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Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Thankfulness

Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Thankfulness
TOPICS: Talk It Out, Thankfulness
Joyce Meyer - The Power Of Thankfulness

Ginger Stache: Hi, everyone! Welcome to Joyce Meyer's Talk It Out podcast. You are in the perfect place because this is where Joyce teaches the Word of God in her practical, wonderful way, and my friends and I talk about the real stuff of living it. I'm Ginger Stache, with Erin Cluley, and Jai. And of course, Joyce is one of the girls, too. So, she drops in here, talks about life with us.

Joyce Meyer: They finally let me be part of the team.

Erin Cluley: Took a little while.

Ginger Stache: We're so happy. You know, we were just talking hair a little bit. Earlier, we were doing some videos and Joyce came in, and said, about Jai's hair that it's different every time that she sees it. Which that's one of the things that we love about,

Joyce Meyer: So, it's not real hard to figure out why, right?

Jai Williams: She says this like, I remember like, eight years ago, I was at the dream center. And I remember you walked in you were like, "Ugh". Every time you did like this, "How long is this one gonna last"? I'm like, "I don't know". But then today, we were doing the video and she's like...

Joyce Meyer: I think, I used to think it was real and you were just cutting it.

Jai Williams: But sometimes it was, though, because I have inches too.

Ginger Stache: Yeah, you never know.

Jai Williams: You never know.

Joyce Meyer: But then, if I'm in here two weeks ago and you have this super short hair...

Jai Williams: Yeah, I look like you.

Joyce Meyer: Yeah, and then, I come back today, nobody's hair grows that fast.

Jai Williams: And I look like Rapunzel.

Ginger Stache: So, Joyce brought up the fact that maybe we should all go shopping because you would like to try some different things.

Joyce Meyer: Well, I've gone shopping, tried on wigs, and I just look stupid in 'em, so.

Jai Williams: Nothing would make me happier than to have you all, like, embrace my world of hair, and wigs, and weaves.

Ginger Stache: I would love it.

Jai Williams: It would just make me so happy.

Erin Cluley: I wanna see Joyce in this though.

Joyce Meyer: I'm sure the guy over there taking pictures of everything we do would love to be on that trip.

Jai Williams: I would love to do it. Can we make that happen, please?

Ginger Stache: I love the idea. We'll see what happens. Well, Joyce, last week, or last episode, we had a wonderful complaint session. So, essentially, we complained about many, many things.

Joyce Meyer: Aww.

Ginger Stache: Not everything. There are more things that we could have complained about.

Joyce Meyer: It's a good thing I wasn't here for that one.

Ginger Stache: Well, you actually inspired us. Not by your complaining, but by...

Joyce Meyer: How could I inspire you to complain?

Ginger Stache: It's because, it's just stuff that we all think. And so, we wanted to talk about how to deal with it. Instead of complaining, how do you turn it, take it somewhere positive? And so, this goes hand in hand with it so beautifully. Joyce has a new book out called, "The power of thank you". And we're gonna talk about why those two little words "Thank you" are so powerful. And one of the things that you say is that you can turn your complaints into gratitude.

Joyce Meyer: You know, there are people, I just heard this from somebody else, but it's so true. There are people in the world that never see what they have, or what someone is doing for them. They only see what they don't have and what someone's not doing for them. Actually, someone was telling me this about somebody in their family that they actually really, really do a lot for. But they never comment about that, it's only what they're not doing. And you know, that's a shame when people live that way, that they're not thankful. Because being thankful, actually really increases your joy, it increases other people's joy. It really opens the door for God to work in your life. There's a scripture in Psalm 104 that says, "We enter his gates with thanksgiving". So, if you think about that, you can't even get into the presence of God unless you're thankful.

Ginger Stache: That's startling.

Joyce Meyer: You can't, you can't even get in the gate, if you're not thankful. It so affects our prayer life. I mean, why should God give us anything more if we're already complaining about what we have?

Ginger Stache: Yeah, well, I don't think we should wait. I think we should jump right into that because it's such a strong thing. I think it's really easy for people to overlook gratitude, almost brush it off. Or the importance of those words, "Thank you". So, what you're saying...

Joyce Meyer: Well, or a lot of people think they are thankful. They think that, "Well, I'm a thankful person". But the Bible says, "Be thankful and say so". So, how many people never say so?

Jai Williams: And that's not just to God, it's just to people. Cuz in my self-reflection, like, post-divorce, you know, doesn't justify what happened and how my marriage ended and, you know, all that stuff, but in my self-reflection on what did I contribute to the marriage failing? But because, I know that before the infidelity happened, something was broken in the marriage to allow it to go there. That doesn't justify it. But something happened, you know? And so, I wanna own my part so that when God, I said when cuz something's going to happen. I'm going,I'm,I'm going to have another shot at this, you know. But like, I have to own my part. And I realize that I wasn't as grateful to him as I should, I didn't express it verbally. Because it was so easy to nitpick on like, what we talked about last week with the complaints. It's so easy to nitpick about those things. You know, you talk about, "Fix your own lunch, do all your own," now, grant you, that stuff still needed to happen, but...

Erin Cluley: Yeah, still make your lunch.

Jai Williams: But, "Still make your own much, sir". But I didn't thank him for some of the stuff... But the stuff that he did do, I didn't thank him, verbally. So, like...

Ginger Stache: And it's so easy. I mean, we all find ourselves there. Because it's just daily life and we overlook some of the things that are really important.

Erin Cluley: Especially, the people that you're closest to. You get in a routine with them, and you,it's easy to take 'em for granted. So, that's huge.

Joyce Meyer: We're really bad about taking people and things for granted that we have all the time.

Erin Cluley: Yeah.

Joyce Meyer: And there are probably, no telling, how many divorces there are just because people don't show appreciation to the person they're married to, for what they do. But they have no trouble complaining about what they don't do.

Erin Cluley: I remember, last year, when I was, when we were working through some stuff. I could make a list five pages long of all the reasons why I did not like Mike. And there was maybe two of why I did. But God really showed me...

Ginger Stache: Two pages or two items?

Erin Cluley: It doesn't, does it matter? We're talking about what we're grateful for.

Ginger Stache: Ok, good point.

Joyce Meyer: I thought you said there were 82 things. I thought, "Man, you really do have a problem".

Erin Cluley: No, but after hearing you talk about this, and God really spoke to my heart, like, "Erin, you really need to flip that script. Start writing down all the reasons why you chose him," and because, taking things for granted. And it was miraculous how much that changed my perspective. He's not the enemy. Maybe, I just need to adjust my thoughts. So, yeah, it changed everything.

Joyce Meyer: I did that one time too. God had me do that like, I was, about Dave, and, "He doesn't do this, and he doesn't do that". And God told me to write down everything about him that I liked, and everything that I didn't like. And it was amazing, when I got done, there was maybe three things that really bugged me. And the list of things that I loved and appreciated, was really long.

Erin Cluley: Yeah.

Joyce Meyer: He's just so easy to get along with, and, you know, he gives me a lot of freedom. He's always complimentary. There's so many good things. And then, "When he plays too much golf". And it's so true. And there are people watching today, that your marriage could be saved...

Ladies: Absolutely, absolutely.

Joyce Meyer: If you would hear what we're saying today and stop looking at what's wrong, because there's stuff wrong with you too.

Jai Williams: Yeah, 100%.

Joyce Meyer: That's the thing, you know.

Erin Cluley: I wouldn't wanna see his list of the reasons why I'm not great.

Joyce Meyer: Is there any more wrong with anybody else than there is wrong with us?

Erin Cluley: Right.

Joyce Meyer: But we don't.

Jai Williams: We don't want to think about that. Isn't it crazy how Satan like, magnifies that,the,and it makes that the focal point?

Erin Cluley: All you see.

Jai Williams: Yeah, that's all you see. It's just,it's so like strategic on his part to tear families apart and tear relationships, even with like, friendships. Those little bitty things are the things that get magnified instead of just,you know, but the small things, it's so easy to overpass the good things, you know, so, yeah.

Joyce Meyer: Now, you said the last show, you talked about complaining. So, one of the good things about being grateful is if you are focused on what you have to be grateful for, there's no room for the complaining.

Jai Williams: Yeah, that's good.

Joyce Meyer: You can't. It can't get in there.

Ginger Stache: Because you can't do both at the same time.

Joyce Meyer: 'cause you can't do both at the same time. So, it says in Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything".

Erin Cluley: Yeah, it's a good one.

Ginger Stache: That face.

Jai Williams: Love that face.

Ginger Stache: But we all feel that face.

Erin Cluley: Thanks for making that face cuz I relate.

Ginger Stache: Yeah, that means a lot to us.

Joyce Meyer: "But in every situation," underline "Every". "By prayer and petition," we have no trouble praying, telling God what we want. "With thanksgiving, present your requests to God". Now, I used to think, a long time ago, that, that meant that you should start thanking God, like, ahead of time for giving you what you were asking him to do. You know, like, "Lord, I need a new car. Thank you for giving it to me. Thank you for giving it to me". That kind of stuff. But that is not what it means. It means that if you are not pray, if you are not living a life of gratitude, then your prayers have no power behind them.

Erin Cluley: Oh, interesting.

Joyce Meyer: That's why, "Thank you," when you really are grateful, it is powerful. It is extremely powerful.

Jai Williams: It's a lifestyle.

Joyce Meyer: It's like, it pushes your prayers through.

Ginger Stache: So, some people are saying, "If I'm not thanking God for answers that I haven't got yet, what am I thanking him for and especially when things don't look so good"? So, where do we find that gratitude that makes such a difference?

Joyce Meyer: Everybody has things to be thankful for. I don't care who you are. I mean, this week, I don't know why, in particular, but one morning when I got up, my house is nice and warm, and I slept really good, and turned my fireplace on, turned my Christmas tree on, and got my coffee, and I started thinking about people who live on the streets. And I thought, "Man, thank you for my bed. My mattress. Clean water. Thank you for my coffee pot". You know, they don't get to get up, plug in their coffee pot. And you know, there may be a lot of people in that condition that wouldn't have to be if they would do something else, but there's a lot of people who really can't help it. And there's, there's even a lot of people that are not mentally sound, that are living on the streets. And so, if you have a house, you have something to be thankful for. If you have a bed, you have something to be thankful for. We really take those things for granted.

Erin Cluley: One thing that I've loved watching while working here, the trips that you guys have taken internationally, and then, when Mike used to travel, he would come home talking about the kids that you guys would meet. And one story, in particular, I won't forget it because he said they were tired. They were done for the day. But they were playing soccer with a bunch of little kids, and the kids loved it. And it just, like, they were laughing and playing. And I think he, Mike said to me, "They don't have anything, but they have so much joy, and they're so happy and thankful to be playing with you". And they don't, they live in dirt. And they don't have all the meals they need, but they have so much joy. So, we, I have a home to live in. I have warm, I have heat. So, yeah, we take it for granted.

Ginger Stache: That has totally changed my world. Just having these many years of being able to see the different situations. I think we have to have a global view. You have to have a view that's bigger than our self. And being so grateful for that. And there, honestly, there are a lot of things that I don't do so well. But I, honestly, wake up and the first thing every morning is, "God, thank you". Just an overwhelming gratitude for all of these blessings that I certainly don't deserve. And,because it's not, it's not about that. It's just thanking God for those things that he provides for us, for the love that he gives us, his mercy, his grace all, cuz none of us deserve anything that we have.

Jai Williams: Yeah.

Ginger Stache: And it really does. It changes the rest of the day and everything else that happens. And then, when something comes in that, you know, is pretty nasty, is pretty bad, at least you set that foundation of gratitude, and you look at it differently. It's not the end of the world, it's something that God's gonna help you walk through once again.

Joyce Meyer: Yeah, cuz then, the other thing I want to talk about, and this takes it to another whole level.

Jai Williams: I'm nervous.

Erin Cluley: Okay, we're ready.

Jai Williams: Brace myself.

Joyce Meyer: Is, "Give thanks in all circumstances".

Jai Williams: My Lord, all of 'em.

Joyce Meyer: Not just the good ones. So, the nasty things that you're talking about.

Ginger Stache: Yeah.

Joyce Meyer: "For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus," 1 Thessalonians 5:18. "Give thanks in all circumstances".

Ginger Stache: What you said was, "Be glad that the rose has thorns".

Joyce Meyer: Yeah, right.

Ginger Stache: Explain that to us.

Joyce Meyer: Well, in the book that I wrote on, thank you power, I said, you know, roses have thorns. And we love the roses, but you're not going to have roses without thorns. And so, some people never get beyond complaining about the thorns in life, to ever see the roses. And we all have thorns in our life. You know, Paul had a thorn in his flesh, and we've all got people that bug us and traffic that bugs us, and insurance companies that you pay, that bug us.

Ginger Stache: I think there's a story there.

Jai Williams: It's a little personal.

Joyce Meyer: Guess who's aggravated with them, right now?

Erin Cluley: I have no idea.

Joyce Meyer: No idea. You know what? I haven't thanked God for them yet. I need to do that.

Erin Cluley: Let's take a minute.

Joyce Meyer: I'm so sorry, Lord. Thank you for the insurance company, that won't give me what I want.

Ginger Stache: Thank you for the thorns, thank you for the thorns.

Joyce Meyer: Yeah, thank you for the thorns. Why should we give thanks in all circumstances? Because the Bible says that if we do things God's way, you can't leave that out, that he will "Cause all things to work together, for our good, to those who love God and are called according to his purpose". So, you can't have any unforgiveness in your heart.

Jai Williams: You looked at me.

Erin Cluley: She did.

Jai Williams: I'm working on it.

Erin Cluley: She lingered.

Joyce Meyer: I didn't mean to.

Jai Williams: Maybe that was conviction, I don't know.

Joyce Meyer: Must have just been the Holy Spirit. I didn't mean to. I'm trying to turn my head around and it won't go anywhere.

Ginger Stache: She's like that painting that always looks like it's looking at you.

Jai Williams: I saw that. Ok, forgiveness in my heart. I got you.

Joyce Meyer: But honestly, I truly 100% believe that, I've experienced it in my own life, and I believe it with all my heart, that if we do things God's way, so many people, when they have a problem, they stop doing everything they should be doing.

Erin Cluley: Yeah, that's true.

Joyce Meyer: They stop giving. They stop reading the word. They stop going to church. They can't even be nice to anybody. They're just grouchy and down and in a bad mood all the time. And all they talk about is what's wrong, what's wrong. And they're doing the exact opposite. So, what you should do when you have a problem is what you would do if everything in your life was perfect. Now, that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, doesn't mean you don't cry, doesn't mean it's not hard. But we're talking about a spiritual principle here. We're talking about, "Ok, how can," see, the Bible says, "We overcome evil with good". That, I mean, that really tells the whole story right there. So, if you have something evil happening in your life, the best way to overcome it is by doing something good. And so, being thankful is certainly better than griping and complaining.

Ginger Stache: Yeah.

Jai Williams: I have,I've had like interns and things like that come to me so many times and say things like, "You know, it's easier to be thankful when everything's going good. Like when things are going well, it's more difficult to, you know, to find that gratitude when things are going awful". And I used to kind of feel that way, too. But honestly, going through this, these this past couple of years, and realizing that how much life is fleeting, and you just also can't determine what changes are gonna happen tomorrow. You know, like I am learning and have learned, so far, that giving God thanks for what I have today, right now, in the middle of the circumstance, is me just showing him that I appreciate what I have now, because tomorrow it might be gone. Like, everything can completely change tomorrow. So, I'm learning to live my life like that scripture in Thessalonians about, you know, like, in every circumstance, you know, like, I am learning that. Because now, I'm pivoting my mindset, cuz initially, when it first happened, it is numbing and it makes you like, not want to say anything, do anything but like, crash things, and smash things, and say bad things. And so, I, like, but I did it. But now, going through it more and having you guys around, and having, you know, good people in my life like, seriously, I am now understanding that even those hard circumstances are not like things to pause me and to numb me, it's just God redirecting my pathway. You know, like, I believe it's headed to something good, but I had to pivot my mentality...

Ginger Stache: It takes a while to get there.

Jai Williams: It does, cuz I was numb. It was hard. And honestly, at certain points,and I don't know, because like, of the worship leading side of things, I almost felt like Satan was trying to cover my mouth. Like, I felt like, sometimes, I couldn't say, I was like... Like, I really couldn't say anything. But then, that's why it's like the attitude, the lifestyle of gratitude, like, has overcome that. Like, I can testify and say, "I have overcome," and still overcoming because it's still not as easy as it once was, but.

Ginger Stache: You know, there's not time to be ungrateful. Like you said, things could be different tomorrow. There's just not time to waste a day being ungrateful. And you know, I've lost a few people recently, that I really cared about, people close to me. And I know a lot of people, everybody you talk to, there's just hard things, and life is fleeting, and things change quickly. And so, we just can't waste time not thanking God for what we do have.

Joyce Meyer: And everybody has stuff.

Jai Williams: Everybody.

Ginger Stache: Absolutely.

Joyce Meyer: Everybody has stuff. You're not the only one that's going through, whatever you're going through, there's somebody that's going through something worse than you are. And something I want to say that I think is important because this is what's hard. Is actually, when you're in the circumstance, you don't like to verbalize, "Lord, I'm doing this by faith, but I'm thanking you in this circumstance". Actually, there's a scripture that says to thank God for everything. That's another whole level, too. So...

Erin Cluley: In your book, in chapter, it was chapter three, I underlined it, and I starred it, and I put exclamation points next to it because you were talking about, is it really good. You're a really great writer.

Joyce Meyer: Oh, thank you.

Erin Cluley: But you're talking about like, your story and the things that you went through. And so, you say, "This is my story in a nutshell, and you have your story too. But our stories are all being written. So, even if you don't like the first few chapters of yours, remember that your life isn't over yet". And I think that speaks volumes because it may be really hard right now, but you're speaking, "Thank you for what's to come," because this is a season.

JJoyce Meyer: Right, that's the thing.

Erin Cluley: This isn't forever. And you know, God is good, and he has on the other side.

Joyce Meyer: I actually, can look back now at the abuse that I had, and I know it sounds totally crazy, but I am not sorry that it happened. Because I know that it has made me who I am, and it has equipped me. See, everything you go through equips you. And we need equipment, we need experience. You know, what does every company want? Somebody with experience. And the Bible says in Hebrews 5:8 and 9 that Jesus learned obedience, well, he was never disobedient, so how can you learn obedience? Well, he learned the cost of obedience. He learned obedience through the things that he suffered. And the things that he went through equipped him to be our high priest, to be the author and the source of salvation. So, he had to go through those things in order to help us. And a lot of times, God does allow people to go through things because he intends to use them later, but they've got to have some experience, they've got to know what they're talking about. I heard somebody say recently, "I've never heard a preacher say anything that moved me that had,that did not have some brokenness in their own lives".

Erin Cluley: Yeah, that's true.

Jai Williams: Yeah.

Erin Cluley: And you don't appreciate,you don't have as much gratitude if you haven't experienced brokenness. 'Cause nothing seems that great if you've never had to go through hard things, so.

Jai Williams: I can honestly say, at this point in my life, although I completely, like, this is my honesty. Like, I completely miss what I thought my family was. Like, I miss that. And if I could wake up tomorrow and this was all a horrible, horrible nightmare and everything that I thought was, was actually, really the reality, like, I'd take that in a heartbeat. Because,and that sounds crazy, because I don't want him anymore, like, but that's seriously...

Joyce Meyer: But everything you thought was, really wasn't.

Jai Williams: It really wasn't. And so, now, that I know that it wasn't, and now that I've gone through what I've gone through, and going through still, I actually, am grateful because of who I've become and still becoming. Like, I am so much stronger. I've been able to connect with way more people that have gone through things. Like, I hate that, that's like the story now, but it's strengthened me. I'm a different person. I'm more loving. I'm more kind. I'm more understanding. I'm more introspective about my own self.

Joyce Meyer: You have more compassion.

Jai Williams: I have more compassion, more empathy. I'm just,I'm just a different, I'm a whole different girl, and I'm just getting started. And so, I'm really excited about what's coming, but.

Joyce Meyer: See, when somebody tells me they've been sexually abused, I can have compassion. If you tell somebody who's never been through it, they can have pity. But pity and compassion are two different things. Pity is a feeling. Compassion: you're moved with compassion. So, compassion moves you to try to do something for them, pray for them, love them, talk to them, try to get them the help that they need, something.

Jai Williams: You've literally, been like, one of the people that I, the main person, honestly, that I just look at,and like, "Look at her, like, look at her, all the stuff she's been through, and look at her, and look at the influence and the impact that God's allowed you to do, because all the junk at the beginning".

Joyce Meyer: God pays you back, honey. He gives you a double reward for your former trouble, if you do things his way. And I have to keep adding that. Because so many people wanna claim the promises of God, but they don't want to be obedient to God, and you can't do that.

Ginger Stache: You talk about humility being an important part of this. How does humility fit into this?

Joyce Meyer: Well, humility is really what brokenness is. See, brokenness is, that doesn't sound good to people. We say, "You have to be broken," and they're like, "Wait a minute, I don't like this program".

Ginger Stache: Yeah, "I don't want to sign up for that".

Jai Williams: "Sounds painful".

Joyce Meyer: "Wait a minute. I'm going to turn to one of those channels where they're telling me that God wants to bless me and promote me". And he does, and he does. But brokenness is really no more than getting you to the point, where you know, you know, that you know, that you know, that you cannot do anything apart from him. "It's not me. I don't get the credit. I don't deserve the glory". I mean, you get to the point where, I spent so many years wasting my time in "Works of the flesh". Trying to get Dave to change, trying to change myself, trying to change my kids, try...Trying to change everybody, trying to run the world. And I'm telling you what. Trying to be the Holy Spirit is hard work.

Jai Williams: That job's been filled already.

Joyce Meyer: It just wears you out.

Ginger Stache: It's such a big job.

Joyce Meyer: When you give all that up, you can finally enter the rest of God, and you can watch God work.

Ginger Stache: I want to ask you this for some of our friends who may not be familiar with the terminology, but when you say, "Works of the flesh," you're talking about doing what we feel like doing.

Joyce Meyer: It's my energy trying to do God's job. So...

Ginger Stache: That's a great definition.

Jai Williams: That was quick too.

Joyce Meyer: Well, I've got a lot of experience, honey. Because I was big time into works of the flesh because I'm strong, I don't need anybody. I mean, all those promises and vows, I made to myself when I was being abused: "I'll never ask anybody for anything. I'll never trust anybody. I'm never going to need anybody". And boy, did I have a surprise coming because everything that I, "I, I, " tried to do, didn't work. So, then, I would get frustrated. And finally, God gave me the formula. And I put a sign on my refrigerator: "Frustration equals works of the flesh". So, every time I got frustrated, every time I got frustrated, even getting frustrated this week at the insurance company, it's because "I" was determined they were going to give me what I wanted because of how much that insurance costs.

Ginger Stache: I am right there with you in that trap, definitely.

Joyce Meyer: But the thing is, is I can't make them do that. I can pray about it. You know, but I can't,God can, but I can't make them do that. So, that's what brokenness is to me. It's us learning that only, you know, we do our part, but we can't do God's part. Jesus fed 5,000 with a little boy's five slices of bread and two fish. And the beautiful thing about that is that little boy wasn't even counted. They only counted the men. They didn't count the children and the women. So, somebody that people don't count, God will count.

Ginger Stache: Oh yeah.

Erin Cluley: Never thought of it like that.

Ginger Stache: She's rolling.

Jai Williams: Yeah. Come on, come on, preach!

Joyce Meyer: See, he provided, that little, no-nothing that couldn't even be counted, he had the raw material for the miracle. And so, what did Jesus say to them? "What do you have"? And when you can finally say, "Nothing, but you," then maybe you're ready for God to use you.

Jai Williams: Isn't it something to think about, like, when you said that, it made me think about all the people that feel forgotten? And like, people that have maybe, even, sacrificed and done so much in ministry, or done so much for the Kingdom of God, and maybe have gotten a diagnosis, or maybe have a failed marriage, or maybe suffered something, you know, during the pandemic or, you know, all those people that are like, "I feel,I've done so much". Because that was one of my things. I was kind of like, "God, I've got my entire life to ministry, how could this happen to me"? But the thing about it is, God never forgets.

Joyce Meyer: But when I say, and I have to keep saying this: if you do things God's way, there's nothing that the devil can throw at you, absolutely nothing that God will not turn around for your good and give you a double reward. So, what does that terminology mean to all of you, "If you do things God's way"? What do you say, Ginger? What does that mean?

Ginger Stache: Oh, that's a really big question because there's are so many different levels to it. But I think if I simplify it, as much as possible, it really is to have a heart that seeks after him more than anything else. Because if I'm doing that, then I do want to do what he asks me to do. I'm spending time to get to know who he is, all the other things fall into place. So, I think if my heart is seeking after him, most of all.

Joyce Meyer: And that's good. But let's get into specifics. What does that mean? Forgiveness?

Jai Williams: Yes.

Erin Cluley: "Yes, ma'am".

Joyce Meyer: I'm sorry, I pointed at you again.

Jai Williams: You did! Okay! I'm working on it!

Ginger Stache: So, you want specifics.

Joyce Meyer: Yeah, forgiveness.

Jai Williams: Yes.

Joyce Meyer: Keeping a good attitude.

Erin Cluley: Yeah, okay, yes ma'am.

Joyce Meyer: I'll put my pointer away.

Jai Williams: You read us.

Erin Cluley: "You need to get a better attitude, and you won't forgive". What is she gonna do?

Ginger Stache: Oh, so many things.

Joyce Meyer: Being a blessing to other people, while you're hurting. I mean, these are things that I've learned. These are things,specifics. And you're right: seeking God. And really, if you do seek God, you're probably gonna have all those things.

Ginger Stache: 'cause he gives you those desires to do those things otherwise, it's a constant fight.

Joyce Meyer: But if you're at the point that you're talking about, then you don't have some of the problems these other people are talking about.

Erin Cluley: Like us.

Jai Williams: She said, "Those other people".

Erin Cluley: One thing that comes to mind that I've learned a lot from you is like not striving. Because as a person of my,like me, I am a striver and I wanna just do, and I wanna, because I know I can do some,independent.

Ginger Stache: We all are.

Erin Cluley: Yeah, we are. So, I've had to learn,and now, it's what I crave, like, I am not doing it, if I do not feel peace. Because I do not have the time, or the energy, or the emotional capacity to do it. So, that's a practical one for me. Just don't strive, if I know it's in my own strength, cuz you can tell.

Joyce Meyer: Any time you hear yourself say, "I'm so frustrated, I am just so frustrated". Why? Why do people get frustrated? When you're trying to do something you can't do. You're putting everything you've got into it, and it's just not working.

Jai Williams: It's exhAusting.

Joyce Meyer: And so then we tell God, "I have done everything I know to do"...

Jai Williams: And that's the problem.

Ginger Stache: And there it is.

Jai Williams: And there lies the problem.

Joyce Meyer: I remember, one time, falling on the floor, very dramatically.

Jai Williams: Nooo!

Joyce Meyer: Very dramatically. "God, I just, I just give up. I give up". And honestly, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Really"?

Jai Williams: "Finally".

Joyce Meyer: "Now, maybe, I can do something till you take back over again".

Ginger Stache: Until you take it back.

Jai Williams: You know, and you think about things like that. Like, I remember just calling and calling and texting and texting and saying, "Do this, do this? Like, why is it this? Why is it that"? And then, afterwards, I'm just so sad, so tired, so exhausted. And finally, when I would just give up, be like, "God, you not listening to me". "No, you're just talking too much," like, you know, "You need to shut up". So, I totally get that. Like, when we actually surrender, that's when he can actually, say, "Ok, now, can I tr,can I take a stab at it"? You know, I love that.

Ginger Stache: That really is to, when he just amazes us, that's when our gratitude really overflows, because just when we thought all was lost, because I've tried it my way, 30,000 different times, the same,that's the definition of insanity, right? Doing the same thing all the time and expecting something to be different. When we finally give up on that, and God does something, that really does just shoot your gratefulness level off the charts. Because you're like, "Wow, you know. God really is God. It didn't have to be me".

Erin Cluley: "And I'm not exhausted," at the end of it.

Ginger Stache: Yeah, not so stressed.

Joyce Meyer: And that humility, to finish that thought about humility. When you're humble, you know you don't deserve anything.

Erin Cluley: Yeah, that's so true.

Joyce Meyer: And see, we've got a real problem with that in our culture today, that entitlement mentality that, "I should have this". And so, when you're truly humble, it does make you understand that, "I don't deserve this. You know, everything I have is because Jesus died for me and," so, it makes you thankful for it.

Jai Williams: And I think about the visual we had last week, like, it still has stuck with me,or like, the last episode. Like, it just stuck with me on how once we pivot our thinking from complaining, and being so negative about the situation, and striving, like you were saying, like that God is ready to charge angels on our behalf to like, fix these things. And like, that visual, to me, was so powerful. Like, they're just waiting, taking like, in stance, like, ready to come to our rescue, as soon as we say, like, "You know what? Thank you, and I let go, but thank you God for whatever you're doing right now". Like, those angels are waiting to like, fix it for us.

Joyce Meyer: They hearken unto the Word of God.

Jai Williams: Yeah, it's so good.

Ginger Stache: Well, yeah, you talk about gratitude and the words "Thank you" as being a weapon. We don't often think about it that way.

Joyce Meyer: You know, well, I mean, if the devil throws his best shot at you, and gives you a problem, and you can't solve it, and all it pulls out of you is, "I'm grateful for what I have. Thank you, God, for what you've given me. Thank you that you'll take care of this in your timing, in your way. And in the meantime, I'm just going to keep being a blessing to people. And you know, I'm not going to be bitter and angry," I mean, just imagine how mad that makes the devil. So of course, that is spiritual warfare. Now, you got to go through a few things to get there. And I'm not saying, that I'm there a hundred percent of the time. I just told you. I mean, I didn't even think, until I sat down here, that I had been complaining all week about this insurance thing, and I'm the one that wrote the book on being thankful.

Ginger Stache: She literally wrote the book.

Joyce Meyer: I wrote the book.

Jai Williams: But you redeemed yourself. You said, "Thank you for them," eventually.

Erin Cluley: You did.

Joyce Meyer: Yeah, I did. Now, I have to go see if I mean it. But the thing is, is you can, it's habitual. And we do it without even realizing that we're doing it. And, I mean, I know people will laugh when I say this, but, I mean, literally, you can call any company and ask for the complaint department, but there is no complaint department in heaven. And God does not answer complaints, he answers prayers. So, we're just wasting our time.

Erin Cluley: One of my favorite things, in this book, well, you shouldn't say that because it's just funny. You made a list, I guess, for two months of all the weird, terrible things that happened to you. Like you, you got your toe caught in your underwear and it was hurt.

Joyce Meyer: Lost my pants at the SPA.

Jai Williams: How did you leave?

Joyce Meyer: Well, they had to give me some clothes. They had to take me to the gift shop and give me some clothes. And I'm in this fancy, fancy hotel. I mean, very nice hotel, at the SPA, and I couldn't find my pants. Couldn't find my pants, so, I put a housecoat on, I go up to the check-in station and I was like, "This is gonna really sound stupid, but I cannot find my pants".

Joyce Meyer: Now, keep it in mind, that everybody knows who I am. I mean, it's not like, you know, they didn't know me.

Jai Williams: You're kinda recognizable.

Joyce Meyer: "Joyce Meyer lost her pants".

Jai Williams: "She's not wearing any pants".

Joyce Meyer: So, they send somebody down to the laundry room, they go all through the laundry, they go, well, what had happened? I had forgot to put them in the locker, and somebody picked 'em up and folded them nicely, and they took 'em up to the desk. But they put them under the appointment book. And so, they're laying there the whole time. And I had, so, I had to go through this whole embarrassing situation, walk through the lobby in my housecoat, to the gift shop. And when I went in, she said, "Oh, you're the lady that lost your pants".

Jai Williams: That's not embarrassing at all. Now, how do you find gratitude in that? Well, the thing is, is look how much fun we've had with that.

Jai Williams: Very true.

Joyce Meyer: See, how much, I mean, people are just laughing and laughing and laughing right now. And for some people, that's what they needed today was to laugh.

Ginger Stache: You know, I'll tell you too. I've learned not to laugh at other people when they do these things because you told me about catching your toe in your underwear.

Joyce Meyer: I almost broke my toe.

Ginger Stache: It wasn't two weeks later, I'm getting dressed, and I'm like on the floor because somehow, I got tangled up in my underwear.

Joyce Meyer: And that wouldn't happen if we would sit down and put them on.

Jai Williams: We're on the go, we've got things to do.

Joyce Meyer: But I'm busy, so I put mine on standing up. Dave will say to me, "Why don't you sit down and," "Don't have time to sit down".

Erin Cluley: "We have to go... To the spa, where my pants are".

Joyce Meyer: This morning, I had to take a shower cuz I had to wash my hair, and I filled the bathtub up.

Jai Williams: While you were taking the shower?

Joyce Meyer: No, to take a shower.

Ginger Stache: Oh, you mean, you started the bathtub and filled it up.

Joyce Meyer: I filled the bathtub up to take a shower. Then, I took my shower, and I had to dry off. So, I got my towel in the shower, and I had to turn the water off. Because I'm always like one step ahead of where I'm at.

Ginger Stache: How many times have I gotten in the shower in my socks? Tell me, you guys have done that?

Ladies: Yes.

Ginger Stache: Thank you.

Jai Williams: You're not alone.

Joyce Meyer: I have never done that because I don't wear socks.

Ginger Stache: Well, it is really fun to see how we can have gratitude over the silly things and those hard lessons, like you've talked about, those things that it talks about in Philippians, that we don't want to have to deal with, we don't want to have to face and figure out in our life. But I'm so grateful, and there it is. That's the way to say it, right? I'm so grateful that God doesn't leave us in those messes.

Joyce Meyer: That's right.

Ginger Stache: That he has so much good for us as we come through that. You know, the Bible says, and you talk about it, Joyce, "To be grateful and to say so". So, I just want to tell all of you guys how much I appreciate all of you. And there are people whose lives are different because of your openness, and your honesty, and sharing, all of you, and how many people's lives have been changed through being real and open and, Joyce, I just think there's something really important about a woman who is opening doors for other young women behind her. And we just appreciate that so much, so.

Joyce Meyer: Well, thank you. But thank you for getting the idea for this podcast. You see, we call it Joyce Meyer's podcast, but Ginger got the idea for it.

Ginger Stache: It's still Joyce's podcast. But thank you very much.

Joyce Meyer: But see, that's one of the things we need to do to show appreciation to people is to give credit where credit's due. You know, because I get the credit, for like, so many things that go on here, that I couldn't even begin to make happen, if I didn't have all these hundreds of people helping me do it. So, we are all a team and it takes everybody. But let's just ask everybody, something I've been trying to do is, have thanksgiving days. You know, like a day...

Ginger Stache: More than once a year.

Joyce Meyer: Yeah. Yeah, not just thanksgiving, eat a turkey, but just to have days that you dedicate toward trying to thank God all day long for every little thing that happens. I think we have to train ourselves to do this.

Ginger Stache: It is. It is a training thing. Definitely.

Jai Williams: It might help to do some alliteration. Maybe thankful Thursdays.

Erin Cluley: That's nice. Let's try it.

Jai Williams: Yeah, I'm gonna try that.

Erin Cluley: We've been training our whole lives to complain. So, it's going to take some specific effort.

Joyce Meyer: You have to do it on purpose. You don't have to try to complain.

Jai Williams: No, it comes naturally, right?

Joyce Meyer: But if you're not purposely being thankful, you will complain.

Jai Williams: I had a friend that really just was super thankful, that I was just blown away by his gratitude. Honestly, he just lost both of his parents this year. And just lost his mom like, last week. And I was just, I didn't know what to really say to him on the call, but he's like, "You know what? I'm just grateful to God because I know my mom and my dad are better off where they are". Like, and he was, "I'm just thankful to God," like he's like, "We were fixing in our house, but man, she's got a mansion now. Like, how cool is that"? Like, his mindset, he had like, a tear, like, roll out, you know? But it was just like his gratitude to God,so like, you know, I was like, man, even if you're going through such a tough time, were you, and he had just gotten out of the hospital. His wife had just gotten out of the hospital. And just to lose both of your parents in a matter of less than a year like, and to have, still have a mindset of gratitude, it just, it really shook me, and made me feel like, "You know what, Jai? You can be a lot more grateful for the things that you do have".

Joyce Meyer: Well, you just summed up the whole thing with one word: mindset.

Ladies: Yeah.

Joyce Meyer: It's,you know.

Ginger Stache: It shows you, too, how you can have that grateful mindset even in the midst of real pain.

Joyce Meyer: And the pain is real. We're not making light of that.

Ginger Stache: Yeah, exactly. But, you know, some people think if they have a problem, they feel obligated to be miserable. I mean, you do. You just almost, you feel like, "Well, I have to be miserable because I have a problem". But you actually can cast your care on God and go ahead and enjoy your life, while God is solving that problem. That's what he wants you to do.

Ginger Stache: Yeah, well, we want to just celebrate, I guess, all that God has allowed us to do and for you to be part of it as well, we're so grateful. Because without you guys out there listening, this podcast would mean nothing. So, we're very grateful to all of you. And we do wanna make sure that you know about Joyce's book. It's called, "The power of thank you". It's great. It's a simple read, but it's a powerful read, and it will make a difference in your life. And it's like one step at a time. It's not like you instantly have to change everything. It helps walk you through those practical things that'll be really helpful. So, you can get that. And you can also do an online study that we have that goes with it that will help stir up your gratitude. So, go to and find out more about the book and the free online study. And we will see you all next time. Thanks, everybody.

Ladies: Bye!