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David Reagan - Billy Crone on the Signs of the Times

David Reagan - Billy Crone on the Signs of the Times
TOPICS: Signs and Wonders, End times, Second Coming

We are very blessed to have as our special guest today Pastor Billy Crone from Las Vegas, Nevada. Pastor Crone is a very knowledgeable, articulate and passionate proclaimer of God’s Prophetic Word. In today’s program, he’ll be discussing his latest book, The Final Countdown which presents a survey of signs of the times that point to the fact that we are living in the season of the Lord’s return. Stay tuned.

Dr. Reagan: Greetings in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Hope, and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. My colleague, Nathan Jones, and I are delighted to have once again as our special guest today a wonderful Bible teacher who I am sure many of you are familiar with because he has become an internet sensation. His name is Billy Crone. Billy, welcome to Christ in Prophecy.

Billy Crone: Thank you, Dr. Reagan.

Nathan Jones: Great to have you on again, Billy.

Billy Crone: Great to be back.

Nathan Jones: Well, we have you on here to talk about your new book, The Final Countdown cue cool 80’s theme. And we want to know why you wrote it, and what it’s about?

Billy Crone: Well, part of it is as a pastor you’re supposed to teach the whole counsel of God’s Word, right? And the Bible deals almost one-third of it deals with prophecy, so at some point you have to hit it, right? And unfortunate the trend in the Church today is people aren’t. In fact there is a lie from the pit of Hell, and I’ll say that, that says that basically Bible prophecy is doom and gloom, it is bad for the Church. And yet, the irony is if you read the Bible Revelation 1 what does it say? It is not only a blessing for the Church, it is a triple fold blessing. Blessed are those who read, who hear, who take to heart the message contained within this book. And I think that the Church is frankly getting robbed. I think the Church instead of being doom and gloom it’s as it is something bad for you. It’s something good for you. They are getting robbed because when you study Bible prophecy, when you teach prophecy which is in the Bible and that is what you are supposed to do as a pastor. The church does not get reminded that this book came from God. And see, this crazy, the stat is the American Church, those professing Christians 50-52% they actually doubt that this book came from God. They would have the audacity–these are supposed to be Christians. They would say this book did not come from God, and or it has errors. Well, how in the world could Christians say something like that? Well, I got a theory and it goes like this: When you don’t preach prophecy Christian are not reminded that this book came from God, because that is what prophecy does, right? Because Old Testament, New Testament prophecy screams that this came from God.

Dr. Reagan: Only book in the world that has fulfilled prophecies.

Billy Crone: Right. Which means only God logically a supreme being who is above and beyond time can predict the future in great detail, which God does Old Testament, New Testament. And when you don’t teach it then no wonder Christians go, “Well, maybe it came from God, maybe it didn’t. Maybe its–” No! So, when you teach prophecy it reminds the Christian, no. Again about a third of the Bible, so if you want to play statistics about every third page basically through prophecy God is going, this came from Me. This came from Me. And on, and on it goes. When you don’t teach it Christians are not reminded, don’t doubt all of this came from God number one. Number two hey, I tell pastors this all the time, “Hey, you’ve got a congregation that’s worldly, that’s lazy, that’s apathetic they don’t have a heart for evangelism. Um, preach prophecy.” Because when you preach prophecy, which you’re supposed to anyway because it is in the Bible.

Nathan Jones: Yes.

Billy Crone: Then guess what? Christians we have a tendency to get lazy. We get worldly. When you preach prophecy it is a constant message, don’t live for this world. What does John say? In fact don’t just don’t live with this world, don’t live for this world, don’t love this world nor the things of this world. Why? Because it will seduce you away. The love of the Father is not in you. And also when you preach prophecy, and certainly with the Rapture which is imminent it has way of driving home the point, listen I ain’t got time to goof off. I don’t have time to procrastinate. Including not only my walk with Jesus, because He is going to come back and He is going to find me doing something, what am I doing? Right?

Dr. Reagan: In that regard you know I often ask preachers, pastors, why they don’t preach prophecy. And usually it is well it’s all pie in the sky. You don’t understand I’ve got to preach sermons that are relevant to the problems that these people are dealing with. I’ve got alcoholics. I’ve got drug addicts, and all this sort of thing. And this is all just pie in the sky. And the point I make to them is one you just touched on. The point I make is if you can ever convince your congregation of two things you’ll transform them. Number one Jesus really is coming back. The average Christian believes it here, but they don’t believe it there. And number two that’s an event that could occur at any moment. If you could convince them of that, you know what they’ll do? They’ll commit their lives to holiness, and to evangelism. And what more could you want from a congregation?

Billy Crone: Yeah, which is basic bare bones Christianity.

Dr. Reagan: And it is relevant to the here and now.

Billy Crone: Right. And it is missing in the Church today. And frankly it is also a message of hope. Nobody has a brighter future than us as Christians. Hello I don’t last time I checked Heaven is way better than here.

Nathan Jones: Yeah.

Billy Crone: And we get to come back and be part of the Millennial Kingdom where God renovates the planet. It is going to awesome, incredible. Ruling and reigning with Jesus. It is just whoa, I mean this is exciting stuff.

Nathan Jones: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: Whoa.

Nathan Jones: Jesus wins, so we as Christians win as well.

Billy Crone: Yeah, we aren’t the losers, we’re the winners.

Nathan Jones: We’re the winners, yeah.

Billy Crone: And we walk around though, one guy said, “Man, that’s not much of an advertisement for Jesus as Christians when you walk around it looks like you’re diet consists of pickles, and prunes, and lemons.” Where’s the joy? When I know that, listen, no matter what I go through here on earth, man nobody can take away my future. Nobody has a better, brighter future than Christians. But, you only get that when you are reminded and are taught prophecy. So, basically back to the book, that is why we did it. Number one you are supposed to do it as a pastor, you are supposed to teach all of the Bible, not some of it, number one. Number two to be a benefit to the church, but also, hello, to the lost. Right?

Dr. Reagan: Yes. I just want to read from the preface here because you start off with a very, very powerful statement.

Nathan Jones: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: And the statement says, “Unfortunately, in the Church today the study of prophecy has been forsaken under the assumption that one can’t really know for sure what it all means, and therefore we should refrain from teaching it. Yet, when you think about it this is actually a slap in the face of God, for a majority of the Holy Scriptures deal directly or indirectly with prophetic issues. Why would God put prophecy in the Bible if it wasn’t meant to be understood?”

Billy Crone: Yeah, He’s not looking for a filler. You know, come on. He’s got it in there for a reason. All His Word is good for us, and ain’t just parts of it. It’s all good for us. So, how dare could we as Christians, and that’s why I say it, I believe this is a lie from the pit of Hell.

Dr. Reagan: Yeah.

Nathan Jones: Oh, yeah.

Billy Crone: It is deliberately to keep Christians, people, our world in the dark. This is the only book on the planet that reveals the future completely, accurately, 100% you don’t have to question. And it is also the only book on the planet teaching prophecy that tells us in minute detail what the Antichrist is going to do. What’s coming down the pike, how not fall for it and how to avoid it. And most importantly how to escape it through Jesus Christ.

Dr. Reagan: Ok, so what is the focus of this book?

Billy Crone: Well, we basically took in volume 1 the first 5 out of 10, what I call the big ones, the big guns, the big signs. How do you know we’re living in the last days? Now, we don’t know the exact day nor the hour. I don’t care how nifty you are with the calculator. I don’t care how many times you stare at a constellation. You don’t know. Nobody knows. The Bible is clear about that so don’t set dates. But, God loves us and He does give us clear signs that we can know the season when it’s getting close. And towards that hence the title, The Final Countdown. How do we know that we are getting close to the next prophetic event on the calendar and that is the rapture of the Church, and then shortly after that the seven year Tribulation? And so, we start off with the first five. We certainly deal with the Jewish people. Then we go to modern technology. Then we go to worldwide upheaval, which is basically the world is falling apart with wars, and rumors of wars, and famines, and pestilence, and earthquakes, and signs in the sky.

Nathan Jones: Ok, you said this book was all about victory and happiness, but man you’re listing here some pretty scary stuff here. So, is it always darkest before the dawn? Is that what you are saying?

Billy Crone: Well, there is that too, but often times I’ll say this Nathan, I’ll say–Christian, “I don’t want to hear that stuff. I don’t want to hear that you know.–

Nathan Jones: You’ve got falsehood and wickedness rising.

Billy Crone: I don’t want to talk about that. I had one lady, I kid you not, with all due respect she came up one time after a service I got to preach. She goes, “Don’t you realize I didn’t come here for this.” I didn’t say it but in my mind, I said, “Don’t you realize the whole service doesn’t revolve around you.” It just. Listen we are here for the Word of God. It is all good for us. Right?

Nathan Jones: Yeah, all of it.

Billy Crone: But when people freak out about Bible prophecy, no, I don’t want to hear this. It is like you listen it is like a frame, you need to reframe it and you got it in the wrong frame, because the world, the enemy whoever has got them put Bible prophecy around this bad frame, doom and gloom, prophecy bad, boo. I don’t want to hear this. No, no, that is not what God says this is all good stuff because every time you hear a message about some of these signs coming to pass, Israel, modern technology, even fast forward to one world government, Big Brother issues. Yeah they are kind of concerning, but guess what it is? All those are framed into the proper perspective, Hey, wait a second. That’s a reminder that Jesus is coming back.

Nathan Jones: Yes.

Billy Crone: And so, every time when you hear something on the news related to prophecy that is showing us getting close, and if you’re freaked out about it put it in a different frame. The proper frame, the biblical frame and that is hey, thank you. You know I almost went today without thinking about the Lord’s return. And so because of this prophetic issue I saw in the news, hey thank you, thank you for that reminder Jesus could come back today. I almost lost my joy, I’m excited again. Oh, what’s that? Oh, later in the day, two hours later I heard about this aspect on the news about this with modern technology. Well, it is concerning, but hey, I put it in the proper frame, that is two reminders in one day, don’t forget the Lord’s coming back it could be today. Again, which is what? The best news you could ever hear.

Nathan Jones: Oh, we get the 30,000 foot view with the Bible. We can see God’s overall plan and how the terrors of today actually fit into the bigger picture. And to me the Bible, especially with all its proleptic statements; the fact that future prophecy is spoken in past tense. To me the Bible is God’s victory documentary. He’s already done it. He’s already accomplished everything He’s planned to accomplish. He is victorious and then He goes back into time and records parts of the Bible, so, we know how it ends before it begins. And that gets me excited all the time. I’m happy when I read the Bible.

Billy Crone: And it drives home the point too that hey, God’s never not on the throne. God is in control at all times.

Nathan Jones: Amen.

Billy Crone: God is sovereign. And if God is sovereign not just in the past but He’s sovereign in the future, don’t you think He can handle your today? Right? And that is an encouraging word.

Dr. Reagan: Billy, you mentioned ten of the big signs. And one of them that you mentioned is the rise of falsehood.

Billy Crone: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: What in the world is that all about?

Billy Crone: Oh, yeah. Well, Jesus Matthew 24 the first thing out of His mouth before He talks about wars, rumors of wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilence, all this stuff. The first thing out of His mouth, He says, “Listen, watch out.” When His disciples said, “How do we know it is getting close?”

Dr. Reagan: It is the only sign He repeats.

Billy Crone: Right.

Dr. Reagan: Three times.

Billy Crone: Yeah, exactly. He says, “Watch out that no one deceives you.” Then He goes, “There are going to be false Christ. There is going to be false prophets, false teachers, all that stuff.” So, that is what the whole chapter is all about, is you can bank on it. In fact false Christ they are all over the place.

Dr. Reagan: Yeah, one of the things that really impressed me in reading this book is that in each chapter when you talk about a particular sign you give all the biblical references for that. Plus you give modern day news references that are documented in detail showing that these are things that are developing right now, in trends that are going on right now.

Billy Crone: Exactly. And that put kind of that–

Dr. Reagan: You did a lot of research on this.

Billy Crone: Yeah. You know pastors we sit around drinking ice tea and stare at the walls all day.

Nathan Jones: Stare out the window.

Billy Crone: Had to do something.

Nathan Jones: There is so much Bible prophecy out there you get to like near 300 pages, like well I guess I better do a second book, right? Volume 2, and volume 3.

Billy Crone: Yeah, well, and we’ll see how far it goes. We’re just getting started. But you’re absolutely right. Now, I did that one I call it for the skeptic effect, right? Because this is current events. This is what is going on. With the book and you can also get it on video as well. In the video the benefit you have with the video version it is not just here’s what the UN said, you’ll see the actual video clip. Here’s what you know this leader in Russia said. No, you see the actual news clip so you get that benefit too. But certainly it is current events. It’s not here’s what the Bible says, it is like ok, and here’s what going on today, right now today in fulfillment of that. You mentioned the false Christs. They are all over the planet in every sector. You know we just go right down the list with that. You know of course one of the big ones that’s been around for a long time he’s recently passed, and probably unfortunately he knows better. Sun Myung Moon.

Dr. Reagan: Yes.

Billy Crone: And he claimed to be the Messiah. And you know what is freaky? Talking about stuff that is going on in the Senate. Actually record this and this is secular information it is not just for him to claim that he was the Messiah. He even said that Jesus follows Him if you can believe that. But in one of own Senate buildings here in the United States they actually had a celebratory crowning him as the Messiah in a Senate building.

Dr. Reagan: When I first heard that I couldn’t believe it, but I found it on the internet and saw it.

Billy Crone: It’s there, and secular information. It is not hey you got that from No, this is actual information. And then not just that but they are literally all over the place. These guys claiming to be Jesus are popping up all over the planet, just like Jesus warned about. You got Jesus from Siberia, that is Russia’s version going around. People say this, “And when I was in it–” because of course he is dressed like Jesus. He’s got the, you know if must be Jesus. And they say, “Well, I was in his presence and I felt this tingling, this electrical shock.”

Dr. Reagan: I think someone said that of Obama one time.

Nathan Jones: Chris Matthews, yeah.

Billy Crone: Well, get your finger away from the electrical socket or something, because that’s not Jesus. Right? And then even in Pennsylvania this one was crazy I couldn’t believe this one, it’s a guy going around Pennsylvania claiming to be Jesus. He is wearing this, you know, got the Jesus look if you will. And his name is What’s Your Name. No. No. No. That’s not the half of it Dr. Reagan.

Nathan Jones: That is like reality winner.

Billy Crone: You know they go, “What’s Your Name?” What do you mean what’s your name? You know why it’s What’s Your Name? Because every time they ask them what’s your name? He says, “What’s Your Name.” So it is like, I call it the annoying version of the Messiah. But then there is that guy and there is AJ Miller, he’s traipses around, he was even in Dallas here at a conference. And he’s got his girlfriend with him who is supposed to be Mary Magdalene. And these people are paying. He is traveling all the world claiming to be Jesus. That is Australia’s, AJ Miller is his name. There is another guy from England, Shaylor and he is a former British Secret Service Agent MI5 guy. And he is into all kinds of, obviously not Jesus of course, but he even says he’s got supernatural power and he’s able to use his powers to change the results of football games, and things of that nature. No–

Nathan Jones: He is using his power wisely.

Billy Crone: I know. And this is him not me, he says, “But I’ve learned that it doesn’t work so well when you’re drunk.” And you’re going? How can that be?

Dr. Reagan: We are going to have to take a break on that point.

Part 2

Nathan Jones: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our interview with Pastor Billy Crone about the countdown to our Lord’s return. Hey, Billy could you tell our folks how they can get in touch with your ministries, and where they can order your fantastic book?

Billy Crone: Yeah, you can check us out at our teaching ministry Get A Life Ministries. Our website is Or if you happen to be in the Las Vegas area and want to attend services Sunrise Baptist Church website is

Dr. Reagan: Ok. And they can order your book? They can order the DVD’s through there?

Billy Crone: Yes.

Dr. Reagan: You have a newsletter that you send out?

Billy Crone: Yeah, they could subscribe there on the front page And again you can just it is all automated. You can get the book. You can get the DVDs. Bunch of other stuff.

Dr. Reagan: Well let’s get back to the signs of the times for a moment. What is there any one particular sign that you consider more important than the others?

Billy Crone: Well, it is kind of hard to pick. I mean it used to be back in the day where you’d have this one major event that was going on in the world, you’d go aha. You know that is something very significant with the one world government or something like that. And then you’d have a lull and then something else would happen. It is like oh, ok, earthquake over here, and so worldwide upheaval. I don’t know about you but I can’t even keep up with it, there are so many things going on all the same time, in all the signs, all the classic signs that it is just like its every day, and it’s not just one it’s all of them converging all at the same time. However, I think one of the big classic ones, and that of course what we start off with in the “Final Countdown” book and the videos is the Jewish people. And that is only common sense I think really because you can’t have that final week, Daniel’s Seventieth week without the Jewish people.

Dr. Reagan: Well, it focuses on them.

Billy Crone: Well, it focuses on them. That is why the Church is not there, because it is not about the Church it is about the Jewish people. It is Jacob’s Trouble, not the Church’s trouble. And it is that final week from Daniel, right? Which is the Jewish people that is where the seven year Tribulation comes from and God pours out His wrath of course on the Gentile nations. The Church is not a part of that. So, in order for the seven year Tribulation to even that final week to come to pass the Jewish people have to be in existence. Well, that’s the problem, it was the problem; after 70 AD after the destruction of the Jewish Temple they got scattered all over the world. Well guess what? Just like the Bible prophesied they would return to the land. And they didn’t just return to the land they returned in the exact order historically that the Bible, Isaiah prophesied, from the east, the west, the north and the south. And then they didn’t just return to the land they became a nation again, and not just a nation again that was one prophecy, another prophecy says they’d become a nation in one day. And that is exactly how it went down, May 14th, 1948, 4 PM exactly. The People’s Council made the declaration, the State of Israel is established. There you go. And not only that they become a united nation, another prophecy says and that is huge because it was like 926 BC that you had the Northern Kingdom, the ten tribes went north, and two down south with Judah, and they’ve been split ever since. The first time in 2,900 years the Jewish people are back in the land as a nation in one day united. And the Bible even talks about the future Temple services would be using the currency of the shekel. Well, even when they came back to the land their currency wasn’t the shekel it was the British pound, but that changed in 1980 and they still use it today. So, that even come to pass. The Bible also says that in the last days Israel would blossom as a rose in the desert. Well, before they came back after 2,000 years of foreign conquerors on Israel that land was completely decimated. It was just a barren wasteland. In fact we even quote people like Mark Twain went over there and he’d basically would make jokes. Not only said, “This is a barren squalor. Who’d ever want to come here?” He’d even make jokes, “All the sheep have to eat is rocks. There is nothing here.” Even in 1905 the Prime Minister of the Netherlands he went over there and he basically kind of tongue in cheek says, “Only God could stop the inrushing of this dessert, what a horrible place.” Well, guess what? When the Jewish people came back, guess what? Exactly–

Dr. Reagan: And the Bible said when they’d return it will become like the Garden of Eden again.

Billy Crone: Yeah, and you have over there, what’s going on? Man, basically the area that everybody was saying, “Who would ever want to come here it’s ruined.” It began to respond. It is the good land just like God says. They had the massive tree planting program that is going on. They’ve got of course the irrigation, the desalination plants. And guess what? They are diverting water, and guess what the desert is doing? Exactly like the Bible says they are blossoming roses. They are the bread basket of the Middle East; the former wasteland. That is happening too. The Bible also says that in the last days that the Jewish people would have a powerful military, they’d be able to conquer from the left to the right, and things of that nature. And hands down who is the most powerful military in that region? Who is one of the most–as small as they are–who is one of the most well equipped, well trained militaries on the planet? Little bitty Israel. And that they would also, the Bible says they’d become a source of world conflict.

Nathan Jones: Oh, my goodness you can’t go a day without the world condemning Israel, when they are building an apartment complex. I mean who complains about an apartment complex being built in another country? But Israel, every day, every day.

Billy Crone: Yeah. Well, and here’s the thing too, oh, there’s no indicators that we’re getting close to the Rapture, we’re living in the last days. Ah, turn on your TV. Everyday what are you hearing about? Israel. Conflict. Middle East. And not only that what’s the event that starts the seven year Tribulation? Daniel 9:27 the Antichrist makes a treaty with who? The people, Israel.Right? So, wait a second so they’ve got to be back on the scene for that to start because they are a major key player in that. As well as build the Temple that the Antichrist is going to go up into half way, and declare himself to be God. But you can’t have an Antichrist making an agreement with Israel unless Israel is there. And it’s not just that they are back in the land, they are back in existence again, turn on the TV what is even the current President wanting to do? We’ve got to make a treaty with these people. Now, I’m not saying Trump is the Antichrist, but what we’re seeing is for how many decades now, since 1967 roughly is everybody, not China, not Russia, everybody is screaming out, “We’ve got to make a treaty with–” And now one of those guys is going to be the Antichrist, and that is the very event that starts the Seventieth Week. That’s on the news. Turn on the news. How do you know we’re living in the last days? Turn on your news. It is all over the place. Now, what is wild is you do the stats that’s roughly about eight prophecies and there’s a whole ton more just on the Jewish people. But, the odds are this, mathematically. What are the odds of just eight prophecies coming to pass in just one entity? In this case Israel, the Jewish people. Well it has been calculated like this. You’ll like this because it’s Texas.

Nathan Jones: Peter Stoner, right?

Billy Crone: Right. So, it is calculated that you could take the whole state of Texas, cover it three feet deep with silver dollars. Then basically hop in a plane, fly over randomly over the whole state, take one silver dollar mark it with a red X just randomly throw it out. Land the plane on the back edge of the state of Texas and then blind fold a guy, and say, “I tell you what you have to go through the whole state of Texas, three feet deep with silver dollars. You have to–you have one pick, and one pick only and you have to pick that one silver dollar that we threw out in the plane with the red X on it.” What are the odds that guys is ever going to get it? That is the exact same mathematically odds of any one entity getting eight prophecies coming to pass in that, and that is with Israel.

Nathan Jones: In Jesus’ life.

Billy Crone: Exactly. And so I say there is no way. This is again, this is God screaming out from this book, “I wrote this book. This came from me, and you might want to pay attention to all of it, certainly about Jesus being the only way to Heaven. But also what I say about the future. And if you’re not saved– if you’re a Christian get busy living for Him, get busy sharing the Gospel because today could be the day He comes back.

Dr. Reagan: God said He would scatter the Jewish people all over the world, and He did because of their rebellion against Him. He said He would preserve them. Which He did. He said He would regather them. Which He did. He said He would re-establish their state. Which He did. And yet, the majority viewpoint in Christianity today, both Catholic and Protestant is that God has washed His hands of the Jewish people, has no purpose left for them. And that all these things that have happened are coincidences.

Billy Crone: Yeah.

Nathan Jones: Big accident.

Billy Crone: No, sorry, it’s not a coincidence. And basically I think what’s sad it’s just not disagreed. You’re basically, with all due respect, you’re calling God a liar. Because there are promises that God has–eternal promise that God has made to the people, to Israel, that have not come to pass. They will come to pass when Jesus comes back at the Second Coming at the end of the seven year Tribulation and establishes the Millennial Kingdom. And so, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Either God is a liar, which He’s not, which is their position. Or in fact He’s not done with the Jewish people. And how do you get around this? This is Romans 11, what does Paul say? There not under a permanent blindness, or permanent hardness, it is temporary, until the Church Age is over, and then bang, Daniel 9:27 then God’s eyes go back on the Jewish people to fulfill the promises He’s made that have yet to come to pass.

Dr. Reagan: What do you say to a person who is watching this program right now who is becoming a little alarmed about all these signs of the soon return of Jesus? The planet becoming engulfed in total chaos? And they don’t have any spiritual relationship with God, what would you say to them? Just look directly in that camera over there.

Billy Crone: Well, I’d say, you actually, frankly, with all due respect, you need to be alarmed. Because what we are headed for Jesus said, I didn’t say it, He did, this is the worse time in the history of mankind. So horrible that unless God shortened that time frame, kept it to seven years the entire human race would be destroyed. But that’s why He’s telling you now, right now, in advance what is coming because He loves you. And the good news is if you would ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins, believe in your heart that God raised Him from the grave, the Bible says that God will save you, and He’ll rescue you for this time frame. You don’t have to be a part of the seven year Tribulation, you can be rescued from that right now through Jesus. That’s why God is telling you. And it is message of love. People say, “Oh, you’re trying to scare me.” Well, not all fear is bad you know? If my son is out in the street and I see a truck coming, am I a bad parent when I say, “Hey, get out of the road.” No, you expect that. And so God is basically say, “Hey, this is coming to the planet. Get saved now.” He’s made a way out. It is a free gift, you just got to receive it through Jesus. And that is what He’s telling us with all these signs. He is saying, “Hey, this is coming to the planet. Hey, I’m giving you 2,000 years of a heads up, please don’t be stubborn.” Please. He doesn’t take pleasure in the death of the wicked. He is not willing that any should perish. He wants people to be saved. That’s why He lets us know.

Dr. Reagan: But the number one spiritual lie right now that you see everywhere is there are many roads to God. So, if you are a Jew, you’ve got your road. If you’re a Buddhist you’ve got your road. If you’re a Muslim, you’ve got your road. If you’re a humanist philosopher you’ve got your road.

Nathan Jones: Even the Pope is teaching that.

Billy Crone: Yeah.

Dr. Reagan: So, what is your response to that?

Billy Crone: The response is once again you just called God a liar.

Dr. Reagan: That’s right.

Billy Crone: Because Jesus–how do you? Oh, that is your interpretation. No, I don’t care what you’ve got man. It is not in the–

Nathan Jones: I am the way the truth and the life...

Dr. Reagan: You’re intolerant.

Nathan Jones: one comes to the Father except by Me.

Billy Crone: And that’s just it. Its John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.” Jesus said that. I didn’t. He didn’t say, a way, a truth, a life. It is the article, the, the, the, He’s it. Now, then people say, “Well, that is your interpretation.” No, no, I didn’t say that. I’m just the newspaper boy. I’m declaring the news. Right?

Nathan Jones: Don’t kill the messenger.

Billy Crone: Exactly, Jesus said that. And then they’re really hypocritically because they’ll say, “Oh, but I like Jesus with the Golden Rule: Do unto others.” Well, He also said this.

Nathan Jones: Yes.

Billy Crone: You can’t say He’s a great guy over here and He taught that, and then deny that. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You either Jesus is true, and He is, or He’s not. And you can’t accept some and reject the other. You’re the one, not me that is being a hypocrite.

Nathan Jones: It is idolatry. We have our own Jesus that we formed in our fashion and we worship.

Dr. Reagan: Yeah, and I thinks that’s the, isn’t that the fashion today? But again, that is people getting away from the Bible. I think that part of the reason, again, people even in the Church are getting away from the Bible is because not all the Bible is being taught. But again when you teach prophecy what does it drill in your head? All this book came from God.

Part 3

Nathan Jones: Welcome back to Christ in Prophecy and our interview with Pastor Billy Crone from Las Vegas, Nevada. Billy, what is that website one more time.

Billy Crone: Yeah, you can reach us at

Dr. Reagan: And I sincerely hope people will do that because you have a great ministry. And I just pray the Lord will continue to pour out His spirit on you, and your church, and your ministry, and again thank you for being with us today.

Billy Crone: Thank you.

Dr. Reagan: Well, folks, that is our program for this week. I hope it’s been a blessing to you, and I hope you’ll be back with us next week the Lord willing. Until then this is Dave Reagan speaking for Lamb & Lion Ministries saying, “Look up, be watchful, for our