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Jonathan Bernis - Was Adam Jewish?

Jonathan Bernis - Was Adam Jewish?
TOPICS: Adam, Jews

Jonathan Bernis: Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Thank you so much for joining us today. In our ministry we often get calls from our viewers asking interesting questions. And we're gonna look at one of those questions today. Actually, it's really a profound question because it's foundational to God's plan of restoration as well as his faithfulness to a specific group of people, the Jewish people, the Israelites. And the question is simply, was Adam Jewish? Ezra, real simple question, but really profound.

Ezra Benjamin: Simple, but profound, agreed Jonathan. And the question is, you know, I think Christians understand, as we read the New Testament, we understand that gentiles are these wild olive branches, Romans 11 says, who are grafted into this tree, whose root. In the Greek it actually says, "Whose goodness is the people of Israel". And so, people go, "Does that mean that I am Jewish, and if Jewish people are God's chosen people, who else is chosen, and where do the Jewish people come from anyway, and is Jewish people the same thing as Hebrew? And" you know, the question we're starting with today, "Was Adam Jewish, and does that make all of us Jewish"? It can get very confusing. So, part of what we wanna do and what's largely kind of a teaching, scriptures unpacking show today, walking through history, is to identify how did the Jewish people become the Jewish people?

Jonathan Bernis: Right, very good. And let me just dovetail what you said.

Ezra Benjamin: Sure.

Jonathan Bernis: Many of you watching, most of you watching aren't from a Jewish family, physically. But you believe in Jesus, and were told that you have been grafted in through Jesus, as Ezra was citing Romans 11, into this natural olive tree, and you become spiritual sons and daughters of Abraham. So, here's the good news, it's not that you replace Israel, but you become part of a people, tied to Abraham spiritually through the Messiah, and all of the blessings of God become yours.

Ezra Benjamin: Amen.

Jonathan Bernis: So, rejoice in the inheritance that you've received, but don't seek to be something you're not. God love diversity. He loves Jews and he loves gentiles equally. So, we're all one in Messiah, but Jews are Jews, gentiles are gentiles, males remain males, females remain females, I can't believe that I have to say that and feel like it's risky, but that's.

Ezra Benjamin: And yet, here we are.

Jonathan Bernis: God created male, and female, Jew, and gentile, and that's the reality. But the question is was Adam Jewish?

Ezra Benjamin: Right. So, I'm gonna answer it very succinctly first, but then we're gonna get a little bit more deeply into the scriptures and answer the larger question where did the Jewish people begin. Adam was not Jewish. Adam is the father of all mankind, right? We understand that Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel, and then we have humanity coming forward. So, the fact that all Jewish people, like any of us, Jew or gentile are in Adam, meaning we're descended from Adam, doesn't make Adam Jewish. You can't go up the family tree that way, you can only go down, and we'll explain what we mean in just a minute.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah, and I'll add to that. Noah wasn't Jewish...

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly, exactly. So, from Adam, fast forwarding, we're gonna kind trek real quickly through history here. So, you can see from Adam, we have these generations of mankind to Noah, and if you remember the scripture say something really interesting Jonathan, that God actually relent, he regretted, he was sorry in his heart that he had made man because of the predominantly sinful rebellious condition of man. And so, he finds this one man who believed in the Lord, and remained faithful to him, and his family, Noah. And we know the story, the ark and the flood. God wipes out humanity, but preserves one man, and his family, Noah. And from Noah come Shem, Ham, and Japheth, I'm saying it my best American accent. Ham, it's Ham in Hebrew. But you know, the word Anti-Semitic, people go, "That's Anti-Semitic". Meaning you're saying something against the Jewish people, where does that come from? It comes from, Semite is Shem, descendants of Shem. So, you have these sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and then down the line one of those descendants of Shem is Abraham.

Jonathan Bernis: So, you have Semit, a Semitic people, you have Noah who is not Jewish, but has an understanding of sacrifice.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: Of clean and unclean sacrifice.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: And makes sacrifice when the waters recede, but it's not until Abram that we're introduced to a specific people now, that become the people of Israel, the Jewish people.

Ezra Benjamin: Abram who becomes Abraham. So, in that line of Shem, the Semites, you have Abram. And what's so special about Abram? Well, God calls Abram, really from Iraq, Syria, that part of the world, from his own land and from his own family and says, "Go to a land I'll show you". And the scriptures are clear we see this in the Old Testament and the New Testament, Jonathan, it's says, Abram, who will become Abraham the father of many nations, "Believed God," he took God at his word, and had faith in what God said, "And it was accounted to him as righteousness". And so, you have Abraham who really becomes that root of this olive tree that Jew and gentile through faith in God, through Jesus, through Yeshua, are grafted back into. Believing God's promises and it being accounted to us for righteousness.

Jonathan Bernis: Abram becomes Abraham, becomes the father of the people ultimately, the people of Israel, the Jewish people.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: But that's not what he's called first...

Ezra Benjamin: Right. So, this is an important distinction. Abram who becomes Abraham, father of many nations, is the father of the Jewish people, but not all of Abraham's descendants are the Jewish people. Why? Because if you remember, God promised Abram and Sarai, who become Abraham and Sarah, "You're gonna have a child". Even though you're old and barren, and natural speaking it's impossible, "You're gonna have child and through this child, through this seed, I'll carry out my promise to you, to make you a blessing to all the families of the earth". Abraham can't wait, and he has Ishmael through works rather than the second child, Isaac, through faith.

Jonathan Bernis: Not through Sarah, and Ishmael is not the son of promise. He becomes the father of the Arab people, but he's the not the son of promise.

Ezra Benjamin: Right, and the Arab people have a destiny, they have a blessing in the Lord, but it's distinct from the son of faith who, him and descendants will become that blessing to all the families of the earth.

Jonathan Bernis: And the one that the Carrier of the promise is through is Isaac.

Ezra Benjamin: Jonathan, we should pause right there, and something we try to say as often as the opportunity presents itself on this program is, God doesn't hate the children of Ishmael, or what's in modern day the Arab, or even the Persians people. He has a destiny for them.

Jonathan Bernis: Yeah, I'll say it even differently. I'll say he doesn't love them any less than the children of Israel.

Ezra Benjamin: Exactly.

Jonathan Bernis: They're all equal in God's eyes.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: And Ishmael is given a destiny, it's not always the greatest destiny, but something very interesting. When Hagar, the mother of Ishmael is pregnant, she's cast out of the home. Sarah is jealous, there's friction. She's cast out in the home, and she's wandering in the wilderness and she's ready to give up all until an appearance of the angel of the Lord who blesses her and tells her her destiny. That the son that she's carrying has a destiny.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: That angel of the Lord is not an angel, that's of the pre-incarnate Messiah, I believe. So, the first appearance of Yeshua in scripture is to Hagar.

Ezra Benjamin: Did you hear that? The first appearance of Yeshua, of Jesus who would later be born in the flesh as the Savior of the world, shows up and gives a destiny to that first born son of Abram, Ishmael. He gives a destiny in God to the Arab people. The Lord loves him...

Jonathan Bernis: But also the hostility between Ishmael and Isaac.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: Which even predates them back to Sarah and Hagar, shows how deep-seated this conflict is, this Middle East conflict. How is it going to be resolved? Ultimately, by God himself. That's the only way. 'cause it goes all the way back to Ishmael, the divide between Ishmael and Isaac. Something else to point out Ezra, is that Abraham is referred to as a Hebrew. So, we have three words that are really synonymous, Hebrew, Israelite, and Jew. They all speak of the same people, but at different periods of time in history. It begins with Abraham the Hebrew and the children of Israel are Hebrews until they end up in Egypt, and they become at a later point, the Israelites, which we'll get to.

Ezra Benjamin: That's right. And Johnathan, super important there about Genesis 14, it's the first time we see the word Hebrew, and we say are the Jewish people the Hebrew people? Yes. What Hebrew people means, ivrit in Hebrew, ancient Hebrew and modern Hebrew is literally the people of the covenant. So remember, Abraham believed God's promises. God considered it righteousness to him, and he becomes the first of the ivrit people, the people of the covenant.

Jonathan Bernis: Ezra, we've taken a look at the history of Adam to Abraham, when we return, we're gonna look at God's promises to his people today. So, we'll go on from there. We have to take a break, and we wanna talk about your support and what it allows us to do. We are able to reach, with your help scattered Jewish communities around the world, with practical care and most importantly, the gospel. We want you to play a role with us together. Stay tuned and hear how you can get involved.

Jonathan Bernis: Welcome back, we're talking about the origins of the Jewish people, or the Hebrews. Before we go any further, I wanna take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for your prayer support, thank you for your financial support, thank you to those that have actually come on an outreach. We could not do this without you, you're helping to transform lives so, we're very, very grateful. Well, Ezra very interesting topic, began with somebody writing in, and asking the question, was Adam Jewish? And the simple answer was no, he was the father of mankind, but we don't see a people introduced that become the Jewish people until Abraham in Genesis 12.

Ezra Benjamin: Right, and Abraham, recapping real quick, is the father of the Jewish people, but not all of Abraham's descendants are the Jewish people. Remember because Abraham was promised a son, but then he has Ishmael first, which means, "God has heard". Interesting, name right, Ishmael? Who's the son of his own works, taking matters into his own hands with Hagar. And so, we understand, you can't carry out a promise of God through your own means, you have to wait for God to bring it about in his way, in his time. And so, Isaac, Yitzhak, which is laughter, remember Sarah laughed when Isaac was promised to her, Yitzhak, Isaac is born. And so, the promise that Abraham's descendants would be blessed by the Lord, and become a blessing to all the families of the earth is then carried through Isaac. And just real quickly, recapping that where does the word Hebrew come from? We see it first, the first time in the Bible in Genesis 14, it says, "Abram the Hebrew". And what that means in the Hebrew language is of the covenant. God made a covenant with Abraham and Abraham confirm that covenant through faith. Not through works, but believing that God was able to do what he said he would do.

Jonathan Bernis: So, God declares, God himself declares the promise would not be through Ishmael, but through Isaac, and you have the continuation of the promised lineage through Isaac, the Hebrew. The Hebrew people.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: Okay, so that's where we left off. So, we have Isaac now, rather than Ishmael being the Carrier of the promise, that through you all the nations of the earth will be blessed, and your descendants will be as the stars of heaven, and now we have another fork in the road. So, we've had Ishmael and Isaac, it's Isaac. And now, Isaac has Esau and Jacob, they're twins.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: Really.

Ezra Benjamin: More drama in the soap-opera of the Jewish family tree, and here we are. Or what would become the Jewish family tree.

Jonathan Bernis: And Esau is the child of promise initially because he's the first born.

Ezra Benjamin: Right, and there is this, for me, for years it was frustrating Jonathan, there's this pesky verse in the Bible that says, "Esau have I hated," or have I despised, okay, is a closer translation. "Jacob have I loved". Well, they're both born as twins and Jacob, Ya'aqov actually means the heel grabber. Remember he grabs his brother's heel and pulls back. And so his name literally is deceiver. And God's saying, this heel grabber, this deceiver, I've loved, and Esau, the first born who should have inherited the blessing, I've despised. Why? Did you ever ask yourself? How could God despise? It's not that he hated Esau as a person, what God hated was that Esau despised his inheritance as the first born.

Jonathan Bernis: Exactly right.

Ezra Benjamin: And Jacob, even though he took it through deceptive means, God saw something in Ya'aqov, the heel grabber, he saw something in Jacob and said, "This man is after my blessings. Now, he didn't do it in the right way, but he's not letting go of me until I bless him".

Jonathan Bernis: One has a hunger for God and the other doesn't.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: Even through deceptive means.

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: He is striving for a relationship.

Ezra Benjamin: That's right.

Jonathan Bernis: And he comes into that relationship later on, but Jacob becomes the inheritor of the promise, so Ya'aqov the deceiver, is the one that actually is the continuation of the promise.

Ezra Benjamin: Right. And how does that happen? Well, you know the story. It says a man shows up when Jacobs alone. It's not a very bright time in his life, okay. He's running away, he's being chased by an angered family members who he's deceived and it says, "A man shows up". But Jonathan, in the English it's a capital m. Remember the angel of the Lord shows up a generation and a half before, in Ishmael's story, and now, a man, capital m, shows up, and wrestles with Jacob. And Ya'aqov the deceiver says, "I'm not gonna let go of you until you bless me". And God says, "Okay, I'm gonna touch your hip, so you walk with a limp so everyone knows you've encountered me. You're gonna show that the rest of your life".

Jonathan Bernis: He's a messenger.

Ezra Benjamin: That's right.

Jonathan Bernis: But he's actually God himself.

Ezra Benjamin: It's Yeshua showing up. The man with the capital m is Yeshua, changing someone's identity, man, I get chills, from deceiver to the one who strives with God and prevails.

Jonathan Bernis: So now, we have name change. So, let's go to the... Let's take it to the next slide. Now, Ya'aqov the deceiver is the one who strives with God and prevails.

Ezra Benjamin: Doesn't let go till he's blessed.

Jonathan Bernis: Does not let go. When he prevails, and now, Israel has a multitude of children and we see this in the next slide. So, now, we have Israel introduced, okay so we have the Hebrew people, now we have the children of Israel, the Israelites...

Ezra Benjamin: Sons of Jacob.

Jonathan Bernis: And we have 12 tribes.

Ezra Benjamin: And this, Jonathan, is the Jewish people. So, the sons of Jacob, now, throughout history, because God touches him and transforms his identity, and he becomes Israel, the one who strives with God and prevails. Other translations might even be prince with God, the sons of Jacob are the Jewish people, and it's remained that way throughout history.

Jonathan Bernis: So, these are now the Israelites on until they become the Jewish people after... We don't have time to go into this, after a split between the kingdoms, the northern and the southern kingdom.

Ezra Benjamin: But these sons of Jacob are the ones in whom will be fulfilled God's promise to bless them and make them a blessing...

Jonathan Bernis: So, who are the Jews? They're the Hebrews, they're the Israelites, they're the sons and daughters, the physical descendants of Abraham through Isaac, through Jacob, whose name is changed to Israel, and they're descendants of these 12 tribes.

Ezra Benjamin: So Jonathan, we see these physical descendants, these sons of Jacob, and later, sons and daughters of the sons of Jacob. The physical lineage of Israel, am Yisrael we say in Hebrew or the people of Israel who, as you mentioned would later become the Jewish people. Details we won't get into today, but Israel is the Jewish people. And yet as I look around, I see this teaching. It's confusing, it's dangerous actually, so prevalent in the church today that somehow God is done with the physical descendants of Jacob, and he's removed all his promises from the Jewish people and given them all to the church, leaving Israel only with the curses. What's going on there?

Jonathan Bernis: It's demonic, bottom line it's demonic. So, these 12 tribes, Ezra, these 12 tribes have been preserved by God. These are the children of Israel, these are the tribes of Israel and the descendants of these tribes, we're not able to trace the tribes any longer. Paul was, he from the tribe of Benjamin.

Ezra Benjamin: Right, he says it clearly.

Jonathan Bernis: He says it clearly, but those records have been destroyed. But these 12 tribes, the children, the offspring of these tribes have been preserved, and God remains faithful. That's why replacement theology, the idea that God has reached a point where he's drawn a line and said, no more, I'm eradicating these people as the chosen people, and now the church replaces this group is an absolute lie. Because if God is not faithful, and hasn't preserved the 12 tribes of Israel as he said he would, then he's a liar, and how can New Testament believers, Christians trust God to be faithful when they... At what point do Christians reach that line where he says enough of the New Testament church?

Ezra Benjamin: Right.

Jonathan Bernis: So, God is faithful, and the people of Israel demonstrate God's faithfulness. That's why replacement theology is such horrible lie. And he declares that even though he scattered them, he will restore them in the last days. That's why Jewish Voice exists. We are seeing these lost tribes restored. They're being restored back to their homeland of Israel, Jerusalem has been restored, and he's restoring them back to the Messiah spiritually. Well, we need to take another break. Ezra and I are going to open up a time of prayer when we come back, but first I want you to hear from our announcer. Who will share an incredible opportunity to support the Jewish people with medical outreaches. Your giving today allows our ministry to continue serving these lost tribes of Israel. God knows where they are, and they're being restored. Please consider partnering with us today, so we can help these important humanitarian outreaches going forward. Listen to this short message and Ezra and I will be right back to pray with you.

Jonathan Bernis: Ezra, we take time in ever program to pray, usually for people that are watching today. I wanna ask you at home to join with us in prayer for the restoration of the scattered and lost tribes of Israel. God is in the process of restoring the Jewish people back to himself, and that means, according to Roman 11, "Life from the dead". That's part of the great wrap up plan that isn't taught enough, the Jewish people being restored. It's what Jewish Voice is about, it's about God's plan for the nations. Ezra, would you lead us in a prayer for that restoration?

Ezra Benjamin: I'd be honored to. Join me in prayer. Lord, we recognize that you are the ultimate promise keeper, and that you're faithful to bring about and to accomplish all that you've promised to the Jewish people, to the people of Israel, and to all who call upon your name. So, we're asking you for two things today, Lord. We're asking that you would stretch out your hands according to your promise in Isaiah, to regather the lost tribes, the lost sheep, the exiles of the house of Israel to yourself, and also to the land of Israel Lord, but first would you regather them, would you reconcile them to yourself through Yeshua. And we're asking along with that that you would remember, and accomplish your promises that you've made to all your sons and daughters including those watching today, and their families who are trusting you to bring about your promises. As we thank you for your faithfulness, we depend upon it, we set our hearts and our minds on your promise keeping faithfulness. And we thank you that you will be faithful to do everything you've said. In Yeshua's name, in Jesus name we pray, amen.

Jonathan Bernis: Amen, and amen. If you'd like more information about our ministry, you can log on to our website, One word, You can also send us your prayer requests right on the website. We have team here at Jewish Voice that's committed to praying for you by name. We believe in the power of prayer, and we care about you. And more importantly, God cares about you. So, please log on to our website. Well, as we close our program, I wanna remind you to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Psalm 122:6 exhorts us to pray for Jerusalem and the Jewish people every day, and we're told they will prosper, who love thee. So, please be praying. Until next time, this is Johnathan Bernis, along with Ezra Benjamin saying, "Shalom and God bless you".