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David Reagan - Q and A About the Rapture

David Reagan - Q and A About the Rapture
TOPICS: Rapture

Is the Rapture of the Church a biblical reality, or is it just the result of hopeful imaginings that believers might be able to escape the horrors of the Tribulation? Is the Rapture fact or fiction? Stay tuned.

Dr. Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. Once again this week I have in the studio here with me two preaching and teaching colleagues, Nathan Jones, and Tim Moore. Nathan is our Internet Evangelist, and Tim is our Associate Evangelist, he is a retired Air Force Colonel who serves as a pilot and pilot instructor for UPS. He also is serving in his 12th year in the Kentucky State Legislature. And in his spare time he serves this ministry by preaching and teaching at churches and conferences on the weekends.

Now, this folks is the fourth in a series of programs that we are doing in response to questions that viewers have sent to us. The first week we considered questions about the integrity of the Bible. The next week we took a look at general questions concerning Bible prophecy. The third week we focused on questions about the signs of the times. Now, if you missed our previous programs in this series you can find them on our website at, where we archive all of our TV programs for people to watch on demand.

Our topic this week is the Rapture. Tim, before we get into questions about the Rapture, define the Rapture for our viewers.

Tim Moore: Well, the Rapture as we believe is the moment when the Father says to the Son, “Go and get your Bride.” And so in a twinkling of an eye He calls for the Church and we are transformed, and go to meet Him in the air, and spend the rest of the Tribulation period with Jesus. And so it is a promise made to believers who are here, that we will be gathered up to Him. You know the Lord said that He does what the Father tells Him. So, He’s waiting for that word to go and gather His Bride. And we believe that will happen soon and very soon.

Dr. Reagan: Will that include Old Testament believers?

Tim Moore: Well, the Old Testament believers will not be raised at that time. That is for those —

Dr. Reagan: This is just the Church, the Bride of Christ.

Tim Moore: Just for those who are alive on the earth at that moment.

Dr. Reagan: Yeah. So the Old Testament believers will be resurrected when?

Tim Moore: The Old Testament believers will be resurrected when the Lord returns.

Dr. Reagan: At the Second Coming.

Tim Moore: At the Second Coming. Yes, sir.

Dr. Reagan: Alright, let me get to another question that has been sent in and it says: My pastor talks only about the Second Coming. Is the Rapture a part of the Second Coming?

Tim Moore: Well, it depends on how you look at it. Yes and no. Yes it is, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ comes in two stages. The Rapture before the Tribulation, then seven years plus if there is a little gap, and then the Second Coming at the end. But you can also then consider it separate, it is meant for the Church only. It is meant to take the Church if you are saved up to Heaven. So, it is considered a separate event as well. So, I tell people yes and no.

Dr. Reagan: I think that is a very good answer because you’ve got about seven years between the two. The Rapture is not necessarily the beginning of the Tribulation.

Tim Moore: No.

Dr. Reagan: So, there could be a gap of a few months, or even a few years after the Rapture occurs, as the world is thrown into chaos, and the Antichrist arises and says, “I’ve got the answer to all the world’s problems,” and makes a peace treaty with Israel. But, yeah, I think your concept is very well stated that the Second Coming occurs in two stages: first the appearing of the Lord in the heavens for the Church, and then later His return to earth to reign. Alright, another question: There are so many concepts of the timing of the Rapture, and I find it all very confusing. And that’s very common. When do you think the Rapture is most likely to occur, and why?

Tim Moore: Well, I think that we have to almost go back to the word rapture. A lot of people say well that’s not even in the Bible. Well, the word “rapturo” was is the Latin Vulgate, of course in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. And it kind of takes a quick action, a snatching away. So, that is why even some translations says that we will be snatched away, or caught up, originally in the King James Version, but it is quick forceful action. And I think that all of us who look forward to the Rapture as the next major prophetic event realize that it will happen very quickly. Jesus said, “Behold I come quickly.” I come suddenly. Obviously for us who are His in the Church. And I liken it to a pregnancy, when my wife, or when my oldest daughter was pregnant we knew that that baby was going to come about nine months after the conception. Well we didn’t know exactly when. And so the signs of the approaching due date were very evident, but we still didn’t know the exact moment. We could sense it was getting closer and closer. So, for me I believe that the timing of the Rapture is getting closer and closer. Its due date is any moment. But it could be a little bit longer. It could be today.

Dr. Reagan: Yeah, but that doesn’t really address the question. The question is the timing of the Rapture.

Tim Moore: The timing of the Rapture, soon, and very soon.

Dr. Reagan: Still doesn’t address the question. The question has to do with when is the Rapture going to occur? Is it going to be before the Tribulation, middle of the Tribulation, after the Tribulation? Ten years?

Tim Moore: Okay, I understand your question.

Nathan Jones: Well, let’s clear this up first. You’re not asking us what day is the Rapture, because nobody can know.

Tim Moore: Nobody knows. Exactly right.

Nathan Jones: Jesus said, “Nobody can know the date or the hour.” Matter of fact even when Jesus was here in His First Coming even He said, He didn’t know which boggles the mind. Clearly He knows now. So, we know that we cannot predict the date or the time of the Rapture. But we do know that the Rapture is separate from the Second Coming because we read the passages in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, Zechariah 14, all talk about the Second Coming. But the Rapture verses when you talk about 1 Thessalonians 4, 1 Corinthians 15, John 14 even they tell two different stories. So, we know the Rapture and the Second Coming are separate. Okay, now we know they are separate, how do they relate to each other? Well, there’s four major views for that. You’ve got the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view where the Rapture happens before the seven year Tribulation. You’ve got the Mid-Tribulation view that it happens at the three and a half years into the Tribulation. Then you’ve got the Pre-Wrath view where it happens before the bowl judgments, about five plus years into the Tribulation. And then you’ve got the Post-Tribulation Rapture view where Jesus comes back and the Rapture happens and then you turn and come right back. So, those are probably the four main views. Now, there’s other fringe views but those are the four main views about when the Rapture is going to occur. Me, particularly and I think you guys too obviously, believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture view because we look at the Rapture passages and we look at the Second Coming passages and they tell two very different stories.

Tim Moore: Yes, they do, the contrast between 1 Thessalonians 4 where it talks about Jesus appearing for the Church as a deliverer, in grace, and to bring salvation and deliverance for those of us who are His, He is coming as a Bridegroom. Where as in Revelation 19 the Lord is coming in great wrath. He returns to the earth, not just in the heavens. He comes as a warrior, and to rule as a King, and obviously the Church comes with Him. There are many pictures of this. Even in the book of Revelation John is addressing the churches, dictating, or the Lord is dictating to him letters to the seven churches. And then in chapter 4 John is caught up, he is snatched up and translated to Heaven. And the rest of Revelation until Revelation 19 he is there witnessing things in Heaven describing events on the earth, but the Church is not mentioned until the Church returns to the earth with the Lord. So, that’s why we think the Rapture comes for the Church in an instant, and the Church is snatched away before the Lord returns subsequent to that in the Second Coming.

Nathan Jones: And I would add too on top of that, that is a great answer, because not only do we see the difference between the verses that deal with the Rapture, and the Tribulation, two totally different stories. But we have the iron clad promise of God that the Church is never destined to endure the wrath of God.

Tim Moore: Exactly right.

Nathan Jones: Revelation 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:10 and 5:9. They all say that the believer in Christ is not destined to endure the wrath of God. What is the Tribulation? Not little “t” tribulation, big “T” Tribulation that time period.

Dr. Reagan: Okay, but now the problem with your answers is this, a person who believes in a Mid-Tribulation Rapture would agree with everything you said.

Nathan Jones: Because they define the Great Tribulation—

Dr. Reagan: That it is occurring before the wrath of God because they do not consider the seal judgments, or the trumpet judgments to be the wrath of God, it is the wrath of Satan and the wrath of man. So, they would say, “Yes, we believe that we’re going out before the wrath.” The Pre-Wrath position which I think is misnamed, it should be called the two-thirds Tribulation Rapture, they argue the same thing that the only wrath of God is the bowl judgments and they are going out before the bowl judgments.

Nathan Jones: Well, that is very easy to answer. I’ll take the first, you take the second half, is that there are two verses that really make it clear that the entire seven, the 21 judgments are the wrath of God. I’ll take the first one, you take the second. The first one is that who opens the seal judgments? Jesus Christ.

Dr. Reagan: At the throne.

Nathan Jones: He’s the one, at the throne. And then you get to Revelation 15 and it says.

Dr. Reagan: Wait a minute before you get there. In Revelation chapter 6 you’re talking about the first series, the seal judgments and they were opened by Jesus at the throne. But right at the end it says that this is the wrath of the Lamb, not the wrath of man, Satan, it is the wrath of the Lamb.

Nathan Jones: Right.

Dr. Reagan: How can you argue it is the wrath of Satan and man?

Nathan Jones: No, certainly God uses man.

Dr. Reagan: Absolutely.

Nathan Jones: I mean look at the fifth seal judgment all the martyrs. God isn’t going out killing all those people, the Antichrist is killing the martyrs.

Dr. Reagan: Satan can’t do whatever he wants to do.

Nathan Jones: No, God has him on a very short leash.

Dr. Reagan: God allows him to pour out this wrath.

Nathan Jones: But I think you’re going to talk about Revelation 15.

Tim Moore: Well in Revelation 15:1 it says that John saw another sign in the heaven great and marvelous, seven angels with seven plagues which are the last because in them the wrath of God is finished.

Dr. Reagan: Did you say Revelation 51?

Tim Moore: Revelation 15, verse 1.

Dr. Reagan: I thought you said 51.

Tim Moore: The other reality that we will key on and I will give grace to those who differ on the exact timing because I don’t put my trust in my own understanding, my trust is in the Lord. But those folks will declare that the Lord is coming, the Rapture mid-way or part way through the Tribulation then they are not looking for Jesus Christ, they are looking for the revelation of the Antichrist. They are looking for the rebuilding of the temple. They are looking for other signs that in their understanding have to precede the Lord’s return.

Dr. Reagan: They’re also destroying imminence.

Tim Moore: They are destroying imminence.

Dr. Reagan: Because there are certain events that have to occur before the Lord can come back.

Tim Moore: Exactly right. And over and over again we are told to look for the Blessed Hope which is Jesus Christ, not for the Antichrist, not for all the other signs. So this principle of imminence is why we believe the Rapture has nothing that precedes it. We don’t have to look for other signs, just like John who recorded all these things we are looking for Jesus Christ even now.

Nathan Jones: I love when you quote Ron Rhodes what he says about bringing comfort. Can you do that please because that is so poignant?

Dr. Reagan: Well, he was talking about, Ron Rhodes is a Bible prophecy scholar and writer and we’ve had him at several of our conferences, he is a wonderful presenter. And one year he was talking about the Rapture and he was talking about people who believed the Rapture and the Second Coming are all one event, it is kind of the yo-yo, you go up and then you come right back down with the Lord. And he said, “What they are really saying is this: that you, the Church, are going to face seven years of horrible Tribulation, suffering, torture, just unspeakable horrors; comfort one another with these words.” Because that is what 1 Thessalonians 4 ends with, with his talk about the Rapture, it says, “Comfort one another with these words.” What words? The fact you’re going to be taken out before all that happens.

Tim Moore: That’s not much of a comfort.

Dr. Reagan: Well, okay, folks, we are going to take a brief break and then we’ll come right back.

Part 2

Tim Moore: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our responses to questions about the Rapture. Okay, Dave, what’s our next question?

Dr. Reagan: Alright, well let me see what’s the next one. The next one is: My pastor rejects the concept of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture because he says it’s too new to be true. What about it?

Nathan Jones: You hear that one all the time.

Tim Moore: Yes, we do. Go ahead Nathan you want to start with this one.

Nathan Jones: I think the best book ever written is, “Dispensationalism before Darby” by William Watson. It blows the too new to be true view.

Dr. Reagan: Brand new book.

Nathan Jones: Brand new book. He’s actually working on a sequel he told me. And what he does he went—you know he is a research professor he went into the archives, dug deep into the Church writings for the last 2,000 years.

Dr. Reagan: In England.

Nathan Jones: In England, yeah, I mean he is a great intellect. And he found that there are writings all throughout. I mean we all knew that there were Barnabas, Papias, Justin Martyr was talking about the immanency of the Second Coming. You got later in the 1500’s through the 1800’s Joseph Mede, Increase Mather, James McKnight they separated the Rapture and the Second Coming. So, this idea that John Darby back in the 1800’s had invented this because he heard ecstatic utterances from Margaret MacDonald some 15 year old girl, and boom we’ve got this Rapture view, Pre-Trib Rapture view to be exact, is too new. And that is not true at all. What it is is a reawakening of the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles from the first century. The Church buried it under Augustine and for the Dark Ages; it was the Dark Ages for a reason because they had lost that view because they spiritualized Scripture. With the literal interpretation of the Bible we are back and understanding the Bible literally tells us the Rapture and the Second Coming are separate, and the Rapture will happen before the Tribulation.

Tim Moore: I think that is so important to understand too, we can point back to writers like John Darby in England that was in the early 1800’s he was part of the Plymouth Brethren Movement. Of course we think about the Pilgrims here William Blackstone with his famous book, “Jesus is Coming” written in 1878. And they popularized once again. But really we can go back to the original writings of Paul, and of John, and of Peter who believed in the imminence of the Lord’s return even in their day and age.

Dr. Reagan: Well, you made a really good point about the fact that we had the Dark Ages. And I need to emphasize that, people need to understand that Saint Augustine in about 400 wrote a book called, “The City of God” which just said all of Bible prophecy, end time prophecy should be spiritualized. And he didn’t take any of it. And so he said, “We are in the Millennium now,” and all that sort of thing. And the Church adopted that because it gave great importance to the Church. It meant the Church was God’s Kingdom on earth and the Pope was the spokesman for God. And all the nations should submit themselves to the Pope. And so the Church bought it and nobody else was allowed ever in the Middle Ages to disagree with that. But they couldn’t disagree with it because they didn’t have the Word of God. In the Middle Ages we didn’t have printing. The only copies were very costly handwritten and the average person couldn’t read or write.

Tim Moore: Wasn’t allowed to.

Dr. Reagan: So, it wasn’t until two things happened: the invention of the printing press, and the translation of the Bible into common languages that people could begin to read the Bible and say, “Hey, you know what the Church is teaching doesn’t line up with what the Word of God says.” And so it wasn’t until the 1700’s that people began to say, “Hey, the Bible says Jesus is coming back, going to reign for a 1,000 years, we believe it means what it says.” And they began to see, “Hey, there is a difference between what’s talked about in 1 Thessalonians 4 and Revelation 19. There must be some difference there. And the people began to develop the idea of the Rapture. It wasn’t something that just fell out of Heaven overnight, or that John Darby dreamed up overnight. And you know Watson what is interesting about him is he said, that he has discovered books in England he doesn’t think anybody has read for 350 years that are talking about a Pre-Trib Rapture. Or else they are refuting somebody who is evidently teaching a Pre-Trib Rapture, but it had been around.

Tim Moore: Well, some of the mantras of the Reformation Movement, grace alone, Scripture alone, that was a new concept to some who been raised.

Dr. Reagan: Wonderful point.

Tim Moore: Yes, and so those were not new concepts.

Dr. Reagan: When Martin Luther came up with the concept that we are saved by grace through faith and not by works, the number one argument of the Roman Catholic Church was: that’s too new to be true. They said none of the Popes, none of the Church Fathers ever taught it. And his response was fantastic. He said, “Well, the real Church Fathers did like Jesus, and Paul, and Peter.

Tim Moore: They certainly did. Yes, John. So, go back to the original and it is not new. It is the Word.

Dr. Reagan: Great answers guys. I appreciate it. Alright next question: What specific prophecies must be fulfilled before the Rapture can occur? For example doesn’t the Gospel have to be preached to all the world first? Jesus said it is going to be preached to all the world and then I’ll come.

Tim Moore: Well, again I think that depends upon the meaning of then I’ll come. Some will quote that scripture but what Jesus is referring to is His Second Coming to earth. Not the Rapture. I think there is only one prophecy that was required to be fulfilled before the Rapture, when He comes again for the Church, and that was that the Messiah came the first time. And once He came the first time, fulfilling all the prophecies leading up to that event it set the stage for His return. Which is why even immediately after His death, burial and resurrection and ascension into Heaven, the Apostles were already looking for His soon return. That is the only prophecy that had to be fulfilled.

Nathan Jones: Well, think about what Jesus said too, He said, “I come like a thief.” You know be watchful. If you know the time that your family is going to show up at the door then you know to show up and wait for them. But no we don’t, we’re supposed to look, we are looking out the window, we are waiting. We don’t know what time He’s coming. Now, if Jesus is coming at the end of the Second Coming, the Rapture and the Second Coming are the same, then we’ve got seven years’ worth of signs. We’ve got 21 judgments that fall to the earth, massive earthquakes, global government, Antichrist rising, image worship, mark of the beast. I mean even with Daniel’s seventieth week which tells us that the Tribulation will last seven years, of 30 day months. We know to the day when Jesus Christ returns from when the Antichrist creates the treaty, Daniel 9, all the way ’til Jesus’ Second Coming. But the Rapture there are no signs before it. You don’t know when it is going to come. So, clearly I think the Bible, ironclad, I am 99.99% sure that the Rapture happens before the Tribulation, not during the Second Coming.

Tim Moore: I like what you said; still my trust is not in my own understanding. I have to build though on the point you just made about the Lord coming like a thief, because the passage people refer to there from 1 Thessalonians 5 does say He’ll come like a thief. And that destruction will come upon them suddenly and they will not escape. But it goes on to say, “But we who are His brethren and sister are not in darkness,” and therefore we need to be alert. We should recognize the approaching signs of His soon return, and should be alert and looking for that glorious day.

Nathan Jones: Amen.

Dr. Reagan: And when we see those signs that are pointing to the Tribulation and the Second Coming, we know that the Rapture is right around the corner.

Tim Moore: We certainly do.

Dr. Reagan: You know fellas it occurred to me recently, I was really thinking about this, that there probably is one prophecy that has to be fulfilled before the Rapture.

Nathan Jones: Well, this is a first he’s ever said this. I am really anxious to hear what you got to say.

Dr. Reagan: The Bible says it’s not going to occur until the last Gentile is brought in. But it is one that we can’t recognize.

Tim Moore: That’s exactly true.

Dr. Reagan: We don’t know when that happens. Only God knows. But when the last—when He has ordained for the last Gentile to be brought in.

Nathan Jones: That brings up what you said about does the Gospel have to be preached to all the nations? We hear that all the time. You know the Gospel has to be preached to all the nations first, then the Rapture. But that’s not true because during the Tribulation the Lord provides two witnesses, 144,000 Jewish evangelists, an angel, an angel, the Gospel Angel.

Dr. Reagan: Yeah, he’s talking about the Second Coming there.

Nathan Jones: He’s talking about the Second Coming not the Rapture.

Dr. Reagan: And that will not be fulfilled until the end of the Tribulation when the Gospel Angel goes forth all over the world and preaches the Gospel. God gives everybody one last chance to repent.

Nathan Jones: Amen.

Tim Moore: I love the passage in Genesis that jumped out to me in 18:14 where promising to Abram that he would have a son the Lord says, “At the appointed time I will return to you.” And to me that is not only a promise made to Abram, but really that goes down through the centuries to us today. At the appointed time He will return for us.

Dr. Reagan: Well, let’s move on to another question here: Aren’t you guys who believe in a Pre-Trib Rapture just a bunch of escapists who are afraid of suffering during the Tribulation?

Nathan Jones: Well, we should stay in the Tribulation and suffer to prove that we are real Christians.

Tim Moore: Ah, need some more suffering here.

Dr. Reagan: Didn’t Jesus say that we were to pray to escape?

Nathan Jones: Yes.

Tim Moore: Yes, He did.

Nathan Jones: I think we get confused because we look at the word tribulation in the Bible and it is little “t” it means, yeah, we will suffer at the hands of man, as a follower of Jesus Christ we will suffer.

Dr. Reagan: Says we will point blank.

Nathan Jones: But we’re not talking about little suffering, we are talking about a time period that capital “T” the Tribulation.

Dr. Reagan: The Tribulation.

Nathan Jones: Like the Flood was God’s wrath, the Tribulation is God’s wrath.

Tim Moore: I think there are many examples where He does say, as you said, “Pray to escape the wrath that is to come.” The passage I just read in 1 Thessalonians 5 talks about we are not destined for destruction, and to be unable to escape as those who are in darkness, we are sons of light, and of day. Other passages the example of Noah, the example of Lot; God has demonstrated that before destruction falls, before He pours out judgment, He takes those who are His, who are credited with righteousness out so that they do not suffer that fate.

Dr. Reagan: Well we only have about a minute and a half left, so let’s get to the last question. And it’s one we need a lot of time on but you’re just going to have to give quick answers.

Nathan Jones: Yes, sir.

Tim Moore: Okay.

Dr. Reagan: I’ve heard people say that if you have heard the Gospel before the Tribulation and have rejected it you’ll have no hope of responding to it during the Tribulation. Now what do you all think? Very controversial point.

Tim Moore: I think that there is a difference of perspective here. And we may even disagree among the three of us. I know that it will be very difficult. A person who has hardened their heart to the Gospel before the Rapture, why would their heart be softened after the Rapture?

Dr. Reagan: Knowing that they’re probably going to be killed immediately.

Tim Moore: Knowing that they’re probably going to be killed immediately. But I chalk this up to what Ezekiel had to say when the Lord asked, “Can these bones live?” And my answer to this question is, oh Lord you know. Only God knows because His Spirit will still be at work, and will still touch the hearts of individuals. And so, only God knows. And I will leave it into His discretion.

Nathan Jones: Second Thessalonians 2 seems to indicate that people who have heard the Gospel before the Rapture have no chance of being saved. But, like you said we read about millions, and millions of people who will be saved during the Tribulation, so we know the Gospel will spread during that time.

Tim Moore: Yes, we do.

Dr. Reagan: Well, those are wonderful answers. And in just a moment we are going to come back and I’m going to ask you all to talk about what is the impact of this message for believers and unbelievers? Okay.

Tim Moore: Ah, very important.

Dr. Reagan: We will be back in just a moment.

Part 3

Nathan Jones: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our discussion about the Rapture. Okay, Dave you said you had a big question to ask us. I’m dying to hear what it is.

Dr. Reagan: Alright, this is the most important question of all: How should people prepare for the Rapture? And when I ask that I’m thinking about both believers and unbelievers. Let’s go with you first, unbelievers.

Nathan Jones: That’s an excellent question. Alright, if you are an unbeliever, in other words you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior. You haven’t repented of your sins and turned to Him. What are you waiting for? You know that the Tribulation is coming. You know even if you die that Hell awaits you. So, to be saved Jesus died on the cross for your sins. He took that punishment onto Himself. And when you accept that in faith and repentance you can be saved. Pray from your heart something like: Dear Jesus, please forgive me of my sins and be my Lord and Savior. And He’ll do just that. Your sins will be forgiven. The guilt will be gone. And you will inherit eternal life in Heaven.

Tim Moore: Very true.

Dr. Reagan: Thank you very much. And Tim, how about you speaking to believers?

Tim Moore: Well, I think it is very important for believers to understand that the time is short. So, we have to be serious about living for the Lord today. That means living holy lifestyles, and being urgent in evangelism. We don’t have the promise of even another day. So, we need to be ready for Him looking for our Blessed Hope. This is proven in Titus where he says, “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.” The Lord Himself in Luke 21:28 made the same point that we should be living looking for His soon return; straightening up if you will. And finally I’ll point out in Mark 13:33 He said, Jesus Christ, “Take heed, keep on the alert for you do not know when the appointed time will come.” But as He promised Abram there has been an appointed time set. It is for us to be looking for Him, and living right now for Jesus Christ each and every day.

Dr. Reagan: Thank you very much. Those were two very good answers. I think that on your point if a person ever would truly believe, not in the head, but in the heart, that Jesus is coming back, and number two that could happen any moment it just motivates people to holiness, and to evangelism. And on your point I think that we just need to emphasize the fact that there’s not anything people can do to earn salvation, because Satan’s greatest trick that he’s pulled on people throughout history is to try to convince them that they have to earn their salvation. You got to work. You got to earn it. And the Bible says that’s just not true.

Nathan Jones: Jesus did the only work that matters, the saving work on the cross.

Dr. Reagan: Yes, one of my favorite pastors Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas often says, “Every religion in the world except Christianity is spelled, D-O, do. Only Christianity is spelled done; it was all done for us on the cross, and Jesus said, “It is finished.” Well, folks that’s our program for this week. I hope it’s been a blessing to you, and I hope the Lord willing you’ll be back with us next week. Until then this is Dave Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries saying, “Look up, be watchful, for our redemption is drawing near.”