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Joel Osteen - You're Being Talked About
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Joel Osteen - You're Being Talked About
Joel Osteen - You're Being Talked About
I want to speak to you today on: You’re Being Talked About. God has already lined up the right people to open doors for you, to show you favor, to help you out of a difficulty. Some dreams we can’t accomplish on our own, some challenges we can’t get [...]
Joel Osteen - Reframe It
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Joel Osteen - Reframe It
Joel Osteen - Reframe It
I want to talk to you today about Reframe It. How you see things will determine how you’re going to live. We don’t always see them as they are, we see them as we are we all have filters from which we view the world: how we were raised, past [...]
Joel Osteen - Daily Renewal
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Joel Osteen - Daily Renewal
Joel Osteen - Daily Renewal
I want to talk to you today about Daily Renewal. We all have to deal with stress from everyday life, and pressures at work, and raising our children, people do us wrong, we make mistakes. There are plenty of opportunities to get discouraged, live [...]
Joel Osteen - It's Not What You Think
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Joel Osteen - It's Not What You Think
Joel Osteen - It's Not What You Think
I want to talk to you today аbout: It’s Not What You Think. We all have situations that look like they’re not going to work out. We can’t accomplish our dreams, no doors have opened, we took the fertility treatments we can’t have a baby, our child [...]
Joel Osteen - The New You
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Joel Osteen - The New You
Joel Osteen - The New You
I want to talk to you today about The New You. We all have times where it looks like we’ve reached our limits, we’ve gone as far as we can in our career, facing an obstacle that seems too big to overcome. Or maybe we’re struggling with bad habits [...]
Joel Osteen - Trust While You Are Waiting
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Joel Osteen - Trust While You Are Waiting
Joel Osteen - Trust While You Are Waiting
I want to talk to you today about Trusting While You’re Waiting. We all have times where we feel stuck, not making progress in our career, and haven’t met the right person, problem is not turning around. It’s easy to live frustrated, wondering why [...]
Joel Osteen - Just The Opposite
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Joel Osteen - Just The Opposite
Joel Osteen - Just The Opposite
I want to talk to you today about Just The Opposite. We all have situations that don’t look like they’re going to work out: doors have closed on our dream, medical reports not good, a relationship didn’t make it. All the circumstances say that will [...]
Joel Osteen - Uncommon Favor
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Joel Osteen - Uncommon Favor
Joel Osteen - Uncommon Favor
I want to talk to you today about Uncommon Favor. We all have dreams that seem too big to accomplish, and challenges that we can’t overcome by ourselves. We look at things in the natural, logically speaking, and reason it out. Sometimes there’s no [...]
Joel Osteen - Removing Infected Thinking
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Joel Osteen - Removing Infected Thinking
Joel Osteen - Removing Infected Thinking
I want to talk to you today about Removing Infected Thinking. We all have to deal with thoughts of doubt, worry and insecurity. Thoughts that tell us "You're not going to get well. You'll never break the addiction. You can't [...]
Joel Osteen - Progress Under Pressure
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Joel Osteen - Progress Under Pressure
Joel Osteen - Progress Under Pressure
I want to talk to you today about Progress Under Pressure. We all have times when we feel pressure. We're dealing with a health issue, or people have done us wrong, a door closed in our dream. There's pressure that comes from raising [...]
Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance
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Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance
Joel Osteen - Seeing From a Distance
I want to talk to you today about Seeing From a Distance. We all have promises in our heart and dreams we're believing for, but sometimes they seem so far off and so unlikely. We don't see how we could get well, or how we'll meet the [...]
Joel Osteen - Freedom From Your Past
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Joel Osteen - Freedom From Your Past
Joel Osteen - Freedom From Your Past
I want to talk to you today about Freedom From Your Past. We've all had negative experiences that could hold us back. Mistakes we've made, times we've compromised and done things we shouldn't. We can end up living in regrets, [...]
Joel Osteen - You Will Defy The Odds
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Joel Osteen - You Will Defy The Odds
Joel Osteen - You Will Defy The Odds
I want to talk to you today about You Will Defy The Odds. We all face situations where we don't see how they can work out: we don't have the funds to accomplish our dreams, a sickness looks like we'll never get well, our child is off [...]
Joel Osteen - Don't Get Side-Tracked
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Joel Osteen - Don't Get Side-Tracked
Joel Osteen - Don't Get Side-Tracked
I want to talk to you today about Not Getting Side-Tracked. God has a best path for all of our lives, a path that leads to our divine purpose. It's filled with opportunity, favor and protection, but along the way there will be forces trying to [...]
Joel Osteen - Dealing With Ugly Situations
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Joel Osteen - Dealing With Ugly Situations
Joel Osteen - Dealing With Ugly Situations
I want to talk to you today about Dealing With Ugly Situations. In life we all face the good, the bad and the ugly. We love the good times where we're seeing God's favor, and doors are opening. We can handle the bad, we didn't get the [...]
Joel Osteen - Divine Surprises
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Joel Osteen - Divine Surprises
Joel Osteen - Divine Surprises
I want to talk to you today about Divine Surprises. God has moments of favor already lined up for you that you didn't see coming: unexpected blessings and good breaks that catch you off guard. There was no sign of it, you weren't next in [...]
Joel Osteen - Turn Down the Noise
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Joel Osteen - Turn Down the Noise
Joel Osteen - Turn Down the Noise
I want to talk to you today about Turn Down the Noise. We are living in the noisiest time in history. There's more technology today than ever before. We're inundated with social media, 24-hour news, hundreds of television channels. [...]
Joel Osteen - Day Forty-One is Coming
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Joel Osteen - Day Forty-One is Coming
Joel Osteen - Day Forty-One is Coming
I want to talk to you today about Day Forty-One is Coming. We all go through seasons of testing and proving, times of adversity and struggle where we're praying and believing, but things aren't changing. In the scripture these seasons are [...]
Joel Osteen - Let Them Walk
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Joel Osteen - Let Them Walk
Joel Osteen - Let Them Walk
I want to talk to you today about Let Them Walk. We all have people that God brings across our path that are there for a lifetime: our spouse and children, friends that we cherish. They're loyal and stick with us through thick and thin. But not [...]
Joel Osteen - From Limping to Leaping
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Joel Osteen - From Limping to Leaping
Joel Osteen - From Limping to Leaping
I want to talk to you today about From Limping to Leaping. All of us can find some reason to limp. We weren't raised in a good environment, relationship didn't work out, the boss doesn't give us credit, now we're at a [...]
Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
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Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
Joel Osteen - Peace With The Plan
I want to talk to you today about Peace With The Plan. What causes a lot of frustration is when our plans don't work out. We thought by this time we'd be further in our career, we would have met someone by now, we still wouldn't be [...]
Joel Osteen - Build Yourself Up
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Joel Osteen - Build Yourself Up
Joel Osteen - Build Yourself Up
I want to talk to you today about Building Yourself Up. It's good to have people that cheer us on and speak faith into our life. A spouse that compliments us, a neighbor with an uplifting word, a friend that's always there to encourage. [...]
Joel Osteen - You Lack Nothing
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Joel Osteen - You Lack Nothing
Joel Osteen - You Lack Nothing
I want to talk to you today about how You Lack Nothing. Sometimes we see ourselves at a disadvantage. If we had more talent then we could do something greater, we had more personality, more height, more attractive, then we could accomplish our [...]
Joel Osteen - The Battle Cry of Faith
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Joel Osteen - The Battle Cry of Faith
Joel Osteen - The Battle Cry of Faith
I want to talk to you today about the Battle Cry of Faith. We all have times when things come against us: the medical report is not good, a child is in trouble, our business had a setback. It's easy to talk about the problem, "Why did this [...]
Joel Osteen - The Power to Obey
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Joel Osteen - The Power to Obey
Joel Osteen - The Power to Obey
I want to talk to you today about The Power to Obey. Sometimes God ask us to do things that are hard: to forgive someone that doesn't deserve it, to take the management position but we're not qualified, to quit hanging around a friend [...]
Joel Osteen - God Wastes Nothing
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Joel Osteen - God Wastes Nothing
Joel Osteen - God Wastes Nothing
I want to talk to you today about about how God Wastes Nothing. We all go through things that we don't understand, things that are not fair, dealing with an illness, had a rough childhood, a relationship didn't work out. There are seasons [...]
Joel Osteen - Supernatural Strength
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Joel Osteen - Supernatural Strength
Joel Osteen - Supernatural Strength
I want to talk to you today about Supernatural Strength. We all we all have times in life that we feel tired. We've been doing our best, standing strong, but it's been so long, nothing has changed, now we're fatigued. We don't [...]
Joel Osteen - Programmed for Greatness
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Joel Osteen - Programmed for Greatness
Joel Osteen - Programmed for Greatness
I want to talk to you today about Programmed for Greatness. There are gifts and talents God has put in you that you haven't tapped into yet. Abilities and potential that at the right time, just like a gene that's been lying dormant, it [...]
Joel Osteen - How To Handle Troublemakers
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Joel Osteen - How To Handle Troublemakers
Joel Osteen - How To Handle Troublemakers
I want to talk to you today about How to Handle Troublemakers. We all have people in life that can get on our nerves and do things to aggravate us, say things behind our back. Maybe a coworker, a neighbor, a relative. Or perhaps you're sitting [...]
Joel Osteen - Healing Belongs to You
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Joel Osteen - Healing Belongs to You
Joel Osteen - Healing Belongs to You
I want to talk to you today about Healing Belongs to You. All of us have times where we're dealing with an illness, or we have family, or friends that have a physical ailment. From diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic pain, cancer, [...]
Joel Osteen - A Thousand Times More
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Joel Osteen - A Thousand Times More
Joel Osteen - A Thousand Times More
I want to talk to you today аbout: A Thousand Times More. God's dream for your life is much bigger than your own. The places he's going to take you, the doors that are going to open, the people you're going to meet are going to far [...]
Joel Osteen - Keep Digging
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Joel Osteen - Keep Digging
Joel Osteen - Keep Digging
I want to talk to you today about Keep Digging. We all have dreams God has put in our heart, promises we're standing on, but along the way there will be detours, delays, people that do us wrong. We're working hard, but we didn't get [...]
Joel Osteen - Turn Off The Flow
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Joel Osteen - Turn Off The Flow
Joel Osteen - Turn Off The Flow
I want to talk to you today about Turn Off The Flow. We live in a day where there's all kinds of gossip, slander, people spreading rumors. They can post it on social media, and don't even have to put their name on it, hide behind being [...]
Joel Osteen - You Are Worthy
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Joel Osteen - You Are Worthy
Joel Osteen - You Are Worthy
I want to talk to you today about You Are Worthy. It's easy to go through life feeling like we don't measure up. We focus on our flaws and weaknesses, and how we should be further along. We let guilt and condemnation weigh us down. Or [...]
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
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Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
Joel Osteen - Trusting God's Ways
I want to talk to you today about Trusting God's Ways. We're not going to understand everything that happens in life. There will be detours, delays, even dead ends, times where it looks like we're stuck. It's easy to get [...]
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Joel Osteen - You Are Blessed
Joel Osteen - You Are Blessed
I want to talk to you today about You Are Blessed. When you gave your life to Christ, he puts something on you that causes you to stand out, to overcome obstacles, to accomplish dreams. It's a divine enablement, a can-do power, a favor that [...]
Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
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Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
Joel Osteen - Grace for Gethsemane
I want to talk to you today about Grace for Gethsemane. The word Gethsemane means a place of pressing. It was an olive garden in Jerusalem, workers would put olives into a press. They were squeezed, and under that pressure the oil would come out. [...]
Joel Osteen - Something's Cooking
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Joel Osteen - Something's Cooking
Joel Osteen - Something's Cooking
I want to talk to you today about Something's Cooking. We all have things that we're waiting on. It's easy easy to be frustrated: "Why is this taking so long? I thought I'd be married by now. I thought I'd be over this [...]
Joel Osteen - Take Care of Yourself
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Joel Osteen - Take Care of Yourself
Joel Osteen - Take Care of Yourself
I love to help people. I love to say yes, but it's easy to get so caught up in trying to meet other people's needs and measure up to their expectations that we put ourselves on the back burner. There are demands at work, pleasing the boss [...]
Joel Osteen - Live Cause Driven
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Joel Osteen - Live Cause Driven
Joel Osteen - Live Cause Driven
You were created to live for something bigger than yourself. Studies show that when you serve others, the brain release neurochemicals, like oxytocin and endorphins. These chemicals promote feelings of happiness, reduce stress and enhance overall [...]
Joel Osteen - Tame Your Tongue
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Joel Osteen - Tame Your Tongue
Joel Osteen - Tame Your Tongue
One reason people get stuck in life is because they haven't learned to control their mouth. They say hurtful things, they put people down, they argue. They don't realize their mouth is keeping them from rising higher. Your friends may not [...]
Joel Osteen - Win The War Within
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Joel Osteen - Win The War Within
Joel Osteen - Win The War Within
There's a battle taking place inside each one of us. It's a battle between the flesh and the spirit. The flesh shows out in things such as jealousy, pride, compromise. Your flesh is the easy way to live. You don't have to be [...]
Joel Osteen - Be Comfortable Not Knowing
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Joel Osteen - Be Comfortable Not Knowing
Joel Osteen - Be Comfortable Not Knowing
At one point or another, we all face uncertain situations. We have a problem and we don't know how it's going to work out. We study the facts, the numbers, the reports, the odds are against us, so we do our best to come up with a plan, to [...]
Joel Osteen - Don't Rely On People
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Joel Osteen - Don't Rely On People
Joel Osteen - Don't Rely On People
It's great when people believe in us and cheer us on, make us feel valuable. We love when our spouse compliments us, a friend is there to give encouragement, a coworker stays late to help us on a project, God uses people to help move us into [...]
Joel Osteen - From Trouble to Double
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Joel Osteen - From Trouble to Double
Joel Osteen - From Trouble to Double
I want to talk to you today about From Trouble to Double. We all face difficulties and things that are not fair: someone walks out of a relationship, set back in our finances, we come down with an illness. A man told me how a coworker was dishonest [...]
Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
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Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
I want to talk to you today аbout: Feed Your Faith. You get to choose what grows in your life. What you're feeding is getting stronger. If you're feeding doubt, thinking about what you can't do, and how the obstacles are too big, and [...]
Joel Osteen - Live In The Present
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Joel Osteen - Live In The Present
Joel Osteen - Live In The Present
I have a question for you. Where has your mind been lately? So often our mind is either in the past focused on what didn't work out or who did us wrong, mistakes we've made, or it's in the future, thinking about our goals, worried [...]
Joel Osteen - Dealing With Difficult People
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Joel Osteen - Dealing With Difficult People
Joel Osteen - Dealing With Difficult People
It's something we all face. That person at work who has a way of getting on your nerves. An offended friend who gives you the silent treatment. A neighbor who hasn't been acting very neighborly lately. Difficult people. We all have to deal [...]
Joel Osteen - Unclutter Your Mind
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Joel Osteen - Unclutter Your Mind
Joel Osteen - Unclutter Your Mind
Have you ever been so preoccupied that you couldn't enjoy the moment or so overwhelmed you couldn't sleep at night? We're all tempted to live feeling guilty about past mistakes, bitter over what didn't work out, upset about the [...]
Joel Osteen - Let Go of Control
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Joel Osteen - Let Go of Control
Joel Osteen - Let Go of Control
God puts promises and dreams in all of our hearts. We know we're going to get well, that our business is going to succeed, or that we'll meet the right person, but God doesn't tell us how or when it's going to happen. Too often, [...]
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