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Gregory Dickow - Your Right On Time Miracle

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    Gregory Dickow - Your Right On Time Miracle
    Gregory Dickow - Your Right On Time Miracle
TOPICS: Miracle, Love

Well, if someone would have told us in February that in less than two months, the entire country would be shut down, the entire world, for that matter, schools, restaurants, churches, everywhere, no one would have believed it. Well, as a result, a lot of people are suffering and many lives have been turned upside down. But God has a plan. God always has the ability to turn something bad into something good. And one of the things God spoke to me during this pandemic is that God is still the God of miracles.

And if you need one today, you've come to the right place. Maybe you need a healing miracle, or maybe you need a financial miracle, or maybe you need a miracle in a family member, a loved one, the salvation of someone you're believing for or perhaps you're dealing with anxiety, discouragement, depression, and you just want freedom. Maybe you're one day away from ending your marriage or your life is just a mess somehow. But David says in Psalm 77, verse 14 about God, he says, you are the God who performs miracles. You are the God who performs miracles. And I'm believing today for your miracle. So we're going to pray at the end of this broadcast. So stay with me the entire time. The message you're about to hear was taught during this pandemic. It's an on time word for you're right on time miracle. Listen, no matter what you're going through, it's never too late. Today's your day. Let's believe together. Check this out.

We never can hear enough about the love that God has for us. And I never saw in John chapter 11 so much love like I saw recently in John 11, it says "There was a certain man who was sick, Lazarus of Bethany in the village of Mary and her sister Martha". So these are relatives with each other, brother, sister of two sisters and a brother. And it was this Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. So she was the one who was forgiving of so much, right? And therefore, Jesus said: he has been forgiven a much, loves much. And I wonder if Mary could have said to the Lord, "Lord, you know, I, remember when I anointed you with ointment? Now, I need you to heal Lazarus."

She didn't say that. Maybe she could have said, "Lord, you know how I've loved you so much with my tears, wiped your feet with my hair. So can you do me a solid and and heal my brother now"? She didn't say that. She could have said, "Lord, you know, since I repented, I've been really good. And I've been holy, you know, I was living really unholy, I was a prostitute, you know, I was of ill repute, you know, Lord, but now I'm really living good, and I'm living godly, and I'm living holy. So could you do a miracle for me? For my brother"? No. She didn't say that. She said, "Lord", verse 3, "Behold, he whom you love is sick". He whom you love is sick not. Not, "Lord, he loves you, so could you heal him?"

You see, the miracle you need doesn't happen because you've loved him so. The miracle you need is going to happen because he loves you so. He loves you so much. "The one who you love", I think I went over that too fast the last time. "Lord, the one you love", if we could connect with God, here, around this truth. "Lord, look, the one you love is sick". Oh, he could never turn away from somebody having faith in his love. But when Jesus heard this, he said, "This sickness is not to end in death". Death might be in the middle of the story, but death isn't at the end of the story. Death might be in one of the last final chapters of the story, but death is not the last chapter of the story. Death might come and it might get worse before it gets better, but this sickness is not going to end in death, it's going to end in the glory of God, that the Son of God would be glorified by it.

What about the son is going to be glorified? The love that the Son has for Lazarus, his love is going to be glorified. When all this is said and done with this virus and the economics and the politics of it all. And the impact that it's had on any of us, when it's all said and done, the end of the story is Jesus and his glory. The end of the story is the love of Jesus that he has for us. Sometimes things do get worse, but God's power is right on time. The miracle you need is going to be right on time. Not your time but right on time, because we do the trusting, He does the timing.

I don't care about the timing anymore, I used to really be concerned about the timing. "God, by now gone by tomorrow, God but", but see he who holds the keys of hell and death is not at all limited by health or death. Because he holds the keys, he is the Alpha and the Omega. He's the lamb upon the throne. And he rules with love. And he rules with innocence. And he rules with humility. And his love runs through this chapter, just as it runs through our lives. It's always there. We just don't see it sometimes, we don't take time to focus, but love, God's love for us, it never fails. He's not going to fail you now. Your body might fail you, but he won't feel. Your finances might fail you, but he won't fail you.

You know, I read this chapter thousands of times, hundreds or thousands. I don't know, but I never saw this verse. I would just for some reason skip over verse five and it says, now, Jesus loved Martha. And her sister and Lazarus man, Jesus is reading the he he's reading the roll call, he's given us a list. Jesus love Martha, but not just Martha, her sister, but not just her sister, Lazarus, but not just Lazarus, you and me, there really should be a comma after Lazarus and your name goes there. So we see his love in verse three. The one who you love is sick. And then we see his love show up again to versus later, and now it's even more it's not just for Lazarus, it's from Martha, it's for Mary, it's for Lazarus, it's for you. He draws us with his love.

For in Malachi, chapter one, verse two in the new living translation, he says, For I have always loved you. I have always loved you. Look at that beautiful verse. Let that sink in for a moment. I have always loved you. What a beautiful save your. In Jeremiah, chapter thirty one, verse two in the message Bible. He says a similar thing, this is the way God put it. They found Grace in the desert. Anybody feel like you're in the desert? You're going to find Grace in the desert, these people who survived the killing Israel, look at what he says, Israel out looking for a place to rest, met God out looking for them. You might be looking for a miracle, but God's looking for you. You might be looking for your healing, but God's looking for you. You might be looking for your breakthrough but God's looking for you, you might be looking real hard for what God has for you. But I want you to know God's out looking for you.

And God told them, I've never quit loving you. And never will. I prophesy to you right now. This word from God. I've never quit loving you. And I never will. God wants you to hear this. I've never quit loving you and I never will. Expect love. And more loving. What should we be expecting right now? God's judgment, no love wants to be expecting, right? What should we be expecting right now? Should we be expecting this to happen in that to happen in the end times and the rapture? You expect love. Love. And in case. He didn't make himself clear. And more love, not love and judgment and then love, it's not a love sandwich, it's a love feast. Love, love and more love. So then he says. So now I'll start over with you and build you up again. What have you lost in these last two or three months? God's going to start over with you and he's going to build you up again. Why? Because of his love. God is going to do a miracle in your life. Why? Because he's never stopped loving you. And he never will. He's never stopped loving you.

You know, I did the first funeral yesterday, I did my first funeral there, a lot happened to me yesterday that was going on yesterday, man Pinecone fallen, but we had a precious home going for a man with precious children and grandchildren. His child, his wife and his children have been part of this church and his grandchildren grew up in this church. And he was ready to go home to be with the Lord. But as we were standing around his Gravesite, it's a beautiful day, precious love among the family that was just the family there, 10 or 12 people. Sorry, Governor. Sorry, not sorry. And his wife said. "He loved each of you individually". And she went named every one of the children, the grandchildren, "he loved you individually, he loved you individually, he loved you individually".

And when she was done, I said, Wow. I said what you just said about your husband is exactly description of God. He loves you individually. He loves us together to. But he loves you. Individually, and it's because of his love, he said, I'm going to build you up again. What have you lost? God's going to. Build it back up again. Have you lost time, God's going to build it up again. Have you lost money? God's going to build it up again. Have you lost health? God's going to build it up again. Have you lost a relationship? God's going to build them up again. Dear Virgin Israel, he goes on to say, you'll resume your singing. Oh, this is common gang. We're going to resume our singing. We're singing online here, but we're going to resume our singing together one day soon. Grabbing tambourines, joining the dance. You're going to go back to your old work of planting vineyards. Hey, we're going to everything's going to get back better than before because we're expecting love, love and more love.

And he said on the Samaritan hillsides, he said, and you're going to sit back because we're seated with Christ, right in heavenly places. You're going to sit back and enjoy the fruit. Oh, how you're going to enjoy those harvests. The time's coming when Watchmen will call out from the hilltops of Efrem on your feet. Let's go to Zion. Let's go meet our God. What God, the God who loves us. What should we be expecting when we meet our God, love, love and more of. You're going to shout for joy at the top of your lungs, he says, yeah, announcing good news, I'm going to bring my people back. He says, watch cop, watch what comes down. Prophesying the love made him. Raise Lazarus up. Love. To raise Lazarus up his love. Is moving him. To raise up. Your family salvation from the dead to raise up your health from the dead, to raise up your relationships, from the dead, to raise up your business, your finances from the dead. And Jesus said, where have you laid him? And they said, come and see. And Jesus wept.

I want you to hear this, he wept. This is his love and this is his emotions, this is feeling. I want you to know that you can weep, you can have feelings and have faith at the same time, it's not one or the other. Jesus wept. But he still raised Lazarus up from the dead, in fact, the Bible says he wept and says that those who so in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. Jesus knew his weeping would turn into rejoicing. And the Jews were saying, see how he loved him. See how Jesus loved Nazareth. He's weeping. I tell you, God feels what you're going through. God feels what you're feeling. He feels deeply for you, this love between him.

And these three people, his family, your family, his family is your family. And he wept and he loved. And we can't if we keep reading this, we'll keep seeing more love, it says. Jesus, therefore, verse thirty eight and deeply moved within. Came to the tomb, and he said, remove the stone, and Martha said, Lord. By this time, he's been dead for days. There's going to be a stance is what stinks in your life, what has created a stench in your life? Jesus isn't moved by it. He's moved by love. What have you screwed up, what have you messed up? Jesus isn't moved by that, he's moved by his love for you. What is dead, what's been dead for far too long, what's been what's gotten worse before it's gotten better? Jesus isn't moved by that. He's moved by his love for you. Because the miracle you need is going to be right on time. It's about believing. That we will see the glory of God.

So they removed the stone and Jesus raised his eyes and he said, Father, I think you not father, will you? Not father, could you not, father, would you? Not father, please, father, I thank you. With the father should be all about things, all about thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Your miracle is going to be right on time. Just thank you. Just thank him right now where you are. Just thanking him. Just thank him. Father, I thank you.

And then he said in verse forty three, Lazarus come forth, he didn't pray God bring forth Lazarus, he said to Lazarus, Lazarus come forth and I'm saying over you right now and I want you to say this with me. I want you to say about your miracle that you need say miracle, come forth, say healing, come forth, say break through, come forth, say finances, come forth, say family, salvation come forth, say a cure, come forth, save a cure for depression, come forth, a cure for your anxiety, come forth, a cure for your sickness. Come forth, a cure for the virus come forth. A cure for your family come forth. A cure for your loneliness. Come forth in Jesus name. And when he said it, the man came forth just like Jesus said.

Prayers should be thanks to God and then spoken to the mountain. That's the kind of authority that we have as believers, and that's how I strongly urge you to live your life with gratitude and thanks, father, and then speak to the thing that needs to come forth and call those things that be not as though they already were. If you're watching and you've never accepted Jesus Christ the Savior, Lord, I want to pray with you right now, pray this with me out loud. Say:

Heavenly Father, I receive Jesus Christ into my life as my savior and Lord. I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead, and from this moment forward I'm a child of God.

Well, you are now in the family of God, and you will never in any way be cast out. He loves you, so he loves you. So everybody say this. He loves me. So he loves me. So he loves me so. Well, if you just prayed that prayer with me, welcome to the family of God, and in a few minutes, I want to tell you about a free gift that I have just for you with the decision you just made. I'm so grateful. I'm so thankful for you. And listen, gang, God's not going to do a miracle in your life because of your love for him. Remember, he's going to do a miracle in your life because of his love for you and his love for you. It never fails. Never, ever, ever will his love fail.

So whatever you need right now, God knows. And he wants to do it more than you want it. Not because, again, of your love for him, but because of his love for you. In Jeremiah 31, it says the day will come when Watchmen will shout from the hill country of Efrem on your feet. Let's go to Zion. Let's go to meet our God. What God, the God who loves us. Then they said, What should we be expecting when we meet our God? And he says, Love, love and more love.

That's what we should expect when we meet our God, and I want to pray for your miracle in just a moment, but first, I want to thank you for joining me today. It's an honor to share God's word with you each week. We only have a few precious moments together. And I want to take our conversation beyond this program. I bet you do, too. I love connecting with you guys. I love connecting with you. If you'd like to connect with me on a deeper level or if you want to better understand this love of the father, don't go anywhere. My notes is going to tell you more and I will be right back to pray for your miracle. Check this out.