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Joseph Prince - The Power of Declaring Your Right Standing in Christ

Joseph Prince - The Power of Declaring Your Right Standing in Christ

Now, I’m going to show you something very, very powerful and this is the meat of my teaching, the marrow of the bone here. In Galatians 3, «And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith,» «Justify the Gentiles by faith». Subject matter, «Justification by Faith». The Gentiles, all of us who are non-Jews. The people of God in the Old Testament were Jewish people, so anyone not Jewish at that time was considered Gentile. So, we were all Gentiles, amen? But the Bible says that Abraham, long before there was a nation of Israel, because they all came from the loins of Abraham, Abraham heard the gospel preached to him by God, and God, the scriptures foreseeing that God would justify all of us by faith. God would justify all of us by faith.

So, the subject matter is «Justification by Faith,» keep that in mind, okay? God preached the gospel to Abraham beforehand, saying, «In you all the nations shall be blessed». Now, God had in mind in Abraham, like if I look at Pastor Lawrence and I say in you all the nations will be blessed, right, what I’m saying is that in his son, Josh, all the nations will be blessed. In Josh’s sons, all the nations will be blessed. I’m saying descendants, and what God had in mind, as we will see further not in this study here today, but if you study for yourself, you’ll find that Paul refers to the seed of Abraham. The seed, not seeds, plural, he says singular seed. Paul makes an argument over whether there’s an S or no S. Of course in the original Greek, plural or singular, he says God is referring to the seed of Abraham. Who is that? Christ, then if you are Christ’s, then are you Abraham’s seed, amen, because you are in Christ, you understand?

Okay, so God saw in Christ, in Abraham, because Christ will come from Abraham’s line, in you all the nations will be blessed. How many want to live under the blessing? I wanna make sure that I’m preaching to the right crowd. Angels, take notice, okay, take down notes. Okay, I just want to make sure. Let me tell you this, when you are blessed, no one can stop you. When you are blessed, no one can hinder you. When you are blessed, I’m telling you, you might not be the smartest kid in town, all right, the smartest kid in your workplace, not the smartest guy, all right, in your workplace, not the most good-looking, not the prettiest, not the most-the wealthier one, whatever it is, the least contacts and all that with people of influence and movers and shakers, but the blessing is on you.

It’s amazing how everything will move around you, amen, to promote you, to bless you, to put you in a position of favor. Like Joseph, they tried to put him down, like a rubber ball he keeps on bouncing back. Like a rubber ball, keep on bouncing back, amen. They tried to put him down in a dungeon, he rose up in the dungeon. They tried to push him down in Potiphar’s house, he rose up in Potiphar’s house. Everywhere they tried to put him down, he rose up. The brothers tried to put him down in the pit, he rose up. When you are blessed, no human hand is long enough to stop God’s hand. You listening, people? Now, I’m going to show you an example before I go on, but I must read this.

So, the subject matter is «Justification by Faith,» all right? Then verse 9 says, «So then those who are of faith are blessed with,» equivalent, «with believing Abraham». «Those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham». Faith here must be interpreted in the context, what is it? Righteousness by faith. Those who believe they are righteous by faith, they are justified by faith, are blessed with believing Abraham. People ask me sometimes, «Pastor Prince, why do you tell people to confess I am the righteousness of God in Christ»?

Now you know, because the moment they confess by faith they are the righteousness of God in Christ, as Abraham confessed I am the father of many, God changed his name to father of many. As he confessed when he didn’t even have one son from his wife, Sarah, yet he called himself the father of many, in the same way we have to confess I’m the righteousness of God in Christ while we are still in our sin. While we are smoking, confess I’m the righteousness of God in Christ. While you’re watching porn, confess I am the righteousness of God in Christ. But don’t you think you ought to repent?

Now, listen carefully, okay? Repentance means change your mind. When you confess I’m the righteousness of God in Christ, you’re actually changing your mind. You don’t want this to continue. But you know in your heart, the only way for this to be broken over your life is by faith and not by human effort. It’s not by self-will, not by self-effort, so what do you do when you sin? Well, I’m not against confessing your sins, but under the Old Testament you confess as much as you know to be forgiven. Under grace, you confess because you are forgiven. Position of faith, amen. And you know, confessing your sins… and you know, some people, you know how they confess their sins when they fail? «Oh, God, I’m so sorry, I did it again, Lord, and I told you I wouldn’t do it. I’m so terrible, Lord, please forgive me, Lord. Forgive me because of what Jesus did on the cross. Forgive me, oh, Lord. Please forgive me and I promise I won’t do it again».

That’s the common, you know, and if you are telling people to go back to that, there’s not much, there’s no faith there. That’s why, you know, having that, I know people want us to do that, but that’s not faith. What is faith? When you fall, all right, the fact you’re telling God this, Father, I thank you, you’re calling that a sin. You’re not saying it’s no sin. Father, I thank you you have forgiven me of that sin in Christ, and I confess that I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Like Abraham confessed without having one child through Sarah, I am the righteousness, I am the father of many. You confess I’m the righteous of God in Christ, having no fruit of holiness yet over this addiction, over this bondage.

So, watch this now, okay? So, this is how we get blessed. And the idea here, some people say, «Well, I learned about faith, Pastor, a long time ago. You know, Pastor, I went to this school on faith and I read books on faith. I know about faith». Friend, I’m not talking about faith principles here, I’m talking about, even though faith principles are involved, I’m talking about justification by faith. One thing about those faith teaching, one thing they really lack is a permanency to our righteousness. They teach you that you are righteous by faith, but the next thing you know, you can lose it in the same day, then you have to confess to become re-righteous.

Well, we believe in confession of sin, but we believe in confessing, yet we are forgiven in Christ and we are righteous in Christ. Permanent basis, that’s what makes faith work, and the moment you start believing God, okay, you start believing God, and all of a sudden, you have thoughts that come in and say, «Yeah, but you did this one this morning. Yeah, but you said that to your wife yesterday. Yeah, but you did this». And all of a sudden, you feel like you don’t want to confess anymore. The law has just come in and robbed you of your faith. So, either you live by faith or the next alternative is this. «So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing in Abraham,» watch this, «For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse». Of faith are blessed, of the works of the law are under the curse. Those who are of faith are blessed. Those who are of the works of the law are under the curse.

Let’s try again. Those who are of faith are blessed, those who are of the works, doesn’t say those who break the law, those who are of the works of the law. The moment you take your position for righteousness or holiness based on the law, you are under the curse, you know why? Because you are supposed to perform everything or else the law will curse you. Watch this, «For as many as are of the works,» that includes believers as well, «For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse. For it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who does not continue, '» in how many things? How many things? «In all things which are written in the book of the law to do them».

If you believe in keeping the law, all right, good, keep all or else you’ll be under the curse. The only way, based on this verse for those who are under law not to be under the curse is to keep all, or else the moment you take a position on law, law ground, bang, you’re under the curse, unless you perform everything. Can you understand, people? I pray the spirit of revelation flows right now, and I’m telling you, sometimes a non-Christian can believe easier than a Christian, because a Christian is so conscious of where he’s falling short, what he’s not doing, what he has done wrong, what he has not done right, what he has done right but not enough. He’s conscious of himself, self, self, self, whereas the non-Christian, they hear a message like that, they believe, bang, they get healed, bang, they get blessed. This is no joke, my friend. It’s got to do with your blessing and cursing.

Let’s go back to Galatians 3. Are you all being blessed, people? Okay, so this is the portion I want you to understand, that the alternative for a life of faith is the life of being under the law, performance. Okay, I want to show you something. This word, all right, «Of faith are blessed with believing Abraham, of the works of the law are under the curse,» he goes on to elucidate here about those under the law being under the curse, «But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God is evident, 'For the just shall live by faith.' Yet the law is not of faith, but the man who does them shall live by them».

So, there are two contrasting lifestyles here, all right? It says no one is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident. I wonder sometimes nowadays, is it evident? People forgot back then it was evident. «For the just shall live by faith». Now, this quotation, «The just shall live by faith,» the word «live» zao, the same one in the next verse, the man who does the commandments, the laws, shall have life, shall live by them. The word «zao» or the Hebrew word in the Old Testament is chayah, chayah. You know when your Jewish friends, when they toast to you, they say, «L’chaim, to life». The same word, «chayah» and «zao» in the Greek in the New Testament. Old Testament, New Testament, Hebrew, Greek, they actually mean to have full life, to have real life, to have in the Greek chayah, to recover from sickness, to recover from disease, to be revived physically.

In other words, the just shall recover from sickness by faith. I know this word means live, shall live eternal life as well, it means eternal life, but it means more than that in the original word. It means have full vigor by faith, or else the man who performs the law shall live, shall recover from sickness by keeping the law. So, you’ve got two choices. If you keep the law to have the blessings, you must keep all or else you live by faith, you live by believing. And this phrase, «the just shall live by faith,» is taken from Habakkuk in the Old Testament. But in Habakkuk it appears «the righteous shall live by faith,» but in the New Testament, Habakkuk is Old Testament, in the New Testament it appears three times. Three times it appears, in Romans, in Galatians, in Hebrews.

In Romans, the focus is on the just, the just, how does one become just before God? In Galatians, it is after you are justified, how do you live? Do you live by the law, by your performance, or do you live by faith, all right? So Romans focused on the first part, the just, Galatians focused on live, and Hebrews is the last book that quotes this, «The just shall live by faith». It is to focus on faith. In fact, right after he quotes «the just shall live by faith,» the next chapter is the hall of faith, Hebrews 11. So, each one is given his treatment. Seems like God wants us to meditate on it. The righteous shall have life, eternal life by faith. The righteous will recover from sickness by faith.

Do we understand this, people? Do we really understand this? Because I tell you this, they are antithesis to one another. You cannot live by law and grace, you cannot live by faith and works at the same time. They are antithesis like oil and water cannot mix. You throw the oil into the water, the oil and water will separate. You will see the oil, it cannot mix, you see? «Yet,» verse 12 says, «The law is not of faith». «The law is not of faith». If you are trying to perform to score points with God so that God will bless you, God will heal you or whatever, all right, if you’re doing that, you’re not doing it out of faith, it cannot be. Performance cannot be out of faith, but if you’re doing it out of faith, you’re not under the law. Choose you this day. God is saying live by faith, okay?

I want to tell you something, I’m going to show you verses right now real quick, back to back, back to back, back to back, and may it just wash you and help you understand why people are not receiving, why people are not being blessed, okay? But the context of this faith here, we saw just now, is justification by faith, all right? So, don’t forget that. It’s not faith for healing or whatever, but you’re going to see faith for healing right now. It all comes out of believing that you’re righteous by faith, all right? So, I’m going to show you right now, people, that your life, in closing I’m going to show you that your life is a life of believing, okay? Look at these examples. Jesus back to back, «Then He touched their eyes, saying, 'According to your faith, let it be to you.'»

Alright, these are the two blind men, not mice, they came to Jesus and they came into the house in Capernaum, and the Lord said to them, What do you want me to do for you, all right? Obviously they are blind, and they said that we might see, but Jesus didn’t say, hey, guys, you know why this happened to you? Peter, go away, what have you been looking? What have you been looking? He never did that. You know what he said? He asked them one question, do you believe I’m able to do this? Faith, do you believe I’m able to do this? They said, yes, Lord, then he touched their eyes, saying, «According to your faith, let it be to you». The Bible says their eyes were opened.

Another example, «Jesus answered and said to the woman, 'O woman, great is your faith, '» your faith. «'Let it be to you as you desire, ' and her daughter was healed from that very hour». Nothing to do with their… these are not perfect people, come on. These are not perfect people, but nothing to do with their performance, their law-keeping, and how holy they are, all right? Holiness is important to glorify him, our lifestyle of holiness, but it is not the reason for their blessing. In fact, it produces holiness when they are blessed. It’s the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. They receive first. Their sin was never an obstacle, it was their faith. It was their faith or lack of it.

How did they receive? He never said great is my power, but great is your faith. He didn’t say according to my power your eyes are open, according to your faith. I think he’s teaching us something, people. So, watch this now. All right, «'Woman, great is your faith. Let it be to you as you desire.' Her daughter was healed from that very hour,» her faith. Drop down, «And He said to the man, 'Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.'» All right, drop down, «When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic,» the one that lowered his friend from the ceiling, «Son, your sins are forgiven you». Next, «And He said to her daughter,» this is a woman with the issue of blood.

By the way, she broke the law, a few laws by being out there in the open, all right, when she was bleeding. And she came and touched the hem of his garment, she got healed. Jesus turned around, «Daughter, be of good cheer, your faith has made you well». Go in or into peace. Your faith, your faith, your faith. Instead we are questioning, how are we doing? The devil says, «Hey, you did that, you did that at that time, you did this, you did that,» so we become focused on our performance instead of our believing. Our believing is not switched on.

When was the last time you got up and said, «It’s going to be a great week»? When bad things happen, you see on television, you hear in the media, bad things happen, you say that thousands shall fall at my side, 10,000 at my right hand. It will not come near me because my family and I abide in the secret place of the Most High. Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. The devil says, «Who are you»? I’m the one he redeemed. Who are you? Are you listening, people? Start operating in faith. Start operating in faith.

When you take communion, «Father, I believe that by his stripes I am healed, and I believe every cell in my body has been rejuvenated in health, in renewal of youth and strength,» then drink it. It’s not going through the motions, you know. Don’t turn it into works. It’s believing, it’s believing. Jesus says whatever you ask for in prayer, believing you shall receive. Instead, a lot of people are praying and they are wondering if God is listening. No, pray believing. «But Pastor Prince, when I pray I don’t feel anything».

Believing, lah, not feeling. If only he said whatever you ask in prayer, feelingly. Good thing he didn’t say that, because most of the time I don’t feel. I don’t feel anything, but I’m believing. I’m believing as I’m praying, he’s listening. As I’m praying, he is responding as I’m praying. Why do people stop praying? They stop believing that they are being heard. You, a grandmother, all right, spend most of your time at home. You can be moving nations by your prayer. A powerful tool, man. You can be moving the wheels of destiny by just praying. You can pray for nations and God is responding. Drop down. And finally you say, «Pastor Prince, I don’t have enough faith, I want more faith».

The apostles said that to the Lord, «Increase our faith». They knew now that faith is important. «Increase our faith». «So the Lord said, 'If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be pulled up by the roots.'» You can say to your cancer, you can say to your growth, you can say to your tumor, «Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea, and it will obey you». He’s trying to make things simple for us. He’s saying if you have faith as a mustard seed. You know how small is a mustard seed?

Another place Jesus says the mustard seed is the smallest of all herbs, and yet when it grows, it’s the tallest of all herb trees, but it’s the smallest seed that produces so much. But we say, «Pastor Prince, I don’t have strong faith. You know, Pastor Prince, I look at Pastor Mark praying for the city, I look at Pastor Henry praying for people and all that, I wish I had that kind of faith but I don’t have that kind of faith,» but Jesus says that’s not where you start. If you have faith as a mustard seed. What he’s saying is start using it. Start getting up and saying, «This is the day the Lord has made».

You’re going for a vacation, say it will be the best one yet, by the grace of God. Start declaring, live by faith, live by believing. You will live, you will recover by faith, or you can say, yeah, but your performance is more important and God looks at your performance. You are under the curse. You want to perform to be blessed? Perform everything, we read that just now, or else you will be under the curse. So, Jesus actually made it easy for us. If you have faith as the mustard seed, and then we teach.

Now, the mustard seed, we gotta know what the mustard seed is like. What it means is that you have faith so small, use it. Start speaking, start speaking to the growth. You got a problem with pimples breaking out? All right, did I tell you that a pimple broke out down here? Right down here, see? My birthday, pimple broke out. Good news, God is renewing my youth like the eagle’s, amen, amen? At 35 it’s not a bad time to renew your youth, amen. So, speak to it, don’t wait until your faith is strong. But you know what? People believe this, the simplicity of faith. In fact, the more simple it is, the more you don’t think about it, just speak it, the more you have results.

And then others will look at you and say you have great faith, but you know the truth. So, what kind of life do you want, a life of performing or a life of believing? Go back and show them the two examples again. A life of believing, «The just shall live by faith,» yet the law is not of faith, or the man who does them, performs them, tries to keep them, finally will live by them, which no one comes to finally. You choose, you choose, but I believe your best days are ahead. I believe whatever the economy of the world is like, God will provide all your needs according to his riches in glory.

I believe as the world gets darker and darker, the church will get brighter and brighter. I believe in spite of all the rebellion and the uncleanness and all the God-dishonoring acts and words being uttered out there in the streets, your family will be godly, your wife a fruitful vine, your children like olive plants run about your table anointed. I believe that your daughter will be like another Esther, amen, someone who will mark destinies of nations. I believe your sons will be like David. At a young age, 17, he will knock down the giant. I believe when others see a shepherd boy, God sees a king. I believe that your future is as bright as Jesus at the Father’s right hand. It can only get brighter for the believer. I believe you’re blessed, blessed, blessed, amen? Give him praise, hallelujah.