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David Reagan - Cahn on the Book of Mysteries

David Reagan - Cahn on the Book of Mysteries
TOPICS: Mysteries

Our special guest today on Christ in Prophecy is Jonathan Cahn, the Messianic Jewish best-selling author whose newest book is a spiritual phenomenon. Stay tuned for his insights concerning some of the most fascinating mysteries to be found in the Scriptures.

Dr. Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. My colleague, Nathan Jones, and I have a very, very special guest in the studio with us today he is Jonathan Cahn the best-selling author of “The Harbinger.” Welcome to our program Jonathan.

Jonathan Cahn: Great to be here, Dave, always.

Dr. Reagan: Yes, Sir.

Nathan Jones: Good to have you on Sir.

Jonathan Cahn: Good to be here, Nathan.

Nathan Jones: Good to have you on. Well Jonathan is the spiritual leader of Beth Israel at the Jerusalem Center in Wayne, New Jersey. In one of the issues of our magazine in 2013 we featured Jonathan on the cover as one of the prophetic voices God has appointed to warn our nation of impending judgment. Jonathan, today we want to interview you on your newest book, “The Book of Mysteries.”

Dr. Reagan: And Nathan, before we get into the content of the book. I’d just like to make a few general comments about it. You know folks, I have a way of reading books, and I don’t know how unusual it is but I first of all am a compulsive under liner, as you can see here. The other thing I do is that I always make notes in the back of the book of things that are important, like a quote, like some logical thing that is very profound, some spiritual insight. And in a book this size I usually have 15 notes, maximum. Look what I did. I have 20 notes here. 20 more here. 20 more there, and then I ran out of space. So, at that point I turned over to the front of the book and I had 20 more, and 20 more, and then look I’m still going. I have another 20 on this page. Then I ran out of space so I go over a few pages, and I finally have another 20. 140 notes on this book that is how profound it was. Jonathan, I’m not kidding this is the most profound spiritual book I have read since 50 years ago when I was introduced to the writings of C.S. Lewis. It blessed me that much. This is written to be a daily devotional book. And you have you know each page says day, 199. It was sent to me by a friend, a wonderful friend in mid-December.

Jonathan Cahn: OK.

Dr. Reagan: I finished reading it in mid-January because each morning instead of reading 1 page, I read 5-10 pages because I couldn’t wait to see what was on the next page.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, people are telling me that. It is as a devotional but it also can be read straight thru—and some people—and it can be read at any mystery you want, but some people are like that Dave. Some people are saying I can’t, it’s so much I can’t do more than one. And others are saying that I can’t wait until the next one. So some are reading it thru and they said I did it thru and now I am going to do it day-by-day. You know, but yeah, but I’m blessed.

Dr. Reagan: Well, I just want to thank you for a great spiritual blessing.

Jonathan Cahn: Thank you, Dave.

Dr. Reagan: It really is a profound spiritual blessing.

Jonathan Cahn: Thank you.

Dr. Reagan: And I’m recommending it to everyone.

Jonathan Cahn: Thank you. I am very blessed by what we are hearing all over. And also people are also giving it to their unsaved friends and people are getting saved. So, that is my greatest joy.

Nathan Jones: Praise the Lord.

Dr. Reagan: One of the things that is most interesting about me is that most of these mysteries, not all of them, but most of them relate to a Hebrew understanding of the Scriptures. What Hebrew words mean, and Hebrew culture, and you can’t really understand Scripture in its greatest unless you know something about it.

Jonathan Cahn: No, that is the original context. And so, for 2,000 years much of that context has been out of there and so much is missing. And I think it is prophetic Dave, because God is bringing Israel back. He is bringing Jewish Believers back with Gentile Believers. And He’s bringing it back, that is what is about.

Dr. Reagan: Amen.

Nathan Jones: Praise the Lord. I took this Hebrew group I joined because I wanted to learn a little Hebrew.

Jonathan Cahn: OK.

Nathan Jones: And it amazed me how the Jewish meaning of words brought so much more meaning to an understanding. I think in our English version we are missing out so much. Like nation means spirit, the spirit of Israel, not the nation of Israel. So, let’s get into this then, there’s 365 days. I’m going to actually jump up to 331. This is 2017 it is a big year for Jerusalem obviously, it is 50 years since the Six Day War.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Nathan Jones: And you have here on day 331 the Jubilee Man, how is he related to the reoccupation of Jerusalem?

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, well the Jubilee of course was given to Israel this is the time of restoration of what you lost, your ancestral home, you lost it. Well it’s an interesting thing because in 1917 the Jewish people were given the Balfour Declaration that said you have the land of Israel. Fifty years later that is the restoration of what they lost. Fifty years later in ’67, June 7th comes the restoration of Jerusalem, so this is Jubilee.

Nathan Jones: Fifty, and fifty.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, and what happens is they—what happens when the soldiers got to the wall the first thing they did, was done is they sounded the shofar, one man sounded the shofar. Well what do you do during Jubilee? You sound the shofar. Not that they knew what they were doing but he sounded the shofar. It was a rabbi. And the rabbi’s name was Rabbi Goren. Rabbi Goren was not only sounding a Jubilee but it was his, he was 50 years old, and he was born in 1917. So here the one who is sounding the Jubilee is one. And now it always reverts to the original owner, Jubilee. Well the original purchase was done by David. And what was the Temple Mount? It was a threshing floor. In Hebrew it wasn’t a threshing floor it was a goren. And what was it his name was Rabbi Goren, Rabbi Threshing Floor sounding the restoration of the threshing floor. I mean God is amazing.

Nathan Jones: That is absolutely amazing.

Jonathan Cahn: Absolutely.

Nathan Jones: And he is the Jubilee Man?

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, born on Jubilee.

Dr. Reagan: And then what he said after that is really profound, because he said something to the extent of “I proclaim to you the beginning of the Messianic Age,” or something of that nature.

Jonathan Cahn: He changed the prayer. He was supposed to pray for the mourning, and he announced the restoration of Jerusalem is amazing. He actually felt for years that this was going to happen.

Dr. Reagan: Oh, yes. And he understood from Old Testament prophecies that when the Jew are back in the land and back in the city the Messiah is going to come.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah. It goes back to Messiah, He said, “You will not see me again until you say ‘Baruch haba'” Where? In Jerusalem.

Dr. Reagan: In Jerusalem.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: OK, well let’s just pause here for a moment, and we are going to come back and really jump into this book.

Jonathan Cahn: Cool.

Dr. Reagan: OK.

Part 2

Nathan Jones: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our interview with Jonathan Cahn about his newest book, “The Book of Mysteries.” Now Jonathan I like anything that has to do with how movies are made. I like the Easter eggs. I watch the Easter eggs special. And I like to see what the directors have hidden inside a movie. And with this book you have shown what God has hidden inside the Bible because we lose so much in the English translation. Do you feel that is your contribution to Christian literature? Or would you say there is something more you were trying?

Jonathan Cahn: Well I believe there is no end to the mysteries of God. There is no end. And that is one of the things. And this is “The Book of Mysteries” is kind of beyond genres because it is on one hand a devotional, and on the other hand it is revealing of mysteries. And on the other hand there is a story behind it where a guy goes into the desert and for the whole year the teacher is revealing everyday so you are taken on a journey. So, it doesn’t really go into anything. But it is the revealing of mysteries there is no end to God, there is no end to that. And I will say Passover eggs.

Nathan Jones: Passover eggs, ok, not Easter eggs.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, it’s ok.

Dr. Reagan: You know I really look forward to, one of the things I know that is going to happen in Heaven and that is to have like someone like the Apostle John teaching the book of John.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Dr. Reagan: And I’m sitting there saying, “I never saw that. I never saw that. I never saw that!”

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah. Sometimes I am reading the Bible and I says, “Lord, when did you put that in there? How did you put that in?” There is no end. There’s no end.

Dr. Reagan: You make a very interesting comment in your book. You say, “The children of Israel have followed their King Messiah Yeshua.” How can you say that in light of their rejection of Him?

Jonathan Cahn: It’s in light of the rejection. People say well how can they be following it? Well a people always follows it king. Look at it I mean here’s a mystery; Jesus Messiah, the King of Israel He was despised, He was rejected. What happened to the Jewish people after that? They were despised and rejected of nations. He was exiled from His people. They’ve been exiled from the world. He was made a scapegoat and falsely accused. Well the Jewish people have been falsely accused for 2,000 years. He was stripped of His possessions. The Jewish people were that. Led like a lamb to the slaughter. The Jewish people that is Jewish history. Then actually He was crucified. And when you look at the Jewish people sometimes when they talk about the history, Holocaust they were literally crucified. And then He rose from the dead. And what happened to Israel after this crucifixion?

Dr. Reagan: They were rising from the dead.

Jonathan Cahn: They rose from the dead. You know His was on the third day. There’s was on the third year, but absolutely. Even when they don’t follow they still must follow their King.

Dr. Reagan: Wow.

Nathan Jones: Amen.

Dr. Reagan: Following Him in type.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Dr. Reagan: Symbolic type. Well you know you mentioned, Nathan was talking about Hebrew words and all, and you mentioned the name of Jerusalem which in Hebrew is “Yerushalaim.”

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Dr. Reagan: And you said it’s plural.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: So, every time you say it you are saying Jerusalems.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s exactly it. You never say Jerusalem.

Dr. Reagan: Well why?

Jonathan Cahn: Well not only is it plural, there are mysteries in the Bible where these plurals occur and everyone is filled with a deep meaning. There is no accident in the Bible. Jerusalem as Yerushalaim is not just plural it means literally it is -aim means the two Jerusalems. So it means there is always two Jerusalems. There’s the Jerusalem you see, and the Jerusalem you don’t see. There is the Jerusalem of the earth. The Jerusalem of Heaven. There is the Jerusalem that is now, and the Jerusalem that is yet to come. There is always more. When you go to Jerusalem and this is practical, you go to Jerusalem and what you are looking at is a bunch of rocks, but they say there is something more here. There is something more here. And that is true with our lives we are children of Jerusalem. There is something, whatever you think your life is its more.

Dr. Reagan: Well, I’m looking for that New Jerusalem. Oh, I can hardly wait.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes, yes, we’ll meet there.

Nathan Jones: Praise the Lord.

Dr. Reagan: Yeah, ok, well the first time I meet you when you were on our program the first time I discovered you had a great sense of humor. Great sense. And particularly when you deal with you critics, you always deal with them in humor.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s right, you have to.

Dr. Reagan: And I think that kind of just—they don’t know what to do.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes, that’s right.

Dr. Reagan: But anyway in one of your presentations in here the essay titled, “The Mystery Bread.” As I read it I thought, “Man alive, this would be great for Bud Abbott and Lou Costello.” Now I’m sure there’s people who are watching you don’t even know who Bud Abbott and Lou Costello were. But they were one of the funniest comedy teams in the history of Hollywood, and they were known for their tremendous piece called, “Who’s on Second.” Well, you present something like that between the teacher and the student.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: And I want us to read it here.

Jonathan Cahn: This is a first my friends. First on Christian television. OK.

Dr. Reagan: OK.

Jonathan Cahn: Alright. The teacher says, ok, “Do you know the meaning of manna?”

Dr. Reagan: No, what is it?

Jonathan Cahn: Exactly.

Dr. Reagan: Exactly, what?

Jonathan Cahn: Exactly what. That’s what it is.

Dr. Reagan: Exactly what is what it is?

Jonathan Cahn: Right again. What is it is what it is.

Dr. Reagan: At this point, I have no idea what you’re talking about!

Jonathan Cahn: Oh, wait a second! The first time its read.

Dr. Reagan: Explain what that means. What?

Jonathan Cahn: Yes. Well, manna, everyone knows manna, manna is the word, manna you know comes down and heaven and it is linked to the Word of God. Well, manna in Hebrew isn’t manna it is mánna, mánna is a question. Mánna means what is it? So every time you say manna, you are saying what is it? What is it? Exactly what we just did is exactly it. And here is the spiritual thing. Whenever you take the Word of God you can’t just take it like hey I know it, I’ve heard that before. You have to say: What is it Lord? You have to read the Word of God as if it is the first time, you have no idea, and God will reveal what it is.

Nathan Jones: Wow, absolutely stunning.

Dr. Reagan: Well you know talking about these plurals let’s go back to another plural because those are fascinating to me. And the one that I want to—it is in Isaiah 53 where it says, “The Messiah made His grave with the wicked and with the rich man in His death.” But in Hebrew it says, “His deaths” plural.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s right. That’s right. People don’t realize that. In the Hebrew it never says death. It says deaths, what does that mean? When the Hebrew does that what it means, it’s not just there but in other places, when it does that it is doing two things. Number one it is telling you that the reality behind that word is so awesome that the word cannot contain it. So, when you have a plural when it should be a singular, the death, it saying that what He did on the cross is so awesome, and beyond our comprehension the word death cannot contain it. And number two it also means literally His deaths, why? He didn’t die His death, He died our deaths. And so our death is in that Hebrew word. The death of our old life is in that Hebrew word. It’s over. It’s done. It’s in that Hebrew word.

Dr. Reagan: He did. He did that on the cross.

Jonathan Cahn: It’s amazing. That’s right. And it’s all there in the Hebrew.

Dr. Reagan: Well I want to continue with these plurals because they are absolutely fascinating.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes, I love them too. Yes.

Dr. Reagan: The very first verse of the Bible “In the beginning, Elohim.”

Jonathan Cahn: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: That’s plural.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes it is plural.

Dr. Reagan: Gods created.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes. Yeah, it doesn’t make sense in English because it is literally saying Gods created, or God creates. Yeah. Elohim the very first word for God literally is in other places in the Bible it is translated as Gods but it’s clearly God. What’s it telling you? Same thing, it is telling you that—the Hebrew is telling you the word God cannot get it. The word. Whatever you think God is, what it’s telling you is He is more than that. Whatever you think you know of God, we don’t know the half of God. We don’t even know the third of God. Whatever we know.

Dr. Reagan: Well, that’s true.

Jonathan Cahn: If Paul could say, “That I might know Him.” We still have to know Him. So, what it is saying there is no end to God and what you, we have to seek Him every day because He is Elohim. There is more, and more and more. However good you think He is, He’s better.

Dr. Reagan: Well let me ask you something about that. Do you think that at least implies the concept of Trinity?

Jonathan Cahn: Yes, I do. I do. I do. That’s I think it says, let us create. Yes, I do. Yes, I do. And there’s mysteries in here about the Trinity or the triunity of God is in there as well. Yes, absolutely.

Dr. Reagan: And is that something that you point out to for example to Jewish non-believers?

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. From the very beginning it’s there. You cannot do it. From the very beginning. I mean yeah, absolutely there is so much to that. There is something in there I won’t go into details, something called the mystery of the triunity of God which is linked to even love is a triunity and God is love as well. He must be three in one.

Nathan Jones: Well speaking of threes.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Nathan Jones: Tell us about the mystery of the triangles.

Jonathan Cahn: OK. The teacher takes the disciple into the desert and starts writing in the sand and he draws this triangle. And he tells a mystery here. You all know about Passover. We know in Egypt they had to put blood on the door post. They put one of the top, one on the side, one on the other side. Put it together it forms a triangle facing up from man to God. Now, over 1,000 years later God answer him, what happens? God takes the lamb, also on beams and also puts three marks of blood on the beams. One. One here. One here. One here. Forms a triangle facing down from God to man. God answering as the Lamb of God, on the same day Passover. Put them together and what do you have? The Star of David.

Dr. Reagan: Star of David.

Jonathan Cahn: The Star of David. A cosmic star of David over 1,000 years. That’s God.

Dr. Reagan: You know what word I used over and over as I was reading this? I would use the word, wow. Wow!

Nathan Jones: Yeah, wow.

Dr. Reagan: Wow!

Jonathan Cahn: I love the word wow. Yes.

Dr. Reagan: You make an interesting comment about the conversion of Paul. You say that when he was struck blind he was taken into Damascus and Ananias came, and it says the very first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was really something.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes. Yeah. Well we know that it was Ananias, but that is when people miss it without knowing the roots here. His real name wasn’t Ananias. His real name was Hananiah. Hananiah means the grace of God. So what was the first thing Paul saw when he got saved? The grace of God. What was it that took his blindness away? The grace of God. What was it that gave him the prophecy of his destiny? The grace of God. And that tells you no matter how old you are when the Lord calls you the first thing that we see—but it is our whole walk is the grace of God. Never get away from it. That’s everything. It is Hananiah.

Dr. Reagan: This is the reason I couldn’t put this book down. I mean it was I got to read the next page. I got to read the next page. I just kept going on and on.

Nathan Jones: I can’t figure out where we get our English names because the Hebrew names are so wildly different. That chapter on Ananias where do we get that out of whatever you just you said.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: Well first of all they are translated from Hebrew into Greek, and then Greek into English.

Jonathan Cahn: Greek into English.

Nathan Jones: Is that where we get the leak?

Jonathan Cahn: And there is so much there that’s lost. And so much amazing stuff.

Dr. Reagan: Well let’s go to one of the most mysterious thing in all of the Hebrew Scriptures. That people just always, what is going on here? And that’s where they’re bitten by the snakes in the wilderness. And Moses is told to take an image of a snake and put it on a pole. And if they will look up at the snake they’ll be healed.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes. Yeah. It’s called in Hebrew the nehushtan that is what that thing was called, the brazen serpent. Well think about that. Here just put it together. They are bitten by a snake, and then they were healed by looking at an image of a snake. It is kind of weird. But that’s salvation. Messiah links Himself to that snake. Meaning that He comes, here’s Messiah coming in the image of sin like a snake, but He’s not sin. And yet to undo sin. And what it’s saying is that God, you know this Dave, in math or in logic when is a negative a positive? When it’s a double negative. God our whole redemption is a double negative. He came in the image of sin to destroy the effects of sin. He put a death to death. He took captivity, captive. That is a double negative. Our whole salvation. Him on the cross is a double negative; it is Him as sin, and yet it saves us from sin. He is the nehushtan. He is the thing we look at and we are healed from all the bite of the serpent in our life.

Nathan Jones: Praise the Lord.

Dr. Reagan: Well I want to go to one that was really jolting to me.

Jonathan Cahn: OK.

Nathan Jones: Yes.

Dr. Reagan: Tell us about the Jewelry of the Electric Chair.

Jonathan Cahn: OK. Sounds weird. But it’s true. And to put this—you know sometimes because—

Dr. Reagan: Did you have some pizza that night and maybe have a dream or something?

Jonathan Cahn: No. No. But you know what’s it like sometimes we are on earth too long that we get used to things.

Dr. Reagan: That’s right.

Jonathan Cahn: Which we would not have seen if we came from another planet.

Dr. Reagan: That’s right.

Jonathan Cahn: Imagine we come to a planet. And on that planet everybody is wearing jewelry and the jewelry is of an electric chair. And they ornament it. They put up electric chairs as decorations and everything. You’d say, “This is weird.”

Dr. Reagan: Symbols on top of buildings.

Jonathan Cahn: On buildings of electric chairs. But that’s exactly how radical this is. If you come to earth the cross is our version of the electric chair. It is as radical as that. People are wearing execution snakes on this jewelry. That’s crazy radical! And what it tells you is how amazing, how amazing Messiah is. Only the Son of God could take an electric chair and make it a symbol of hope. That’s how awesome He is. That our whole faith is so radical as that. He turns away, he turns curses into blessings.

Dr. Reagan: What is the mystery of the Ninth of Av?

Nathan Jones: Yeah you hear about that all the time when it comes to Israel’s history.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD on the Hebrew day Ninth of Av. Messiah predicted it. Then but it was destroyed by the Romans on the same exact day that the Babylonians destroyed the First Temple centuries before. But it’s not just that. As you go through Jewish history you see the greatest calamities happen on the same day.

Nathan Jones: Always the same day?

Jonathan Cahn: The Jewish people are expelled from England Ninth of Av. France Ninth of Av. Spain Ninth of Av. Holocaust Ninth of Av. And so this whole thing, but I’ll tell you something else, I won’t go into the detail but there is something in there called the Tenth of Av redemption that on the next day God is always, when they lose a land that God is always giving them another land. He is always bringing redemption. Well, a number of centuries ago, the Jewish people are fleeing for their lives. They are going on ships because they lost their greatest refuge, which and it was Spain, it was 1492. On that same place, same harbors are three ships the Nina, the Pina, and the Santa Maria on the Tenth of Av they set sail to find America which is going to be the refuge that God is preparing for the Jewish people. Or even America is linked to the mystery of God.

Dr. Reagan: It reminds me of the fact that every time there’s been a major persecution of the Jews in history it’s turned into a holiday.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah.

Nathan Jones: Purim.

Jonathan Cahn: Right now. Purim, yeah. Yeah. Because that is absolutely right God always changes it, always turns it for good. Absolutely. Absolutely. As they say a Jewish holiday is, listen they wanted to kill us, we survived, now let’s eat.

Nathan Jones: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: Well let’s go back to Jewish names for a moment because it is so fascinating to know the meaning of these names. And one of the studies you had that really blessed my heart was about Elizabeth, about Mary visiting with Elizabeth and her husband.

Jonathan Cahn: Yes.

Dr. Reagan: And tell us about that and the meaning of those names. And how the names themselves are like a prophecy.

Jonathan Cahn: Yeah, exactly. Well, it’s really the first event of the New Testament Age is Zechariah the father of John is in the Temple. And the angel says, “You’re going to have a child.” Well this is their dreams. They’ve been dreaming. They couldn’t have it, they were barren, you know. And so he comes home and Elizabeth his wife bears a son. But there is a mystery behind it because, here first of all, keep it in mind this is the first event of the New Testament. So, it has been 400 years where people are saying, “Where is God? What is God? Has He forgotten? Has He forgotten us?” Well, Zechariah his real name is Zekharyah which means God has remembered.

Dr. Reagan: Oh.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s the word. And he marries, he just happened to marry this woman Elizabeth her name, and her name means, Elisheva, means the oath or the covenant of God. Put it together they get married, it becomes God has remembered the oath of God. His oath. And from this union comes John which is Yochanan which means and from this will be born the grace, the mercy of God. What is the New Testament? God has remembered His covenant and from this will come the grace of God.

Dr. Reagan: Wow.

Jonathan Cahn: And even Mary when she is talking to, when she says, “He has remembered His oath that He swore.” It is the same thing.

Dr. Reagan: What is the miracle of the scarlet cord?

Jonathan Cahn: Every time—we know this some of the mysteries in the “The Book of Mysteries” has the hidden writings of the Rabbi’s. Amazing stuff. The Rabbis record in the Talmud, they record that every year on Yom Kippur when the scape goat, when everything was finished there was a scarlet cord on the Temple that symbolized their sins would turn from scarlet to white, and they would recite Isaiah, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they will be as white as snow.” So it says it happened every year except all of a sudden something happened. There was a cosmic change. It stopped happening. And it says that as if God had changed everything. Had changed the entire system. When did this cosmic change take place? The Rabbis record the time. They said it was about 40 years before the Temple was destroyed. 70 AD minus 40 comes to about the year, they are pinpointing around 30 AD, around that time the Rabbi said there was a cosmic change as if the final sacrifice had been offered, 30 AD around that. That’s the time of Messiah, with the final sacrifice. Even the Rabbis are bearing witness of Messiah.

Dr. Reagan: And where do you find this witness is it in the Talmud?

Jonathan Cahn: It is in the Talmud, Yoma 39. And they say not only that, all over the Temple strange signs started happening at the time when Messiah did our atonement. It’s amazing. The Rabbis.

Dr. Reagan: As you think back on this book is there any particular devotional that you really appreciated.

Jonathan Cahn: You know, I can’t say one, except I’ll say something except that to me when I read it Dave, it’s as if I’m reading it and someone else wrote it because it came so fast.

Dr. Reagan: Yes.

Jonathan Cahn: It’s like someone else wrote it. So I’ll just tell you one thing here, and that is that you mentioned this and at one point the disciple is taken into this chamber of books. And the teacher says, “These old books.” It kind of look like this. It has the old pages. He says, “How long would it take you to really know this one book?” He said, “Well, maybe a month.” He said, “Well, how about this whole bookshelf?” He said, “Maybe a year.” “Well, how about this whole case?” He says, “A lifetime.” “Well, what about all these?” He said, “I could never do it.” And the teacher says, “And that is why, that is why you have eternity in Heaven, because eternity is the length of time it will take you to know God.”

Dr. Reagan: I’ve always taught that over, and over that we will be learning forever.

Jonathan Cahn: That’s right there is no end.

Dr. Reagan: Because you can never learn everything about Him.

Jonathan Cahn: There’s no end. And the biggest mistake people make, Christians make, “I’ve got it down. I know God so loved the world.”

Dr. Reagan: Oh, yeah.

Jonathan Cahn: But when you never stop seeking, God will never stop revealing and that’s what it is about.

Dr. Reagan: People are always saying to me, “I just don’t understand the Trinity.” I said, “Look if you could, you would...

Jonathan Cahn: You’d be God.

Dr. Reagan: would be God. I mean this is beyond our comprehension.”

Jonathan Cahn: That’s right.

Dr. Reagan: We can come up with all kinds of ways of trying to understand it but basically it is beyond our comprehension.

Jonathan Cahn: God is God. You know we don’t contain Him, He contains us.

Dr. Reagan: Yes. Oh, my. Well I saw on the Internet just the other day that you had—I don’t know if you released a press release or what but there was an interesting comment where you said that one of the most surprising things to happen in recent years was the election of Trump as president. And you said that you thought this was related to a mystery in the Bible that people needed to know about.

Jonathan Cahn: Oh, my goodness, I have to figure out which one that is.

Dr. Reagan: It had to do with a promise that God made to Abraham in the Bible, I will curse those who curse you, and bless those who bless you.

Jonathan Cahn: Oh, that’s it, OK, yes absolutely. Here’s the thing God said that. That is also in “The Book of Mysteries” the Abrahamic Covenant. It’s not just I will bless and curse. But it’s reciprocity.

Dr. Reagan: Yes.

Jonathan Cahn: As you do to Israel, will be done to you.

Dr. Reagan: Yes.

Jonathan Cahn: What happened a number years back, just about a year before our election Israel had an election. And what happened Netanyahu was running for reelection. Obama we know, it was in all the articles, intervened in the election.

Dr. Reagan: With money, and experts, and everything trying to defeat him.

Jonathan Cahn: Funds, and tried to defeat him, and tried to end his legacy. Well, whatever you do shall be done unto you. If you intervene in the election of Israel, God will intervene in your election, and he will end your legacy. You know Obama kept saying, “You know it’s the Russians.” Well, maybe Russians did something, but that didn’t do it. No, when you do this it is a something higher, it is a higher intervention and that election—this election was so crazy there was an intervention and it is the Abrahamic Covenant.

Part 3

Nathan Jones: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our interview with Jonathan Cahn about his newest book, “The Book of Mysteries.” Jonathan can you tell folks how they can get in touch with you?

Jonathan Cahn: Sure, the ministry I do is called Hope of the World, so on-line it is simply, and we will send you gifts, prophetic updates, all that. And so hopeoftheworld. And the other thing is if you want to get on Facebook, I don’t even know Facebook but Facebook Jonathan Cahn people are on there for updates and all that.

Dr. Reagan: So, you do have like a newsletter that you send?

Jonathan Cahn: Oh, yeah, we send out all the time of updates, prophecy and on the web, and we send a lot of free gifts out there.

Dr. Reagan: Thank you, Jonathan, for being with us.

Jonathan Cahn: Oh, yeah.

Dr. Reagan: Folks, that’s our program for this week. I hope that you will get a copy of his book. Our announcer will tell you how to do that. In the meantime hope you’ll be back next week, the Lord willing. Until then this is Dave Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries saying, “Look up, be watchful, for our redemption is drawing near.”