Greg Laurie — What Jesus Taught about Anger, Hatred, and Lust
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Not only are we often tempted to sin, we're tempted to rationalize our sin. Sin affects how we think. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us understand this danger. It's an important look at the Lord's counsel in the Sermon on the Mount.
"The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart," says Pastor Greg Laurie. He shares a message on the motives and challenges of the heart, dealing with those that are poor in spirit and how to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, love our enemies, and to pray for them — that a lost heart may be steered towards God.
When we hold back our forgiveness, it doesn't hurt the person who's done us wrong. It hurts us. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see how granting forgiveness sets us free.
What does it mean to lust after someone, or something? There's more to it than you might think. Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to Jesus' words of warning in the Sermon on the Mount.