Greg Laurie - Antichrist, America, and the End of Days
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My title is Anti-Christ, America, and the end of days. The United States of America, I don't know about you but I'm proud to be an America. I know that's fallen out of favor with some. Patriotism is looked down on by some. But I've had the opportunity to travel around the world and I still believe the United States of America is the greatest country on the planet. I do believe that. Some of you are saying, "Greg, have you looked at American lately"? That we have a lot of problems, oh, I acknowledge that. I acknowledge the divisions and the problems, and the conflicts, and all the areas we fall short in. But this is a unique nation, different from any other nation, the only other nation you could keep compare us to would be the nation Israel, established by God in the land that they're in. But we have spiritual roots, you know?
A very important name in the history of America is George, right, George, is anybody named George here? Any George, that's a good name, George. Now you're immediately thinking of George Washington, and he was our founding father, and we named the nation's capital after him. But I'm not talking at this moment about George Washington, I'm talking about our spiritual founding father, George Whitefield, ever heard of him? He wasn't even American, he was from England. And George Whitefield was a great Evangelist. So he came over to our shores and preached to the colonists and many of them came to Christ. In fact, 80% of the people living in the colonies at that time, heard George Whitefield preach in person, including Benjamin Franklin.
Sometimes as many as 40,000 people would come to hear George Whitefield preach, and thousands and thousands of people came to Christ, and a spiritual awakening spread across America, so while France was having a revolution, we were having a spiritual revival. And it was in that soil that the seeds of this experiment, this new concept of a nation was born. One nation under go, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all, that we say even in our declaration of independence, we've been in doubt with our creator, with certain unalienable rights. Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And we would not be ruled by a monarch on a throne. We would have representatives who would go into our capital and speak for us, and with all of the flaws of our system, and there are many, but this amazing this has worked.
And America was born, in fact, it was George Washington, our first president, who said, "Well, anyone who believes, you can explain our victory in the American Revolution without the hand of providence completely misunderstands what happened". And then one of the ratifiers of the US Constitution, Patrick Henry, made this statement which is very significant, "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded," listen, "not by religion is but by Christians, not only religion, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. And it is for this very reason people of other fates have been afforded a silent prosperity, and freedom of worship here".
Very true, and revisionists want to edit that out of our history books but it's part of our story. And then we entered into a civil war, you know, of course. It almost destroyed America because we were killing each other, we survived that and ultimately urged as a superpower in the world, and imagine if you will, for a moment, a world without the United States of America. Imagine if the United States of America did not exist during WWII, Hitler could have won that war with the amazing technology that they had developed so far ahead of it's time, but it was when America stepped in that England knew that the war would ultimately be won.
Now, England was taking a beating from Hitler. But we stepped in and they fully returned back, imagine what would happen to the Jewish population of the planet if Adolf Hitler had won. And then you go forward in history and you look at all the times we've stepped forward, we've faced down the Soviet Union, the Evil Empire as President Reagan said. And we won, it was America that has pushed back and stood against the spread of Islamic terrorism since 9/11. It is America that sends humanitarian aide around the world, no other nation really even comes close to the generosity of American people. We gave away $30 billion in humanitarian aide last year alone.
People expect the United States of America to do that, and we do, now, imagine if you will, a world without America, well, sad to say, that day is coming. Oh, I don't know that America will cease to exist but I'm saying there is coming the day when America will not be the dominant superpower that we are right now because as we look at the last days scenario, other players emerge, starting with the anti-Christ, and his 10 confederated nations. And another massive force called the Kings of the East. I think you could make a pretty good case, biblically, for the existence of Israel in the end times, in fact, and it gets in there, tight case. You can make a pretty good case for the existence of Iran according to Ezekiel 37, existing in the end times, I think you can even possibly make a case for the existence of Russia, and China, in the end times scenario, but it's alarming that you cannot really find anything that resembles America as we know it today, in the last days.
Where are we, I don't know, we'll explore that in another message, but in our absence, imagine a world where evil is allowed to spread unabated. A world that ultimately pledges it's loyalty to a man that will make Adolf Hitler look like a lightweight in comparison. That is coming to planet Earth, and that's what I wanna talk about in this message, Anti-Christ, American, and the End of Days, let's talk about the anti-Christ himself. He will be sent by Satan, you see, Satan is effectively an imitator, he's not an innovator. He imitates, whatever God does, Satan does his devilish version of, and just as surely as there is a father in heaven, there is a Satan from hell. And just as surely as the Father in Heaven has given us his only begotten Son, Satan, in a way, will have a son too. If the Devil ever had a son, this will be him. The anti-Christ will be energized by Lucifer himself.
God has really Christians, Satan has fake ones. God has real miracles, the Devil has imitations of those as well, anti-Christ will be history's vilest embodiment of sin and rebellion. But he's not gonna be what you might expect, you know, dressed head to toe in black with glowing red eyes, and steam coming off of him with a Darth Vader song playing in the background when he enters a room. No, I'm telling you, this guy will be charismatic. He'll be magnetic, he'll be a powerful orator. He'll be a convincing speaker, he will be probably a very handsome guy as well, probably be on the cover of GQ, and Time Magazine simultaneously.
Think, The Devil Wears Prada, right? He will do what no man has ever been able to do before. He will establish a treaty between the Jewish and Arab nations that they will abide by. And he will pave the way for the long-awaited third temple in Jerusalem, he will be a Satanic Superman. But it's all a mask, hiding who he really is, the most evil man who ever lived. You know, many people believe anti-Christ is coming. I read an interesting poll, done among Americans, not Christians necessarily, and many of them, 49% believe that an anti-Christ will come in the future. And then another article revealed that 19% of Americans think the anti-Christ is on Earth now. And in the same poll, nearly half of those who accept Biblical prophecy believe anti-Christ is alive, right now, now we don't know if he is or he isn't. We don't know if he's present somewhere, waiting for his moment, but we know his moment will ultimately come.
Now, I know some of you are thinking, "Greg, I didn't come to church today to hear about the anti-Christ". Oh, okay, well, listen, it's important that you know something, there are over 100 passages that detail the origin, nationality, career, character, kingdom, and the final doom of anti-Christ. He is discussed at length in second Thessalonians, Revelation, as well as here in the book of Daniel. The sheer volume of information about the anti-Christ in scripture is enough for us to want to understand who he is and what he is coming to do. And also, to know that ultimately, he is going to lose, reminding us that as dark as things can look at times, we win in the end. We must never forget that. We win in the end. And I bring that up because there are times that when it seems evil is prevailing, it seems like darkness is winning, and we're losing, well, it does seem that way at times but I've read the last page of the Bible, I'm telling you, we win in the end.
Here's three things to remember that are important. Number one, God is sovereign over all of history. God is sovereign over all of history because history is his story, number two, history is a blip on the screen of eternity. It's a blip on the screen of eternity. And thirdly, God will have the final word, and it will be good, so who is this anti-Christ? Also called the Beast, the Wicked One, the Son of Perdition? Well, that brings us to where we last left off, here in the book of Daniel, Daniel saw a vision of a winged lion, and a bear, and a leopard coming out of the sea, in Daniel 7, remember we pointed out that in the Bible, the sea is a picture of the multitudes, the people, and these are not literal animals, they are symbols of nations.
So, the winged lion is Babylon, and they even have the winged lion on the gate, they had the winged lion on the gates of their city, and so, the lion, the king of the jungle, this powerful beast, ruled and dominated for many years. But Babylon was defeated by the Medo-Persian empire, under the direction of King Cyrus, and that's the bear. The bear defeats the winged lion. But then the bear is defeated by a leopard, also with wings and that is because the Medo-Persians were defeated by Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great conquered most of the world in 12 brief years, and he seemed unstoppable. But Alexander died unexpectedly at the age of 32. And his massive kingdom was divided among four generals. They were defeated eventually by mighty Rome. And Rome was never conquered, now, from the ashes of Rome rises a phoenix, the new leader, the anti-Christ.
Daniel 7, verse 8, "I was considering the horns. And there was another horn, a little one, coming up among them before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots. And there, in this horn, were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking pompous words". We'll stop there, so if you're taking notes, here's point number one, anti-Christ is coming to defy and take the place of Jesus. Anti-Christ is coming to defy and take the place of Jesus. A horn, as mentioned here in Daniel 7:8, is a symbol of power in scripture. But this horn has both eyes and a mouth, reminding us that this is a person that is being addressed. And I would also add this, the prefix, anti, does not only mean against, it also means instead of.
So it's not just that this coming world leader, this beast, this charismatic politician extraordinaire is going to oppose Christ, and he will. But he also comes in the place of Christ. And for some, they'll believe he is the Christ, or he is their messiah at least. Verse 8 says that he speaks pompous words, which means he boasts arrogantly, he's a powerful orator, he'll win people over. He'll bring about a temporary global peace and economic solutions, but here's something else to know about anti-Christ, point number two, he is coming to declare war on believers. He's coming to declare war on believers, Daniel 7:25 says, "Then the saints will be given into his hand, and times, and half, okay," so, we'll read this phrase in Daniel, and elsewhere, it basically comes down to this. The anti-Christ will inaugurate what is often called the great tribulation period that will last for seven years. And we'll be divided into two sections, time, times and a half, or three and a half years.
In the beginning of the tribulation, the anti-Christ will come off like a good guy, he'll come with his peace treaty, he'll come with his brilliant words, he'll come with economic solutions. And many will hail him and love him, and especially when he rebuilds the third temple for the Jewish people. But at the three-and-a-half-year mark, the abomination of desolation takes place, and we'll talk about this more later too. But this is when the temple is rebuilt and it's desecrated by the anti-Christ, marking the second section of the tribulation period where this coming world leader shows his true colors, and they're not pretty. He begins to persecute Jewish people, and he persecutes Christians, and he begins to rule by force. And so, that is what this is referring to. And already you see four shots of anti-Christ in the world today.
Number three, anti-Christ is coming to dominate the globe. He's coming to dominate the globe, Revelations 13:7 says, "Authority was given to him over every tribe, tongue, and nation," now, again, I want to emphasize how does he do it, through war? No, initially through peace, see, 'cause he's the man of peace, they'll probably award him the Nobel Peace Prize. And the Bible says, "Through peace, he will deceive many". And so he'll establish these but then he'll be the ultimate man of war following that, and he'll also come at economically difficult times. And he will succeed where others have failed. Now, you might wonder where in the heck does anti-Christ get the ability to do this? Let me re-state that, you should instead ask, "Where in the hell does he get it"? "Did Greg just cuss"? No, no, I used it in the literal sense. He gets it from hell, his power comes from hell. His power comes from Satan, he is the devil's disciple. He is Lucifer's leader, he's Satan's son.
Revelation 13:2 says the dragon, which is later identified as Satan, gives him his power, and a throne, and his great authority, he will oppose every law of God because he's anti-Christ, now here's another interesting thing about him, number four, anti-Christ will establish global control through a cashless society. Anti-Christ will establish global control through a cashless society, over in Revelation 13:17. It says, "No one will buy or sell "xcept one who has the mark or the name of the beast". That's the anti-Christ, "Or the number of his name". Here's wisdom, let him who have understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is a number of a man, his number is 666.
And we've all heard those numbers, haven't we? I think everybody knows that 666, those are not good numbers, if there was a house for sale in a neighborhood and it was 666 anything, many people would not buy it. If you Google the number 666, you'll find 543 million results, and you'll also find 543 million different ideas about what it means, and I don't think we should over-fixate on what it literally means. Here's the bigger picture, anti-Christ will introduce a cashless society, requiring people to take a mark, and no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark, under the reign of anti-Christ.
Now, I ask you, is this possible in technology today? Well, of course it is, we all know it is. Bill Gates brought it up three years ago. He said the key to this will be mobile phones. Already in the developing countries, with the right regulatory framework, people are storing money digitally, on their phones, and using their phones to make purchases as if they were debit cards. "By 2030, two billion people who don't have a bank account today will be storing money and making payment with their phones," here's the problem. You can lose your phone, right? But now you can get a watch, like an Apple watch, and you can make payments on your watch as well. But the next logical step is to introduce biometric-based payment systems, where I don't have to carry a phone. I don't have to have a watch, if I just had something you could scan on my body, and this technology exists. And you know it does, there was a day when I'd have to go into all these things and all that's great. We all know this is already here now. And we know that this data is out there, and it's accessible and there are people, we talked about the dark web, who has sinister motives, could access this data and have control over the lives of a lot of people. That man is coming and that man will be the anti-Christ.
Now, I want you to consider this for a moment. The words of Revelation 13 were penned in the age of wood, stone, swords, and spears. John the Apostle didn't have a cellphone. He didn't have a Twitter account, no technology existed like that, and yet he made these amazing predictions, reminding us that the Bible is the one book that dares to predict the future, not once, not twice, not three times, hundreds of times, with 100% accuracy. You can trust what the Bible says. About all things. So, you know, some of you are thinking, well, this is like, the most depressing message I've ever heard. Okay, now let me pivot. Change my direction, anti-Christ is coming, that's the bad news, good news, Jesus Christ is coming before the anti-Christ. Therefore, we should not be looking for anti-Christ, we should be looking for Jesus Christ.
Don't waste your time trying to figure out who the ant-Christ is, you say, "Well, I don't understand. What do you mean Jesus Christ is coming"? I mean he's coming, he's coming back for his people. In fact, I don't even believe the anti-Christ can be revealed until Christ comes for his people in what we call the rapture of the church, and I'll define that in a moment. But over in second Thessalonians 2:7, it says, "The mystery of lawlessness is already at work. And now he who restrains will continue to do so until he is taken out of the way". So the Bible say, and then that wicked one will be revealed whom the Lord will destroy with the brightness of his coming. So let me simplify that, Bible say before anti-Christ can be revealed, the restraining force, the thing that's holding them back has to be removed.
So, what is the restraining force in the world today? That keeps evil from spreading wholesale? It's Christians, Christians who stand up for what is true, Christians who speak out against what is wrong, Christians who make such a difference in every situation. Imagine if we were all suddenly just removed from the planet, you could see how all hell could literally break loose, so the restraining force is the work of the Holy Spirit through the church. Once the church is removed or called up to heaven, I don't mean buildings, I mean people. Once we're caught up to heaven, anti-Christ can begin his reign, you say, now, you mention the word, rapture. You know, I don't know that I've ever seen the word rapture in the Bible. Well, okay, and I know some people are critical of the rapture, "The rapture's not in the Bible, show me the word, rapture," okay, I'll show you the word, rapture, when you show me the word, trinity, in the Bible, how 'bout this, I'll show you the word, rapture, when you show me the word, Bible, in the Bible.
The word, Bible, is not in the Bible, did you know that? But we use that phrase, so you say, what is the deal with the rapture, the teaching of the rapture is clearly in the Bible many times. In fact, they choose 13 times in the New Testament. The word rapture is just a translation of a Latin word, (foreign language) so if you have a Latin translation, you have the word, (foreign language) okay? But the Greek word is (foreign language). (foreign language) so don't get hung up on the word, rapture, I'm just saying that there is an event coming, call it the rapture, call it the (foreign language), call it the Great Escape, whatever you like. But it is a teaching that people are gonna be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, the word (foreign language) can be translated to take forcibly, to snatch, or to catch up, so, question, why is there a rapture? Why is there a rapture, and let me come back to this one thing before I say why, what is the rapture? The rapture is when Christ descends from heaven, and we're caught up to meet him.
Now, could we be the generation that sees the rapture? Yes, are we the generation that will see the rapture? I don't know, I don't know. No one knows, oh, by the way, no one knows the day or the hour, and every now and then someone comes along, "I figured it out, I cracked the code after eating a lot of Cheetos and drinking diet Coke". And here's the thing, I know they're wrong because when Jesus says no one knows the day or the hour, the return of the Son of Man, if you were to go back to the original language, it would translate, no one knows the day or the hour, and what it means is no one knows the day or the hour. So we should avoid date setting at all costs. So, we're caught up to meet the Lord in the air. And it is at that moment that we receive our new resurrection bodies, and it's also at that moment that we're reunited with loved ones who have preceded us, bringing me to point number two, why is there a rapture? Listen to this now, why is there a rapture?
Well, back in Thessalonia, there were a lot of Christians. And many of them had died, some from natural causes, some had been martyred for their faith. So there was a concern among the Thessalonian Christians. And I should say Thessalonike, a concern among the Thessalonian Christians living with Thessalonike, that they would never see their loved ones who had preceded them into heaven. And they wondered if they would miss the rapture, and so, Paul writes these words, Thessalonians 4:13. "We don't want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who have died, so that you will not grieve as those who have no hope"? See, I bring this up because sometimes it will say, "There's no point in studying Bible prophecy, no one can understand it, there's a lot of you's don't study it," now we need to study Bible prophecy. Because if we understand it, it will impact us in the way that we live, and I find great hope from this teaching of the rapture.
So I don't have to grieve hopelessly. Listen, Christians grieve, but we grieve hopefully, not hopelessly, I just met a family after first service, a big family, their last name, they're the Carnie family. There are so many of them, they call them the Carnie Army. And there's a young lady in their family, McKenna, who went to be with the Lord recently, rather unexpectedly, here's a picture of McKenna, what the gave me, she was 20 years old. And you can go in for a close-up maybe on that. But, McKenna died of a blood clot, and she attended our church, and she wanted her whole family to come and visit our church, and they're all here today. In fact, why don't you guys all stand up? They're all here. The family, stand up, you guys, there they are.
So, they're all here in honor of McKenna, Nicole Carnie, and they gave me this little yellow band that I'm gonna put on here. And, so, she attended our church, and they wanted to come and see this church that she was a part of. And you know, I was talking to them, after the first service and I said this is, you know, I understand what you're going through, not completely, it's all different. But, you know, our son went to be with the Lord 10 years ago as most of you know, and, you know, Christians grieve. And sometimes when we believe or say things like this to people who just lost a loved one, "Don't cry, they're in heaven," and the correct Biblical answer to that would be, "Um, shut up". Because Christians can grieve, and Christians should grieve. They should mourn because the Bible says there's a time for mourning, and a time for laughing.
I mean, Steven was the first martyr of the early church. He was put to death for his faith. And we read godly men mourned over him. Wait, why are you mourning over him? He went to heaven, he's off, he's into Jesus, yeah. But they missed him, they know, they knew they would see him again but they missed him, it's okay to mourn. You need to mourn but we don't mourn hopelessly, we mourn hopefully because we know we'll see our loved ones again, who have gone to heaven. We'll either see them through death, when we die, we'll see them in glory, or we'll see them in the rapture. So, imagine this, those of you who have lost loved ones. You could be just going about your business one day, and suddenly, in a moment so quick you can't measure it, the Bible says the rapture will happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, that's pretty fast, isn't it? Twinkling of an eye, it's faster than a blink of an eye. Let's all blink our eyes, one, two, three, blink. It's faster than that, that's fast. Except at lunch, you blink very slowly, I don't know what that's about. No. Or were you sleeping, I don't know what's going on up here. No. No, but seriously, that's so fast you can't even measure it, so try to imagine it, I don't think you can wrap your mind around it, you're just walking along, maybe you're even thinking about your loved one, how much you miss them, how much you wish you could be with them, all of a sudden, boom, you're with them.
It's the rapture, boom, you're there. Reunited with them, the dead in Christ rise first, which means when you die as a Christian, you go to heaven, and we which are alive and remaining, shall be caught up together with them, who? Those who have preceded us will be caught up together with them in the clouds, and so shall we ever be with the Lord, and then Paul says, "Therefore comfort one another with these words". See, that's the practical side of this teaching. There's no theology without docsology, and that simply means it's great to study doctrine, and it's great to study scripture but what does it mean to me in real life? And that's what it means to you, it means you'll see them again, and that is a great hope that we have as followers of Jesus Christ. Caught up in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. To meet them and to meet the Lord.
So the rapture's gonna come, and sometimes people get confused about the rapture and the second coming. By the way, they're two events. And they're separated by seven years. Now you wanna talk about date setting, I'll tell you when the second coming of Christ is, you wanna know? It's very simple, it's at the end of the tribulation period, it's during the Battle of Armageddon. Well, when's that, I don't know. But I just know once the church is raptured, and anti-Christ is revealed, you can do the math and go forward seven years, and that's when Christ is gonna come back, at the second coming. But here's the difference, in the rapture, he comes for his church, in the second coming, he comes with his church, in the rapture he comes as a thief in the night, and in the second coming, every eye will see him, Jesus said, "As the lightning shines on the east to the west, so will the coming of the son of man be".
So, let's conclude, we've talk about anti-Christ. Now let me ask you a question, let me surprise you. Are you anti-Christ? What, are you saying I could be the anti-Christ? I didn't ask you that, there's a difference between the anti-Christ, the beast, and being anti-Christ. That term is used of those who've turned against Jesus and away from the church, first John 218 says, "Dear children, the last hour is here. And you refer that the anti-Christ is coming, and already many such anti-Christs have appeared. From this, we know that the end of the world has come, these people left our churches because they never really belonged with us, otherwise they would've stayed with us, and when they left us, and proved they did not belong with us".
Remember, anti-Christ, anti doesn't just mean against, it means instead of, now there can be someone here listening to me, or wherever they're watching or hearing this later. And they'll say, "Well, I'm against Jesus Christ, and I'm against Christians, and I'm against the Bible". Okay, man, you are anti-Christ, you are. But then there can be someone that would say, "Well, it's not that I'm against Christians. It's just that I have other things in the place of God in my life, it's not that I don't care about God but I care more about my career, or I care more about my vice, or I care more about my money, or I care more about this relationship". Do you realize that can be a form of anti because it's instead of Christ? And these people were in our church and they left our church and they never came back, proving they were never part of us, so what about people that come to church and you see 'em for weeks, months, maybe years, and they seem to be a passionate Christian?
And then one day, they just, walk away. "Eh, I don't believe in that anymore. I'm not into it," and they never come back to the Lord again, did they lose their salvation? I would suggest to you, maybe they never had salvation. Here's how you know if you're a real Christian. It's where you end up, Christians have lapses of faith, Christians have doubts, Christians fall short, and Christians backslide but if they're real believers, they'll always come home again. They'll always return to the Lord again. But if they never return to the Lord again, I suggest to you, they were never Christians to begin with, and in effect, in a strict Biblical definition, they are anti-Christ. You do not wanna be that person.
So let me ask in closing, are you anti-Christ or are you for Christ? Those are your only options, and before you is death and life, and heaven and hell. You decide which it'll be, rapture, it's comin'. Could come in your lifetime, could come this year, could come this month, could come today. Nothing standing in the way of it. So, I ask you now, are you rapture ready? You say, how do you know if you're rapture ready? Well, here's what you need to do. You need to admit you're a sinner, you need to turn from your sin, you need to ask Christ to come into your life, and forgive you of your sin. Also, you're basically saying you need to be a Christian. Bingo. See, if you're a Christian, you've got all your bases covered, if you're a Christian, it's win, win, win, win. Right, so if I die, I go to heaven. If the rapture comes, I'm taken to be with the Lord. I have purpose in this life and hope for the life to come. That's our hope, so that's how you know you're rapture ready, by having Jesus live inside of you.
Listen to this, when Jesus comes back for his people, not everybody is gonna be caught up to meet him in heaven, only believers will, there'll be people who are left. There'll be people who are left who probably thought they were believers but never were believers. You don't wanna be that person. So if you're not sure if you're ready for the return of the Lord, if you're not confident that you would go to heaven if you were to die today, why don't you respond to this invitation and ask Jesus Christ to come into your life? He'll forgive you of all of your sin, and you don't have to be afraid of any of the things we've been talking about, you don't have to be afraid of anti-Christ, or the tribulation period, or hell, or any of that because you have hope in Christ, and you have the promise of spending eternity with him. If you're not sure of this, let's get this resolved right here, right now, let's all pray together.
Father, thank you for your word to us. Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross on our place, and to rise again from the dead. Now, I pray for
any that have joined us who do not yet know you, Lord, help them to see their need for you, help them to come to you and believe in you now, in your name, we pray. Lord, our heads are bowed, and our eyes are closed, and we're praying.
How many of you would say today, "Greg I'm not sure if I'm rapture ready. I'm not certain I would go to heaven if the Lord were to come back. In fact, I don't even have the confidence that I would go to heaven if I were to die today. But I want it, I want Christ in my life. I want him to forgive me of my sin. I want to find this meaning and purpose in my life that you've talked about, pray for me". If that's your desire, listen, if you want Jesus Christ to come into your life, if you want him to forgive you of your sin, if you want to go to heaven when you die, or you want to be ready for the Lord's return, I want you to stamp your feet right now, wherever you are, and I'm gonna lead you in a prayer. Just stand up, don't hesitate, stand up, sayin' I want Jesus Christ, and I'll lead you in a prayer, and you can leave Harvest today knowing your life is right with God.
By the way, others are standing, are you one of them? Don't hesitate, you wanna do this. You wanna be ready to meet the Lord, let me pray with you. Just stand to your feet, wherever you are. Remember, you're either for Jesus or against him. You're either for anti-Christ or you're for Jesus Christ, which side are you on, if you're not for Christ, you wanna be standing, and I'll lead you in a prayer. And I'll wait one more moment, anybody else, wherever you are, you might be watching me on the screen right now, would you stand as well, and we'll pray together. God bless you, I'll wait one more moment, anybody else? God bless you, anybody else stand now. I'm gonna lead you in this prayer, God bless you too. God bless you, many are standing, I hope you're one of them, anybody else, stand now.
Let me lead you in this prayer, alright. Now you that are standing, I want you to pray this prayer out loud after me, again, as I pray, pray this prayer out loud after me right where you stand. Just pray these words if you would. Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner but I know you're the Savior, who died on the cross for my sin, and rose again from the dead, Jesus, I turn from my sin. And I choose to follow you from this moment forward. Make me ready for your return. Thank you for forgiving me and accepting me, in Jesus' name I pray, amen, God bless each one of you.