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Kenneth Copeland - Command BLESSING Creates Your Destiny

Kenneth Copeland - Command BLESSING Creates Your Destiny
TOPICS: Blessing, Destiny

Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. We're studying command authority of a follower of Jesus Christ, the anointed One, and his anointing, the Messiah. God creates and then delegates his authority to man. Authority is in his name. The rulership of Satan, well, and in the Garden of Eden, Adam was the god of this world. And did you ever think about the fact that when Cain killed Abel, it wasn't against the law? There was no law. So the first five books of the Bible are called the law. Well, isn't this amazing? There had to be a law. Now, under that, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Now remember, in the United States, the Liberty Bell came from the Great Jubilee in the book of Numbers, or Leviticus. So on the Liberty Bell of the United States was Leviticus 25:10, that liberty ring throughout the land. And I'll remind you class, they rang it until they broke it. Amen. Now, Deuteronomy 8:18. Are you there? Don't just pick a verse out. Verse 11, "Beware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in keeping his commandments". His what? Think what he commanded, "his judgments and his statutes, which I command thee this day, that when thou hast eaten and are full, and built godly houses, and dwelt therein, that your herds and your flocks multiply, your silver and your gold is multiplied, and that thou hast multiplied, and thine heart be lifted up, and forget the Lord thy God..." Now come on down here to 18th verse. "But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he that gives you the power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant, which he swore unto the fathers, as it is this day". Power to get wealth. Amen. Forgive me class, this wasn't on the outline, so I'm having to...

This book of Deuteronomy is the second telling of the law. It's the second telling to a generation that was not in Egypt. They were born in the wilderness. The first group didn't go in because of their unbelief. So Deuteronomy, we have Deuteronomy because he's telling them their history and their assignment for this next generation, so that they don't do what their forefathers did.

That's right. "But you shall earnestly remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant, which he swore to your fathers, as it is this day". That he may establish his covenant. Now we're talking blood here.

That's right.

The blood of animals, the blood of circumcision, and then the sinless blood of Jesus that ratified it all. Well, now we've talked about the command authority and all that, but it didn't say anything there about prosperity. Wasn't there. Now, if you go to the 28th chapter of Deuteronomy,

blessing and cursing,

it's the blessing of Abraham. Doesn't say anything about prosperity. I like what Creflo Dollar said. He said it's part of the pie. I like that. It's not the main part of the pie, but it's an essential part of the pie. So that was in the first covenant. Let's go to the second. The third letter of John, I'm reading from the Classic Amplified. "The elderly elder of the church addresses this letter to beloved esteemed Gaius, whom I truly love. Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and that your body may keep well, even as I know your soul keeps well and prospers". Your soul is your mind, a prosperous mind. Your will, well, that's easy. Your will, the will of God, his Word is his will.

Let this mind be in you.

Let this mind be in you.

Yes, sir.

He said, "I pray that you prosper in every way and that your body may keep well, even as I know your soul prospers". A prosperous soul, a prosperous mind and prosperous thinking. My mother and dad were always very positive people. So I was not taught a negative way of thought at all. When I was just a young boy, we were living there in Abilene, Texas, and someone called and said, "We're going to fly Mr. Wooten's airplane. Would you and your son like to go"? Well, that was the Wooten Hotel and Wooten Furniture and so forth. And he had a little small Lockheed. If you want to just look up Amelia Earhart and the Lockheed that she flew. And that's what we were in that day. And I was in the right seat and the man flying looked over there at me and he said, "Don't you touch anything". Well, I was finally going to get off the ground. I said... now this is a prosperous mind. We were walking across the tarmac and I dropped my dad's hand. I never heard of Mark 11:23. I said, "Daddy, I'm going to do that". He said, "What" I said, "I'm going to fly airplanes". He said, "Boy, you can do it". He planted that in me. Boy, you can do it.

He blessed it.

Yes, he did.

Your father blessed your confession.

Yes, he did.

And that's what caused it to take root in you.

Yes. So that prospered my soul and I hung on to it and I kept it and I drew airplanes and I looked at them and I even tried here and there to get a little time in here, but I didn't make it until August of 1961. Four o'clock in the afternoon. Now Meacham field, there was no DFW. It was still Meacham Municipal Airport, Fort Worth, Texas. And I did my little thing. I said, "Five, five, two, three, echo left, left down..." Roger that five, two, three, echo you're number eight, follow the DC three just outside the outer market. Tell me when you got him in sight.

What's an outer marker?

I got something painted on a barn. Well, the outer marker is part of the instrument landing system, but I'd never heard of it. I said, "Sir, this is my first solo". Okay. Two, three, echo. Can you hold your heading? I said, "Yes". Can you hold your altitude? I said, "Yes, sir". Now two, three, echo. You see that DC three on final there just off your left wing? I said, "Yes, sir". When he passes under your wing, turn base leg. Can you do that?

Yes, sir. I can do that. Had a prosperous soul. My dad prospered my soul. And that day I soloed for the first time. Yes. Hallelujah.

His words changed your life. Your father's blessing on that changed your life.

And because of that, what I didn't know, that was in August, October the 8th of that year, I would meet the love of my life. Gloria Jean Neece. See, it came downstream because he was not negative about it at all. Had a prosperous soul. And my prosperous soul got me in touch with Gloria Jean Neece. And six months later, she was Gloria Jean Copeland. And six months later, both of us were born again. In January of 1963, baptized in the Holy Ghost speaking with other tongues. In 1967, second in command on the Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association airplane. See where that led to? I mean, from that one word in Abilene, Texas.

One word spoken.

Prospered my soul. And that set me right, I'm going to do this thing.

We're all here because of that.

That's right.

This class, we're all here because of that one word that was spoken. Now, if Adam was the god of this world, all of these covenants point to this next Adam, who's going to come and he's going to fulfill all of that that was promised. We read it in Hebrews 11. They had never obtained the promise. So prosperity should be easier in the second Adam, who's Jesus Christ.

That's true.

It should be easier. Healing should be easier

because it's not a blessing, it's a property. I heard the Lord say that. And I was 30 and Gloria was 25. And I asked her to marry me on the first date. She said, "Okay", and just went in the house. I was so stunned. She said, "What have I done? I don't even know this guy. Oh, well, I'll get out of it later". Last April, it was 62 years.

Yeah, that's wonderful.

And she's not out of it yet. We've had a glorious time together. But what I want to point out here, my dad did not say, "Oh, Kenneth, no, I don't know. You'll kill yourself".

Yeah, it's dangerous.

"I'm afraid of them". And poisoned my mind about it. I would have done it anyway, but I would have been disobedient to my parent. So one of the 10 commandments, I just blew it. Honor your father and your mother, the first commandment with promise, because it was in me. And I would have tried to join the Air Force or something. No, he said, "Boy, you can do it". And my mind and my will, I went to work at it. I studied it. Now, the only time I had the least bit of fright in an airplane, I was flying a J model Bonanza, Beechcraft Bonanza, to pick my dad up and take him to St. Louis. And I was getting problems. I'm talking about how God take care of you. I'm in the hills up in there. And so I just got my head down and got up on top. Beautiful blue sky, clouds. So I called flight service, gave him the tail number. Now listen to this. He said, "Do you have an instrument rating"? I said, "No, sir. If I did, I wouldn't be talking to you now". Listen now, he said, "I am a Bonanza pilot". I thought, he said, "I'm going to give you... now this little V tail airplane. If the propeller is going this way, it wants to pull the airplane this way and get into the clouds. And it'll do this. Then you get vertigo. You don't know what it's doing. So I'd been trained enough to get up on top". He said, "I'm going to teach you the falling leaf procedure. I fly a Bonanza. And the falling leaf procedure worked. And I broke out and landed right next to Sykeston, Missouri". So I went in and called the phone. He said, "Is everything all right"? I said, "Yes, sir". He said, "Get your instrument rating". I said, "I'm going to do that". And so I did. And now I've been, you know, flying all these years.

This reminds me of a verse, Brother Copeland, 2 Corinthians 4:13. And I know you know it. We have in the same Spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believe, therefore, I have spoken. We also believe, therefore, we speak. That's coming. That's a quote from Psalm 116. I love the Lord because he's heard my voice and my supplications, because he's inclined his ear unto me. Therefore, I'll call upon him as long as I live. Verse 10, I believe, therefore, I have spoken. Now, that Hebrew word is a word called Dabar in Hebrew, spoken as Dabar. That's an interesting word. It means, it's 2,600 times in your Bible. It means to speak so that the universe comes in order the way you want it to. That's authority.

Yes, sir.

I speak to make the universe come in. That man happened to be, coincidentally, a Bonanza pilot. Wasn't it a coincidence?

No, it wasn't a coincidence. God saw that before the foundation of the world. He knew what I was going to do at that time. It was in my heart to fly airplanes. I couldn't figure out just why I wanted to do this. I'd go to Air Force ROTC and I couldn't stay with it. I said, "Lord, what is it"? He said, "I want you flying for me". Listen to what he said. "I want you to introduce aviation to my preachers because I have preachers that don't think they should even have a decent car". He said, "I had to turn the development of it over to the heathen because they would develop it. I've had these things for my people and they rejected them. That's the reason I put it in you to fly so you could fly for me and so you could introduce aviation to my people who are called by my name so that they can travel safely". What do you mean safely? Oh, come on. Do you have anybody when you're driving down the highway saying, "License plate number 245, would you turn just a little bit to the left? There's a semi-trailer that's about to hit your car in the back end". No, you're sitting along there. I don't like that station.

Or nowadays they're on their cell phone while they're going down the road.

It is the safest way to travel. Flying is a discipline and safety is an attitude. You don't fly without a checklist. There was a man going to fly Jerry Savelle somewhere and Jerry knew how to fly. He had a Beechcraft Baron and he was going to fly him someplace and they were out and he was doing his run up. Jerry said, "Where's your checklist"? Oh, he said, "I have it memorized. I don't use it anymore". Jerry said, "Just turn around and take me back to the ramp".

What? Any man doesn't use a checklist probably doesn't use his Bible either. Guess where he got that? This is my checklist right here. And because I have certain scriptures memorized. No, no, no, no, no, no. Because I have certain scriptures. I read them this morning as I shaved my face. The 10 commandments, Isaiah 53, Matthew 8:14. Fulfill that which was spoken by Isaiah, the prophet. First Peter 2:24. He bore my sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live under righteousness by whose stripes you were healed. And this morning it hit me. It hit me with such force this morning. Oh, dear God. Well, we're out of time, but it struck my heart. We started when I was 30, Gloria is 25. And now the 6th of December, I'll be 88. And both of us are still strong. Glory to God. Thank You, Jesus. We'll be back in just a moment.