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David Reagan - Steve Jaslow on the Meaning of Messianic Judaism

David Reagan - Steve Jaslow on the Meaning of Messianic Judaism
TOPICS: Messianic Judaism, Messianic Movement, Jews, Christianity

What is Messianic Judaism? Is it a legitimate expression of Christianity, or is it a manifestation of modern day Judaizing, in violation of the Scriptures? Stay tuned for an interview with a Messianic Jewish spiritual leader.

David Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. My special guest is Steven Jaslow, the rabbi of Bat Zion Messianic congregation in Duncanville, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. Steve, welcome to Christ in Prophecy.

Steve Jaslow: Thanks, Dr. Reagan. It is a pleasure to be here.

David Reagan: And I want to jump right into this as fast as we can.

Steve Jaslow: OK.

David Reagan: So, let me just start off by asking you point blank what in the world is Messianic Judaism?

Steve Jaslow: Yes, sir.

David Reagan: And how would you define it?

Steve Jaslow: Alright, well Messianic Judaism it’s probably better to say what it’s not.

David Reagan: OK.

Steve Jaslow: Ok, what it’s not is a brand new phenomenon that somehow developed in
modern times. And sprung out of some new fad in the Church or anything like that. It’s actually a resurrection of a very old, ancient movement which goes way back to the early Church.

David Reagan: I was going to say it is basically a resurrection of how the Church existed in the First Century.

Steve Jaslow: Absolutely. And so, what God is doing and what I believe and I know you believe it is the last days is restoring the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. Bringing back an expression that is more akin to what the original plan really was. Which was to have a Jewish expression of Christianity which was the original plan. And then to spring out and expand into reaching all the world. Messianic Judaism is just a resurgence of a biblically based fulfillment of prophecy of the Jews coming back home. Coming back to the Lord. Coming back to the land. And it’s basically a restoration of what God is doing. Bringing Jewish people to be able to worship Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. And so Messianic Judaism is basically a movement of Jewish believers, and non-Jews that have attached themselves to the movement who love Israel, love the Jewish people, feel a call to stand with what God is doing. And to put their energies into helping in bringing about what God is doing in His purposes in the last days.

David Reagan: I know there are many things being accomplished by the Messianic Jewish movement. One of the things that came to mind as you were talking is the fact that you all are really emphasizing the Hebrew roots of Christianity and helping Gentile Christians to understand those roots. Because the more they understand about it, the more they understand the Bible because the Bible is written from a Jewish view point, both Old Testament and New.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

David Reagan: And that’s a very important thing.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, sir. So, we uh, you know we celebrate we worship on the Sabbath. We celebrate the Feasts of the Lord; His appointed times that are laid out in Leviticus 23. You know if you go back to the book of Acts and you look at the First Century Church it was, all the believers were Jewish.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Steve Jaslow: And the first 3,000 that got saved on the Day of Pentecost they were in the Temple.

David Reagan: You mean they weren’t Southern Baptists?

Steve Jaslow: No, no. I don’t know that the Southern Baptist had a handle on things back then. Even the Roman Catholics didn’t have a handle on things.

David Reagan: Isn’t that the truth? Well now to get very specific about this.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, sir.

David Reagan: I know that many Messianic Jews if not all do celebrate the feasts of Israel.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, sir.

David Reagan: They do keep the Sabbath. Many if not most observe the kosher laws. And they keep the rite of circumcision. And critics jump on this immediately and say, “OK, this is nothing in the world but Judaizing in violation of the scriptures.” How do you respond to that?

Steve Jaslow: I would say that is completely wrong, because it is not a matter of coming under the letter of the Law or anything like that. Keeping the Sabbath is just, you know God never changed the Sabbath it is one of the Ten Commandments. The Sabbath predates the Law of Moses it goes back to Creation. If you read the Ten Commandments He says, “Remember the Sabbath keep it holy because in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested.” It didn’t say because of anything to do with Moses and the Law. The Law didn’t exist at that point. So the Sabbath is the day of rest no matter which way you look at it. I believe you can worship on any and every day, so it’s not that God changed the Sabbath day.

When it comes to the Feasts the Feasts are very important because the Feasts really tell a story prophetically. The Spring Festivals of Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of First Fruits, and the Feast of Pentecost or Shavu’to, the Feast of Weeks all speak of the First Coming of Yeshua. He died on Passover. He was buried on Unleavened Bread. He rose on the Feast of First Fruits. And the Holy Spirit came as we all know on the Feast of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2. Those feasts have all been fulfilled.

The Fall Festivals speak not of His redemption but of restoration. And in the Fall Festivals we have the Feast of Trumpets. And these are all in Leviticus 23. Feast of Trumpets. We just came through the Fall Festivals. We just finished celebrating our Fall Festivals; Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Feast of Tabernacles. And these Festivals all point to the Second Coming of Yeshua, and not redemption but restoration. He’s not coming as a Lamb, He’s coming as a Lion.I believe you can worship on any and every day, so it’s not that God changed the Sabbath day.

And when does He come back? Well the Bible says that when the trumpet sounds the dead in Christ will rise and we will all go to meet Him. So the trumpet sound is an indication of the fulfillment will be Yeshua coming back. Whether it is the Rapture, or Second Coming depends on your eschatology. Atonement speaks of national atonement, salvation for Israel. Paul said that all of Israel shall be saved. God’s Word speaks to a complete restoration of Israel back to Himself. And the Tabernacle speaks actually of the Second Coming in the Millennium.

David Reagan: Well you’ve just given a good example of a better understanding of your Hebrew roots.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, Sir.

David Reagan: And if you understand those I mean all those Feasts apply to what we call Christianity.

Steve Jaslow: Yes.

David Reagan: And both past and future.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, because they have the prophetic aspect but they also have a personal aspect.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Steve Jaslow: Because Passover speaks of my redemption, the blood of the Lamb I’ve got to put on my life.

David Reagan: Well before we get onto some other criticisms that people have made of Messianic Judaism, I’d just like for you to take a few minutes here to tell us about how you came to know Yeshua as your Messiah.

Steve Jaslow: OK, that is a loaded question. I grew up Jewish.

David Reagan: In New York, right?

Steve Jaslow: In New York. I grew up in the Bronx actually and a Yankees fan. And but in a secular home, it was not a religious home. But even the secular Jews keep to the traditions because Jewishness is a part of the life. And so we got bar mitzvahed. And we went to, you know had to go to Hebrew school to learn for my bar mitzvah. And we celebrated the Passover at my Uncle Walter’s house every year. And you know and took seriously the days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur because those were the serious days, the holiest days on the Jewish calendar. So those things were observed. But there wasn’t a– there wasn’t any relationship. There was no life to it to where there was a living experience with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And there was nothing like that.

David Reagan: It was just a cultural experience.

Steve Jaslow: It was a cultural experience of which once I got to be of age I just went off in my own direction.

David Reagan: Sure.

Steve Jaslow: And life took me into various places. But it seemed that in periods of my life that got to be difficult it seemed that every time I got into a tough place in my life some born again Christians would come up to me and start telling me about Jesus. And so, like the Lord had His eye on my but I was rejecting Him because it was so foreign to me. I saw Christianity as one religion. Jewishness is another religion. I didn’t believe that they could be one way to God. And that’s what’s being preached in the Gospel, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,” Jesus says.

So, basically I went and was looking for truth in all the wrong places. I ended up in a cult actually, an Eastern religious type of a group that was very popular in the early 80’s. And I got involved in that, and thought it was great. I thought I finally found my path, you know? It wasn’t, you know, blow up your mind and just chant, “om” all the time it was a different group. Some people maybe I should say it was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, there might be some Rajnessh people out there that need to hear this. You know?

David Reagan: Right. Right.

Steve Jaslow: And so I was down that path for a number of years, and then it all fell apart. And as it fell apart I got very disillusioned with everything spiritual. I basically hit rock bottom. And then a very, very close friend of mine in 1986 moved to Houston because she needed to get a change in her life and wanted to get out of New York. And she was also in the group. But she left, moved to Houston and was living with a relative who happened to be a devote born again believer. And she calls me up two weeks later because that very first Sunday her relative took her to church and she got radically saved.

David Reagan: Oh, my.

Steve Jaslow: And she calls me up and says, “Hey, I’ve got to tell you I’m born again.” I said, “Don’t tell me that.” Because I had been working in a restaurant just waiting tables, just trying to find my way. And these born again Christian would come in and they are witnessing to me and I’m telling them, “No, I don’t know. Leave me alone.” But something, there were seeds that had been planted.

David Reagan: Yeah, sure.

Steve Jaslow: And when she got saved and told me, then I knew I had to go. I just took that step of faith and I went to the same church Faith Tabernacle Church of God, West Babylon, New York, Sunrise Highway. God called me out of Babylon and I got radically saved there. But I didn’t know anything about Messianic Jewishness. I was just born again, I was the token Jew in a Christian church.

David Reagan: Right.

Steve Jaslow: And God started to stir up somethings in me to reveal Messianic Judaism to me when He called me to go to Bible school, which was also on Long Island. So, when I went to Bible school it just so happened that my Old Testament Survey teacher was the local Messianic rabbi. And God had already been stirring me to Messianic Judaism even though I didn’t really know what it was. But at the same time that He called me to go to a school called Christ for the Nations.

David Reagan: Here in Dallas.

Steve Jaslow: No, it was actually in New York.

David Reagan: Oh, it was?

Steve Jaslow: They had a satellite school in New York.

David Reagan: Oh, I didn’t know that. Yeah.

Steve Jaslow: So, I went there and at the same time He called me back to my Jewish roots. And I started going to a Messianic congregation and that is where I received my calling. So that is where the whole thing kind of came together.

David Reagan: Your testimony reminds me a lot about this man right here Avi Mizrachi.

Steve Jaslow: Is that Avi? Yeah Avi Mizrachi.

David Reagan: Because Avi came over here to the United States he was going to go to Las Vegas and he was a professional gambler at the time and was going to break Las Vegas, he thought. But, he stopped off to visit his sister in Miami. And she said, “I went to take you somewhere.” And she took him to church and he got radically saved, right there.

Steve Jaslow: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. By the way that friend of mine is now my wife.

David Reagan: Oh, wow, OK.

Steve Jaslow: Yeah.

David Reagan: And her name?

Steve Jaslow: Margaret. Margaret. Margaret Jaslow.

David Reagan: Well that’s wonderful. What a great story. Well, thank you for sharing that.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, thank you Jesus.

Part 2

David Reagan: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and my interview of Steve Jaslow, the spiritual leader of the Bat Zion Messianic congregation in Duncanville, Texas. Steve, before the break we were talking about some criticisms that people have offered against Messianic Judaism and I’d like to pick up where we left off there.

Steve Jaslow: Sure. Sure.

David Reagan: The first one that I want to mention is based on Ephesians 2:14.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, sir.

David Reagan: Where we are told that when Jesus died on the cross He broke down the wall of separation between Jew and Gentile. And critics of Messianic Judaism argue that Messianics are rebuilding the wall. How do you respond to this?

Steve Jaslow: Well, I respond that that is a false observation, or false interpretation of the scriptures. Because really Ephesians 2:14 is one of the scriptures that is really dear to my heart because we consider ourselves a one new man congregation at Bat Zion. And Jew and Gentile coming together with a Messianic Jewish expression of the faith but–

David Reagan: You actually have Gentiles as members of your congregation.

Steve Jaslow: Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. Quite a few actually. We are a very diverse congregation. But we love Israel. We have an expression that is Hebraic in our music, in our customs. We read the Torah. We worship on the Sabbath. We celebrate the Feasts. But I believe God’s heart is that oneness that comes from what Paul calls it in Ephesians 2:15, “the one new man.”

David Reagan: Yes.

Steve Jaslow: And the one new man is I believe critical in the last days for God to fulfill His purposes on the earth. Because what’s been lost is the Jewish expression of the faith which was the original expression of the faith. And God’s plan has always been for everybody, it is inclusive. Now, in the Bible we find that really there’s only two kinds of people; there’s the Jews and there’s the Gentiles.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Steve Jaslow: And that’s very clear. And even when Paul speaks to a Gentile congregation he makes a distinction. I speak to you Gentiles because I am an apostle to the Gentiles.

David Reagan: Yes.

Steve Jaslow: Now, with that distinction it doesn’t mean that God is being preferential to the Jewish people even though Romans 1:16 says that the Gospel is the power of God to everyone who believes, to the Jew first.

David Reagan: First.

Steve Jaslow: It is just His order of things. But it’s clear He says there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond or free, there is neither male or female. But what does that mean? That just means that we all come to God the same way.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Steve Jaslow: We’re all on equal ground.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Steve Jaslow: And so the Jews were God’s first covenant people. When they became believers they did not become Jews. The same way when a woman becomes a believer she doesn’t become a man. You know we retain our distinctiveness whether it is a Jew, a Gentile, a Chinese person, a Mexican, whatever, when we become believers then we retain our identity. And with that identity we can have a particular expression that is unique to our worship of the Lord. And so that is all it is. We are worshiping God in a Messianic Jewish way. We are not dividing or being exclusive and cutting out people. In fact it’s the opposite it’s the works of man over the last 1,900 centuries that put the wall back up and said, “No, more Jewishness in the Church.”

David Reagan: Well, we have the same thing in mainline Christianity. I mean you have the Charismatic way of worshipping the Lord.

Steve Jaslow: Right.

David Reagan: You have the Pentecostal way of following the Lord. You have the Southern Baptist way. But, you know these are all one in Christ.

Steve Jaslow: Yes. Yes, and so–

David Reagan: Well, this brings me though to the criticism that is really very strong that comes from Orthodox Jews who say to you, “You have abandoned your heritage. You are a traitor to the faith of the Jewish people. And therefore you are no longer a Jew.”

Steve Jaslow: Yeah, I know.

David Reagan: How do you respond to that?

Steve Jaslow: Well, that is a loaded question. Well my response would be, look, I’d give them my testimony. I’d tell them how I came to the Lord. I’d tell them I was living a pagan life. I’d tell them how when I was living a Jewish life I had no relationship with the scriptures or with God. When I was living a pagan life I ate pork, you know I ate shellfish. I did all kinds of things that are sinful. And then when I became a believer and God called me back to my Jewish roots I’m living more of a Jewish lifestyle now than I ever did before I was a believer.

David Reagan: Plus you put your faith in a Jewish person.

Steve Jaslow: Jesus was a Jew. The disciples were Jewish. This book was written by all Jewish men, just about predominately Jewish men. Two-thirds of the New Testament was written by Paul a Jewish rabbi. And so I point out to them and I don’t have that many discussions with the Orthodox. And of course they are going to know the Torah, they are going to know specific verses better than me and all that. But I can pull out verses in the Tanakh, in the Old Testament and preach the Gospel from the Old Testament.

David Reagan: That’s right. Absolutely. Absolutely.

Steve Jaslow: I don’t have to because when Paul talks about all scripture is given by God and is God breathed and inspired He is talking about there was no New Testament when Paul wrote that to Timothy.

David Reagan: That’s right. Plus the very first Gospel sermon ever preached on the Day of Pentecost was nothing but Old Testament scriptures saying, “Here’s what they said. Jesus fulfilled it.” “Here’s what it said. Jesus fulfilled it.”

Steve Jaslow: Exactly. Exactly. So, you have to be careful you don’t want to use words that would be biting to an Orthodox because Christ is a biting word.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Steve Jaslow: So let’s say you use the word Messiah it is the same thing. I’ve just believed Jesus is the Messiah. I can show you Zechariah 12 where it says, “They are going to look upon Him–they are going to look upon me whom they have pierced.” Who is that talking about? Isaiah 53 who is that talking about? You know He was wounded for our transgressions. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. He was–He’s the Son of David, but He is also the Son of Joseph.

David Reagan: Yes.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, Messiah Ben Joseph. Messiah Ben David.

David Reagan: Well to get back to this point about Judaizing.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, Sir.

David Reagan: What would constitute Judaizing in your opinion?

Steve Jaslow: OK, when we talk about a Judaizer when Paul spoke to the Galatians that was the issue. Now Galatians was a Gentile congregation but receiving the wonders and the beauty of salvation through faith. I mean that is what Ephesians 2 is all about, “By grace you have been saved through faith, not of yourselves: it is the gift of God lest any man shall boast.” So, our salvation, our justification is always by faith. A Judaizer would say that it is faith plus.

David Reagan: Yes. Yes. I was going to say to me judaizing would be to take the position of saying, “OK, if you don’t worship on the Sabbath. If you don’t observe the Feasts. If you don’t observe the kosher laws. If you are not circumcised.”

Steve Jaslow: If you don’t have circumcision.

David Reagan: “You are not saved.”

Steve Jaslow: Right.

David Reagan: Because these things are things you must do in order to be saved. That is judaizing.

Steve Jaslow: And that is what they were doing to the Galatians. And Paul says, “Who has bewitched you?” You know?

David Reagan: Yes.

Steve Jaslow: Who to take– you know, what you’ve started in the spirit are you now going to finish it in the flesh? So his whole point there was about justification.

David Reagan: Right.

Steve Jaslow: It wasn’t about anything more than that.

David Reagan: Yes.

Steve Jaslow: You know righteousness of God which is through faith, and it is faith alone. Now all these other things the commandments of God are good. I mean he says in Romans 7 the law is good, the Torah is good. Jesus said, “I didn’t come to abolish the law. I came to fulfill the law and to give you the right interpretation of the law.” In fact it is harder to keep the commandments of the New Testament than it is to keep the commandments of the Old Testament. He says, “Look it’s not enough to not commit murder, you got to not even be angry in your own heart.”

David Reagan: But we praise God that we don’t have to keep those things perfectly because we are saved by grace.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, absolutely.

David Reagan: Well, in 1967 this seems to be a turning point.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, sir

David Reagan: In modern day Jewish history because in 1967 not only did you have the miraculous Six Day War.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, sir.

David Reagan: But shortly after that there was a mighty move of the Holy Spirit.

Steve Jaslow: Yes.

David Reagan: All over the world in particularly here in the United States.

Steve Jaslow: Yes.

David Reagan: In which tens of thousands of young people came to the Lord.

Steve Jaslow: Yes, sir. Yeah

David Reagan: Hippies.

Steve Jaslow: Yeah.

David Reagan: And all kinds of folks. Calvary Chapel out in California. But in the Cincinnati area all kinds of young Jewish people like Joel Chernoff and others coming to the Lord.

Steve Jaslow: Yeah.

David Reagan: What in the world happened among the Jewish people then?

Steve Jaslow: Well ’67 was, ’67-’70 was what we might refer to as the birth of modern day Messianic Judaism.

David Reagan: Yes. Yes.

Steve Jaslow: And I believe that you know that God has been–well God happened, you know what? God happened.

David Reagan: Yeah.

Steve Jaslow: And it was a miracle. The Six Day War was an absolute miracle. But what happened? In that Six Day War Jerusalem was recaptured by the Jewish people.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Steve Jaslow: And for the first time in 1,900 years the Jew could again pray at the Wailing Wall.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Steve Jaslow: And this is a complete fulfillment of Jesus’ words if I can read just out of the book of Luke where, Luke 21 and verse 24, “And they shall fall by the edge of the sword,” and this is parallel to Matthew 24, “and shall be led away captive until all nations.” Ok, so that happened in 70 AD when Jerusalem was destroyed and all the believers were scattered. You see what happened was there was no Jewish church anymore after 70 AD that’s how the Church became more Gentile.

David Reagan: Yes.

Steve Jaslow: And Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Well, Jerusalem is no longer trodden down by the Gentiles in 1967.

David Reagan: That’s right.

Steve Jaslow: That means something was fulfilled. This is Jesus’ own words. Something was fulfilled. And I believe it was the shaking, and a shifting, and a cataclysmic event that took place in Heaven, and that was the beginning of this restoration of not the Jews to the land because that happened in 1948, but now the Jewish people coming back to the Lord.

David Reagan: To their Messiah.

Steve Jaslow: To their Messiah.

David Reagan: Oh, my. And so the result of that in 1967 there wasn’t a single Messianic congregation in the United States. Today there’s over 100.

Steve Jaslow: Oh, yeah. More than that.

David Reagan: Many more than that. There is over a 100 in Israel.

Steve Jaslow: Yeah. Yeah.

David Reagan: And it is just amazing what’s happened.

Steve Jaslow: Yeah. So, God is really restoring the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. And Romans 11 talks about the tree, the olive tree and the natural branches being broken off. And that is a powerful passage because the Gentiles are referred to as the unnatural branches. And Paul says, “Look you were grafted in, the natural branches are broke off because of unbelief, but you came in by faith and you are able to be grafted in. And if God can graft you in contrary to nature, how much more can He graft back those branches that are the natural branches since God is able to graft them back in again.” He says, “Don’t be high minded. Don’t be proud. Don’t be lofty. Don’t think that you are so great and God is done with the Jews because He ain’t done with the Jews yet.” And then Paul concludes down in verse 25 he says, “All Israel shall be saved.” So, that’s what’s happening. The natural branches are getting put back on the tree. The Jewish people are starting to cry, “Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai.” Which Jesus said...

David Reagan: And Jesus said He wouldn’t return.

Steve Jaslow: He said He wouldn’t return until that happens. But when that begins to happen we know that the return is imminent. It’s somewhere.

David Reagan: Do you ever wake up in the morning and say, “Lord, how did I end up in the middle of this incredible thing you are doing here in the end times?” It’s so exciting.

Steve Jaslow: Yeah I think. Yeah I do. You know sometimes I wake up and I’m–I mean like everybody else you wake up and you are kind of overwhelmed with life, you know? But then you remember wait a minute this is just, you know life is but a vapor and we are just passing through. And if we have Yeshua, if we have Jesus it doesn’t matter if you are Jew or Gentile. But in these last days Messianic Judaism I believe is the key to end time revival.

David Reagan: Oh, it is certainly an end time sign.

Steve Jaslow: I believe it is. Yeah.

David Reagan: And it must be a major jolt to the mainline Christian Church that has bought into Replacement Theology. God washed His hands of the Jews, has no purpose left for the Jews, and suddenly here’s this mighty movement of the Holy Spirit among the Jewish people.

Steve Jaslow: Yeah and that’s why Romans is so important, Romans 9, 10, and 11. Because I don’t know how so many of the non-Jewish churches don’t see it there because he spells it out. He says, “I speak to you Gentiles because I’m an apostle to the Gentiles. Has God done away with them? God forbid. No, He hasn’t.” I mean he says right there.

David Reagan: Well those are the three most hated chapters among Christianity, 9, 10, 11 of Romans because they say beyond a shadow of a doubt God still loves the Jewish people, they are still His chosen people. He is going to bring a great remnant of them to salvation in the end times.

Steve Jaslow: Yes. Yes. And it says if the rejection of them was riches for the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?

David Reagan: What a glorious God.

Steve Jaslow: Yeah. Amazing. Amazing.


David Reagan: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and my interview with Rabbi Steve Jaslow, the spiritual leader of the Bat Zion Congregation in Duncanville, Texas. Steve tell our viewers how they can get in touch with you.

Steve Jaslow: Thank you Dr. Reagan. The best way to get in touch with us would simply be to go to our website: and all the information is on the website.

David Reagan: Thank you. Well, folks, that’s our program for this week. I hope it’s been a blessing to you. And I hope that next week, the Lord willing, you will be back with us. Until then, this is Dave Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries, saying, “Look up, be watchful, for our redemption is drawing near.”