Joyce Meyer - Releasing God's Power

I want to teach this weekend on how to release God's power in your life, how to release God's power in your life. Let me ask a question; are any of you believing God to be weak? Which do you want? Do you want power or do you want weakness? Is power really available to us, and what kind of power is available to us?
You know, we know that God is powerful, but can we actually share in His power in our lives? The Bible says if the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you, and it does, it will quicken your mortal body.
Now what does that mean? It'll make you strong. It'll make energize you. It will activate you. It will will enable you to do whatever you need to do in life without murmuring, without complaining, without murmuring, without complaining. It will enable you and me to do whatever we need to do in life.
How many of you have noticed that not every day turns out the way you'd like it to? And sometimes you might have a few months or even a whole year that doesn't turn out the way that you would like it to.
And in those times, we have to hold firm and be steady and fight that good fight of faith and not let the enemy steal from us the hope and the vision that we have for our life because of what we have found as promises in the Word of God.
And even in those difficult times, we can still treat people good. We can still have a smile on our face. We can still walk in peace. Not by our own power, but by the power of God. Not only is God powerful, but He wants to fill us, fill us, fill us, fill us, with His power.
And I want you to understand, not only here in this place tonight but all around the world, that you do not have to live a weak, wimpy, pitiful, pathetic, barely-get-by life. Jesus came that we might have and enjoy our life and have it in abundance to the full into it overflows.
I cannot promise you a problem-free life. I cannot promise you a faith, no matter how great your faith is, that does not insulate you from ever having problems.
Matter of fact, sometimes when we make a bold stand to serve God, that's when the enemy really comes against us and tries to steal that faith. The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 16:9 that "A wide door of opportunity had opened unto him and with it came many, many adversaries.".
So I'm not gone tell you that you're gonna have a problem-free life, but I will tell you that you already are more than a conqueror through Christ who loves you, already are more than that a conqueror.
You don't have to try to be, you already are, all you need to do is learn how to believe that and walk in it. Because you know what? No matter what God has offered us through His Son Jesus Christ, and what's offered us is quite amazing, it is never released in our life if we don't believe it.