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Joseph Prince - God's Grace Meets Your Every Need and More

Joseph Prince - God's Grace Meets Your Every Need and More

Once again, we are together, amen? Worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ and hearing the Word that he has for us at this time. I want to share about what God is doing around the world today. Therefore, you can also interpret what God is doing in your life today, amen? So that we can flow with God. God has something that he’s going to show us from the gospel of Jesus Christ here in the Scriptures. And of all the characters in the Bible, the one that typified Christ the most, amen? In its details is actually the person of Joseph.

Now, you look at Joseph. He was loved by the father so is our heavenly father. He love Jesus, amen? When Jesus came out of the River Jordan, the Father opened the heavens to him. I love it. Opened the heavens to him and said, «This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased». Right after that, Jesus was driven into the wilderness to be tested of the devil, all right? To be tempted of the devil. And notice the devil said, «If you are the Son of God,» amen? The primary word that temptation he used was, «If you are the Son of God, if you are the Son of God».

I was reading that one day and I realized the devil dropped out one word. He left off one word. What is that? Beloved. The Father just said to Jesus, «You are my beloved son». And the devil tempted Jesus by saying, «If you are the Son of God, if you are the Son of God». He cannot remind Jesus that he is beloved, amen? So, our job, pastors and leaders, is to remind people that they are the beloved of the Lord, that the Son of God loved me and gave himself for me. You know, Paul could have said, «The Son of God loved us». But he said, «The Son of God loved me and gave himself for me,» amen? If you’re faced with any challenge right now, just forget about the challenge and just put your hand on your heart and stay somewhere where you can be alone and say, «The Son of God loved me and gave himself for me».

If you’re waiting for the doctor’s report, amen? Just say, «The Son of God loved me. Jesus loved me,» amen? And keep on meditating on it and relish it, savor it. That’s why we take Communion. Every time we take Communion, it’s to remember him. In what aspect? His love for you demonstrated at the cross in which you are holding the elements of his broken body and his shed blood, amen? God wants you to always know that he loves you. Let’s go back to the story of Joseph once again. So, he’s loved by the father but rejected by his brothers. And he was sold for 20 pieces of silver. Jesus was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. Think of it.

See, the story is so similar, okay? And the Bible tells us that Joseph, with his wisdom, amen? Was able to cause Egypt to be a breadbasket, amen, ready to feed the world. Do you remember that the brothers of Joseph, they were born of slave girls, born women, all right? Like Bilhar, Zilpah and all the rest. Except that Jacob had two legal wives. Leah, the first one, and Rachel. Now, Rachel’s name means lamb. So, she’s a picture of like Sarah, the New Covenant grace, amen? Leah came first like the law came first before grace because man needs to know that he cannot to see his need for the Savior. God didn’t bring grace first. God brought the law first. The law came by a servant, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, the Son, okay?

So, Leah came first. Jacob married her first. And for Leah, a bishop of the law, the rest of the children actually came from slave women, bond women, okay? And all of them, they mixed up the ten tribes of Israel. The two tribes, there are twelve tribes of Israel, I know, but the two is actually Joseph as well as Benjamin, okay? So, we have Joseph and Benjamin from the same mother. Who was that mother? Rachel.

Now, ladies, you all know that when you have competition in the house, amen? If your husband’s love is divided, it’s hard. It’s hard to maintain that kind of peace. There’s always going to be bickering, strife, jealousy, strife. But nonetheless, out of this chaos, God is showing us that he can work everything out for his glory, for his purpose. I’m so glad that God doesn’t, you know, whitewash all the sins of the people in the Bible, you know, so that we see them clearly and all the more magnifying God’s grace. That’s why he’s called the God of Jacob shall defend thee. The God of Jacob shall help you, amen? Even though Jacob’s name is Israel, when God gave him his name, his new name was Israel, but Jacob is always kept as the God of Jacob.

When you find the God of Jacob, it’s an expression of grace. In other words, you’re about to read a verse about God’s grace, all right? The God of Jacob. A man who deserves nothing, who receives everything because of God’s grace, amen? So, we find that Joseph shares the same mother, Rachel, as his brother, Benjamin. So, who is Joseph again? Our Lord Jesus, amen. And he shares the same mother as Benjamin. Who is Benjamin? That’s the question. Who is Benjamin? Because wherever Benjamin is, he shares the same mother, not just the same father.

In fact, all those born that make up the twelve tribes of Israel, they were all born of the same father, Jacob. In other words, they have the same father just like Isaac and Ishmael’s story all over again, okay? They share the same father, but not the same mother. Their mother is a bond woman, okay? Their mother is a picture of the law. Leah, or the bond women, that brought forth all the other sons, the ten sons. Notice ten, the number of the law. The other two sons are Joseph and Benjamin, amen. So, only Joseph and Benjamin were born from the lamb. Because Rachel’s name means lamb, amen? And we need to establish who is Benjamin, all right? Because in the Scriptures, the Bible says he’s the most favored of them all. He’s the most loved by the father and the most loved by Joseph, by the heavenly Joseph, our Lord Jesus as well. And when did Benjamin make his appearance? During the time of famine.

Look at Genesis 41, «So when all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread. Then Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians, 'Go to Joseph; whatever he says to you, do.' The famine was over all the face of the earth». Isn’t that true? Isn’t that what we are seeing right now? But we rest easy in our Lord, amen. We know, «'Yea, do I walk true.'» I’m not going to stay in the valley. We are all going through as long as we have a Shepherd. And when we have a Shepherd, we will not lack, amen. The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. Okay, so right now, we are saying, «The famine over all the earth, and Joseph opened all the storehouse,» and this is exactly what’s happening.

If you look at The Young’s Translation of the Hebrew here, «The famine had been over all the face of the land, and Joseph opened all the places which have corn in them». Joseph, our heavenly Joseph, is now opening all the churches and ministries which have corn in them. Is he the one behind the famine? No, amen. He is the one behind the supply, amen. But he’ll take advantage of what is happening. And that’s what we are saying now. During this time, Joseph said, «There will be no more bread,» he told his brothers. The first appearance when he appeared before his brothers, he looked like an Egyptian with all his makeup and all that. They didn’t recognize him.

So, the first time Jesus appeared to his brothers in the first coming, Israel didn’t recognize their Messiah. But the second time he revealed himself, second time when he appeared before them, the Bible says, «He revealed himself». So, we see that when the famine is all over the earth, finally the father, you know, hunger has a way of making you compromise. And he said, «Okay, you can take Benjamin, but make sure you take care of him». And Judah says, «I’ll be his guarantor. I’ll make sure he comes back». And they appeared before Joseph again. And notice, this is the first time Joseph looked at his brother after so many years. The last time he saw him was a young boy.

Now, he’s an adult and he looked at his brother, probably right now, a young adult I should say. And he looked at his brother and he realized, he saw the similarity. This is what our Lord Jesus is waiting. During the time of famine, the raising of the Benjamin generation. Look at this, «When Joseph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the steward of his house, 'Take this man to my home, and slaughter an animal and make ready.'» Slaughter what? An animal. When did this happen? When Joseph saw Benjamin. The brothers came for bread. Joseph, our Lord Jesus, gave them solid meat. They expected bread, they got meat, amen. The Lord always exceeds our expectations. He answers our prayers. No, he over-answers our prayers, amen? With exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask for a thing, amen?

Once I asked for a companion for life, God gave me Wendy. Hallelujah, amen. Over and above. Praise the Lord. Let’s drop down and see what happened. The moment Joseph came back, all right, they were all in the palace already and he sat down for the noon meal with them. And the Bible says, «Then he lifted his eyes and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother’s son, and said, 'Is this your younger brother of whom you spoke to me? ' And he said, 'God be gracious to you, my son.'» This is the first word of Joseph to his brother Benjamin. Same father, same mother, amen? God be gracious. Grace will locate this generation. When Benjamin was born, his mother died giving birth to him, amen?

The grace generation was born out of the death of the Lamb of God on the cross, amen. And out of his side came the bride of Christ, hallelujah. And the mother, as her soul was departing, the Bible says, «She named her baby,» the last words, «Ben-oni». Ben-oni means the son of my sorrow. Oni, my sorrow. The Father says, «No, his name will not be Ben-oni. His name will be Benjamin, son of my right hand». I will uphold you the right hand of my righteousness. Right hand means righteousness, amen. It means power, the place of privilege and favor and power, amen. «Sit on my right hand,» the father said to the Son, «until I make your enemies your foot stool,» amen. The Father said to Jesus. Jesus is the true Benjamin, amen. But here, we have a picture of the Benjamin generation, amen.

Jesus is the heavenly Joseph looking at the Benjamin generation. How he longed for the Benjamin generation to rise. And now, he sees a generation that is totally grace, amen. And he wept. You know, he didn’t weep over the brothers earlier on, but he wept because he heard them saying, «It’s because we sold Joseph. Because of what we did to Joseph». And that’s the reason he cried. But for Benjamin, the moment he laid eyes on Benjamin, he wept. He had to go somewhere. The Bible says, «Now his heart yearned for his brother, so Joseph made haste and sought somewhere to weep. And he went into his chamber and wept there. Then he washed his face and came out; and he restrained himself, and said, 'Serve the bread.'» Serve the bread, amen. Serve the bread, pastors and leaders! Serve the bread.

The Benjamin generation is here! Amen, remember what he said? «You will not see my face and there will be no more bread for you until Benjamin stands before me». Amen, the Benjamin generation is here. But when did Benjamin make his appearance? When the famine was all over the earth, amen. We are coming in all its fullness. The Benjamin generation is here. I say the Benjamin generation is here. Hallelujah, amen. «Then he took servings to them from before him, but Benjamin’s serving was five times as much as any of theirs. So they drank and were merry with him».

Benjamin’s serving was five times as much, amen. He had five times more portion. What is God saying to us? Amen, the Benjamin generation will be a generation. Five is the number of grace. The fifth time Noah’s name was mentioned in the Bible, it says, «Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord». Amen, the fifth time Ruth’s name was mentioned. Ruth said to Naomi, her mother-in-law, «Let me go to the field and glean in the field in whose sight,» the owner of the land, «in whose sight I will find favor».

That’s the fifth time Ruth’s name is mentioned. The fifth time in the same book of Ruth, Boaz’s name is mentioned, the fifth time, it says that, «Ruth looked at him and says, 'Why have I found favor in your eyes? '» And the fifth time David’s name is mentioned, «Saul said to his servant,» all right, «'Let David stand before me, for he has found favor in my sight.'» Five is the number of grace, the number of favor. Hallelujah, in these last days, amen, child of God, you in the Benjamin generation, you who are under grace, you who trust in the grace of God, you will have five times more, hallelujah, by grace compared to all those brothers who share the same Heavenly Father, but not the same mother, amen.

Five times more. Five times more revelation, bread, amen? Five times more food in the natural. You have five times more provision than those who have the same Heavenly Father, but they are under the law. When you’re under grace, friend, your portion is five times more. Not only that, not only the food. Look at what Joseph gave to Benjamin in terms of the garments. It says here in Genesis 45, «He gave to all of them, to each man, changes of garments,» so all the brothers got garments, just like all the brothers got food, «but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of silver and five changes of garments». Hallelujah, five changes of garments and the Lord…

Joseph didn’t apologize. He gave Benjamin special favors that the other brothers don’t have. He had five changes of garment. And garment is always a picture of the anointing, amen? Your occupation, your anointing, your flow. You’re able to flow in what the Bible calls in manifold grace, amen. But let’s not take away from the fact that there’s also natural provision, amen. Where there’s five times more food, five changes of garment. Remember that someone on the Mount of Jesus says, «Don’t worry about what you shall eat or what you shall drink or what you shall wear,» amen? The Benjamin generation, people who are under grace, will have plenty to eat, amen, both spiritually as well as physically and plenty to wear, amen? Not just physically, amen? But let’s not take away from that.

The provision is there, but also in terms of the manifold grace. Wearing the manifold grace of God. Operating in greater dimensions, amen? And greater offices, praise the Lord, that the Lord has for you. Amen, amen, amen, amen. Don’t forget, bread is also a picture of healing. Healing is always typified as bread. The children’s bread, amen. You’ll be five times healthier in the name of Jesus. Amen, amen, amen, amen. Where others are served healing still, you are served five times more, amen, amen. Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.

Oh, I just feel the Spirit of God saying, «This is Psalms 103,» amen. «Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me. Bless His holy name,» amen. And it says, «Forget not». Many a times, we forget. He’s not telling someone else. He’s talking to himself. «Bless the Lord, O my soul». And once in a while, when you’re in the shower, on your way to work, if you’re driving in the MRT, you know, wherever you are, you know, just meditate talking to yourself. Enrich yourself, amen? Feed yourself. Nourish your soul by saying, «Hey, bless the Lord, O my soul, forget not all His benefits». And think about the benefits. «Forget not all His benefits». And exactly five. «Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction,» one translation says, «The grave».

The Hebrew can refer to the grave. «Who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles». Five benefits. Forget not all. Don’t just say, «We believe in forgiveness of sins. We don’t believe in healing». «We believe in healing. We don’t believe in renewal of youth». No, five times more for the Benjamin generation. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. You know, friend, it was when Benjamin came before him. Benjamin was already in existence when Joseph was in the palace in Egypt, serving, right? As a viceroy, the second most powerful man in all Egypt. Benjamin was growing up. But yet, nothing happened until Benjamin came before Joseph.

So, I just want to close by saying this: Benjamin generation, he wants you to come close to him. He wants you to be in his presence. I know you want this blessing, you want this breakthrough and sometimes you come to him to get a breakthrough. But you know something? He just wants you to come and see him and to know that he has only grace for you, five times more for you. He only has gracious words for you. He wants to love on you. Will you allow him to love on you? Will you enjoy that love in his presence? It was when Benjamin came to Joseph that things began to turn around, even for Israel, amen? He wants you to see how glorious, how beautiful he is. He wants you to see who he is to you, amen. And he wants you to hear his words. God be gracious to you. He wants you to hear his gracious words. He wants you to be like Mary, be at his feet and listen to his Word. Praise the Lord. Thank you, Jesus.

I pray that this has been a blessing to you. I’m believing in God that whatever you are lacking in your life right now, whether it’s in your health, you’ll receive five times more, amen. And three hundred pieces of silver, amen. The benefits of redemption in your life, amen. Whether it is a provision, whether you find that right now you need a breakthrough in this area, the Lord is able to give you five times more, my friend, amen? And when I say that, five being the number of grace, there is no limit. If we say God is all based on your grace, that means you are freeing God. If you say, «Lord, I will try to be obedient to receive this. I will try to, you know»? In the back of your mind, that’s your attitude, you won’t be able to receive it, okay? But you just depend on God’s grace. As much as your grace… sometimes I pray like this. «As much as your grace can do it, Lord. Do this for me, Lord». Hallelujah, praise the Lord. And the Lord wants to see you dependent on grace so that all the glory goes to the Lord Jesus Christ alone.