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Creflo Dollar - Understanding the Power of the Blood of Jesus - Part 2

Creflo Dollar - Understanding the Power of the Blood of Jesus - Part 2
TOPICS: Blood of Jesus

Now, one of the things the Bible says is that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Overcoming the enemy is something that's so very important, but it's important for us to understand that he's already been defeated. Satan is a defeated foe. We're not trying to defeat him. He's already defeated. And so one of the things we need to understand is that, you know, we can continue to overcome him by proclaiming what the blood of Jesus has already accomplished. When we proclaim the victory that is in the blood of Jesus, then that proclaiming is something so very powerful. We talk about pleading the blood of Jesus and faith in the blood of Jesus.

Faith in the blood of Jesus is knowing what the blood of Jesus has accomplished for us. And when you know what the blood of Jesus has accomplished and you have faith in that, then you can expect a lot of things to begin to happen, especially getting ahold of and maintaining what the blood of Jesus has accomplished. We overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Our testimony is about what the blood of Jesus has done. That's how you testify. You start giving testimony. So I thought, well, I'd give you about 20 of these so that you will never be without a testimony concerning what the blood of Jesus has already done, and I thought, "Man, this is really an important lesson". Because it's just not enough to say, "The blood's against you". You know, the devil might say, "Well, what you know about the blood"? And you say, "It's Jesus's blood". Well, you got to know more than that in order to get victory, all right?

And so let's start at verse 15. I've already given you 14 of them. You can go back and look at last week's Bible study on YouTube or access it and get those 14. Number 15, we'll start here tonight. Ephesians chapter 2 and verse 13. Number 15, by the blood of Jesus we are able to come close to God, by the blood of Jesus we are able to come close to God. So, you know, you defeat the devil, you keep the defeat on the devil by knowing what the blood has done. And so you can declare that, "I am close to God because of the blood of Jesus".

Ephesians 2 and 13 says this: "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ". See, at one time we were not near to God. In fact, in the Old Testament, you couldn't even touch the mountain where the presence of God was. You couldn't even touch the bottom of it 'cause if you did you'd fall dead. But because of the blood of Jesus, we are brought near to God. God wants a relationship with us, but I declare and I testify that I am brought near to God by the blood of Jesus. I am no longer far away from God. I am no longer in a place where I can't have fellowship and relationship with him. I have been in a position where I've been brought near to God by the blood of Jesus.

Number 16, this is in Luke 22 and 20, Luke 22 and 20. Number 16, by the blood of Jesus I can participate in the sweet communion of remembrance of his sacrifice. By the blood of Jesus I can participate in the sweet communion. There's communion because of the blood of Jesus. The sweet communion... and what is communion about? About remembrance of his sacrifice. Look what he says here in Luke 22 and 20. He says, "Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, 'This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.'"

This cup, so in Communion the cup represents the blood of Jesus, and this cup represents the New Testament. And so the New Testament or the new covenant or the covenant of grace has been made available to me by the blood of Jesus. I have a right to every promise in that new covenant. I have a right to the grace of God in that new covenant. In that new covenant I don't have to, you know, be good in order for God to show me his goodness. God will show me his goodness and then I'll be good, you see, because of the grace that has been made available to me. And I get that, the new covenant. To me that was amazing that by the blood of Jesus the new covenant in his blood has been made available to me. Had Jesus never shed his blood we would not have entered into this new covenant of grace, but because he shed his blood we have access. Say that word access. We have access by the blood.

And so you can literally... a lot of times I'll do this. I'll say, "By the blood of Jesus I have access to healing. By the blood of Jesus I have access to prosperity. By the blood of Jesus". See, the blood has given you access to every promise in the new covenant. By us understanding this, we know what to put in our mouth. Proclamation of the blood of Jesus and what the blood has accomplished is going to, you're going to see great changes in your life when you begin to declare that. Especially when it's kind of rough and maybe fear is knocking at the door, that's when you open your mouth up and overcome the fear by the blood of Jesus and proclaiming what the blood of Jesus has already done.

Number 17, number 17, we'll look at 1 Peter chapter 1:18 and 19, 1 Peter chapter 1:18 and 19. By the blood of Jesus, now, this is kind of tough. By the blood of Jesus my redemption will never perish. By the blood of Jesus my redemption will never perish. Now say this out loud: "By the blood of Jesus I have been redeemed". All right, that means, you know, delivered or the ransom to set you free has been paid. But my redemption will never perish. It's not going to just dwindle away one day and I don't have it. I am redeemed right now, and watch this, and forevermore. I'm redeemed, right? And that's hard for religious people to get ahold of, that your redemption will never perish. I am redeemed. It'll never perish because of the blood of Jesus that was shed for me.

Now, 1 Peter 1:18 and 19 says this: "Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold". So I wasn't redeemed with things that perish. I wasn't redeemed with things that are corruptible. My redemption, glory to God, was given to me through something that's incorruptible. It's given to me through the precious blood of Jesus, which means that what I have will not perish. It will not pass away. He said, "Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers, but," you were redeemed, "with the precious blood of Christ, just like a lamb without blemish and without spot".

You were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ and as a result of it you're just like a lamb without blemish or without spot. I have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus. I've been redeemed from sin. I've been delivered from sin, sickness, poverty. I've been delivered from failure. My redemption will not perish because of the blood of Jesus. Praise God. Now, you think about this. I mean, it's a long list, but, you know, we're recording this and you can get it and look at it and write it down again. But to me, this is the key to everyday victory; knowing what the blood has done, not what you do. You know, you can't get in God's face and talk about, "Well, Lord, look at everything I've done". But when you start proclaiming the victory that we have obtained through the blood of Jesus, Satan will flee from you.

But we got to get out of the religious place where, you know, "Satan, the blood's against you". No. You got to know more than that. You got to know more than that. It's, you know, I just think, again, I said it on Sunday. I think God would be able to do a lot more if you'll get to know him better, and that's why for me to take the time to get the Scriptures, to show you what the Scripture says, to apply the thing just like this to me this is valuable, to come and get some stuff like this and to be able to go through each of these. You can literally go through this list later on and whatever is bugging you that day you can pick the Scripture out and pick out what the blood has done and just wear him out for the rest of the week with that. Amen.

I think number 18 here. Number 18, by the blood of Jesus, and it's Revelations 1 and 5. By the blood of Jesus, Jesus is testifying on my behalf, watch this, that I am clean. It's one thing for me to say it, it's another thing for Jesus to say it. He testifies on my behalf that I am clean. Revelations 1 and 5, "And from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood". Oh my goodness. You've been washed. You've been cleansed in his blood. "And has made us," watch this, "kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen". Check this out again. "To Him who loved us, washed us from our sins in His own blood".

I got to tell you something. Whatever is washed in the blood of Jesus will outdo Tide and Ajax all day long, and you've been washed in the blood of Jesus. So to go around in condemnation, in shame, in guilt, and in regret and that's on you every day, what it says is you have no faith in what the blood of Jesus has accomplished for you. The blood of Jesus has cleansed you. "Oh, but I feel funny getting up talking about I'm cleansed after what I did last week". Don't do that. That's a trick of the devil. Listen, understand God understands you. God knows you can't do nothing without him. You just got to realize you can't do nothing without him, and he has cleansed you in his blood. Don't bring it up again. It's time for you to walk away from some things. You got to walk away from some things. "By the blood of Jesus I have been cleansed". And depending on what it is, you might have to say that about, I don't know, all day. "By the blood".

Every time he comes to your mind, "By the blood of Jesus I've been cleansed. By the blood of Jesus I've been cleansed. He loved me and he cleansed me and washed me from all of my sins". I am finding out that most Christians are dealing way too much with sin, and when you do that it creates consciousness and you become conscious of your sin and look at this. Look at this, how powerful it is. You overcome that strategy of the devil by simply proclaiming, "I've been washed in the blood of the lamb". Go on and say that. Say, "I've been washed in the blood of the lamb". Glory be to God. Amen?

Now, you're going to have to stay out the comments sections on the thing. Stay out the comments section 'cause you ain't going to be washed according to them. Stay out the comments. Amen? Some things if you don't know about it can't bother you. And as soon as you look at the comments, they say, "Oh, you think you cute with that little collar on that little like George Washington". And you're like, "Oh no, she didn't say that". And then you say, "I know where you live at. I'm looking at you right now". See, you play those games with folks instead of just proclaiming, overcoming the enemy. "I proclaim that he that loved me has washed me and cleansed me of all of my sins". And think about this. Jesus is giving testimony that you and I are cleansed. That's a powerful thing, man. Powerful thing.

Number 19. This is Galatians 5 and 1. Hopefully I think last week I gave you Scriptures for each one of these as well. Galatians 5 and 1. He says, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty," or freedom, "by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage". So by the blood of Jesus I am free, I am free. Stand fast in that liberty. Stand in that liberty that's been given to us by Christ, and through his blood I have been made free. I am free from the judgment of the law. I am free from the curse of the law. I am free from all of those things that Satan had access to because I wasn't born again. I have been made free. I am not going to be entangled again with that same yoke of bondage.

Now, maybe I don't know what that yoke of bondage might be, but I do know that Satan loves taking old files and bringing them up again, and you've got... don't let that happen. Say, "No, I'm not going to be entangled with that again. I'm not going to do that". I was on a weekend and I just had this. You ever had a taste for something, butter pecan ice cream you just like you can smell it? And then you try not to get it, but you go to the grocery store? What are you going to the grocery store for? "I ain't going to get nothing. I just want to look at the box. I want to see who made it". And then I'm like, "Oh, boy, wouldn't that be so good"?

And, man, anytime somebody get me those oatmeal cookies I thought they were being used by God. And I tell you what I made my mind up. "I'm not going to get entangled to this again. I'm not going to do it". And I was making my declarations, "By the blood of Jesus I've been free from the bondage. I am no longer a cookie monster. I am done with that". All right? And I get home and Taffi says, "I got a surprise for you". And I didn't know what it was. I'm like, "Wait, what's the surprise"? "I got you something you really going to like". And then she came down and she said, "Surprise," and threw this bag, and it was the oatmeal cookies. I said, "The devil is a liar". I know you're thinking, "Did you eat them"? Yeah, I had, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think I ate like one and a half and then the other half a little later on, did what had to be done.

But here's the point I want to make. Even though I got entangled again, my confession was still, "By the blood of Jesus I'm free". Sometimes you got to say you're free when you're tied up. That's really what God's waiting on. He wants you to believe this enough. "I'm free when I'm tied up". And I really learned this from the apostle Paul when the apostle Paul said this, he said, "I have wronged no man. I've defrauded no man". And I'm thinking, "Dude, yes, you did". But he made a declaration of his freedom that was given to him by the Lord Jesus Christ and certainly he began to evolve into that man that would wrong nobody or that would defraud nobody. It's a life of faith where we call things that be not as though they were, but there's nothing more powerful than when a believer puts the victory of the blood of Jesus in his mouth.

Satan cannot and does not and don't know how to deal with an informed Christian who knows about the blood, the worst fear he's ever had. The Bible uses this word flee, and it says Satan will flee. That word flee means to run with fear, and it was amazing to me to discover that I can inflict fear into the heart of the enemy. Praise God. "Well, how will you do that"? You do that by proclaiming and giving testimony of the things that the blood of Jesus has made available. That's a powerful, powerful thing, amen? And you begin to walk that way and understand that. So hey, I don't know where you are tonight, but start declaring, "I'm free. I'm free". That you are, you know, listen. It ain't going to, I mean, which would you prefer? "I'm free. Man, I'm back into it. I'm in bondage again. I don't know if it's working".

See, you having a believing problem. You having a believing, to say that I'm not moved by what I see and I'm not moved by what I hear and I'm not moved by what I feel, that is a faith statement. That means all of hell is going to come against you and say, "Well, let's see". And the thing that blows the devil mind is that even in the midst of some of those things when you say, "I'm free," it blows his mind. "How are you going to say that"? It's just like when you broke and you say, "I'm rich". Like, "How are you going to say that? Look at you". And you declare it anyway. And then here's the thing that causes him to just freak out, is that the evolution of that confession begins to bring to pass the manifestation of what you've been proclaiming by the blood of Jesus and he sees it coming. So when the Bible says he seeketh whom he may devour, he passes your house from now on because he sees that he can't devour you. He hits you with his best shot. Goddog it, you've been free from them oatmeal cookies for a year and a half and he hits you with the best shot. You fail and still declared, "The blood of Jesus has made me free". That's powerful. That's powerful. Amen. Hallelujah. Glory to God.

All right. I think this is 20. Exodus 12 and 27. I went to the Old Testament on this. There are some new testaments here, but this is pretty cool of the shadow that it painted. By the blood of Jesus I am protected from judgment. I went to Exodus because it gives an excellent picture of what that's like. By the blood of Jesus I am protected from judgment. So when people are going around talking about, you know, "Well, the world is about to be judged," and yada yada yada yada, it's not you. You're not going to be in the middle of judgment. Let me tell you. There will never be another time like the time we live in now; this time of grace, this unmerited favor. It's going to be over with one day where, you know, God's doing what he's doing, but the time of judgment, look at this Scripture in Exodus. He says, "That you shall say, 'It is the Passover sacrifice of the LORD, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt when He struck the Egyptians and delivered our household.' So the people bowed their heads and worshiped".

I know this is from the Old Testament, but there is still a Passover that exist today that those of you who are born again and operating in the grace of God the judgment that would come upon the world won't come upon you. You are in Goshen. You are in a spiritual Goshen, which means you're not going to be in lack, you're not going to be in this, you're not going to be in that. Somebody says, "Well, what if the virus come"? Well, you stay in faith and it's got to go. Don't get upset. Don't get fearful. "Oh, Lord Jesus, Rona hit me". No. Just stay in faith like you do everything else. That's why you practice this with everything else. Just stay in faith and God will make sure that the judgment passes over you because when Satan looks at it he sees the blood of Jesus over your life. The blood of Jesus is operating over your life and every demon and devil can see that the blood of Jesus operates in your life. And by proclaiming it, you remind them, "No, I have faith in what the blood has accomplished". Amen?