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Joseph Prince - God Can Reverse Time For You

Joseph Prince - God Can Reverse Time For You
Joseph Prince - God Can Reverse Time For You
TOPICS: Restoration

Take some time to smile at the one beside you on the right and the left because in the year of time and space you might be liable to sit here for the next 5 hours. You don't even know it, okay? But it will be an accelerated time. Praise God. Okay, I'm just kidding. Now, some of you look very serious. Okay, I'm just kidding, okay? May or may not happen. But in the year of time and space, just to remind you once again, we are not talking about the world, although many of times God will do something in the world that will parallel what he's doing in his church.

And this is also what he's saying to us, to this church, to this ministry, and for those that are following this ministry. This is what the word he has for this year for all of us, the year of time and space. In other words, he's going to manipulate time in your favor, whether there are times you want the time to accelerate. Amen? Especially when we're going through a trial, we want time to accelerate. And there are times when you are enjoying yourself, you are really, you know, basking in the glow of the moment, you don't want that time to pass too fast.

And we know there is an expression also that Jacob served 7 years for Rachel in the Bible. And this is in the Bible, one of the most romantic verses in the Bible. Jacob served 7 years for Rachel, but they were but like a few years for him because of the love he had for her. Don't you think that's romantic? Amen? But for those who are suffering, those who are going through something, you know, they want time to pass fast. Whatever it is, God will manipulate time this year in your favor. He can also suspend time. He can reverse time. Amen. And space, you know, the idea of the Hebrew mind when they talk about space is actually, I'm going to give you a revelation God gave me.

Just for this theme of the year, I never realized I've been using, we've been using that word so often. In fact, not a day passes by that we don't use that word, and you and I don't use that word. But actually, the Hebrew for that word actually means space. Space. And the idea of large space is the idea of deliverance, salvation, help. Constricted space is the idea of difficulties and danger. Well, the Bible says, like what we saw in the temple of Solomon, through the winding stairs, he's going to bring us to the place that's going to be increasingly spacious, broader. Amen?

The first one is five cubits, second one six cubits, the top-most floor is seven cubits. When we first believed God for this building, we actually didn't know that technically, we are on the third floor. We are on the seventh cubits floor. And we also went from space to space, amen, to a broader place, and the steps have been like the winding steps, one step at a time. How many of you know that the things of God is such that we never expect is going to be one step at a time? And sometimes the steps as you go to a winding steps, it might seem like you are going the other direction away from your destiny, but actually it's just a step higher towards your destiny.

So if you believe God, you know, you don't want to manipulate. Amen. Many of us, we make decisions that, you know, for example, we think that our child needs discipline, and there are times they do, amen, but instead of that, the Spirit of God prompts you the first step. He prompts you to just maybe listen to him. And the word listen has been coming up quite often. Just listen to him. Even when he's frustrated, listen to him and repeat what he's saying to you, to understand what he's saying, to even share. So you're feeling frustrated. Share his feelings and tell him that you are feeling what he's feeling. Amen?

And the Lord may just show you things like this, but he needs discipline, but at that moment, the Lord knows he needs empathy. He needs you to understand, and then the problem itself will be resolved. Amen. And there are times the Lord may tell you, "Nope. You got to put your foot down. You're indulging him". You'll follow the prompting. So both are in the Bible. The Bible says don't provoke your children to wrath, yes, but on the other hand big grace people are good with this, you know, but they may over-indulge their children. Amen? So how can we tell when to what, when to discipline, when to take privileges away? Amen? Take away their game time, especially this generation, right? Take away their game. When do you do that? The Lord will lead you. Can I have a good amen?

The Lord will lead you. I shared last week, last week we shared on acceleration of time, and we see, in the Bible we see acceleration of time. We see how the Bible says that God is restoring the tabernacle of David, especially in our day and age. He's restoring the tabernacle of David. And then the plowman will overtake the reaper, and the sower of grapes will overtake the treader of grapes. And that means acceleration. Things will happen so fast that while you're treading you're seeing the guy sowing already, and while you are still plowing you're seeing the reaper, amen, even before seed is planted.

So things will happen so fast that the Bible says, and abundant at the same time, but this is not a promise for the world, but many are times. Like what I shared last week. I remember when the Lord gave me the theme for the year 2006. It was the year of acceleration for us. 2006 was the year of acceleration, remember that, as we are led by the Spirit, and then 2007 was the year of new beginnings. And I shared with you how the world actually entered into new beginnings as well as acceleration in the year. They call it, actually the world call it the age of acceleration from 2007. We saw the advent of Facebook.

Facebook was towards the end of 2006, and then beginning of January 9, 2007 Steve Jobs made the announcement for the first iPhone, 2007. We also saw Twitter. Facebook is there already. Then we saw Kindle. We saw all kinds of breakthroughs. VM, where they introduced the software. It's like a Rosetta Stone that interprets, and now we can have cloud computing. And it's the year for us. The year before was the age of the year of acceleration. 2007 was the year of new beginnings. And what new beginnings there are in the world that we are still using today. So something happened. So there is a moment in time, we call it kairos moment, where God actually does something he wants to do. Amen?

And how many can say even in the natural these breakthroughs has brought the world to a place where it transcends time and space? Would you say that? Anyway, I said all that last week, about all these breakthroughs and all that, and I forgot to tell you something. It was the year 2007 that my ministry went international. Amen? And remember that year the book "Destined to Reign" came out. Amen? And the rest is history. Praise God. So it's the year of time and space. The first two miracles of Jesus, he turned water into wine, amen, was an example of he's the Lord of time. He is the Lord of time and space. Amen. The elements of science is based on time, space, matter, motion, and force. The very first verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, tells us in the beginning, time, God, force, created, motions, the heavens, space, the earth, matter.

So right now, we see that God puts all these things, amen, the elements, the building blocks of everything that we need in this universe. Can I have a good amen? Like, science can tell you about the atom, they can even split the atom, but they are still confounded by the fact what holds the atom together. Because we know that like, for example, negative and negative repel or attract? Repel. Opposites attract. Am I right? So everything about the atom is supposed to go apart. There is a force that holds the atom together, amen, and that force, no one can explain until today. When you go that deep, no one can explain, but the Bible says it in Colossians.

In Christ, all things are held together. All things are held together. He is the one that holds everything together. Imagine when he was born, Mary held him in her arms. She held the one who held everything together. What a wonderful Savior. He came as man, amen, and he showed himself in the first miracle as the Lord of time. Because we know that for grapes to become wine, the first 3 years you plant the seed, then you have the harvest in the third year, the fourth year, but usually the grapes is not good for good wine, amen? Some people still take advantage of that and try to produce some cheap wine out of that, but usually the 5th, 6th, to 7th year are the grapes that produce good wine, but even then you need to store up the wine. Amen?

The longer the wine, the better it is. It is like us men. Men, the older you are, once you hit your 50s, wah, very valuable already. You're very valuable already. Amen. Vintage. Amen, amen? Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. Very expensive. Hallelujah. Amen. Yeah, Lawrence is happy. Lawrence is happy, getting happier. I wonder why. Okay. So the longer it is, the better. So Jesus compounded time or you want to say accelerated time. Normally, it will still happen, but it will be through a protracted time before you get excellent wine. When the wedding, they ran out of wine, Jesus gave them, he turned the water into wine. Amen? Y'all know the story. It was the beginning of miracles.

The Bible says it was the first miracle Jesus ever did, turning water into wine, amen, to show that he's the Lord of time. Nobody was healed. Amen? He only saved the bride and groom from embarrassment. It was actually a miracle of luxury as far as concerned. Because you know what? They are well drunk. Many of them are a bit, you know, they don't really know where they are. So the governor of the feast says that people keep the best wine, they put out the good wine first, and then when the people are well drunk and all that, they put out the lousy wine. They can't tell the difference. "But you have kept excellent wine until now". Amen? It was the first miracle.

Then the next miracle was the miracle of space where the noble man asked the Lord, when he was in Cana, same place where he turned the water into wine, he asked the Lord to heal his son, and his son was about 40 plus kilometers away. Amen? That's more than 16 miles away. 40.4 kilometers actually from Capernaum, where his son was to where Jesus was, Cana of Galilee. And Jesus spoke the word, "Go your way. Your son lives". And that's for all of us today. Even though the Lord is in heaven, you don't have to ask him to come down. He can speak the word. He wants to be believed. He wants to be trusted. He wants you to know that he is the Lord of time and space. That space does not constrain him. And does not constrain him then, it will not constrain him today.

And the father went back the next day. That shows the father trusted the word of the Lord because he spent the night in Cana. And the father went back and found, the next day he went back, the son was healed. When he asked when he was healed, they said, "One o'clock... today 1 o'clock in the afternoon and the", sorry, "One o'clock yesterday, he was healed". And the father realized yesterday exactly there was a time when the Lord said, and he believed. So miracles happen today. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. You don't have to have the Lord come down. He can speak the word, and you'll be healed. Can I have a good amen? Praise the name of Jesus. Hallelujah.

That reminds me of a testimony I want to share with you as we get started. Praise the Lord. You're going to be blessed today, amen? I want to share this testimony of healing because we saw last week a testimony of someone who got healed of a liver disease and the Lord actually arrested me. He said that he prayed. You know, I was finished praying for people and all that, but as I turned around, he said he prayed, "Lord, please have Pastor Prince call out my condition". Don't keep on doing that all the time, okay? I need to preach the word. Amen? And the Lord knows when and how, amen, but the Lord stopped me. And I remember the Lord says, "Okay, turn around. You're not finished yet".

So I turn around. And the person said, "Pastor Prince, you turned around and you called out my condition". Amen? And he was healed. The results are out. Completely healed. Brand-new liver. Praise God. And here's another one. This lady is from America from Kentucky. Hey, all right. "I first started watching Pastor Prince's broadcast 10 years ago. After suffering multiple heart-wrenching disappointments, I was able to fall in love with Jesus all over again, thanks largely to his preaching of the true gospel. Recently, my employer changed the equipment we use at work. This resulted in me having such incredible neck pain that I was taking large doses of painkillers just to get through my shifts. I even told my employer that I might have to quit work. Additionally, I had not been having the full range of motion in my neck for over 15 years".

So her neck can only move partially for over 15 years. "But thanks be to God I heard Pastor Prince say in a television broadcast". Now, watch time and space. Television broadcast in America is not exactly live. And those that are watching me on the same day is live. But how many have seen time and time again God transcends time and space as if, you know, I preach to that person in her living room? Amen? God can do that. I am confined by time and space, amen, but the Lord is not and his ministry is not. So the ministry of the word is actually in a timeless zone. Amen.

Many people, they want to hear the latest. But what is the latest to God? Amen. Two years ago might be the message for you. So if you have a storehouse like JP app, which I recommend, all right, but I don't recommend that you do this... you know, but ask God for a sermon. Amen? It might be something that I preached 10 years ago, 5 years ago, but is the word in season for you now. Amen? Back to this again. "But thanks be to God I heard Pastor Prince say in a television broadcast God is healing necks, and instantly I was healed. I am now pain-free and able to work. I can also drive and back my car up safely without running into the trees around my driveway because I can now turn my head to see where I'm going". Amen? "Truly, the anointed word does not return to the Lord void. I praise and thank our Father and Jesus for Pastor Prince ministry and all who support him. Thank you, Pastor Prince".

Praise the name of Jesus. Give God the glory. Amen. Hallelujah. Now, today we're going to look at something that I believe is going to bless you. I'm going to share with you a personal revelation that I've been wanting to share with you when the Lord spoke to me in my time with him. And I've held this back for a number of years, this revelation, and this is the first time I'm going to release it. You won't find this in any book or whatever, but it is something, I'll let you know when it comes to it, okay? Praise the Lord. Are you ready? Now, in the first two miracles the Lord of time and space. The second one is space. He transcend time and space. And the Bible says the first one was the beginning of miracles, second one, this is the second miracle Jesus did.

Now, for the first one, it says it happened, the wedding miracle was on the third day. There are no insignificant details in the Bible. For those of you who are wondering, "Pastor Prince, you know, all this talk about the Rapture, the Lord coming back for us, another year have passed and still we are here, you know". But one thing I wanted you to learn is something about God's ways. God is not willing that any should perish. You know why he delays? The only reason he delays is because he really wants more and more people to be saved. Amen. In 2 Peter 3 says this. And people are saying in the last day there'll come scoffers. The verse before this says there'll come mockers. There'll come scoffers and mockers, saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation".

Now, drop down. "But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but he's longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance". What a wonderful heart. This God, you know, he will judge the world. Amen. When Jesus comes again, he will judge the world, then we'll enter into that place where Jesus stopped. When he preached at his hometown in Nazareth, he opened up to Isaiah where it talks about, "The Spirit of God is on me". All right?

But then it says, "To preach the acceptable year of the Lord," comma, although there's no comma in the Hebrew, but the next Word is actually, "the day of vengeance". But Jesus stopped at the acceptable year, the favorable year of the Lord, and he closed the book because he didn't come in the first coming for vengeance, for judgment. Amen? But the earth will be judged. The earth, the world will be judged. The Lord is... now, grace people, listen. There is judgment, but not for us. Amen? The Bible says those who believe the Lord, they have passed from judgment unto life. Death and judgment are behind us. Amen?

So when the Lord comes for us, before he pour out his judgment upon the earth, and the only way that Satan has all his people in entrenched places and all that, and they are doing things that will hurt the earth, whether you call it global warming or whatever, you know, whether you believe that and whatever it is, let me tell you this. It's the problem is the people. The earth is suffering because of the people. They say, "Save the earth. Save the earth. Save the earth". Their call is save the earth, but actually the call should be save the earth's people, save the planet's people. And the only way to save them, you know, is transformation from the inside out through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

What the world needs today is the gospel, the gospel, the gospel. Amen. They need the gospel. We don't need to study really careful about how to run the world and how to do this and how to do that because, you know, if you have people with evil heart, they can even take an invention, like, for example, even the drone and use it to arm with weapons to destroy people. You know what I'm saying? I'm not talking about where is used in a situation of war to defend and protect. I'm talking about where people can use it for terrorism or things like that. And any invention for that matter, it can be twisted because of the heart of men. Are you listening, people?

And I believe God gave smartphones. Be it you're using Android or iPhone, you know, God gave us smartphones so that the gospel can be spread, so good apps can be applied, so you can hear the gospel everywhere you go. You're literally fulfilling Psalms 1, meditating on the Word day and night. Amen. So I believe that. But it's not meant for pornography. It's not meant for filth. It's not meant for gossip. It's not meant to destroy another person or assassinating another person's character. Amen. It's not meant for those things. But the heart of man is evil, the Bible says. Amen. So the only way is for the world to be saved, and we do that one person at a time, one step at a time. Don't worry about loving the world. The Bible actually doesn't say love your neighbors. Says love your neighbor. Whoever is in front of you, love that person.

Don't worry about the world. Love that person. Share the gospel with that person. The world needs the gospel. The world is dying because lack of a gospel. I don't care how much you study and how many accolades you have to your name and all that. When you breathe your last breath, you will know the reality whether heaven or hell is real and whether there's life after death. Amen? You are not just a body with a heart beating. You have a soul, a living soul, amen, and that soul will continue living. That spirit man will continue living because when you die, you step out of your body, then the means by which you call and communicate is no more there. No one can see you, amen, because your body is down there now. Amen.

So there must be a place to house you because God breathed his breath into you and you became a living soul. So that part of you came from God, but now it's cut off from God because of sin. And all have sinned, but God love us so much, God sent his son the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins. So though the wages of sin is death, the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen? Praise God. I preach myself happy. This is the gospel. The gospel is not like what I said just now, even though it's truth. Even its truth, amen, that is not the gospel, that the Lord is coming to judge the earth. Amen, amen? His people are already raptured with him.

We have passed from judgment to life, but even then, that's not the gospel. The gospel is God loves you and God sent his son to die in your place, being your substitute. Amen? Amen. He took your place. He became liable for your sins, and God's judgment that was meant for you fell on him at the cross. So today, God has in a way bound himself judicially, amen, that he cannot punish you for your sins. He cannot send you to hell for your sins. He cannot even curse you today for your sins. He cannot make bad things happen to you because of your sins. Why? God will be unjust because he put your sins on Jesus and he punished Jesus for your sins.

Now, if God punish you for your sins when you believe in Jesus, God will be unjust. So God ordained this whole thing so that he'll be righteous in making you righteous. Come on, church. Amen. Praise the Lord. "Preach it, Pastor Prince". Hallelujah. Amen, hallelujah.

So he's the Lord of time and space. Amen? He transcends time and space for himself? No, he always lives in the outside time. He created time. He created time for man, then he created space. They say light travels at 186,000-plus miles per second. God is light. Amen? God spoke, and it was. Whether you say there was a big bang, whatever, I believe when God speaks, there is a big bang, I think, amen, but there's no way that cosmos and order come out of chaos and destruction. It's not that God spoke, bang, you know? And they don't believe gospel. They believe there's a big bang and all of a sudden beautiful cosmos appears. And so round, ladies. It's so beautiful. Like, you put a jewel of that beauty on your finger. Amen? No. They rather believe in UFOs. They rather believe in Iron Man. They rather believe in these things than to believe in God Almighty. Amen?

I don't know why I'm saying this, but, you know, it's going out there. And someone is flipping through the channel late at night in a hotel room, maybe about to take some medicine or, you know, whatever it is, and they need to hear this. The gospel is Jesus loved you. God sent his son. This God that will be the judge in the future, amen, at the great white throne, he is the one that sent his son. He loved you. Amen? You know, like a judge, for example, a judge must be a judge. He must punish wrong. If God doesn't punish a crime or sin, in fact, our whole society is based on the Judeo-Christian principles. Amen, amen? We believe that you cannot lie on your business contract and all that. Amen.

You know, adultery today is being weighed in the balance and all that, but in many places it's still wrong. Amen? And killing, murder is wrong. The word that thou shall not kill is thou shall not murder. It's still wrong. Amen. So it's all built on, every successful, civilized nation is built on Judeo-Christian values, amen, but that's not the gospel. The gospel is, because you can keep all those things as long the army is there, as long the government is strong and in place and all that, but the moment anarchy reigns, you know, like, everyone goes, you know, crazy and there's anarchy and rebellion in the streets and all that, you see how many people will break that all at once.

There can be murder. There can be rape. There can be pillage. There can be robbing here and there, breaking into the malls. You ever seen those pictures before? The heart of man can do right things, behavior modification, but the heart is not change. Only the gospel can change the heart of man. And that's what we're going to do, amen, one person at a time. I believe God saves individuals. Amen. Individuals change the atmosphere of their nation. You want honest people in positions of power and authority. You want people that will love people in positions of authority, people who not take advantage, because there are ways to use laws correctly and still take advantage of people. "Why are you saying all this, Pastor Prince"?

Time and space, bro. Time and space, amen. All right, so God is not willing that any should perish. All should come to repentance. So one day with the Lord is a thousand years. So a thousand years, like, with the Lord is the one day. As far as God is concerned, you know, Jesus just died 2 days ago. That's pretty recent, right? When you take communion, always remember that. It's why John saw the lamb as if he had just been slain. There's no time with God. Amen. He saw in heaven the lamb, Jesus, as if he had just been slain with blood. Amen. And the book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible. So with God, there's no time. Amen? If that is so, go back again to the first miracle.

"On the third day there was a wedding..." So something about the third day. No insignificant detail in the Bible. As far as God is concerned, Jesus died 2,000 years ago. We are the generation that is after 2,000 years. Would you say that? Something is going to happen. We are now in the third day. Jesus rose on the third day. I was meditating on this. I was playing with my son yesterday and I was saying, "On the third day. On the third day". Then he turned to me, "Resurrection. Jesus rose," he said. I said, "Yeah, you're right". Jesus rose. So could it be early in 2000? We just passed 2000. Could it be early in the morning? As Jesus rose on the third day early in the morning, his body is going to rise. The rapture is going to happen soon? And you know something? When the rapture happens, straightaway you feel so good because you have a brand-new body.

In the twinkling of an eye, everyone looks like Mr. Universe. No longer just Lawrence with his muscles. All of us, every lady will look so good. Don't have to worry about fat deposits. Everybody will look young. Everybody will never have fatigue or boredom ever again. You cannot feel bored in that new body. That body transcends time and space. Like Jesus's body, he appears and reappears behind closed doors. He can appear beyond 7 miles, you know, can reappear. He was in Emmaus, he reappeared in Jerusalem, amen, and yet is a physical body. Like, he says, "Touch me. Handle me," after he rose from the dead. "A spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see me have".

The Bible says our vile bodies shall be changed like unto his glorious body. We shall not be, like, naked, you know, with no body, floating around like a spirit. No. We'll have a body, and that it will happen in the twinkling of an eye. God who put the laws of gravity in place will reverse it, and all of us, thank God he transforms your body before he raptures you, right? Because many of us are afraid of heights, so in your new body, you can't have no fear. Fear will be foreign to your new body. Amen. He transforms you, and everyone will be forever young. No more hospitals. Amen. Imagine all these things that you worry about, these things that cause grief and heartbreak today on earth will be no more. The rapture is going to happen very soon.

Ask yourself the question, why is it that after 2,000 years ago in AD70 when the Jews were scattered, many of them brought captives by the Romans to become slaves? Literally, Israel was left desolate, but in 1948, God brought his people back. You tell me why is this so? Because the Bible says, the book of Revelation everything converge on Middle East. Where in Middle East? Israel. Where in Israel? Jerusalem. And they are back. So the devil wants them out so the prophecy will not be fulfilled, but they are in. Too late. Are you listening, people?

You tell me the Bible is beyond any of us. The book of Revelation, written 2,000 years ago, amen, tells us about our day and age. It tells us men will identify each other by numbers. Today you can say, "My name is Lim Peng San". "Number please". You know? Even tell you how to take a number, you know? Your identification is by number. And the Bible tells us that. Wow. The Antichrist has a system called the Beast. Looks like AI to me, AI robot. And that's another message altogether. But aren't you glad the rapture, it can happen anytime. Anytime. Before the worst is poured on this earth, those who are believers, the Bible says, the Lord will rapture us. The Greek word is harpazo. And this is amazing. This is what we are waiting for. Amen, church?

So on the third day, there'll be a wedding. In heaven, there'll be a wedding. Remember that? A celebration, the marriage supper of the lamb? No, we're not eating lamb, but it's called the marriage supper of the lamb. Amen? But it's going to be good. You'll have a brand-new tongue. So don't worry. Everything is accentuated. Every pleasure is heightened. In fact, you do not know what you have because your mind is in a mental fog. Your feelings have all, like, grown old or frail, you know? We do not know what true joy and pleasure is like, but in your new body you will. Amen?

So the first miracle happened, the miracle of time, where he showed himself to be the Lord of time on the third day. I believe because you're going to see this happen in our generation, especially, like, the Lord says for us this year. Second miracle, space, it happens like this. Look at the second miracle. "Now after 2 days..." Say, "Two days". What is after 2 days? The third day, right? So it's 2,000 years have passed. The Lord departed and went back to Cana.

Drop down. He came again to Cana of Galilee where he made the water wine. Notice that? Both have the third day or after 2 days there. They emphasis our time. God is going to show himself strong in this year as the Lord of time and space. He will manipulate time in your favor and he will transcend space. "So is it possible, Pastor Prince, if you've lost something, can God reverse time, reverse"? Yes, the Bible promises us that. In fact, I'm so glad that this is part of the carry on from last year, the year of the latter rain. We saw that last year for us was the year the of latter rain.

And boy, Israel has an inundation of... in fact, the last was Israel was completely, you know, they broke their drought already officially last year, but now they have a record high of rainfall in 51 years, and Sea of Galilee is up, okay? 'Cause Israel is always the God's time clock. You look at Israel to see what's happening. That means what? First the natural Israel, then the spiritual Israel. Whatever happens with them is going to happen to you. Get ready for the latter rain. And I'm speaking spiritually as well. The latter rain continues, folks. It continues, amen, for all God's people. Amen?

Now, we see that last year, and then I used Joel. Remember Joel? Joel says that, God will, "Be glad, you children of Zion. He has given you the former rain faithfully," now that word down there is, I broke it down in the Hebrew; it means a teacher of righteousness. Young's translation of the Bible brings that out, the teacher for righteousness. So that teacher is Jesus, but it also includes the idea of anyone teaching righteousness. Righteousness is not a demand God placed on you today. Through the gospel, righteousness is a gift that you can receive and you become right with God. Amen? Jesus is that righteousness that you receive, and straightaway you are right standing with God. Amen.

"So He will cause the rain to come down for you, the former rain, and the latter rain..." Now, this is the real rain that he's talking about. Notice what happens after the rain comes. After the rain, next verse, "The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil". Wheat, wine, oil. I've been preaching on this last year, amen? And what a year it has been because I launched my book on "Eat your Way to Life and Health," which is based on the communion, which is grain, wine, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, the oil. Amen. Grain, wine, oil; grain, wine, oil. Do you see that?

Now, it was full of it, would you say? Last year we saw a lot of testimonies, a lot of miracles. We heard testimonies and all that. I had the privilege, the favor of God to preach in some of the largest venues available for me. Amen? The largest space in terms of reach and all that to get this message across, the grain, wine, and oil, amen, of the holy communion and how God can through the communion restore your health, renew your youth, and grant you long life, amen? So we saw that. So our floor have been full of wheat. Our floors have been full of wheat. The vats are overflowing with the new wine and oil. What comes after that? "This year, I'll restore to you the years. I'll restore to you the years the locust has eaten, the swarming locust, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, the chewing locust..."

Now, you must understand one thing, all right? The chapter before this tells us about the locust. "What the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten". You ever had situation whereby, you know, it's like the saying when it rain, it pours, man? You know, like, one problem after another. When the problem comes, it like bang, bang, bang. Now you have this problem. Now you have that problem. It all comes at once, it's like what the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten, what the swarming locust left, the crawling locust has eaten, what the crawling locust left, the consuming locust has eaten. You ever felt that? It is like, you know, one thing after another?

Now, locust can come all at once... after for a while, then it leaves, and the entire place is stripped bare. Nothing verdant. There's no green, nothing. All the harvest is gone in one fell swoop. Amen. Sometime our problems happen like that. It happen quickly in a big way. You know, like a doctor's statement can mean as just a simple statement, but for the person receiving it's devastating. It's like a swarming locust all at once in one day. Or sometimes a locust can come, a crawling one, they consume bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit. One is a lion style, ferocious, you know, and one is a serpent, bit by bit.

So one way the devil attacks is persecution. He roars. He makes it known that he's against Christians, he's against those who believe on the Lord Jesus, and he comes and roars and persecution. We see this in some nations of the world. It's open, open, open aggression, open persecution. That's the lion manifesting. But there's also more subtle, and we don't realize it. It's the snake, which came to Eve. When Satan manifests as a lion, it's very obvious, but when he comes as a snake, he comes like, "Did God say? Are you sure God said? Are you sure there's going to be a rapture? Everything is moving on as usual. Are you sure? Yeah, has God said"?

That's how the devil works, putting doubts, putting doubts little by little, little by little. Amen. In today's world you got to know what the Bible says. You got to know what the Word of God says, my friend. Amen? So God will restore to you the years. The years, God will restore to you. God says, "I'll restore to you the years". Whatever does that mean? I take God at his word. I don't, you know, that's the reason people don't pray, because when they pray, it's not logical. It has already happened or, you know, it's not logical. "How can I pray for something that is not even there yet? You know, it's not logical".

Hey, mothers, you can start praying. Even though your daughter is now only 10 years old, you can start praying for her future husband, that God will protect him, amen, from all the onslaughts of the enemy, God will cause him to have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, that he will grew up with the favor of God. You can pray for him now. Don't wait until you see him and, "Mummy, this is my boyfriend," and you start praying for him then. Amen? Amen. Even then you don't know is that the final one. You do not know. So start praying, amen, 'cause God transcends time and space, but when the more you start thinking logically, "Oh, no. You know, we have not met the person yet. We do not know, you know, whether my daughter will even be married," that kind of thing, hey, your prayer, you know when you're in the timeless zone and you are in that place where it transcends space? When you are praying.

When you are praying, God can go to your past and heal that hurt when that teacher in kindergarten, all right, that ignorant teacher calls you to stand up and embarrass you, and the people laugh and all the kids laugh and she laugh, and that caused a hurt. And today you don't know why you cannot stand in public. You don't know why you feel the fear, but you don't know where the fear came from. You don't know why all the... but the Lord can go back when you pray and touch that area of fear and free you from it.

"But, pastor, no one can go back to the past unless they have a time machine". Yes, Einstein says that, that if you travel at the speed of light 186,000 miles per second in a vehicle, when you come back, all your friends have grown old. We have seen movies on this. All your friends have grown old, but you're still young, which means if you live in the spirit, in the light. Amen, amen? So may more and more of you not be bound by time and space. Praise God. Amen? And some of you ladies need to learn to use the theme of the year in your favor. If a guy is pursuing you and you don't like him, tell him this: "Give me time and space". Amen? Amen.

All right, praise God. God can restore to you the years. I shared with you all that for me I felt like the years that I had with Jessica passed by so fast, and I treasure every moment that I have with her now. It's a totally, you know, it's like a different Jessica. But I miss the Jessica that was young Jessica as well, but I love the woman that she has become, you know? But when I look back, I kind of wish I had another child again. Now I look at my age in the natural. Can I have that again? This was the verse that rescued me. God says, "You want it, you can have it. I'll restore to you the years". I asked God for it, and God restored to me the years, and now I have a boy. Amen. I can do all this again, all the vicissitudes of getting on the floor and playing with him as if, amen, that I'm going back in time and now cherishing every moment. I asked God for that.

I didn't say, "Oh, my age and all that. You know, I don't know if I can or not. I don't", in fact, in the natural I didn't want to, but it was my wife's faith. She said, "Go for it". Amen. "I'll restore to you the years". It's not just that, it's like the quality. You know, I'm not talking about just, you know, God didn't change my age. Amen? I believe he renewed my youth, all right, but God didn't change my age. My age is still my age. But, you know, you can be healthier and stronger and more intelligent at this advanced age that you are in now, I won't say what age, than you were when you were in your 20s.

I hear testimonies of people when they're blessed by God. I'm telling you they are stronger today. They have more energy than they had when they were in their 20s or 30s. They're always tired. Believe God for that. God can restore to you the years. God can restore to you the years. Don't say, "How can? What is past is past". You're living in the time zone. "What is past is past". God can do it. Amen? Can I have a good amen? Would you like to know the secret? God can do this. First of all, let me show you the plan of God. Job 33. Then God is gracious to him. When he calls on God, God says, "Deliver him from going down to the pit". Probably God is talking to the angel, and God says, "I have found a ransom". We know who the ransom is.

Who is your substitute? Jesus. So God says, "I have found a ransom, so deliver that sinner out of the pit". Amen? "His flesh..." Notice this is not something that we teach after people get saved. After they are delivered from the pit, we should teach them, "Hey, your flesh shall be fresher than a child's". You see, there's a promise. It's God's Word. Every Scripture is God-breathed, right? His flesh, flesh, not your, "This is spiritual, Pastor Prince". Flesh, lah, brother. Flesh. Don't try... what is flesh? How can you spiritualize flesh? It didn't say your spirit shall be fresher. It's flesh. I believe God. You don't want, I take. Amen?

It only happens for those who believe, for those who say amen. Amen means so be it. His flesh, your flesh, my flesh shall be fresher than a child's. Not only that, he shall return to the days of his youth. Now, don't let that time-bound mind start reasoning again. "Ah, once it's past, it's past. I long for the days of youth, but it's just a memory". God says you will return to the days of your youth. Amen. Some grandmothers are concerned. I can see their faces in the audience. They're a bit concerned for their husbands now. Amen, amen. It's okay. Enjoy like Abraham did. And you're a child, you're a seed of Abraham, my friend. You don't want, this one also can... okay?

"No, no, I just, I accept my age and, you know, some things will just wear out when you come to this age, you know. I've been reading articles by experts that are bound by time and space and they will tell, they say once you come to this age, you know, it'll be like that... of that, this thing will... then this one will follow on, and finally you yourself will collapse, you know". No, my Bible says, "As your days, so shall your strength be". That is opposite of what the world teaches. But Jesus said, "As you have believed, so be it done unto you". Everything that Jesus taught has to do with time and space. Not everything, but his miracle has got to do with time and space. Even the guy, the cripple at Bethesda, Jesus knew that he's been like this for 38 years. Time, time. There's a certain season the angel will come down, stir the water. Time. But you must follow the time.

You don't get in at that time, wrong time; you are late, not on time. Other people go in because they have the space. You don't have the space. And how do you have the space? Even you are nearby, you cannot walk. So definitely space is not in your favor. Jesus transcended all that. "You know what? Pick up your bed. Arise and walk". He transcend time and space and a 38-year affliction was healed in an instant. So all the miracles of Jesus has got to do with time and space. Amen? So for us when we talk to the Lord, you're talking to the one who did all this that I just shared with you. He can transcend time and space. He can break, he can cause your flesh be fresher than a child's and cause you to return to the days of your youth.

Next verse tells us, it's the gospel, "He shall pray unto God, and he will be favorable unto him". Gospel, grace. "And he shall see his face with joy," God's face with joy, "for he will render," God will render, "unto man His righteousness". It should be capital H. In your New King James, it's capital H. His righteousness. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The whole thing, this promise of renewal of youth is for those who are saved under the gospel of Jesus Christ who believe that God gives his righteousness to us. Amen? Are you with me so far? Would you like to know the secret? I just told you just now, but the secret is found in the temple of Solomon. This needs wisdom.

Okay, I'm going to share you right now what the Lord shared with me. Okay? It's found in the laver, the teaching of the laver. The laver in the tabernacle of Moses was actually just placed like a simple laver, smaller, and the priest would come, there's a tap down there. They would wash their hands before they enter the holy place. They all have to wash their hands lest they die, the Bible says. We have a picture of Jesus in John 13. He washed his disciples' feet, and many people still practice that. You know, they wash people's feet physically and all that. But I don't, you know, criticize that. I'm not saying anything, but what Jesus said is not physical because he told his disciples, "What I do now you do not know, but you will understand later".

That means what? They know what he was doing, physically washing their feet. So he says, "What I do now, you do not know". It means it's spiritual. That means, "I'll be in heaven and I'll be washing your feet". Once you're washed by the blood of Jesus, you only have to wash your feet; "Not with blood but with water, the water of my Word because your feet get dirty". Even as you're righteous, amen, you are clean, but your feet get dirty. In this daily walk in this earth, our feet get dirty. You know who washes it? Our high priest. Every time you come to his Word, he uses his Word to wash your feet. Right? So that's the picture of the laver with the water. But in the temple of Solomon, everything is greater and more glorious. Amen.

The temple of Solomon we see the laver like this. Look at this picture here. We have the 12 oxen, 12 oxen, 3 on each side. Amen? Three facing north, south, east, and west. Can you see that? And this is the laver, the water. It can take about nearly 100 tons of water. And the priest would come, listen, they would come to know how the... there's no tap. So how do they get the water? From the mouth of the oxen. So they come, the priest would come to one ox. Amen? There's probably a lever somewhere. He'll lift the lever, the mouth open, and water comes out and he would wash his hands, he would wash his feet. For us today we only wash our feet spiritually speaking, but we still need the water. Are you with me so far?

Do you know what's happening right now? Jesus told his disciples, "Now you are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you," in John in the Upper Room. I'm telling you right now, as the Word goes forth you are being cleansed not for salvation. Amen? Only people who are washed by the blood of Jesus, Jesus said he who is bathed completely needs only to wash his feet. That's for believers. So you are clean. That's why when you leave after hearing an anointed message, you leave clean. And I'm telling you something, church. This cleanliness is what you call opposite of dis-ease. It gives you a rest. It gives you a peace. You feel fresh. Like after your bath, right, you feel good, you feel more energetic. Am I right?

For those who bathe, don't you? Don't you feel more energetic and refreshed? Amen? It washes away all the bacteria, washes away everything that, you know, can cause dis-ease. I made a study once in Leviticus on the cleansing of the leper and all that. There's blood, but there's also water. It seems like water is tied up with healing. No wonder, "My words, they are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh". Are you with me so far? Is this getting exciting?

Now I'm coming to that revelation. Are you ready? So how do they get the water? From the mouth of the oxen. Now, there are 12 oxen in the temple of Solomon representing the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 apostles, as well as ministers. An oxen is a picture of a minister, a preacher of the gospel. Remember the verse that says, "Muzzle not the ox that treads out the grain"? And then Paul talks about ministers ought to receive, the portion there is a double, all right, for their work, especially those who labor in the Word and doctrine. So it's encouraging people to support their pastors, their evangelists, their ministers and all that. Amen? I can preach this because I don't draw a salary from this church.

So I'm telling you, the churches and all that, take care of your pastors. Amen? Amen. Pray for your pastor. The devil's device is very simple. You know, it's like why attack the entire church. Before you can successfully attack the entire church, attack the shepherd. There's a saying in the Bible; smite the shepherd, the sheep will scatter. So the idea is to attack the shepherd. Are you listening? Blessings of God come on the head. The anointing. As the dew of Hermon, the psalmist says, it comes on the head and down the beard. Say, "Beard". Beard speaks of elders, your leaders. Comes on the head, the beard, and then to the body. It never comes from the bottom, it comes downwards.

When you see your leaders blessed, those of you who are watching, your pastors blessed and all that, you ought to rejoice because you are next. It comes on the head, whatever you see them blessed with, all right? Amen? Praise God. Okay. The council, don't talk to me about restoring my salary. Okay? It won't work unless the Lord tells me. Okay? I'm doing this so that I have a moral authority to speak into churches and all those people out there that is listening. Amen? To take care of their pastors because when you see, rejoice when your pastor is blessed. When your pastor is under attack, know this. You are next. Amen? Okay?

When somebody speaks bad about your pastor, this is your pastor, they're speaking bad of you. But you don't fight them, love them. Walk away. Go to the winding stairs. You will ascend higher than them. Can I have a good amen? But just pray for your pastor. Always encourage them. The best thing they can do for the pastors is to pray for them. They are your undershepherds. Your chief shepherd is Jesus; but he releases through the undershepherd, then to the leaders, and then to the body. Can I have a good amen? So watch this. Oxen speaks of laborers in the Word. Oxen are strong animals. Just like the four Gospels, it's like the face of the cherubim that surround God's throne. God's throne has cherubim. I can't explain exactly. They're not exactly angels, they are cherub. They are not the cherub with the arrow, you know, that hits you and you're in love, you know. They try to make it cute, but this cherub are very strong.

In fact, Lucifer, who was Satan later on, he's a cherub, a keruv in the Hebrew. They are strong angels. They are not just angels, they are strong angels close to God's throne. Amen? God had three. One fell. Amen. So we have this keruv, and they have four faces. The Bible says one face the face of a lion, another the face of an ox, another the face of a man, and another face the face of an eagle on the other side. So the four faces are the four faces of Jesus, the four Gospels. In Matthew, he's always portrayed as a king. You have the lion, the king of the beast. In Mark, the word immediately. That's why his genealogy is not given. Amen? You don't ask a servant for his pedigree. Amen? He's always serving, serving, serving.

Gospel of Mark, the face of an ox. Then the phrase Son of man appears more in this Gospel of Luke, the third Gospel you see, than any other Gospel. The Son of man because there you see him as a man, with the sentiments of a man. Amen? With the feelings. You see his feelings and all that expressed. Then you see the Gospel of John it starts off by saying... no genealogy also. It says in the beginning was the Word. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The Word was God. Word became flesh and dwelt among us. The face of a... in the beginning came from heaven, the eagle. See that? So ox refers to strong to labor like our Lord in the Gospel of Mark. Amen? Strong to labor.

So here we have something I want to share with you. First of all, this is not the revelation. This is something I've shared before, but the revelation is coming. It's coming it's coming. For those who are still awake, it's coming. Many of us we think that, "I can receive from God's Word straight, Pastor Prince. I can just receive from God's Word. You know, I read the Bible and I..." that's great. You ought to spend time in the Word. Amen? But how many know that sometimes the wisdom that God, God's Word is like concentrated because it's so powerful. I mean, it's so full. It's like you need a teacher, and the Bible also says that he gave gifts to the church. Amen? He gave some apostles, some prophets, some pastors, some teachers.

These are gifts to the church. Amen? It's a gift, lah, brother. Yeah, what do you say for a gift? Yeah. Once in a while say thank you to your pastor, amen, to your leaders, to ministers that you meet. Appreciate them. In a world that disrespects them increasingly, we got to honor them. They're not perfect. None of these gifts that God gives are perfect. God gives to one a perfect apostle, perfect prophets, perfect... no, no. It's all man with clay feet but anointed. Amen? Anointed. Can I have a good amen? So here you go. From the mouth of a teacher or a pastor, especially a teacher, you have the teaching gift and it opens up the concentrated wisdom of God in a way that you can understand.

So people will just say, "I just read my Bible. I don't listen to any other preaching". You are amiss. Number one, actually you think you are humble. That's pride. It's pride because you're not making use of the gifts that God has put in the body of Christ. Do you think God gives you lousy gifts? This is God Almighty. Do you think he gives lousy gifts? You may, bro, but he doesn't. God gives good gifts. Amen? Make use of that. Can I have a good amen? Read the Bible for yourself first, and then refer, and then read the daily devote or where the Word of God is being expounded by the teaching gift. So let's go a closer look. This oxen is a picture of the preaching and teaching of God's Word that cleanses. Are you listening?

It is not receiving, the people didn't, the priest did not go right on top and wash themselves. No. They receive it from the mouth of the oxen. You know that phrase that people like to use; you don't have faith, faith cometh? Old King James Version. Faith cometh. Say it, everyone. Faith cometh. "But, Pastor Prince, I don't have faith to believe for my healing". Faith cometh, faith cometh. Cometh is old English, okay, from Old King James Authorized Version. Faith cometh. You don't have faith now, you're full of fear, worry, cares, panic attacks and all that, faith cometh. How? By hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Right? Am I right?

But the idea there hearing and hearing is repeated twice in the verse, but the idea is like it's hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing. If the devil is attacking your body 24 hours, all right, 24/7, amen, listen. You ought to be hearing more than that, day and night. If you are particularly under attack, the doctor says you have a few months to live, hours, forget everything, amen, and focus on the Word. Amen. Now, don't expect that in Jesus's name, amen, in the year of time and space. I'm just saying focus on that. It's a protection for you. The devil don't take off days, you know. The devil doesn't go back for reunion dinners, you know. He's never absent, you know. He even attacks the young. He's no respecter of persons. Yes, children or not, he'll just attack if he can. So we believe God for divine protection. Amen? But watch this. It comes from the mouth.

Now, we know that verse. It says what? Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ actually in the Greek, word of Christ. Revelation, preaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. But what's the next verse? "How shall they hear", the following verses tell us, "how shall they hear", listen to this, "How shall they hear without a preacher"? But today, especially in charismatic, you know, the churches that believe in the gifts of the Spirit, they can say, "Well, you know what? I can hear God direct. God speaks to me direct". Yeah, God does. God speaks to me also. How do you think I came up with time and space? You think I'm out of space when I receive that? So God speaks. God speaks to you. God speaks to me. Amen.

Just remember that if God tells you to do something God will speak to your wife also, especially as a major move. Amen. You are in this together. God sees one flesh. He doesn't see two. God sees you one. When God calls the man, God calls the wife. God sees one. When God says, "I bless you," it is two of you. It's a two-fold. Amen? So God speaks to us direct. Yes. In fact, in the weeks to come I'll be sharing more of that, the steps. Amen? How God leads us and how to follow the leading, but listen carefully. You hear God clearest many a times through the sounding board of the teachers or the pastors, the leaders that God has appointed over you, especially in a major move. Listen. Amen.

And if you're listening to anointed teaching and preaching and you see carefully it's all got to do with the gospel, not just listening to the legalistic preaching. Not every preacher out there, okay, you ought to be washing your feet by. Some of it, your feet get even more entangled. Listen to those who exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and preach the gospel of grace. Amen? Are you with me so far? So it says, "How shall they hear without a preacher"? Some Christians say, "I can hear without a preacher. I can hear God without a preacher". But the Bible says, "How shall they hear without a preacher, and how shall they preach except they be sent"?

So we need to support those who are sent by God. Not those who go on their own, those who are sent by God, commissioned by God; and the anointing will prove that, will vindicate that. Those who don't run for money, they run to glorify him. Amen? Listen to preachers like that. "How shall they hear without a preacher"? So the idea of faith cometh by hearing is hearing through the preaching Word, the Word being preached. Okay, I got to bring this to the revelation already. Are you ready? Are you ready? All right, watch this. It says this about the 12 oxen. Go to the verse. 1 Kings 7, verse 25, "It stood," the laver stood, "on twelve oxen; three looking towards the north, three looking towards the west, three looking towards the south, and three looking towards the east; and the Sea," or the laver, "was set upon them, and all their back parts pointed inward".

By the way, if you are an ox, listen to me. How do you think the water came out of his mouth? Because they are carrying the laver, there is an opening where they receive the water into their back, into their stomach area, and then it comes out through their mouth. Jesus says, "If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink. Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water". Now, watch this. Drinking is for your personal consumption. You drink for yourself. Rivers are for people's benefit. A pastor or a leader or a teacher who does not spend time with Jesus, receiving from him, he doesn't drink first. He only goes to the Bible to prepare a message. He doesn't have his own drinking. He comes to draw. You can be dying of thirst and still be drawing. Jesus says, "Come to me and drink". And the word there is constant. Keep on drinking.

As you keep on drinking, not drawing for others, just keep on drinking for yourself, out of your belly will flow rivers that'll bless people. I pray that every Sunday, all right, rivers are flowing out. But I know that rivers cannot flow out if I'm not drinking, hm? So the water from laver goes into, there's some part, pipe or whatever that goes into the belly part and then it comes out into the mouth, okay? Now, look at this. This is the revelation. I was praying and I heard God tell me this: "Son, if you spend time in the Word, I'll reverse time for you". Now, he said this years ago when I received this revelation in my study.

"Son, if you spend time in my Word and tell my people that", He said to tell the people that I teach this as well. This is the first time I'm teaching this. He said that, "If you spend time in my Word and tell my people that, I'll reverse time for you. I'll reverse time for you". So I said, "Lord, you gotta show me from your Word". And he brought me straight away to this verse. Now, watch this, okay? Watch again. There's no insignificant details in the Bible, even the sequence. North. Look at the picture again. Where is north? The picture, okay, the faraway picture. Can you see north? Got it? West, south, east. You got it?

So let's go to the verse. Let's all say it. The first one is what? Three facing the north. Three facing the west. Three facing the south. Three facing the east. What is that? Let's see the top view. Top view. North, west, south, east. The first way go down north to west, right? The direction of the Bible. Then west to south, south to east, and to north. What's that? Y'all got it, come on. Anticlockwise, because I said reverse time just now, right? So far you got it. All right. Anti-clockwise. Can you see it? The verse actually tells us, go back to the verse again, all right? North first, then west, then south. North, west, south, east, anticlockwise. Even back then, they used sundial. Sundial is based on the rising of the sun. The sun rises from the east, right, then it goes to the south, you know, all right?

Sundial south, and then goes to the west, and then to the north. That's a sundial. That is called clockwise. Am I right? Clockwise is this way, depending on how you're faced, all of you. Clockwise is like this... Am I right? Anticlockwise, can't believe I'm teaching y'all this. Anticlockwise is like this... amen? Class, am I right or no, eh? Okay, a few of you still look confused and I'm, okay? So when God said it like that, God says, "Look at it, son, the sequence". There's no insignificant details in the Bible. That means if you spend time washing yourself with the washing of water of your word...of God's Word, "I'll reverse time for you. I'll reverse time for you. I'll reverse time for you". Amen?

There's a story in the Bible of a King Hezekiah, a very precious king. He was a good, he was a reformer, and he brought probably one of the greatest revivals in the Old Testament because his father Ahaz, he did terrible things to the temple. He did all kinds of things and worshiped, you know, other gods, served them, but when his son Hezekiah came to the throne after his father died, he reformed everything. He opened the doors of the temple, and the menorah was, the lights were put up. He lit it up again. It's a picture of the door was open. A lot of people's mouths are shut because there's no revelation, no light, no menorah.

So the mouths are shut. The door is open. He opened the door, the first thing. Before the junk can go out of you, the door must open. Before good things can come in after that, the door must open. You must declare. How are you saved? By declaring, "Jesus is my Lord". You confess with your mouth. With the mouth, confession is made unto salvation. So you must say, "I'm the righteousness of God in Christ". You cannot just say, "Bible says today is good preaching, his flesh will be fresher". You must say, "My flesh is fresher than a child's". Every time you take Communion, "God renews my youth like the eagle's. I'm going back to the days of my youth by your stripe". Amen?

So here we go. God can reverse time for you. And in this... Hezekiah, there came a time that the prophet told him, "You're gonna die". He had a disease. The Bible says it's a boil. It is not told whether it's cancerous or whatever, but it's a boil. And he had a disease, and he's gonna die. So he cried. He called upon the Lord, and the Lord said to him this: "Return", God told Isaiah the prophet, "Return and tell Hezekiah the leader of My people, 'Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father: "I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely, I will..."'" what? "'"Heal you".'" And we are bringing all this one full circle in our sermon. "On the third day you will go up to the house of the Lord". Yeah?

What we started with, we are ending with. Can you see? On the third day, you shall go up. You shall go up. You shall go up, but before that, there'll be a break, I was going to say outbreak. Outbreak of healing, amen. Whenever you see the devil introduce a new strain of virus, that means that year is going to be a new release of anointing for healing that you have never seen before. Are you listening? Because the devil always does things that are more visible and palpable. When he killed all the children of Bethlehem, it was because the Savior was born already. Notice that? God doesn't play catch up. The devil is trying to stop what God is releasing.

So you do not know what God is doing? Look at what the devil is doing. Reverse it. You don't know what God is doing in your life? Look at what the devil is doing in your life. Reverse it. Are you getting sick very often? It's because God's about to bring you to a new level of health, amen, if you know how to trust the Lord and pray, amen, and receive that restoration. So he went and said, "On the third day," God says, "tell him, 'You shall go up to the house of the Lord.' I will heal you. Surely I will heal you"! In fact, he lived 15 more years after this, King Hezekiah. So what happened is that Isaiah told him the news. And this is what he said.

The king said, "Hezekiah said to Isaiah, 'What is the sign that the Lord will heal me, and that I shall go up to the house of the Lord the third day?' Then Isaiah said, 'This is a sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do the thing which He has spoken: shall the shadow...'" Now, in those days... look at me. Let's say you have a stick here. Okay, if the camera can pick up my shadow because of the light. My shadow. At different times of the day, they used a sundial in those days. It's like a stick that goes up. So you can tell how long, how short, what time is it, and it's clockwise, okay? So you can tell. Now, that's what they used. Our modern-day clock is based on the sundial, okay?

Now, watch this. He says, the prophet says, "Shall the shadow go forward ten degrees...what do you want? You want the shadow go forward ten degrees or go backward ten degrees"? Nah, Hezekiah is smart. Hezekiah says, he answered, "It's an easy thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees or to go forward". One translation says in the Hebrew, go forward. "No, but let the shadow go backward ten degrees". Anticlockwise. Now, which is easier: clockwise or anticlockwise? If you want a sign from God, you want something natural or supernatural? Smart, smart. Hezekiah's bunch. Okay, watch this. He asked for that which is reversal of time. "So Isaiah the prophet cried out to the Lord, and God brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down on the sundial of Ahaz".

Ooh, hallelujah. Oh, hallelujah. God reversed time. And it all come one full circle for us, you know, amen? We talk about the third day, we talk about reversal of time, the sundial out, and we are seeing this happen, right, at the end in this story alone, amen. God is talking to you. God is speaking to you. Don't doubt him, amen? Don't live in the natural. Don't live just clockwise every single day, amen? You can live anticlockwise. You can live out of the realm of the natural. Here's where God manipulates time.

Now, perhaps for you you say that, "Pastor Prince, I don't want to reverse time". All right? Whatever it is, it's for your favor. For some of you, you want time accelerated, amen, or time suspended or time reversed. God can do it, and God will do it. Let me finish with this testimony. "I was brought up as a Christian," a lady from our church, "but never really had a personal journey with the Lord. About two years ago, I found out that my husband had been unfaithful to me. What made matters worse was that I was five months pregnant with our second child". Very sad.

"Subsequently, I moved out of our home with our first born. For four months, we lived apart. I also left my job, as I had been working for my husband. And during this period, he started drinking heavily, and it was as though he had become another person. I could not bring myself to trust him again, so I filed for divorce. I felt extremely devastated, lost, and helpless, and that was when I turned to the Lord. I then heard a sermon by Pastor Prince on the Holy Communion and decided to partake of it every day. I also joined a care group and began speaking over my life and marriage. One night as the finalization of our divorce loomed closer, I cried out to the Lord, telling him to help my husband if it was his will for our marriage to be salvaged. The very next morning, I received a call that my husband was caught driving under the influence of alcohol. The amazing part was that though he was drunk, he felt led to drive towards a roadblock and surrender. After the incident, things started changing for us. My husband stopped drinking, and we began living together again. The Lord also gave me a enjoyable job with a pay raise. My husband and I also called off the divorce. Our marriage improved tremendously, and I began praying for my husband's walk with the Lord. Then sometime last year, my husband chanced upon one of Pastor Prince's sermons and began listening to him. Soon he got hooked".

Good addiction. "Today my husband is serving in a ministry, and we have a strong and happy marriage. We will pray and listen to Pastor Prince sermons together. In every area we have lost, the Lord has restored". Praise the Lord, hallelujah. Isn't God good, amen? When things are going good for you and you want it to last even, amen, you want, you know, you can ask God. Joshua, they were winning the victory near the valley of Ayalon. They were gaining momentum, and the enemy was being routed, but all of a sudden, the sun was setting. And they knew if they gave the enemy the chance to rest, they would recoup and they'll come back again and fight. More men will die.

So Joshua looked up, and Joshua says, "Sun, stand still. Stop exerting your force". Dom in Hebrew, stop. You know, scientifically, we all know today that the science has, I mean, sun has a strong gravitational pull on the earth, and that's what makes the earth go around the sun, amen? So he says, "Stop your operation". Stop is the gravitational pull. And the earth stopped for a while. "Moon, stand still". How many of you have ever seen the moon and the sun in the valley of Ayalon? You go to Israel, chances are you will see both of them in that place. As the sun is setting, the moon is rising. That was the moment that Joshua says, "Sun, moon".

If you are there you see how it can sun, moon, like a Korean drama, okay? "So, the sun, stand still, and, moon, stay there in the valley of Ayalon". And the Bible says since that day, never has, a man has such influence God hearkened to the voice of a man, amen? It was because he's a man who meditates on God's Word, Joshua 1:8, day and night. If God needs to reverse time, God will do it for him. If God wants to suspend time... in that case, God suspended time, amen, and they won the victory. God can do it for you.

Can I pray for you? Every head bowed, every eye closed all across this place in Jesus's name. I want to pray for those of you who want time to be reversed. I want to pray for your health as well. I want to pray for restoration of health. How many of you know when God restores, it's always greater? If it's something that you have lost or it's items, God will restore greater in quantity. If it's someone or your health, God will restore greater in quality, amen. And also, your youth. You say that, "Wasted days, wasted youth. All those years are gone. I wish I can turn back the clock". How often has it been that you have said this to yourself or to someone: "I wish I can turn back the clock"?

Well, this is the year of time and space. God's gonna turn back the clock for you. Don't believe those who are reasoning, the mockers of the last days. Don't listen to people who are cynic. Their hearts have been poisoned by being cynical about everything. Don't let their speech, don't let people who try to reason with you reason you into a time-constraint, into a space-bound environment. Do not allow that. Don't allow the atmosphere to come into your life. God can renew your youth. God can restore back the years. I said God can restore back the years, amen? So right now if you will say amen every time I pray any request over you, remember that amen is a simple word that says, "So be it in my life. So be it in my life". Ready?

Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for everyone under the sound of my voice and for those who will receive this prayer, Lord. Father, in the name of Jesus, we know, Lord, regardless of our age right now, we know, Father, that you have promised you'll restore to us the years that the locust has eaten. And many a time this locust is also our bad habits, our decisions that we made, a wrong decision here and there. We have been our worst enemy. And many a times we have disobeyed you, but we know you're a God who loves to show grace. And where sin increase, your grace super abounds. We thank you, Lord, that when you restore, it's always greater in quality and quantity.

So, Father, in Jesus's name I ask of you right now, Father, reverse time for us. Reverse time for us. Restore to us the years that has been robbed from us. Restore to us the years that we have wasted. Restore to us the years that the enemy has robbed from us, Lord. Restore to us, Lord, the years, and, Lord, grant to us many good days, Lord, for this coming year, that if we fall unto evil day, we thank you it's only temporal because it's singular, the evil day, but thank you, Lord, that your good days are good days.

Let it be so for us this year, Lord, and, Father, in Jesus's name renew our youth like the eagle's, amen. Let our flesh become fresher than a child's, Lord, and, Father, restore our health. Let all the people's health, Father, spring forth speedily. Lord, let our health, Lord, spring forth speedily, Lord. That we'll jump even in our age, Lord, like a dear, Lord, like a happy dear, Lord, and we will rejoice in you, Lord, like the layman, Lord, leaping and walking and praising God, Father, not restricted by age, not restricted by any physical infirmity. Grant us strength, Lord. And in the name of Jesus, Father, I command that fatigue, that constant fatigue, to be removed from your life in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and strength, boundless strength, for the Lord God giveth strength to his people, strength be your portion in Jesus's name right now, amen.

Father in heaven, I thank you and I consecrate all these people, Father, into your loving hands. Father, I thank you for every one of them, Father. Give us a passion and a hunger for your Word. Let us realize, Father, that every day we need the washing of the water of the Word, and, Father, teach us to value, Lord, your Word above everything else. Everything else can be exciting news and facts, interesting information, but they have no cleansing power. They have no life-giving, health-imparting property to it, but your Word is life to those that find them, health to all their flesh. So I pray, Father, that everyone will have a walk this year in your Word; that they will not neglect your Word, Lord; that they will learn to treasure the Bible; that they will learn to treasure their times with you, Lord. In Jesus's name, Father, I ask, and I give you all the glory and all the praise in Jesus's name. And all the people said? "Amen".

Stand to your feet. Hallelujah. Okay, lift up your hands all across this place. If you have never received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord, listen, you have never put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Bible says with your mouth confession is made unto salvation, amen? With your heart, you believe unto righteousness. Are you ready to make Jesus your Savior and your Lord? He stands ready to save you right now. So this first call is for those who want to receive Jesus as their Savior, as their Lord, to have forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace. If this is for you, pray this prayer:

Father in heaven, in Jesus's name I confess Jesus Christ is my Lord, this same Jesus that died on that cross for my sins and was raised from the dead for my justification. I confess Jesus, this same Jesus as my Lord and my Savior. Thank you, Father, my sins are forgiven, I am greatly blessed, highly favored, always deeply loved in Jesus's name, amen.

And all the people said? "Amen".

And this coming week, the Lord bless you and the Lord keep you. The Lord protect you and your loved ones, your families from every danger, harm, accident, tragedy throughout this week, and the Lord favors you. The Lord protect you from the power of the evil one, you and your loved ones, and the Lord favors you, the Lord smiles on you, and the Lord lift up his countenance on you and grant to you and yours his wonderful shalom, well-being, and peace in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And all the people said amen.