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David Reagan - Looking Forward to the Reign of Jesus Christ

David Reagan - Looking Forward to the Reign of Jesus Christ

Do you live looking for the return of Jesus? Or, could you care less? Did you know the Bible promises a special reward for those who live looking for the return of Jesus? Stay tuned.

David Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus our Blessed Hope and welcome to Christ in Prophecy! My co-host, Nathan Jones, and I are going to be interviewing Tim Moore about a new booklet that he has just published. He is our Associate Evangelist, and my designated successor.

Nathan Jones: Well, Tim let’s jump right in it. Tell us about this booklet, what’s it titled and what’s it about?

Tim Moore: Well, the booklet is titled, “Looking Forward to the Reign of Jesus Christ.” And it talks about the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus when He comes back to earth to reign here on earth, and so, we are looking forward to that glorious day.

Nathan Jones: Excellent. What motivated you to write a book about the Millennial Kingdom?

Tim Moore: Well, as we were discussing the transition that is about to occur next year, Dave challenged me to write a book or booklet that would address some of the topics that we key on all the time. The soon return of Jesus Christ, why we are so excited about proclaiming that glorious message, and what the beliefs are that we hold as folks here at Lamb & Lion Ministries. So, I was going to write a book about Premillennialism. Matter of fact initially I was going to say: Why I am a Premillennialist and Why it Matters? But then I realized by titling the book about why I am a Premillennialist it puts the focus on me, and I wanted the focus to be on Jesus Christ, because really its all about Jesus, it’s about His return and His reign. So, that is where I came up with the title of the book. And I will give credit to the staff here, we have a tremendous group of people who work together each and every day. And so, whether it is the beautiful graphics created by Jana, or even some banter over the title, the final version was: “Looking Forward to the Reign of Jesus Christ.”

Nathan Jones: And that’s really what this ministry is all about right? We look forward to the soon return of Jesus Christ. Okay, we talk a lot about the signs leading up to that.

Tim Moore: Yes.

Nathan Jones: But what happens after? And your book tells us what happens after Jesus returns and sets up His kingdom.

Tim Moore: It certainly does. And again, it puts the focus on Jesus Christ, right where it should be.

David Reagan: But when you open the cover.

Tim Moore: Yes.

David Reagan: We discover a subtitle.

Tim Moore: Yes. And there goes back to that original title: “Why I’m a Premillennialist and Why it Matters.” So, yes, the focus is on Jesus, but why does it matter?

David Reagan: Let’s take off from that for just a moment. What is the majority viewpoint in Christendom today? Is it the Premillennial view?

Tim Moore: No, the majority viewpoint, quite frankly, is the Amillennial view.

David Reagan: What is that?

Tim Moore: The Amillennial.

David Reagan: It should like you are clearing your throat.

Tim Moore: Well, it does. And on a day like today perhaps I would be. But the Amillennial is sort of like the word atypical, or asymptomatic. If you say a person is asymptomatic, it means they have no symptoms.

David Reagan: In the Greek language that is the way you negate a word, you put an “a” in front of it.

Tim Moore: You, negate, exactly.

Nathan Jones: It means no.

Tim Moore: So, Amillennial says there is no Millennium. And so, people who are Amillennial in their perspective don’t believe in a Millennium. They don’t believe Jesus is coming back to reign.

David Reagan: Well, they don’t believe in a literal Millennium.

Tim Moore: A literal, that’s a good point.

David Reagan: They do believe in a Millennium.

Tim Moore: Yes, they do.

David Reagan: But it is a different kind.

Tim Moore: Well, they spiritualize the length of time to where it is no longer 1,000 years as said six different times in Revelation chapter 20.

David Reagan: But they spiritualize the whole Millennium because they claim we are in it right now.

Tim Moore: They claim that Jesus is reigning as we speak from Heaven, and it is a spiritual reign through the Church and through the believers here on earth.

Nathan Jones: Well, Tim–

David Reagan: Well, I like–go ahead.

Nathan Jones: Well, you kept on saying Millennium, just in case somebody doesn’t know. When you say Millennium what does that mean?

Tim Moore: Okay, so the Millennium is the word for a 1,000. So, you can think of “mill” being the word that we use even for a 1,000 in a lot of cases today. Millimeter a 1,000 meters, so mill is 1,000.

David Reagan: Mille-annum means a 1,000 years.

Tim Moore: Exactly.

David Reagan: It’s Latin.

Tim Moore: Exactly.

Nathan Jones: And the Bible tells us that Christ kingdom will be on this earth for a millennium.

Tim Moore: One-thousand-years. Yes.

David Reagan: All I can say is if Jesus is reigning over a Millennium right now, He’s doing a very poor job of it.

Tim Moore: Well, and we’ve made that very clear, because the people who would claim that, and a lot of them have not thought it through, but they have kind of adopted this default position of the church. And they would say, Jesus is reigning, but how has He kept Satan from having any sway over the earth? They say, “Well, Satan is being restrained. Well, not very effectively, obviously, because Satan seems to be having sway over the earth right now.

David Reagan: Well, here’s the thing that comes out of that is that all the early Church Fathers were Premillennial.

Tim Moore: Yes.

David Reagan: They took the Bible to mean exactly what it said, a literal interpretation that Jesus was going to come back and reign for a 1,000 years. So, how did we get away from that so that the majority of the Church became Amillennial?

Tim Moore: Well, I think you are exactly right, Dave. Even when Jesus was here the Apostles thought that He was about to set up His kingdom right then. Multiple times they said–

David Reagan: The last question they asked Him.

Tim Moore: The last question: “Is it now that you are going to set up your kingdom?” And He didn’t say, “No, you have it all wrong. There won’t be a kingdom.” He just said, “No, it is not now, and it is not for you to know the time. Only the Father knows the time.” But the expectation of a kingdom is clear from the prophetic Word, which is why the disciples expected that the Lord would set up a kingdom. Early in the church the fathers having learned from those apostles, also believed that the Lord would return, soon and very soon, and set up His kingdom. But over time I believe that there are two primary reasons that the Church moved away from an expectation of Jesus’ soon return, and from a Millennial Kingdom.

David Reagan: Okay.

Tim Moore: One was due to what I call Christian Anti-Semitism. There was a rejection of much of the Jewishness of Scripture. And you say, how can you get away from the Jewish Scriptures? But they wanted to divorce themselves from the Jewish roots of Christianity. And they did that very prominently, as a matter of fact to the point that even the holidays that we celebrate commemorating Jesus’ birth and His resurrection they tried to remove those away from their Jewish roots. Why? Because the Jews were not embracing Christianity.

David Reagan: That’s strange because the original Church was all Jewish, 100%.

Tim Moore: All Jewish. Exactly right.

David Reagan: But as it began to bring more Gentiles in, the Gentiles turned against the Jews.

Tim Moore: They did, to the point that they called them Christ-killers, and they said well, all those promises that were given to the Jewish people we are going to appropriate those for the Church. And they discounted any plan of God for the Jewish people.

David Reagan: So, the Church is the new Israel.

Tim Moore: That’s what they would have claimed. And to this day there are many who buy into that kind of Replacement Theology mentality. But the other thing, I believe, that feeds into the church’s rejection of a Millennial reign is what I’ll call pride, or Christian hubris. As the Church began to have sway, and I’ll point back all the way to when the Roman Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity and declared it to be the religion of the Roman Empire, the Church began to believe, hey, we really are going to gain ascendency in the world to the point that we will take over the world, and the whole world will be Christianized. And if we are going to take over the world we don’t need to wait for Jesus to institute His kingdom, we will be able to create a kingdom here on earth, and we’ll just hand it over to the Lord when He returns. And so, they removed any expectation of Jesus reign, and they said, well that is spiritualized to mean He’ll reign through the Church. And even after the Reformation when Christians said, we are going to go back to scripture. We are going to back to “sola scriptura,” scripture only, there was still a great fervor for evangelism. And for many years there were great missionary waves of people who went out to evangelize the world. And that’s a great thing, they were motivated correctly, but they began to believe, you know what, we really may be able to bring about a Christianized world. And so, you can read some of the writings of leading Amillennialists and they state point blank, we will Christianize the world; Jesus Christ will return to a Christianized earth.

David Reagan: And we’ll do it instead of Him doing it.

Tim Moore: We’ll do it. You know we’ll give the Holy Spirit some credit.

David Reagan: In fact, that was the predominate viewpoint in Christianity at the beginning of the 20th Century. You look at what was written in the 1890’s and they all expected the 20th Century to be the century of Christianity when we will conquer the world. At the end of that century, we will be reigning supreme and preparing for the Lord’s return.

Tim Moore: Exactly so. We can use an analogy; a lot of people look back and call the 20th Century the American Century because America grew to prominence. Well, a lot of Christians would have thought this is going to be the Christian century where we are going to eliminate Mohammedanism, they called Islam, we are going to prove that is false, and so those folks will adapt Christianity. The Far East, all the other parts of the world will be Christianized.

David Reagan: In fact, the Disciples of Christ denomination actually named their magazine “The Christian Century,” at the beginning of the 20th Century.

Nathan Jones: Interesting.

Tim Moore: How about that.

David Reagan: Go ahead.

Nathan Jones: Well, you addressed Amillennialism, and it looks like you just address Postmillennialism. Why then if the early Church Fathers were Premillennialists, and maybe you can quickly explain what Premillennialism is, why is it not the major viewpoint of today if it goes all the way back to the beginning with Jesus and the Apostles?

Tim Moore: Well, again a millennial is simply the expectation of a 1,000 year reign, so Premillennialism, which is what we are advocating, means that the Lord is going to return and set up a kingdom that will last a 1,000 years, it is His period of reign on the earth. And there will still be mortals on the earth. Amillennialist don’t accept the idea of a 1,000 years, they say, well He is already reigning, but it is spiritualized, and He is reigning from Heaven through the Church, so there will be no 1,00 year period. A Post-Millennialist would say, okay, I accept the idea of a 1,000 year reign, but it is going to be a reign that is instituted by the Church, and when that is over at the end of that 1,000 years, Jesus will return, we will hand Him the keys to the kingdom and then we can just enter the eternal state.

Nathan Jones: Like you said, that is really pride.

David Reagan: Well, that is a lot of pride.

Tim Moore: That is a lot of pride and a lot of expectation of man’s power and ability. And so, again, Premillennialist is going back to the early Church Fathers, the Apostles, expecting Jesus to return. And it really goes back even to the question you asked about the title is our focus on Jesus Christ, or is our focus on ourselves, whether it is the Church or me as individual.

David Reagan: Now, one of the thing you do in this in this booklet, and you do it so well, is that you start pointing out some of the weaknesses of the Amillennial position, because that is the majority viewpoint. So, we have just a little bit time left in this segment, and we may have to bring this over to the second half but start telling us some of the weaknesses and problem of Amillennialism.

Tim Moore: Well, the weakness, first and foremost, it does not look forward to a reign of Jesus Christ, and that is a promise given to Jesus. I think sometimes it is very important for us to change our perspective because oftentimes we want to think, what’s in it for me? Why should I become a believer? Why should I study the Word of God? What good is it going to do for me? And yet, there are promises given in scripture to the Jewish people, obviously that is a set of promises made to God’s chosen people the Jews. But there are other promises given to Jesus Christ. Jesus was not respected, He was not honored, He was not worshipped by the masses when He came the first time. He was humiliated, and He was rejected. But the Lord God has promised that He will receive the glory and the honor that He’s due, the worship of all the world. And so, during that Millennial Reign Jesus will receive what He has been due throughout eternity, and that is the adoration of mankind. And obviously another major problem with the Amillennial position is that it spiritualizes all of these promises to remove any literal understanding whether it is a 1,000 year reign, or of these various promises.

David Reagan: Alright, we are going to take a break here for a few moment. And when we come back we are going to continue to talk about Amillennial weaknesses. For example, the Bible says that when the Millennium begins Satan will be bound. Is Satan bound? It says that there will not longer be any war. Are we in a peaceful world? It says that the animal kingdom will be reconciled to itself and to men. Has that happened? Let’s talk about those specific weaknesses in Amillennialism when we come back.

Tim Moore: Very good.

David Reagan: Okay.

Tim Moore: Look forward to it.

Part 2

Nathan Jones: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our discussion with Tim Moore about his new booklet in which he defends the Premillennial viewpoint and encourages Christians to live looking for the Lord’s return.

David Reagan: Yes, now let’s just pick up very quickly with this. Amillennialist say we are in the Millennium now; they spiritualize everything. But the Bible says that when we are in the Millennium Satan will be bound. How do they get around that?

Tim Moore: Well, they would claim that Satan is bound, for those of us who are believers, because he has no real sway over us. And, yet, as you’ve said Dave, if he has no sway then he is on a very long chain because he is always nipping at our heels. But the other reality is scripture promises that during this Millennial Kingdom Satan will be bound so that he cannot deceive the nations. Who in their right mind would think that all of the nations of the world are not deceived? I mean we recently completed an election and clearly out nation is among all the others that is being deceived on a daily basis.

David Reagan: So, what about worldwide peace? It says in the Millennium there is going to be worldwide peace. And sometimes Amillennialist say, well, that just means we are going to have peace of soul. But it talks about no more weapons.

Tim Moore: No more weapons.

Nathan Jones: Or the Jewish people being exalted; that ten men will grab the hem of a robe and say, “Show us the Lord.” Well, where can you show us Jesus Christ right now?

Tim Moore: And that all the nations of the world will stream to Jerusalem so that they can worship, and so that they can come. And if they do not they will be punished. So, no, all these things have to be completely spiritualized away. And what is funny is even Amillennialists will say, “Well, all of the First Coming prophesies, those were literal, but the Second Coming prophecies those are all spiritualized.”

David Reagan: I grew up in a church exactly like that. They said, “The Bible means exactly what it says from beginning to end unless it is talking about the Second Coming; it never means what it says.” What?! The First Coming prophecies meant what they said.

Tim Moore: No, the Bible says that the whole earth will be flooded with peace, righteousness, and justice, as Jesus reigns.

David Reagan: We’re a long way from that.

Tim Moore: Well, exactly. As He reigns from Mount Zion with a rod of iron. Well, He is not reigning from Mount Zion. You know you can go back to the promise made to Mary when Gabriel came with then annunciation, he gave a list of promises, eight of them. He said that she would: conceive a child, give birth to a Son, that His name would be Jesus, He will be great, He would be called the Son of the Most High. Those have ben fulfilled. But the last three have not: He will be given the throne of His father David, He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end. That has not actually been realized.

David Reagan: Well, they argue that the house of Jacob is the Church.

Tim Moore: Well, yeah, there you go.

Nathan Jones: That’s why I love the teachings of the Puritan pastor Cotton Mather.

David Reagan: Yes.

Nathan Jones: He explained that the Kingdom of God does exist today, the Kingdom of Christ, it’s through the Church, there is an ecclesiastical. There is also God sovereign, in that Jesus is over the affairs of the world. But there is a fourth component he said that hadn’t been fulfilled yet, and that is the Davidic Kingdom to fulfill the promise that King David would always have an heir sitting on his throne.

Tim Moore: Well, again it goes back to the idea that I’m at the center of everything, and so all the promises really relate to me. They don’t. Some do, and gloriously there are promises made to us as individuals and to the Church. But there are other promises made to the Jewish people, and there are promises made to Jesus Christ. God will fulfill every one of those promises and we can’t just be spiritualizing away His promises, or the Jew’s promises, or saying, “Hey, they all belong to me.”

David Reagan: Now at the very beginning you mentioned that one of the reasons you wrote this booklet is because I was prodding you like mad. But there was another reason, a conversation with a young man, tell us about that.

Nathan Jones: Yes. That’s a really good story.

Tim Moore: A young pastor, a friend of mine, who I have great appreciation for because he is dedicated to the Lord. He loves to study the Word. But I got to talking to him, he said, “I didn’t know what you were really involved in tell me about your ministry.” And I explained to him how we proclaim the soon return of Jesus Christ. How we look forward to His reign. And he said, “Wow, that’s really interesting I don’t know much about it.” And I said, “Well, what is your perspective?” And he said, “Well, I think I am Amillennial.” And I asked, “Why?” And his response was telling he said, “I don’t know.” And I thought, well how can you not know if you are a student of the Word of God? And so, as we began to talk he made it very clear he’d not studied the prophetic Word. He just kind of absorbed an expectation that well there will not be a millennial reign. And so, that is the default position of the Church, and has been for many, many years. And primarily it’s because people either haven’t studied God’s Word in the prophetic passages, or they’ve just kind of had this expectation that the Church will take ascendancy and they’re not looking forward to Jesus’ return.

Nathan Jones: Tim, that has been my experience as well amongst a lot of pastor friends and other ministers who just have never studied Bible prophecy, so they seem to either land in the Amillennial view or the Panmillennial view; it’s all just going to pan out in the end. And once you start showing them Bible prophecy they move into a Premillennial viewpoint because it is a biblical viewpoint and makes sense.

Tim Moore: Well, if you read even some of the writings of the great advocates of Amillennialism, there is one I’ve quoted here, he says, “By eliminating the alleged Millennium.” The alleged Millennium? Well, the Lord specifies six times in Revelation 20 that it will occur. But he said, “If you put the two resurrections into one, the different judgments into one, and declare that when Christ comes He comes to the end of the age to judge the world, we get rid of all the difficulties that are brought about by Premillennialism and Postmillennialism.”

Nathan Jones: Wow.

Tim Moore: And then another Postmillennialist who says, “Frankly we have no desire for such a state as Premillennialism sets forth.” And you think, well, you have no desire? Again, it goes back to what do I want?

Nathan Jones: The Church wants to rule instead of Jesus. Didn’t Jesus chastise the Sadducees and the Pharisees for that same exact thing?

Tim Moore: He did. And so, we have to keep an eternal perspective, but sometimes we have to look through God’s eyes and He has revealed His perspective to us. That’s what He provided in Revelation was an understanding of what He plans, and in Revelation 20 it very clearly says He will reign for a thousand years.

Nathan Jones: And I think that is where a lot of people get stuck. They read Revelation 20, they say, “Well the Millennial Kingdom, this kingdom of Christ is only talked about in Revelation 20.” They never read the Old Testament passages about it, and they miss all the descriptions.

David Reagan: That’s true. Isaiah is obsessed with it.

Nathan Jones: Oh, yes.

Tim Moore: And that’s where we get all the understanding of the animal kingdom being restored. The Dead Sea coming back to life as a fountain flows from the throne in Jerusalem all the way down to the Dead Sea and it teams with life. So, all these promises for the earth, for the animal kingdom, for the Jewish people are in the Old Testament, but we as Christians should not dismiss that.

David Reagan: The Amillennial church I grew up in never studied the Old Testament. And with regard to Revelation, they actually would get up in the pulpit and say, “Well, yeah, it says here in Revelation 20 there is going to be a thousand year reign of the Lord,” it says it six times, “but it is only mentioned one place in the Bible so it couldn’t be important.” I thought how many times does God have to mention something? For me it is only once.

Nathan Jones: Absolutely.

Tim Moore: Exactly.

David Reagan: Well, let’s talk about part five of your booklet, you have a very unusual title. And tell them what the title is and where you got the idea, and what that section is all about.

Tim Moore: Well, I found this was a fascinating way just to kind of sum up the ideas in this book, and probably others, but I call the section, the part 5: Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why? And that’s actually a paraphrase of a Rudyard Kipling poem that says, “I keep six honest serving men, they taught me all I knew. Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who.” And so, with that kind of synopsis I thought, that would be a good way to summarize these ideas.

David Reagan: That incidentally is one of the fundamental rules they teach you in journalism school. These are the questions you ask.

Tim Moore: Yes, who, what, where, why, when. So, the who, obviously is Jesus Christ. The focus is on Jesus Christ. And the reality, not the spiritualized concept, but the reality literally that He will physically reign on the earth from the throne of His father David. The what, is that reign, that Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ on the earth, and over all the earth. The when, this comes down to the real crux of disagreement between Premillennialist, Amillennialists, Postmillennialists is the timing. We believe that Jesus is returning to the earth prior to this Millennial Reign, and that He will institute that glorious reign and do so for a thousand years. The where, again, is very specific in scripture, it will be from Mount Zion in Jerusalem. So, Jerusalem still has great prominence in the plan of God.

Nathan Jones: It will be the capital of the world during the Millennial Kingdom.

Tim Moore: It will. And that’s again where all the nations are going to stream to go and to worship. How? Well, Jesus when He returns to earth in that glorious Second Coming will speak a word defeating the Antichrist and the armies gathered in the Valley of Armageddon, with just the breath of His mouth. It won’t be a battle like we think of, and Hollywood might produce, it will be one word and the power of that word from Jesus Christ will annihilate His enemies, and then Satan will be bound. The why, and here goes back to really a key, the purposes of this Millennial Kingdom are to fulfill all these prophetic promise to Jesus Christ, first and foremost. They are to provide this Sabbath Millennium when the earth will be refreshed. You know the earth groans for its restoration ever since the curse was inflicted based on Adam’s sin. And so, it groans for restoration, and this Sabbath Millennium will be a period of rest and restoration for the entire earth. Third, it is to fulfill the promises to the Jewish people, so that ten men will grab the garment of the Jew and say, “Let us go with you. We heard that the Lord lives in your midst.” Yes, He does, in Jerusalem.

David Reagan: And that’s where Amillennialists would strongly disagree with you because they would say God has washed His hands of the Jewish people and has no purpose left for them.

Tim Moore: Well, they haven’t read Romans chapter 9-11, have they?

David Reagan: That’s true.

Tim Moore: And then finally the fourth reason is to fulfill the promise to the Church that we, the whole Church, will one day reign with Jesus Christ overall the earth.

David Reagan: All the prophecies say that the Lord will sit on the throne of David when He is reigning over all the earth. And the Amillennialists say He is sitting on the throne of David in Heaven today. How do you respond to that?

Tim Moore: Well, again that totally spiritualizes what scripture says.

David Reagan: The throne of David has only been in one place in all of history.

Tim Moore: In Jerusalem. So, when scripture says He will reign from the throne of His Father David on Mount Zion in Jerusalem you have to discount all of those specific promises and say, “Well, we’ll just spiritualize it away.”

David Reagan: Jesus sits on His Father’s throne right now, by His Father. But He says Himself, “When I return I will allow you to sit on my throne.”

Tim Moore: Yes.

David Reagan: We are going to reign with Him.

Nathan Jones: That’s amazing. It’s interesting that you talk to a lot of these pastors who are Amillennial and people who follow Amillennialism and they just disregard the 27% of the Bible that is Bible prophecy. They say, “Well it is just to pie-in-the-sky or it is too depressing, or too disappointing. It’s all gloom and doom.” But you have just painted a beautiful picture of the future ahead. What would you say to these pastors to get them excited that Bible prophecy is more relevant than just trying to identify the Antichrist or the Mark of the Beast or whatnot.

Tim Moore: Well, again, it puts our focus on Jesus Christ. You know when I sign off oftentimes, Dave, I know you talk about in the name of Jesus our Blessed Hope, I’ve taken to saying to Jesus our soon returning King, because He is. He is returning soon, and He will reign as our king. So, the focus is on Jesus Christ. And it’s not divisive, this is something that we should be anticipating with great glory. Dave, at the beginning of this program you said, and quoted, or paraphrased what Paul had to write to Timothy, obviously two of my favorite books of the Bible. But in chapter 4:8 he says, “In the future there is laid up for me,” here’s what’s in it for me, “the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day; and not only to me but to all who have loved His appearing.” And so, as we look forward to the reign of Jesus Christ, His appearing, the focus is on Him, and yet we receive a blessing.

David Reagan: Wow. That is wonderful.

Tim Moore: Yes, sir.

David Reagan: And I’m really looking forward to getting that reward, I’ll tell you for sure. Well, I hope that our viewers will get serious about Bible prophecy and they too will live with that hope of the Lord’s coming, so that they too can receive that reward.

Tim Moore: Amen, and amen.


Nathan Jones: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy. Folks, if you would like to get a copy of Tim’s new booklet, stay tuned and our announcer will tell you how you can get a copy of it together with two of our other booklets, a very special offer.

David Reagan: Tim, I want to congratulate you on an outstanding booklet, and do you have any final word for our viewers?

Tim Moore: Well, I would just conclude with what I write at the very end: Whether you are a believer, a Jew, or an unbeliever this booklet hopefully will give you a challenge and an encouragement to be looking forward to our Jewish Messiah and His return, and to put your faith in Him.

David Reagan: I know as a matter of fact it will do that.

Tim Moore: Yes.

David Reagan: Well, folks, that is our program for today. I hope it’s been a blessing to you, and I hope too the Lord willing that you will be back with us next week. Until then this Dave Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries saying, “Look up, be watchful, for our redemption is drawing near.”