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John Bradshaw - A Bad Advertisement for Faith in God

John Bradshaw - A Bad Advertisement for Faith in God
TOPICS: Every Word, Hypocrisy

Here's a very pointed Bible verse, this might speak to your heart. Titus 1:16, it says, "They profess that they know God; but in works they deny Him". Isn't that direct? It doesn't take much to call yourself a Christian. In some circles it's fashionable to do so, and out of step not to. But Paul sharpens it up; he speaks to those who profess to know God, but whose works deny God.

Could it be that people are living that out today? It might be that you are. Paul's not referring to Christian believers who stumble, but to those who are saying one thing and then doing another, Hypocrites. Hypocrites are a bad advertisement for faith in God. If there's a hypocrite dwelling somewhere in your experience, go to God and ask him to give you a genuine faith, a growing faith. You want your actions to live up to your profession. I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
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