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Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation

Joseph Prince - Speak Victory over Every Situation
TOPICS: Power of Words, Victory, Proclamation, Confession

There is no sin that God cannot forgive. There is no pain that God cannot touch, no disease that he cannot heal. Amen? He’s above it all. Where sin increase, grace super abounds. In a world where people are so conscious of sin, shortcomings, failures, defeat, it’s hard to believe that where sin increase, especially when it’s increasing, grace is super abounding. But we have to believe it, amen? Paul preached so strong that where sin increase grace super abounds that he was misunderstood and his words were misconstrued as saying let us purposely sin that grace may abound, but Paul didn’t say that. But Paul did say where sin increase grace super abounds. In Greek, huperperisseuo. Literally, hyper, huper. Grace super abounds, amen. All the people said, «Amen».

So let’s be conscious of God’s grace, not of sin. Amen. Let’s be conscious of God’s life and healing and health, not sickness and disease. Amen? The world will constantly, perpetually make you conscious of these things, but really God’s blessings are not these things. «But, pastor, how do I experience them? How do I get them»? Well, Romans chapter 1, verse 16 and 17 tells us, «For I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ». What is the gospel of Christ? This is the gospel of Christ. «I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God…»

The gospel is the power. The power of God is in the gospel. When you preach the gospel, the power of God is released. It is the power of God unto salvation; and the word salvation here is soteria, which is not just saved from hell, saved from spiritual death. Saved also includes, the word salvation includes healing, wholeness, preservation, protection, and prosperity. Literally, those are the words you will find, if you search this word in the original language, all right, you’ll find that all these are encompassed in this one word salvation. Amen? In Hebrew, it is Yeshua, amen, which is salvation, healing, prosperity, deliverance, preservation, wholeness. Hallelujah.

So the power of God to your preservation; the power of God to your healing; the power of God to your emotional wholeness from depression, from oppression; the power of God to your wonderful relationships. Amen. God can save your relationships. How many can say amen? God can save your marriage. I said God can save your marriage. Don’t just limit God’s saving to one area. In fact, the woman with the issue of blood when she touched the hem of his garment, Jesus turn around and says, «Your faith has healed you». The word healed there is from soteria; sozo, which is the verb of soteria. So this word here, the power of God to your salvation, is a mouthful. «For everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it,» in this gospel, «the righteousness of God is revealed».

Unfortunately, when you hear the gospel being preached sometimes today, you hear the sins of men being revealed. There’s no doubt people know they have sinned. That’s why they shun God. They don’t want to talk about it, and they don’t want to talk about God because it brings out the reality of sin. People don’t have to be reminded that there is sin in their lives. But the gospel is not a revelation of sin; the gospel is a revelation of the righteousness of God by faith, and it’s revealed to faith. Can I have a good amen? «As it is written, 'The just shall live by faith.'»

Now, many a times when you read this verse the just shall live by faith, you start thinking to yourself, «Oh, I think I know what it means. That means all believers, they live by faith». That’s what I used to think, but actually what it’s saying here, the subject is righteousness, faith righteousness. Say, «Faith righteousness». Faith righteousness is the key to every blessing of God because it is the foundation by which God is able to bless you. You know, God has to be righteous in receiving the sinner and making the sinner righteous, and the Bible says God is just and the justifier of him who believes in Jesus. So God is just, means God is righteous. What gives God the righteous foundation? The cross.

The cross of Jesus Christ gives God the righteous foundation to bless you even though you are still ungodly. It is as ungodly when we first believe on Christ. The faith that pleases God is the faith, the Bible says, that believes God that justifies while you are still ungodly. Amen? Now, once you are saved, of course now you are the righteousness of God in Christ. Don’t be sin conscious, and this verse is saying literally the righteous by faith will live. Not the righteous will live by faith, the righteous by faith will live. Now, some translations bring that out nicely. Like Young’s Literal Translation bring that out. New English Translation says it, «The righteous by faith will live».

Now, that’s different from the righteous will live by faith, right? The righteous by faith will live. If you believe you are righteous, by faith you will live. Amen. Now, why do we need to be righteous by faith? Because every day we are still conscious of the presence of sin in our thoughts, in our flesh, in our feelings, in our emotions, in our sensing, right? Am I right? Any of you since you were saved you don’t feel any sin at all? No, we still have it, but then in the midst of it God is saying, «I see you righteous. You have put your trust in my Son’s blood,» amen, «that has cleansed you from all sins. My Son became your sin at the cross that you might become my righteousness in him». Amen? «Now you are to declare yourself righteous».

So in the midst of sin I must proclaim, «I am the righteousness of God in Christ». So once you confess that, you are the righteous by faith. And the righteous by faith will not die, the righteous by faith will live. Amen. And not just live in this life but have the highest form of life like the word live means in the Greek. Praise God. Now, as we look at this, it behooves us then to know that death is so rampant, sin is so widespread that it’s hard for us to be conscious of grace and life. But Romans 5:17, one of my favorite verses, says, «If by the one man’s offense…» Who is that one man? Adam. By his offense, death reigned through that one man, Adam. Think about it. God never meant for man to die. It’s never God’s plan for man to grow old, become decrepit, even have wrinkles, and then die.

It was not part of his love plan. God meant for man to live forever; forever young, forever beautiful, unwithered, amen, enjoying his blessings, enjoying his goodness. God made man last so that he can enjoy everything that he has created. Man was created to receive all of God’s love and goodness, amen, but man committed high treason, sin against God. As a result, death came in. So when Jesus died, he has to deal with two things. Not just with sin… of course he dealt with more things, even against the devil, all right? He dealt with the devil, put the devil to naught. But basically in essence he dealt with sin and he dealt with death, these two things. Amen. So death and sin is behind Jesus now. He’s in the resurrected form. Can I have a good amen?

And here it says by one man’s offense death reigned. Now, have you noticed that death doesn’t just come in into someone’s life? All over the world, you see death reigning. You don’t believe in God, you don’t believe in sin, one day death will still reign over you. It doesn’t matter what you believe. It doesn’t matter what you say. It’s not your words. Death will still reign. Everyone is subject to death.

Now, I speak that generally. For the believer, we are no more subject to death. Death and sin is behind us. Today, if there’s a lack of blessing in a believer’s life, it is because of unbelief. There’s an area of unbelief. Now, under the law, it is true when there’s sin in your life or there is a curse that comes in you need to find out, «Where did I break the law,» okay? But under the new covenant, if there is a lack of blessing, usually there’s an area of unbelief in your life. So it doesn’t really matter that you say, «I’m devoted to God. In fact, yesterday I surrendered myself to God again. I’ve been surrendering myself to God. I consecrate myself to God».

It’s not a lack of devotion. It’s not a lack of holiness. It’s not a lack of consecration. It’s a lack of faith. It’s unbelief. There’s an area where you have opened yourself to unbelief. Are you listening, people? And the Bible says number one key for faith, number one use of faith in the believer’s life is faith for righteousness, to believe that you are righteous because every day there are seeming evidence that seems to tell you you are not righteous. Your feelings tell you you’re not righteous. Your thoughts tell you you’re not righteous. In the midst of it, God says confess, «I am the righteousness of God in Christ». Amen. That’s the gospel of Jesus Christ. Are you listening?

Now, faith is not pretending that something is not there. «But if I keep on saying it is there, it will be there». No, faith deals with the unseen. It deals with the unfelt, but doesn’t mean it’s not real. Just because something is unseen doesn’t mean it’s not real. Are you listening? You can’t see atoms, but atoms are the building blocks of creation, amen, of matter. You can’t see angels, but they are eternal. They outlive any man, right? Any man’s body, that is. You know, you cannot feel the presence of these angels, but they are around, but you can feel your chair that you’re sitting down on. But, you know, whatever you can feel, you can touch, it’s temporal. It’s subject to decay. Do you realize that? And yet we call these things more real than the things of God. But for God, the realm of faith is the real realm. It’s the realer. It’s the true reality as God perceives it. Can I have a good amen?

Let’s go back to this again. So when we receive abundance of grace, the gift of righteousness, we will reign in life, right? Don’t you want to reign in life? So, what do you think the devil will do? If he knows that the only few things that will cause a believer to reign in life, that means death cannot reign when you reign. When you reign, other forces in your life cannot reign, right? What will cause you to reign? Abundance of grace. He will make sure there’s a lack of grace being preached. If anyone preach an abundance of grace, all right, he would try to discredit that person’s preaching. Amen.

So the devil will attack abundance of grace. Why? It will cause you to reign. The next thing he will attack is the gift of righteousness. He’ll tell you, «Yeah, do your best to be righteous, all right? By all means, be righteous, okay? But do your best. Don’t even sleep on anything. Be righteous. Do your best to keep the Ten Commandments. Do your best to be good». How many understand all this is not the gospel? It is not try to be righteous. It is not the reward of your labor, it is the gift of righteousness to be received. It must be abundance of grace being taught for people to receive the abundance of grace and then the gift of righteousness. You will reign. You will reign in life.

So how do I receive this? It all comes by faith, amen. How do you receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness? By faith. Amen. Faith is the hand that takes from the invisible realm. Again, please don’t think of this. Invisible means real. Invisible, not real. All right? As a child of God, you should think the opposite from the world. Think like God who is himself a spirit. Long before there was matter, there is God who is a spirit. Amen. So which is more real? God, right? Start thinking, amen, the invisible is real, the visible is temporal. Now, we’re not Christian science that say the visible is not real and all that. No, it is there, it is real, all right? But it will not outlast the invisible, which is reality.

Now watch this now. We receive by faith. We need to have the spirit of faith. 2 Corinthians 4:13 says, «We have the same spirit of faith». Say it. Same spirit of faith. One more time. Once again. All right, what is the spirit of faith? What is spirit of faith, number one? And what is the same spirit? So Paul here by the spirit was quoting David. David in the Psalms had the same spirit of faith that Paul says we have the same spirit of faith like David. Amen? In fact, David was a shepherd boy that knocked down Goliath, and Goliath, before he was knocked down, he seemed big, which he was big. He seemed very tall, and he was tall. He seemed very strong, and he was strong. And to all the feelings that David had in the natural, he was overwhelming. Amen?

But David didn’t go by what he saw. He didn’t go by his feelings, he went by faith. Even before the giant fell, he had a spirit of faith and this is what he said: «This giant today…» He told the giant, «The Lord will deliver you into my hand». When did he say it, after the giant fell or before? Before. Now, Paul says we have the same spirit of faith. How does the spirit of faith operate? «I believed and therefore I spoke». We also believe and therefore speak. Church, look up here. It’s very simple. The spirit of faith is like this. I believe and therefore I speak, amen? I believe and therefore I speak. We are made in God’s image. That’s how God is. When God saw darkness in Genesis 1, all right, what did God say? «Light, be».

Listen, God didn’t say what he saw. He said what he wanted to see. There’s a secret in your life. You want good things to happen in your life, you want the blessings of God to manifest in your life, you’ve got to believe it first. And then how do you release it? You speak. The spirit of faith has these two components. Believe and then you speak. I tell you what people do, okay, many a times. «We’re going for a holiday. I know it just want to happen, I just know what’s going to happen. One of the kids will fall sick, always like day one,» you know. Or something good happens and you say, «I don’t know, I can’t… it’s too good to be true. Something will happen that will cause me not to be chosen for promotion,» or whatever it is.

There’s always something bad you want to say. You know why? Because you believe it in your heart. You believe it in your heart and then guess what? You speak it out. So you believe, then you speak, and then you see. And because of what you see, now you believe more and then you speak because of what you believed, and then because you speak it you see it. Imagine if God saw darkness, which he did in the beginning, and God says, «Wow, so dark». No, God calls those things that are not as though they are, and that’s one thing about God that we all need to follow after, all right? God doesn’t speak what he sees. He speaks what he wants to see, amen. He calls out from the invisible realm. It’s already there in the invisible realm, but he calls it forth into the visible. He calls it forth from the intangible.

The spirit of faith is you believe, you speak. Jesus said, «As you have believed, so be it done to you». I believe good things are in store for you this coming year. I believe you will run smack dab into middle of favor, amen? I believe surely goodness and mercy will hunt you down all the rest of your life. I don’t care where you have been. It’s not where you’re going. You’re going into favor. You’re going into higher ground, amen. You’re going into promotion in the things of God. Hallelujah. Amen. I believe it.

Let me give you one example of your papa Abraham. All of us are the seed of Abraham, right? Abraham learned from God God’s nature. In Romans 4 it says Abraham, God made him a father of many nations, like God who quickens the dead and calls those things which be not as though they are. So God calls those things that are not. Not visible, not felt, not tangible to the human senses, but they are real nonetheless. Eternally real. God calls those things that are not visible as though they are. So God calls you as if it already is.

So Abraham at nearly 100 years old did not even have one son with his wife Sarah. Sarah is now 90 years old. Amen? She’s barren. Actually, when Sarah was younger, even during those childbearing years when she was in her 20s and all that, she was still not able to conceive. Now she’s 90. Doubly barren, right? She has undergone menopause. So Abraham and his wife Sarah, they are both barren. They’re both old in the natural. We’re not denying that, amen. It is real in the natural, which is temporal. And God calls those things that are not. They are young. They are fruitful. Amen? They are blessed. They are father and mother of many nations, and this is what God said. «Who against hope», in fact, God says to Abraham, «I have made you a father of many nations».

And you know what God did? God changed his name. His name was Abram. In Hebrew, Avram, which is high father or exalted father. God inserted his name: Yud Hey Vav Hey. He breathed Hey into his name and Abram became Abraham. Abraham means father of multitudes, father of many nations. Now, God made him call himself father of many nations.

Now, for us we cannot see the relevance of this until we realize that to call someone’s name father of many when they don’t even have one son by his wife Sarah, I mean that really is calling those things that are not as though they are. Many Christians are afraid of doing this because they say that they’ll be lying. No, you’re not lying if you are calling those things that God said is a reality in your life. How can you lie when you speak what God speaks? God sees farther than anyone can see. God sees more, longer if you want to say it that way, than anyone can ever. God sees the eternal now, and God sees him already a man who is a father of many nations when he didn’t even have one son by Sarah.

So God changed the way he spoke in his daily speech. God says, «From now on, don’t call yourself Abram. Call yourself Avraham,» which means father of many. The Bible says in Hebrews 11, «Through faith Sarah received strength to conceive seed». And not only that, the bonus was that her whole body became young again and she literally became young because the Bible tells us a king wanted her for his harem, and those kings are hidden kings, you know. They are not discerning her spiritual beauty. «I know she looks like a prune outside, but I discern her inner beauty. Yes, I want her inner beauty in my harem». No, no, no. These kings are going by their eyeballs. They looked at her and they saw a beautiful woman.

At 90 years old, faith changed her entire appearance, literally her body. Amen? Brought her back to the days of her youth again. Hallelujah. And there’s a promise that says God will renew your youth. Amen? Your flesh shall be fresher than a child’s, and God will return you to the days of your youth. I pray this be true for you in Jesus’s name. So against hope… it was hopeless, but he believed in hope, amen. «That he might become the father of many nations; according to what was spoken, so shall your seed be».

Now, you think that all this is about healing? It’s not. It’s actually faith righteousness. Let’s go on. «And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead,» being not weak in faith he considered not his own body, «when he was about 100 years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb». So he didn’t say, «Sarah’s womb is not old». He didn’t say that, «My body is not 100 years old». No, he realized, «Her womb is dead. My body is old». But he considered not these things. Are you listening? He considered what? God’s Word. «So shall your seed be,» amen?

So today also, for us, we must confess we are the righteousness of God in Christ while the symptoms of sin is still present in our minds and in our bodies. So that is righteousness by faith. Are you with me so far? All right? «He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. And being fully persuaded of what God had promised, God was able also to perform. And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness». Notice it’s all about faith righteousness. We got to live by faith, and God says you are righteous in his eyes. Do you receive that? Amen. Give Jesus the praise. Hallelujah.