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Kenneth Copeland - The Authority to Prosper and Live in THE BLESSING

Kenneth Copeland - The Authority to Prosper and Live in THE BLESSING
TOPICS: Authority, Prosperity, Blessing

Remember, we are studying the command of a follower of Jesus Christ. I have no right to wear that. That's the reason it's here. I haven't sworn the oath required to bear this. I swore an oath in 1957 to the Constitution of the United States to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Now, as old as I am, I could go back and wear that uniform, and I have the right to wear it, because I, Kenneth Max Copeland, swore an oath to protect, to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and I carry this in my sermon notebook all the time, just to remind myself why I love this country and why I am so excited about its healing. Amen. In response, all the people said: Amen. Cursed is he who dishonors his father and mother.

Now listen to this. After you read all the curses and blessings, why should the Israelites rejoice? For God has not cursed them. He didn't threaten them or hold something over their heads. His blood covenant with Israel was for the purpose of protecting them from the curse and from the curse, so that they would go into blessing. By giving both the blessing and the curse to them, he gave them a clear voice. Although it was his desire that they choose to leave in blessing, he left the decision to them. That is God. I mean, that's the way he does it and we'll see. This is a good book. Greg and I have about a... we about a hundred and... I think it was a... What was it, Tim? 105 broadcasts about it, about this this book, to get it right in a nutshell about the pact. Blood Covenants. Understood. So, here we are. These are people from the people of the blood covenant.

Let's go back to this example. Do not forget that this is the day that the Lord your God has ordained to do these things. Well, here are all these curses, but here is also the blessing. We're coming down: "The Lord will open up his treasure to you, treasure, to give the heavens the rain for the land in its season".

So I tell you, we have stood on this. We have stood on this in the name name of Jesus, on this. I'm telling you, there was a thunderstorm coming up behind my house and I would just go out on the patio and just call that I'm released from the curse of the floods House, and I live by this lake. It can rain calmly. Tell me, where did you get this from? He spoke to the wind and the sea, so that I can speak to these storms. Glory be to God: I command you to do them, and you shall not depart from any of the words which I command you this day, either to your right hand or to your left. But it will be shown that it will pass away if you do not listen to the voice of the Lord your God.

Now Gloria said, "Listen, Ken". OK. I have to listen to this. If you do not listen to the voice of the Lord your God, to do all his commandments and his statutes that I command you today, these curses will come upon you and overcome you. You shall be cursed in the city. Cursed shall you be in the field. Curse shall be your basket. Curse shall be your business. Curse will be the fruit of your body and the fruits of your land. Damn that kind of exaltation. I'll be right there with all your gear. I mean, someone confiscated everything and it's gone. Kine, not K-I-N-D. Cursed shall you be if you go in and out.

The LORD will send upon you a curse, a reproach, and a rebuke, in everything you undertake to do, until you are destroyed, until you perish quickly, because of the wickedness of your doings, whereby you have forsaken me. You have let me down. The LORD will rend the pestilence upon you, and he hath devoured you, and he hath driven you out of the land: whether thou wilt possess it, smite thee with consumption, with fever, with inflammation, with extreme burning. We lived over in the little house on Florentine in South Fort Worth. I said, "Alright kids, we're going to get our flu shots now".

John's eye got about that big. I said, "Come down here. You see, right there, fever. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law", so I just did this. You can do that too. I said, "Fever and flu are under the curse of the law". I said, "Say this". so they said it. Will you say it? Now say it together. What is this? The fever is under the curse of the law. Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law, So I'm relieved of the fever and the flu. We went back and forth and back and forth until the children understood that. We never had to go to the doctor with them, which the law requires, yes, but they weren't sick about this thing. Kellie came home from school one day and said, "Dad, I've had the symptoms all day Flu".

Well, that just came out of my mouth. I said, "Kellie, we're not the sick ones who want to be cured. We are the healed ones and the devil is trying to take your health away from you". She said, "I'll be back in a minute". She went to her room. She did that. She came out for dinner, no fever. Get you that? This is the purpose for this lesson. Now let's go back here for a moment. I want you not to forget this day To exalt yourself again above all nations in praise and in the name and in honor that you are a holy people to the Lord your God. Moses and the elders commanded the people, saying, "Oh, there was a lot of noise in the background, passing through the valley of Shechem".

Can you imagine how that resonates? It just goes back and forth back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. They lived there. They ate there. It goes back and forth back and forth and back and forth. Moses repeats God. No iron can touch these stones because they are holy. You plaster them so you can read them back and forth and back and forth. This is the way we need our children to do it. Go back and forth and back and forth back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and then have them memorize Psalm 91. So you leave the house with the 91st Psalm.

So, my daughter Terri fasted her lunch and witnessed the other girls. This is in school and public school. Take her to the toilet and have her baptized in the Holy Spirit. To the point where the principal blew his horn and said, "There will be no more speaking in tongues in the girls' bathroom". She got up and went to church. She went to a Baptist church and he was preaching against tongues. So she waited at him. She said, "You're lying, that's not true". I just started giving him writings. He said, "Little girl, you're leaving. Never come to my church again. Never come to my church again. So she became from the church". Hallelujah.

Now let's go over there. Go to the 61st verse of Deuteronomy. "Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, the Lord's against you bring until you are destroyed". So, that's the way they had to hear it. The Lord will do it. They had to hear it that way to respect him. I didn't understand it for a long time, I didn't understand it for a long time, but they had to hear that he would do it to gain respect for him. Verse 13 of 29: "That he may raise you up today for a people for himself, that he may be a God to you, and he said to you and has sworn to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. I will not make this pact or this oath with you alone".

There is your covenant word again. "I swear this covenant and this oath to you. But with him who is here with us today, standing before the Lord our God". All right then. Now, every student needs to go back and read all of this and have a good understanding. For years I thought, no, that's not the Lord. Yes, they were told that the Lord would do it, because they had to have respect for him.

Now, Chapter 30: "I call heaven and earth on record against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore", the understood subject of the sentence is you, "Therefore you choose the life that you and your descendants may live, that you may love the LORD your God, and that you may cling to him, for he is your life, and the length of your days that you may be in the land dwell that the Lord swore to the fathers to give to the fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob".

Now go back with me to the book of Genesis, chapter six. And it came to pass when the people began to face multiplied the earth and daughters were born to them. The sons of God saw the daughters of men and they were righteous and they took wives from anyone who wanted them. I don't have time to do this now explain, but it is a lesson that packs a punch. And the Lord said, My spirit will not always strive with man, for he also is flesh. But his days will be 120 years.

Now you've heard me tell this story, but I don't want to take the time to go into it now. But the Lord and I have been going back and forth about this over a long period of time because I have studied all the scriptures that have to do with it. And finally I was outside on my back patio and heard it on the inside of me. Are you doing this for me? I asked, "Why"? He said, "I have people who live a long time and give me credit for that, but not for preaching the word of faith". And when you see, you hear people testify, I think about a couple who are just testifying that he the word of faith in that church and the pastor said, "I won't allow that to be preached in my church".

But that's his business. I'm not his judge. But he testified and said, "We went up the KCM website and found a church for us". And he said, "No, no, no, no, no, no". Yes. But then the Lord said, "Establish a church on the word of faith". Amen. Very important. This sentence is found in the 10th chapter of Romans and is what the Apostle Paul preached. So if he preached it, that's wonderful to me. But if you are delivered from the curse and you preach the word of faith, you will you will succeed.

Let me remind you one more time , and that's enough to get you excited. The curse is threefold. Spiritual death, sickness and sickness, and poverty. Of the blessing of Abraham, spiritual life, rebirth and filled with the Holy Spirit. Spiritual life, divine health and prosperity. Biblical prosperity. So that your mind, soul and body are well, financially and socially. Five areas of prosperity. And money is the least of it. But no one gave us all of that in here. No. The partners paid for it. That's why I put my faith in a million partners. If I need it, he needs it too. Praise be to God. I thank you, Lord Jesus. We need the media library. And I just remind him at every meal. I pray for my partners around the world and I remind him at every meal. We need the media center. Amen.

And we are building an accredited college here that will one day be a university. And I need her, you need her. Amen. Glory be to God. And now: Thank you, Lord. OK. Let's go over there... to the Galatians. Come on, new pages. Don't you love making a new Bible? Chapter one, "Paul, an apostle—not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead— and all the brothers who are with me, To the churches of Galatia: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forever and ever".

So he has the same Amen that comes from it. And every time we say Amen, we have to remember that. The origin is from God, not from us. And it has its origins in these mountains. That's where it started. There is no other, but there are some who would disturb you the gospel, gospel of Christ. "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed". So, this little book is real dynamite. I would like to balance something here.

Just chapter two or come down. 21, "Afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia; And was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ: But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed. And they glorified God in me. Then fourteen years after I went" and he said, "Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus. Then after three years..." he was not in Arabia for three years. There are a lot of people who don't read this carefully, think he was, but he wasn't. There he has it. There he received the gospel and was taken by it into the heavenly realms. And I'm back a moment. I thank you, Lord Jesus.