the one, praise God, that walked the shores of Galilee. I consider the one that when the leper said, I know you can't if you will, and he smiled and said of course I will. Hallelujah. He is the one I consider him. I don't consider the sickness. I don't consider the disease. Glory to God. I consider the El Shaddai God. I consider the one who's more than enough. I consider the one who is the most high God. Consider him. Hallelujah. Praise you Jesus. Praise you Lord God.

John 14:1. Oh, The 14th chapter of John is one of my most heartfelt chapters. I glean so much about it, from it. Let not your heart. Now, who's the understood subject of the sentence here? You. I am. You are. Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in El Shaddai. Believe in me also because I AM, El Shaddai in the flesh. And then my blood is the blood of this covenant. Look at it, right here. Here it is. Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? Believest thou not that I am in the El Shaddai, the almighty God and the almighty God father is in me. the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father God, the almighty God, the El Shaddai God, Jehovah rapha God, that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Verse 12, Verily, verily. Wow, When he says two verilys, you better find out verily, what is their? Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto El Shaddai, the father, they're all mighty God and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that they all mighty God may be glorified in the son and if you ask anything in my name, I'll do it. If you love me, keep my commandments. I want to pray. They all mighty God the father, El Shaddai, the more than enough God, and he'll give you another El Shaddai, a comforter that God himself living on the inside of you that he may abide with you forever. Oh, Glory be to God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus.

And all this 21st verse. This verse stands out so strong in. He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of the almighty God, the El Shaddai God, the more than enough God and I will love him. Oh, dear Lord Jesus. and I, El Shaddai, almighty God in the flesh, I will manifest myself to him. Have you ever, ever in your life, heard such a thing as that? The almighty God. Well, Brother Copeland, It doesn't seem like to me, my prayer have gotten higher then ceiling. Are you born again? Ah huh. Are you baptized in the Holy ghost? Yeah. Sweet heart, they didn't need to get any higher than this, right here! You're not praying to the God of heaven.

Let me tell you something. The father himself is in heaven, Jesus at the right hand of the father, the Holy Spirit isn't there. No, he's here. Came here on the day of pentecost, and hasn't left. He's on our side. I was praying one time, many years ago, and I got caught up in this prayer and I had a yellow pad in front of me. And I had written down the things that the ministry needed and so forth. And I was really praying over these things. There was a lot of things there financial, equipment and so forth.

And I'm just praying and all of a sudden I had a vision. I was in this long room and the father came in and sat down and I was just taken up in this. Jesus came in and sat down on his right. I was facing this fairly large table, this long skinny table. And he sat down on the father's right, my left looking at him. And through the same door came the Holy Spirit, that threw me off. I said, where's he going? Where's he going to sit? I could hardly figured this out. He walked down the length of that table and He sat right down there next to me. He said give that and he took that yellow pad and he said, I'm going to get all this for you. He said, I've been here before. He's my advocate. He's my standby, He's my comforter, He's my strengthener. He's my intercessor. Hallelujah.

You know what the standby is? How many of you, are old enough to remember when there was no passing gear in the car? You will just jammed it down there and I thought there was baby and if it didn't have it, you just stuck with it. Whatever it was, and I remember, I thought, this about the coolest thing I ever saw man. I mean, just push it down and just get that other gear and go on. Particularly some models I've tried. Now I thought, Hey, this is good. I'm going to tell you something. He's your passing gear. He's your standby. You got to get that big old trailer behind your truck and start up a hill and slam it down the floor and get it. Glory to God.

When all else I'm telling you and you're just down and you just gone as far as you could go, then you've stretched your faith just as far as it'll go. Thank God, he's got nine power operations waiting on you to believe God. Step over, step over into the power rail. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Thank you Jesus. And particularly as ministers. I come to the place where I'm to the end of myself. Which is very often. I'll come to the place of, I don't know what to do, go in here, not up here, not up there, go in here, go inside. Become God inside minded. Become God inside conscious. El Shaddai is in me. The more than enough God, the creator of all things is living right there on the inside of you and all it takes is His word in your mouth and faith in you and he is ready.

Calling things, that's one of the fundamental laws of faith. In fact, thank you Lord. Yes sir, I will do that. What are you watching, when you're watching the world series? Masters of the fundamentals, the game is the game and there are laws that govern faith. By what law works. No, by the law of faith, the number one fundamental of faith is believe in your heart and say it with your mouth. That's number one. Number two, faith will not work in an unforgiving heart. Number three, Abraham's blessing cannot be received with Thomas's faith. And number four, faith calls things it'd be not as though they were. And number five, faith demands corresponding action.

The most difficult one for people is calling things. It'd be not as though they were. That's what Abraham did, calling things that be not as though they were. Well, I call it like it is. Well, it stays like that it is. Amen. People really have a mental challenge and problem with that. And I understand that, particularly if you've been raised, the way Gloria and I were raised, the first message we ever heard, was faith. I first heard Oral Roberts preach. I mean, here's my father in the faith and I was so blessed to become a part of the flight crew.

Now listen, this goes back to what we were talking about during the offering. I was in a dilemma. If I got a job, I didn't have time to go to school. If I'd go to school and don't have time to get a job, what was me? What was I needing a job? What's the only thing I knew how to do fly. I needed a flying job, but see, I mean, I was scripturally illiterate. I didn't know he already had that job planned for me. The night before I was supposed to register. I told Gloria, I said, I'm know I'm supposed to be here and I'm going in here and get on my face.

You know, Abram fell on his face before God and God talked to him. He probably talked to you, if you fall on your face. Amen. But anyway, and I just fell on the floor, just praying and tongues just hard and fast I could. That's one thing about praying in the spirit. You can pray in tongues and things, something else. And although, I wonder if I'd stop and listening if he'd say anything to me and I stopped and he said, well, it's about time I hadn't been able to get a word in, in ages. Get up on your feet. I sent you here and I'll take care of you.

Man, I jump. Came to attention. I came out of there, she said, what happened all night long. He ain't been in there 20 minutes. I was like I got the answer girl. Well the next day I went to register, I still didn't have any money. Like Charles Capps used to say, we are so broke, we couldn't pay attention. So, but I'm walking him. So I got all registered and everything and I got out in front of the learning resource center. And this is the very first, well this is the year of the first graduating class of Oral Roberts University. And my feet stuck to the ground. I couldn't, this happened to me three times years back.

But anyway, my feet stuck to the floor, I couldn't, to the concrete out there and I couldn't moved. And the Lord said, go back in and go up to the sixth floor. I said, I can't go up there. He said, go back in and go to the sixth floor. I said, Lord, they warned us about that. That's the Vatican up there. You can't go up. I don't know. I don't know where that came from, but that's what I said. They work for me. Go up there. Well, I got in the elevator. I couldn't do it. I punched the fifth floor and of course it's the library now, but back there then it's just this huge empty room. They didn't have a library, yet He said, I said the sixth floor.

Okay. I went up there, remember what my dilemma was? I don't know how to do anything but fly airplane, that's the only thing I'm qualified for sing songs but nobody knew that. And I walked up to Ms. Rooks desk was, I didn't know who she was and of course I'm 30 years old, so I got away with it for a minute or two till I told them I was a student. I said, my name is Kenneth Copeland. I didn't have any idea what I was going to say. My name is Kenneth Copeland, I just registered as a student here and I know this ministry has an airplane and I'm qualified as a commercial pilot and I need all the help I can get. Thank you very much. I ran out of there.

Now I turn around and there stood Oral Roberts and he didn't say much. I mean, in his shoes. He's almost 6,4. I literally did this. I am not kidding you. He said, I'm Oral Roberts. I said... I couldn't, He might as well I said, I'm God. I was so dumbfounded. I didn't know anybody standing there in the first place. He said, I understand you're a commercial pilot or commercially rated. I said, yes sir. Can you handle our airplane? Yes sir. Now listen. He already knew what he would do. He said, two weeks ago I started to hire a new copilot and the spirit of God, El Shaddai said, no, I have a student coming that's supposed to have the job and your my man. and it started a relationship with him. It was so precious, it lasted until he went to heaven. Amen! Can you see it? Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Glory to God.