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Jonathan Bernis - Is Trump the Last President?

Jonathan Bernis - Is Trump the Last President?
TOPICS: Donald Trump, America, Prophetic

Jonathan Bernis: Shalom, and welcome to Jewish Voice as we embark on a truly intriguing journey. I'm Jonathan Bernis. Troy Anderson is a dynamic force in the world of journalism and publishing known for his Pulitzer prize nominated investigative work and status as a number one best selling author. As the founder and president of the inspired literary group and vice president of battle-ready ministries, Troy's leadership extends beyond writing, influencing both faith and business sectors. Troy, it's good to have you back, my friend. Welcome to Jewish Voice. I asked you to come on just very recently with my expectation that Donald Trump would win the presidency as he did. Remarkable. Remarkable landslide. What do you think of it?

Ben Carson: Well, I mean, it is just an amazing miracle that he won. I mean, you know, think about the all-out attack on him and just everything we've seen in the last few years. You know, I just go back to this interview I did with Billy Graham back in 2013 and he said when God sent the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to warn them of judgement, the king and the people repented, and he believed the same thing could happen this time again in America. So, I was so inspired by that. In our first book, which you were gracious enough to bring me on with, "The Babylon Code," the expose of globalism. This pastor, he loved that book so much. He delivered a whole box of those books to Trump campaign. Two months later, Trump announced Americanism, not globalism, you know, as president. He won. We called for that national day of repentance. Then April 8th this year, we had the great north America eclipse went through all these towns called Nineveh. And so, I wrote a story for charisma. "Is this our Nineveh moment? Our chance to turn back to God"? We called people to pray, fast, and repent 40 days to save America, and then Trump got elected. It's just a gigantic miracles. It's an amazing thing.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah, look, we all know Trump's imperfections.

Ben Carson: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: But the policies that he enacted in 2016 in particular or in his presidency starting at 2016, just specifically, the move of the embassy to Jerusalem was staggering, was stunning. Maybe the best friend that Israel's ever had as a U.S. president.

Ben Carson: You know, Jerusalem, the eternal capital of Israel, moved that, you know, embassy to Jerusalem and it had just been a gigantic support of Israel. So, that's very encouraging that we now have a back in office at this time where so much, you know, those wars breaking out all over the world. And he's a great protector of Israel, so that's very encouraging.

Jonathan Bernis: People ask me all the time, "Do you think that he's a believer, that he's a born-again Christian"? And truly, I don't know. But he has stood with the, and supported, the community of faith. He clearly has connected with the evangelical community and that was a very positive thing in his first term. And I expect that that will continue in this term.

Ben Carson: Yeah, I think these two assassination attempts, he just happened to turn his head just at the right moment there in butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th, and the bullet just clipped his ear. It was just, I think he came out and said later that, "I believe God saved my life". And, you know, why did God save his life? Does God have a prophetic destiny for him?

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. So, let's talk about your research. As Trump was candidating and doing these huge rallies across the United States which were just remarkable, remarkable turnouts, you started to do some research into a book that's over a hundred years old that actually talks about someone named Trump. And there, you started to see some connections. Talk about that. I thought this was very intriguing.

Ben Carson: Yes, so, there is a book, a series of books called, "The Baron Trump collection," they're written by Ingersoll Lockwood in the late 1800's. The cover of the book shows this boy who looks striking like Barron Trump, the president Trump's son. His name is Baron. They spell the names a little bit different. And he's guided by don, the master of all masters, and they go on time travel inventions. This is a children's fantasy series of novels. And it sort of tie in with popularly, Alice in wonderland and that kind of thing. But what really caught people's attention, there has been videos on YouTube and TikTok that got millions and millions of views. It's the last book in the series, it's called, "The Last President". And in this book, this boy who lives in castle Trump on fifth avenue in New York city, where Trump tower now stands 130 years later, says this populist president is elected. The anarchist and the socialist converge on castle Trump chanting, "Death to the rich man". So people were asking, "Is this prophetic in nature"? Maybe it's from, like, George Orwell's, "Nineteen Eighty-Four".

Jonathan Bernis: So, this is mind-blowing to me. So, a book written over a hundred years ago that mentions Baron Trump by name, talks about Baron Trump by name, who's influenced by don Trump, don Trump or Donald Trump, is it?

Ben Carson: Don from.

Jonathan Bernis: Don?

Ben Carson: From.

Jonathan Bernis: From?

Ben Carson: Yeah.

Jonathan Bernis: Okay. Not the same last name, but don.

Ben Carson: Yeah, don.

Jonathan Bernis: Right? And fifth avenue is mentioned, right? As their home or...

Ben Carson: Yeah. That's the location of castle Trump.

Jonathan Bernis: The location of castle Trump. I mean, that is really, really intriguing. I don't usually do programs that are sensationalist, or kind of off the focus of Jewish ministry. I just think this was so interesting. And we've had you on before and your insight has been extraordinary. This is really amazing. Is it just a coincidence or is this prophetic?

Ben Carson: Yeah, and that's we explore in, "The Trump code," is could this be prophetic in nature? And now we just saw president Trump elected. And that's why it seems like, you know, could God possibly show a fictional writer the future? You know, if you look in the Bible, there's always amazing stories of the prophets of God who God showed the future. You know, how did he show them the future? There's all kinds of intriguing questions but could God show a fictional writer the future? I mean, like, George Orwell or think about, you know, Ray Bradbury heights of, "Fahrenheit 451," the book burning, today you got the cancel culture and all the censorship, so, writing is a very intriguing thing. When you write a book, it's interesting.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah. Well, you're also a great researcher. You talk about Tesla. Talk about Tesla, a bit here with us.

Ben Carson: Yes, so, the connection with Tesla is, you know, he's this genius inventor, lived in the early 1900's in New York city. And, you know, he's considered the architect of the modern world. His ideas led to our modern electric grid, perhaps wireless telecommunications, and things like that. So, when he died in 1943, there was like 80 trunks of ideas and research. And the FBI actually called in Donald Trump's uncle, a highly respected professor at M.I.T., to look at Tesla's research. Because the reporters would go and interview Tesla in 1940's and he said like, "I've invented the death ray". And so, the idea was if the Nazis attacked us, nuclear weapons, like we ultimately attacked Japan, perhaps this weapon can vaporize their air force. John Trump came in and looked at all this stuff and he came back, and the official version was, "I don't think there's national security interest in all this research". But then all these files went missing. And so, the history channel just did a special on the missing files of Tesla. And the idea is that the government probably used these genius ideas to develop all kinds of top-secret technologies.

Jonathan Bernis: You know, Troy, this is fascinating that you're just, all these things you're tying together, what initially drew you to explore these themes? It seems unusual for somebody to jump into this. What drew you to this?

Ben Carson: Well, I mean, this whole journey, you know, actually began with that interview I did with you back in 2009 for, remember that last days...

Jonathan Bernis: Of course, I do.

Ben Carson: Cover story in charisma, and we opened up the magazine article with your search for the lost tribes of Israel? So, that began this whole 15-year journey looking at the end events we're moving into these end time events the Bible talks about. So, you know, as I mentioned in the first book, "The Babylon code," that may have played a role in president Trump's, you know, campaign, and then "Trumpocalypse". We call for this national day of repentance because that's what Billy Graham had, you know, encouraged me essentially to do in an interview with him. And then gigantic event, the return happened on the national mall. Forty-two million people watched it. President Trump flew over in marine one, issued a proclamation for a day of prayer and return. First person to do this was Billy Graham. And then we had this eclipse of all these, you know, Ninevehs. The amazing journey that began with the interview with you.

Jonathan Bernis: Do you think that Trump is somehow connected to, is he an end time president?

Ben Carson: Yeah, I think, you know, God definitely has some kind of prophetic destiny for him. I think, you know, we could be facing war. We don't know what's gonna happen in the next couple of years. You know, Mark Milley just talked about, you know, the possibility we could have war in the next few years. So, is he gonna be a defender of Israel? Is he gonna guide us through this time? It's just very interesting that, you know, God has somehow decided to put him back in office at this critical time in history.

Jonathan Bernis: And do you think the book, the Ingersoll book, is a prophetic book about Trump's presidency?

Ben Carson: It just seems like more than coincidence. You know, he wrote this in the 1980's, "The last president," you know, castle Trump, you know, Baron Trump, and, yeah, it just seems like, you know, God just like maybe he showed the prophets, you know, perhaps he could show a writer in the 1890's about the future.

Jonathan Bernis: It is wild. And then, this connection between Tesla and Trump's grandfather.

Ben Carson: His uncle.

Jonathan Bernis: His uncle. I see all these connections with Trump in so many places too. Just talk a little bit more about that.

Ben Carson: Yes, so, I mean, the very intriguing thing is that gematria, the numerical correspond with Hebrew letters. It says that Trump's name is, the storm is coming and Ingersoll Lockwood is, they got them all. And so, we talk about in the book how, you know, Trump wants to dismantle the deep state and try to reduce this corruption we see in government. So, could that be a reference to that?

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah, I just wanna say this. Trump is not, we can't look at Trump as a Messianic figure, but we can look at him as someone that God has ordained for a specific time for a specific purpose, for example, a Cyrus type figure. I think it's very, very intriguing. We need to take a quick break. Jewish Voice is committed to share that Jesus, Yeshua is the Messiah to populations across the world and particularly in Israel. We want you to get involved. We'll be right back.

Jonathan Bernis: Welcome back. We so appreciate your continued support of this ministry and on behalf of all of us at Jewish Voice, thank you, thank you and God bless you. Troy, this is really an unusual interview from me because I rarely get into this kind of prophetic stuff. With you, I do, but I do it rarely. But I think this is so apropos. It's so timely. Donald Trump against all odds will be back in the White House, overwhelming victory. And we have this book written a hundred years ago that may be a prophetic declaration of the future that talks about Baron Trump, that talks about don. Fifth avenue is mentioned specifically as the home. What's it called again?

Ben Carson: Castle Trump.

Jonathan Bernis: Castle Trump. I mean, that seems so accurate to me, Trump towers. I'm not saying that Trump is any sort of Savior. But did God raise up this man for a specific time, like a Cyrus, for a specific time in history when America needs to change course? I see this as a really good thing because I think that God's giving us another chance. What about you?

Ben Carson: Yeah. I mean, that's why I wrote all these books, all these, you know, I wanna try to wake up the church, wake up America. What really happened, the dangers we're in, are we really doing these end time events. And so, I'm so encouraged to see president Trump win the, you know, the popular vote and the electoral college vote. So, I think people woke up. You know, everybody went out and voted in this election. And they got a taste of totalitarianism the last few years.

Jonathan Bernis: It was a landslide.

Ben Carson: Yeah, it was a landslide.

Jonathan Bernis: What was the final popular vote, over 55 million?

Ben Carson: Oh, yeah. It was gigantic. And, you know, so, it's just an amazing thing in history. That's almost like, remember that scene from rocky when he's running up the steps and the greatest comeback. And that's sort of what just happened here.

Jonathan Bernis: Let's tie this into the last days, because this is all about the last days. Is this the final president? Do you think? Is this our last day's president? Are we really in the last days? Talk about, just give us, give me your view of how this ties together into the last days scenario.

Ben Carson: Here is what my sense is. When we had that big national day of repentance in September 2020 at the national mall, and everybody thought Trump was gonna get elected back then, but he didn't. So, I thought, you know, God probably wanted humble president Trump and he also wanna show us just how evil and corrupt everything is. And so, I think God's given us one last chance now. He's given us a chance to really turn back to him. We actually had 40 days to save America campaign prior to the election. Call people to pray, fast, and repent, and turn back to God. Spontaneously, there's like millions of people joined us. And when he got elected, we called for 77 days to take back America, igniting the final on great awakening. So, I think God, his heart for us, he loves us. He wants us to turn to him. He wants his revival to grow. These pockets of revival. And so, I think that's what people see.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah, and also, Lou Engle gathered with a team gathered a million women at The Capitol. I thought that was very significant. Summoned a million women, and women know how to pray.

Ben Carson: Women, to a large degree, have led this...

Jonathan Bernis: Thank you, ladies, if you went.

Ben Carson: Yeah, exactly. Thank God for the moms that, you know, are standing up for their kids and their grandkids. And joined this prayer. 'cause prayer is the most powerful force in the universe.

Jonathan Bernis: What's ahead? Give me some specifics that you see in connection with the last days in America, Israel, the rest of the world. Give me your take.

Ben Carson: Well, I mean, I think anything can happen now. And God's given us an extension and a reprieve. That doesn't mean we can go back to sleep and be complacent. You know, now is the time to be bold and courageous. Keep pushing back against this evil agenda. Perhaps we can see this great end time revival that millions of people are praying for. But we could have war, I mean, the world is a very dangerous place now. We're watching all these prophecies come true. So, I think God, he heard the prayers of the saints worldwide, tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of people praying. But he's given us extra time, but time for what? To bring in the great harvest, bring as many people to the kingdom as possible.

Jonathan Bernis: Do you think that this will trigger an outpouring here in America or worldwide?

Ben Carson: I think if we take this out, I released a video called, "The open letter to president Trump". I've asked him to call the nation to prayer and repentance that the Nineveh moment that Billy Graham first saw, just like the king in Nineveh called the people prayer and repentance. If he does this, I believe we will see a big revival take place. Ben Carson got the video too and some other people so I'm hopeful that he'll do this.

Jonathan Bernis: You know, I have this compulsion right now to pray for president Trump because something changed when they attempted to kill him. When that bullet hit him and he came down, something changed, that attempted assassination. It wasn't a full transformation. But he began to realize, "Maybe God is preserving me for a reason". I don't know if he's there yet, but I think there's ways to go. So, let's do that for just a second. "Lord, in the name of Yeshua, in Jesus' name, we pray for president Trump. We pray for a thorough transformation of his life that even though he acknowledges God and believes that there was some kind of a divine intervention, we pray for a complete transformation of his life that he would be born from above, that he would be born again, that his life would be transformed and he would become a fully engaged follower of Jesus, a true believer of the faith. We pray for that in his life, in his family. We pray for that to happen in the name of Jesus. And all of us together will say, amen and amen".

Ben Carson: Amen. Rabbi, you know, I'm just reminded of that amazing interview I had with Billy Graham in 2013 when he talked about God sending the prophet Jonah to Nineveh to warn them of judgement, and the king and the people repented, and he believe the same thing could happen this time again in America. It's the only example in the Bible of God relenting of judging a nation. I believe we were on the verge of judgement in America because of just the massive sins and wickedness in this country.

Jonathan Bernis: I think Christians were giving up. I think it was just the world, the U.S. Has gone to hell in a handbasket. The world's gone. It's just too far gone. And I just feel like we've been retreating saying, "Yeah, we'll be about the father's business," but this thing is on a trajectory that we can't stop. You don't believe that.

Ben Carson: Yeah, a friend of mine told me, he goes, "Troy, just," you know, "Just like Moses, stand back and watch the power of God". When he parted the Red Sea. He said, "God's gonna show off here". And that's exactly what he just did by putting Trump back in the office. I mean, who really thought that would happen? But then people went out and voted in record numbers. So, I think it's a gigantic miracle comparable to the Red Sea. And now he's given us this amazing chance to turn back to him. Pray, fast, repent. Had this great revival. So, it's an amazing time to be a Christian.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah, it is an amazing time. Troy, I'm from upstate New York, from Rochester, New York. And there was a famous evangelist in the 19th century, named Charles Finney. I don't know if you've ever heard of him. But Charles Finney was a revivalist. He traveled all through upstate New York and made a major impact in his day in the mid-1800's. And in his writings on revival, he said, "The greatest time for revival, the time to expect revival is when moral decay has set into a society". In other words, he's saying that at the very worst time when things are truly a Sodom, a Gomorrah, a Nineveh, expect a revival. And that's when God gets people praying and interceding, standing in the gap, crying out to God proclaiming, proclaiming the day of the Lord. And that's when God shows up, and everything changes. And Finney would just, there's a story of Finney walking into a factory and someone confronts him, and he just blesses them and the whole, she begins crying and the whole factory shuts down and everybody gets saved and praise for weeks on end. It's miraculous. And we should expect miracles. I'm speaking miracles to our nation now with this change that revival is coming. That you may have thought gloom, and dread, and "Uh-oh, woe is us"? But now is the time to proclaim revival. This is the day. This is the time. This is day that the Lord has made. This is the day that God is proclaiming revival, and renewal, and restoration. And I just want you to believe with me for this. Troy, we're believing for revival. This is a new day. Amen? Amen. Troy, this is incredible to think about all this. If you want more insight on, "The Trump code," stay tuned on how to get Troy's book right now, as well as support our ministry outreach in Israel. When we return, we wanna pray for your needs and offer you the best gift of all, eternal life, right after this.

Jonathan Bernis: In every program, we take time to pray for our partners. We've received so many needs, all kinds of needs. There's people that are going through terminal illness, financial issues. The list goes on and on. But the good news is that God hears and answers prayer. And, Troy, let's agree together for people at home. The most important prayer that we can lift up before the Lord is a prayer for your salvation. So, if you have never received Jesus into your heart, if he's been pulling at your heart strings and you've been asking, "God, I wanna live for you," this is the day of your salvation. So, let's pray together. Lord, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. We thank you for healing. We thank you for divine provision. We thank you for miracles. We thank you that you're a miracle working God and we pray, Lord, for restoration of families. We pray for divine provision. We pray for those terminal issues, terminal cases to be healed. And we thank you, Lord, for the solution to every problem. You are the God of salvation. Bring salvation and wholeness to those that are in need today. In Yeshua's name, in Jesus' name. Amen and amen. Troy, thank you for sharing with us today. We invite you to go deeper and find meaningful ways to support and bless Israel and the global Jewish community by visiting Remember, the greatest news you can give any Jewish person is the good news of their Messiah, Yeshua. As we close our program, I wanna remind you to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 says, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May they prosper who love thee". And you'll be blessed. Thank you for joining us today. And shalom, until next time. God bless you.