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Greg Laurie - The Future Is Written
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Greg Laurie - The Future Is Written
Greg Laurie - The Future Is Written
Okay, let's grab our Bibles and turn to James chapter 5, we're starting a brand new series on the End Times, and the title of the message is "The Future Is Written," "The Future is Written". So I travel quite a bit. And [...]
Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 2
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Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 2
Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 2
God takes your sin. He throws 'em into the sea of forgetfulness, and he posts a sign that says, "No fishing allowed". Your sins can be forgiven and your sins can be forgotten tonight, no matter what they are. If you'll put your [...]
Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 1
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Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 1
Greg Laurie - Changed Lives - Part 1
Waves. Disturbances in the ocean that transmit energy from one place to another. Mostly generated by wind, waves move across open ocean maintaining a constant speed, unaffected by death until they reach shallow water. Ranging from melodic, peaceful [...]
Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 2
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Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 2
Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 2
Gary Sinise: My life is not full in spite of the disappointments, it's full because of them. Jeremy Camp : You know what's amazing about the Lord is that he's so longsuffering because it wasn't like he was saying, "Okay, [...]
Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 1
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Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 1
Greg Laurie - A Rush of Hope - Part 1
Our life is like a movie. It has a beginning middle, and end, full of surprises, the twists and turns, the storm clouds of darkness, but beauty and light still exists. We all have questions about this movie that we're in. Is this movie a [...]
Greg Laurie - Worth The Wait
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Greg Laurie - Worth The Wait
Greg Laurie - Worth The Wait
Hey, let’s grab our Bibles. I’m gonna be looking at Luke chapter 2 for a few moments. And the title of my message is «Worth the Wait.» Well, Christmas is finally here. When did we start hearing about Christmas this year? Was it August, right? It’s [...]
Greg Laurie - Israel And The End Times
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Greg Laurie - Israel And The End Times
Greg Laurie - Israel And The End Times
I heard about a guy who was stranded on a desert island. He was finally rescued. And they found that this man had built three buildings. And they asked him, «What are these three buildings?» He says, «Well, the first building, that’s my house. The [...]
Greg Laurie - A Twisted Family Tree
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Greg Laurie - A Twisted Family Tree
Greg Laurie - A Twisted Family Tree
Quick poll, how many of you have finished your Christmas shopping? Raise your hand, you're all done, you're done, you're done. How many of you have not started your Christmas shopping? Why is it always men? Oh, there's a lady [...]
Greg Laurie - Faith and Politics
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Greg Laurie - Faith and Politics
Greg Laurie - Faith and Politics
Now we shift gears. I said we’ll talk about politics. Let’s do that together. Now, I know the knee jerk reaction is, «No, we shouldn’t talk about politics in church, and you, as a pastor, should not talk about this subject». Well, why not? My job, [...]
Greg Laurie - Israel: The Key to The End Times
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Greg Laurie - Israel: The Key to The End Times
Greg Laurie - Israel: The Key to The End Times
«Israel: The Key to Understanding the End Times». Okay, point number one if you’re taking notes: The Nation Israel is the key to understanding the end times. The nation Israel is the key to understanding the end times and the Bible makes bold and [...]
Greg Laurie - How Do We Know The Bible Is True?
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Greg Laurie - How Do We Know The Bible Is True?
Greg Laurie - How Do We Know The Bible Is True?
Quick question: How many of you go to the gym or a health club or you work out on a regular basis? Raise your hand up, you work out. Okay, you're a pretty fit bunch. That's pretty impressive. You know, interesting people show up in gyms, [...]
Greg Laurie - The Sinner's Prayer
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Greg Laurie - The Sinner's Prayer
Greg Laurie - The Sinner's Prayer
Father, you've said when two or more are gathered together in your name, you're there in the midst of them. Now, as we open up your Word and talk about matters of eternity, the meaning of our lives, I pray that you will speak to [...]
Greg Laurie - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
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Greg Laurie - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Greg Laurie - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
The second coming of Jesus is mentioned so many times in scripture. It's mentioned over 18 times in the Old Testament, and 300 times in the New Testament. Statistically, one verse out of every 25 mentions the Lord's return. It's [...]
Greg Laurie - God's Solution To Man's Problem
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Greg Laurie - God's Solution To Man's Problem
Greg Laurie - God's Solution To Man's Problem
Have you ever noticed on certain products there's a warning label warning you to not do a certain thing? I came across what could best be described as wacky warning labels. They're real, but maybe they've gone a little bit too far. As [...]
Greg Laurie - Trouble In Paradise
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Greg Laurie - Trouble In Paradise
Greg Laurie - Trouble In Paradise
So, I heard about a pastor who was taking over at church. He didn't really know anybody there yet. So, on the Saturday before that Sunday he decided to go meet people in the congregation. So, he met a few folks and he came to one home of one of [...]
Greg Laurie - God's Purpose For Us
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Greg Laurie - God's Purpose For Us
Greg Laurie - God's Purpose For Us
So, I heard about an older man who was speaking to a younger man, and this young man was a law student. And so the older gentleman asked the younger guy, "Hey, what do you want to do when you graduate"? And he said, "Well, I'd [...]
Greg Laurie - What Jesus Says About Worry and Anxiety
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Greg Laurie - What Jesus Says About Worry and Anxiety
Greg Laurie - What Jesus Says About Worry and Anxiety
How many of you struggle with fear, anxiety, and worry? Raise your hand. Okay, quite a few of you. I read recently that millennials and gen Z are the most stressed generations ever. For this generation, antidepressants are the bestselling [...]
Greg Laurie - A New Day Dawning
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Greg Laurie - A New Day Dawning
Greg Laurie - A New Day Dawning
So I heard about a man who went with his family on vacation to Israel, including his ever-nagging mother-in-law. Now, there's a lot of great mothers-in-law, okay? But this mother-in-law nagged a lot. And sadly, while they were in the Holy Land, [...]
Greg Laurie - Reflecting on the Past, Preparing for the Future
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Greg Laurie - Reflecting on the Past, Preparing for the Future
Greg Laurie - Reflecting on the Past, Preparing for the Future
As I look back over the years, two words sort of pop out to me. One is faithfulness and the other is faith. On the part of God, it's been his faithfulness to us. And on our part, it's been a willingness to take steps of faith. First, [...]
Greg Laurie - Give Me This Mountain
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Greg Laurie - Give Me This Mountain
Greg Laurie - Give Me This Mountain
Time is passing quickly. We can't control that, but we do control what we will do with that time. What should we do with our time, If we're 90 or if we're 9 or somewhere in between? Here's the simple answer. We should seek to [...]
Greg Laurie - Get Your Feet Wet
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Greg Laurie - Get Your Feet Wet
Greg Laurie - Get Your Feet Wet
So let me start my message with a few questions. Are you satisfied with your present spiritual state? Do you wish you could be stronger, as a Christian, in your faith, and even be used by God more? Do you feel like maybe you're stagnant [...]
Greg Laurie - Between Impossible and More Impossible
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Greg Laurie - Between Impossible and More Impossible
Greg Laurie - Between Impossible and More Impossible
Let me start with a question. Have you ever been in a situation where the only way out was God? In other words, if God didn't come through for you, you were dead in the water. Maybe it was a report from a doctor. They said, I'm sorry, [...]
Greg Laurie - How To Live A Successful Christian Life
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Greg Laurie - How To Live A Successful Christian Life
Greg Laurie - How To Live A Successful Christian Life
We all remember the day that Jesus Christ came into our life, right? It's a big day, a day you don't forget. It was like we went from darkness to light. It's like we went from black and white to color. I remember, I'm old enough [...]
Greg Laurie - Discipleship, The Next Step in Following Jesus
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Greg Laurie - Discipleship, The Next Step in Following Jesus
Greg Laurie - Discipleship, The Next Step in Following Jesus
The key to the Christian life is commitment to Christ in a lifetime of growth. It's consistency. One person defined the Christian life as long obedience in the same direction. So I've tried standup paddling. How many of you have ever done [...]
Greg Laurie - How To Have A Happy Holiday Season
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Greg Laurie - How To Have A Happy Holiday Season
Greg Laurie - How To Have A Happy Holiday Season
I was standing in line outside of a restaurant the other day and it's actually two weeks ago, some guy drives by with his stereo blasting a Christmas song. I actually yelled out, "No, it's too soon". Well, you can't escape [...]
Greg Laurie - The Secret To Spiritual Success
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Greg Laurie - The Secret To Spiritual Success
Greg Laurie - The Secret To Spiritual Success
I think we all want to succeed spiritually. Sadly, we all know someone, maybe more than one, who are walking with the Lord and then crashed and burned in the worst imaginable way. Then we know others who just continue to grow and mature and develop [...]
Greg Laurie - Overcoming or Overcome? (Israel At War)
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Greg Laurie - Overcoming or Overcome? (Israel At War)
Greg Laurie - Overcoming or Overcome? (Israel At War)
Israel is at war and this is near the anniversary of the last time Israel was officially at war and what is known as "The Yom Kippur War," back in 1973 when she was attacked by Egypt, Syria, and others. But this was a different kind of [...]
Greg Laurie - What Is The Rapture?
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Greg Laurie - What Is The Rapture?
Greg Laurie - What Is The Rapture?
I think even nonbelievers are concerned right now about the state of our world. The stakes are higher. As we're experiencing what the Bible describes is the time where there is distress of nations with no way out. Even secular futurologists are [...]
Greg Laurie - Is Jesus Coming Back Again?
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Greg Laurie - Is Jesus Coming Back Again?
Greg Laurie - Is Jesus Coming Back Again?
So I heard a story about an elderly couple that went to bed one night, and I'm not gonna say what an elderly couple is, right, but they're old, they're old. And just as they were getting ready to turn out the lights, the wife said, [...]
Greg Laurie - Power Over Death
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Greg Laurie - Power Over Death
Greg Laurie - Power Over Death
So my grandchildren used to have a bunch of rabbits and they had different names, Fuzzy and Cotton. One was named Chubby Cutie which is funny because that's what my wife calls me, but... So back to Fuzzy and Cotton, they were a couple, [...]
Greg Laurie - How to Share Jesus with Others
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Greg Laurie - How to Share Jesus with Others
Greg Laurie - How to Share Jesus with Others
You know, the Bible tells us to be on duty at all times, or as the King James puts it, "Be instant in season and out of season". I mean anytime, anywhere, God may call on you to share the gospel. So a number of years ago, I had to go to [...]
Greg Laurie - Believing Is Seeing
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Greg Laurie - Believing Is Seeing
Greg Laurie - Believing Is Seeing
You know, eventually we all get around to asking the big questions about life. And one of the questions that's often asked is, why does God allow suffering? Why does the Lord allow evil in the world? Why do bad things happen to good people? And [...]
Greg Laurie - Time To Clean House
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Greg Laurie - Time To Clean House
Greg Laurie - Time To Clean House
All right, let's take a quick poll. How many of you are super neat organized people? Raise your hand. Super neat and organized. Okay, how many of you are messy people? Raise up your hand. Wow, it's almost evenly split. How many of you who [...]
Greg Laurie - The Joy of Sharing Your Faith
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Greg Laurie - The Joy of Sharing Your Faith
Greg Laurie - The Joy of Sharing Your Faith
The title of my message is "The Joy of Sharing Your Faith," and I want you to turn to Romans chapter 10. Romans chapter 10, "The Joy of Sharing Your Faith". Let's pray: Father, this is your message, it's not mine. [...]
Greg Laurie - Lunch with Jesus
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Greg Laurie - Lunch with Jesus
Greg Laurie - Lunch with Jesus
How many of you like to eat? Raise your hand. Ah, nice, you're my people. You're a very gluttonous bunch I might add. How many of you don't really care much about food at all? It's food who cares about food? Nobody is raising [...]
Greg Laurie - Will I Get To Heaven?
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Greg Laurie - Will I Get To Heaven?
Greg Laurie - Will I Get To Heaven?
You know, I remember before I was a Christian, I thought when you died, you simply ceased to exist, and that freaked me out. Because I thought, "How can I simply no longer exist"? This is actually what I looked like at that stage. I [...]
Greg Laurie - It's Time To Pray
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Greg Laurie - It's Time To Pray
Greg Laurie - It's Time To Pray
How many of you believe in the power of prayer? Raise your hand up. How many of you don't pray as much as you ought to? Raise your hand up. Yeah, I'm with you, I'm with you. Why don't we pray more? I don't know the answer. [...]
Greg Laurie - What The Lord's Return Means To You
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Greg Laurie - What The Lord's Return Means To You
Greg Laurie - What The Lord's Return Means To You
You know, it's really important for us as Christians to understand Bible prophecy. Bible prophecy is basically what the Bible says about the end times. And not only is it important for us to know about it, but there's a blessing attached [...]
Greg Laurie - Who Is Jesus?
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Greg Laurie - Who Is Jesus?
Greg Laurie - Who Is Jesus?
I heard this story about a little boy that was scared one night because there was a big lightning storm. So he called out to his father, "Daddy, I'm scared. Come into my room". The father wanted to just go to sleep. He said, [...]
Greg Laurie - Who Is God?
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Greg Laurie - Who Is God?
Greg Laurie - Who Is God?
Well, let's grab our Bibles and turn to Psalm 139. Psalm 139, and the title of this message is, "Who Is God"? So I heard the story of a little girl that grabbed a piece of paper and some crayons and she sat down to draw. Her mother [...]
Greg Laurie - Good News In A Bad World
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Greg Laurie - Good News In A Bad World
Greg Laurie - Good News In A Bad World
Welcome to the Harvest Crusade everybody. There's so much negativity, so much bad news. I have some good news in a bad world. Yeah, we've been doing these crusades 34 years. A lot has changed, and we did the first one in a place called the [...]
Greg Laurie - Things Jesus Never Said
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Greg Laurie - Things Jesus Never Said
Greg Laurie - Things Jesus Never Said
You know, there are certain things we all believe to be true, because we've heard them forever, they're called old wives fables or old wives tales. And I'm sorry if you're an old wife, no offense, but that's what we call [...]
Greg Laurie - Just A Moment
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Greg Laurie - Just A Moment
Greg Laurie - Just A Moment
You know, one of the things that strikes me about life is how quickly it passes. You know, when you're young, doesn't it seem as though life moves at a snail's pace? I vividly remember being in elementary school, bored beyond [...]
Greg Laurie - 2023 Harvest Crusade
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Greg Laurie - 2023 Harvest Crusade
Greg Laurie - 2023 Harvest Crusade
I wanna talk to you about something good. There's so much negativity, so much bad news. I have some good news in a bad world. Yeah, we've been doing these crusades 34 years. A lot has changed. We did the first one at a place called the [...]
Greg Laurie - Talk This Way
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Greg Laurie - Talk This Way
Greg Laurie - Talk This Way
Our words really matter, what we say impacts people. What others say to us affects us in a great way. It's been said, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me". Actually, that's not true. Words really [...]
Greg Laurie - How To Deal with Trials and Temptation
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Greg Laurie - How To Deal with Trials and Temptation
Greg Laurie - How To Deal with Trials and Temptation
Maybe I'm talking to somebody going through a fiery trial right now. Seemingly out of nowhere, the bottom just dropped out, and you're facing problem after problem and you don't know why this is happening to you. You're saying, [...]
Greg Laurie - Revive Us Again
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Greg Laurie - Revive Us Again
Greg Laurie - Revive Us Again
America is at a crossroads right now. It seems in many ways that our nation is unraveling before our very eyes. Crime is up, drug use is up, hopelessness is up, and I think the primary reason for this is because we have rejected what God says in his [...]
Greg Laurie - It's Time For Another Jesus Revolution
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Greg Laurie - It's Time For Another Jesus Revolution
Greg Laurie - It's Time For Another Jesus Revolution
It's time for another Jesus revolution. How many of you agree with that? It's time. So if you watch the news like I do or you read a news feed, you know that America is at the crossroads right now. Literally, our nation is unraveling [...]
Greg Laurie - Lost Boy
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Greg Laurie - Lost Boy
Greg Laurie - Lost Boy
Thank you. What actually happened was Pastor Robert called me up and said, "Greg, do you believe in free speech"? I said, "Of course I do. I'm an American". He said, "Good, then come and give one". So, not really. [...]
Greg Laurie - How To Do Marriage Right?
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Greg Laurie - How To Do Marriage Right?
Greg Laurie - How To Do Marriage Right?
I heard about a mother and her five-year-old daughter. They were watching "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" together. The little girl had never seen this Disney classic, and she was so excited and couldn't wait to tell her dad all [...]
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