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Gregory Dickow - Reclaiming What the Devil Stole

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    Gregory Dickow - Reclaiming What the Devil Stole
TOPICS: Restoration

You know, I love the promise that Joel made. In Joel, 2:25, when it says that God says, I will restore the years. What the enemy has come to devour, He said, I will restore the years that the locusts has eaten. I will restore to you the years I will restore to you the years. Yeah. We've lost some time, haven't we? We've lost precious time. We've lost precious people, loved ones, relationships, finances, businesses. The devil is the thief. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. But on the other side of every thing that the enemy tries to do in your life, on the other side is restoration. God's going to make it up to you. One translation even says, I'm going to make up to you the years I will restore to you the years.

I want you to take this as God's Word to you. I will restore to you the years that the enemy has eaten, devoured, consumed, destroyed, Jesus said in John 10:10 The thief comes to steal, to kill, destroy. He doesn't have any other agenda. That's the agenda of the enemy to steal, to kill and destroy. But I have come. I have come that you would have life in abundance to the full till it overflows. This is the restoration of life God's going to give us. I want you to believe for this today. You see, history is a story of loss and recovery. All of human history is a story of loss and recovery.

Satan robbed Adam and Eve of five things we talked about. He robbed them of their ancestry, that they were ancestors, that God himself was their ancestor. That they were the descendants of God himself. They lost their connection to who they came from. They lost their identity, who they were as sons and daughters of God. They lost their equality and now they felt inferior. And now they tried to control each other and rule over each other. What's happened in our world today is a world of inequality. But Jesus is the solution to inequality. Jesus solves the inequality issue in our nation, in our world, in our in among individuals. Jesus is the great equalizer of all of mankind. He sits us with Him in heavenly places that's far above and beyond All that we could ask are thinking far above and beyond all of the devils power and all the principalities and powers of darkness.

So we got to stop striving with each other and start believing in each other and believe that we have been given equal access to the throne of grace, equal access to God, equal access to our father. When they surrendered to Satan, Satan robbed them, they lost their ancestry, they lost their identity, they lost their equality. They lost their destiny and they lost their authority, their royalty. In that case, Satan did steal their crown, something Jesus told us in Revelation 3:11 not to let anything anyone do. He said, Let no one steal your crown. Your crown represents your authority. Your crown represents your royalty. Your crown represents your victory. Your crown represents the crown of life. The Crown represents Jesus took the crown of thorns so that you could have the crown of victory.

We live at the throne, right? We live from the throne. And we live for the throne. We've been given a crown. We've been crowned as kings and priests in Christ. Let no one take that crown. That no one take your crown. No devil in hell has the right to take your crown. So hold on to that crown. No mistake you've ever made has the right to take your crown. So hold on to that crown. No other human being in this universe has the right to take your crown. No devil, no demon, no force, no mistake, no problem, no past has the power to take your crown. So you just straighten that thing out. If it got a little crooked, if it got knocked down a little bit, knocked over a little bit, you just put that thing on You remember those old Burger King crowns you used to get, this is no Burger King crown.

Let me tell you something. This is Jesus-the-King crown. And this is you and me, kings and priests in Him. We've got something much greater than any of thing this world could ever offer kings and priests in Him. Let's not forget that. Let's never lose sight of that. It doesn't matter what's going on in this world. You are something. You are something. You are His. You are royalty. You're a king and a prince, a son or daughter of God. You're the head and not the tail. You're above only and not beneath. I don't care what happens in this world, nothing changes the fact of who you are. Nothing changes the fact that you've been crowned, nothing changes the fact that you are the head and not the tail above only and not beneath. You're more than a conqueror. Don't listen to the lies of the devil. He's a liar, comes to steal, to kill, destroy with lies. Jesus comes to give it all back.