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Bill Johnson - Worship and Miracles - Part 2
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Bill Johnson - Worship and Miracles - Part 2
Bill Johnson - Worship and Miracles - Part 2
It’s so extraordinary to see how miracles affect people. What I wanted to talk to you, tonight, about was the biblical mandate for miracles. There’s a distortion in the reading of scripture, and I’ll just give you one example here, if you’ll just [...]
Bill Johnson - Worship and Miracles - Part 1
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Bill Johnson - Worship and Miracles - Part 1
Bill Johnson - Worship and Miracles - Part 1
You know, in Psalms 37, he talks about waiting on and that word, actually, for «Waiting», actually means to lie in wait. It gives the picture of setting up an ambush. It’s not this sitting-in-a-recliner waiting. It’s not inactivity. Waiting isn’t [...]
Bill Johnson - What We Owe the World
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Bill Johnson - What We Owe the World
Bill Johnson - What We Owe the World
The Lord has positioned everybody in this room to reign in life. But reigning in life doesn’t mean you rule over people: it means you reign in life. It means that money doesn’t it means relationships don’t manipulate and control you, but you [...]
Bill Johnson - Valuing The Prophetic
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Bill Johnson - Valuing The Prophetic
Bill Johnson - Valuing The Prophetic
People will often say, «I just don’t hear his voice, but I feel his peace». In John 1:14, it says of Jesus: he is the Word of God made flesh. Anytime you sense presence, the word is there. It may not have touched your intellect, but it is touching [...]
Bill Johnson - The Needle in the Haystack - Part 2
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Bill Johnson - The Needle in the Haystack - Part 2
Bill Johnson - The Needle in the Haystack - Part 2
So, we see, in verse 33: «And with great power, the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all». Let me make a comment here. Miracles are necessary for two basic reasons. One, it is impossible to [...]
Bill Johnson - The Needle in the Haystack - Part 1
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Bill Johnson - The Needle in the Haystack - Part 1
Bill Johnson - The Needle in the Haystack - Part 1
Beautiful. Thank you. I feel like I, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, I found the needle in the haystack. I found something that I never knew if it existed. I had hoped that it did. I had believed that it could. But I couldn’t ever remember finding [...]
Bill Johnson - The Heart of a Prophet
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Bill Johnson - The Heart of a Prophet
Bill Johnson - The Heart of a Prophet
I want you to go to and, what I wanna do is today I’m gonna use the Christmas theme to indicate what I believe is a season, I don’t know if I can call it a season change, if it’s something that God is accelerating, I don’t know. But, there’s [...]
Bill Johnson - The Discipline of Thankfulness
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Bill Johnson - The Discipline of Thankfulness
Bill Johnson - The Discipline of Thankfulness
I want you to go to one of the most significant truths to really be embraced and taught on in the last 20 plus years has been the whole concept of impartation. But, what’s kind of humorous to, just forgive me for my sense of humor, again, but what’s [...]
Bill Johnson - Sons and Servants
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Bill Johnson - Sons and Servants
Bill Johnson - Sons and Servants
For years, we’ve been praying for people, all of us together, praying for the Father’s blessing. In fact, I was just with John Arnott this week. And, of course, he was here a month ago. And the Toronto Blessing, the Toronto outpouring, it was titled [...]
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Bill Johnson - Listening to the Spirit - Part 2
Bill Johnson - Listening to the Spirit - Part 2
In Luke, chapter 8. And I’ve talked on this a I was just with the crones, here, which I loved going down there this last weekend. I talked about this, there, so forgive me for repeat, but, this is what’s been on my heart of late. So, Luke 8. And [...]
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Bill Johnson - Listening to the Spirit - Part 1
Bill Johnson - Listening to the Spirit - Part 1
In Mark 14 is a story of Jesus walking on water. And I look at this story, oftentimes, and think it’s amusing and funny, because Jesus is walking on the water and the disciples are terrified. And then, Jesus says, «Don’t be afraid,» which seems to [...]
Bill Johnson - Seated In Heavenly Places
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Bill Johnson - Seated In Heavenly Places
Bill Johnson - Seated In Heavenly Places
To not value holiness is to not value presence. Healing is an expression of his holiness. Sickness is to my body what sin is to my soul. We pray for the sick because we want Jesus to get what he paid for. So, I’m gonna take just a few minutes to [...]
Bill Johnson - Led By The Spirit
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Bill Johnson - Led By The Spirit
Bill Johnson - Led By The Spirit
Romans 8 could probably be a book of the Bible by itself. Maybe you could say that for every chapter, but, some chapters are very dependent on what precedes it, what follows. Romans 8 is just this, I don’t know, it’s just a complete package. Chapter [...]
Bill Johnson - Inheriting Breakthrough
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Bill Johnson - Inheriting Breakthrough
Bill Johnson - Inheriting Breakthrough
Grab your Bibles, if you would, and open to Psalms 16, the 16th Psalm. And I’m gonna do something a little bit different today in that I wanna take a Psalm and actually read through verse by verse and talk. I do have a specific theme that we’ll [...]
Bill Johnson - Following His Voice
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Bill Johnson - Following His Voice
Bill Johnson - Following His Voice
The challenge of our faith is our willingness to hear other voices. And instead of emphasizing our inability or our weakness in hearing God’s voice, it would be wiser for us to emphasize his ability to be heard. The challenge with our faith is not [...]
Bill Johnson - Building Trust
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Bill Johnson - Building Trust
Bill Johnson - Building Trust
All right, grab your Bibles and open to Mark 9. Mark 9. Most popular teachings in the church are teachings that are in reaction to an error or to a truth taken to an extreme. And whenever we react to an error, we’re prone to create another error. [...]
Bill Johnson - Christmas Eve Service
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Bill Johnson - Christmas Eve Service
Bill Johnson - Christmas Eve Service
We’re going to read a prayer and it’s a verse that goodness, I don’t know. I bring it up often. I think a lot of our team brings this particular passage up often. It’s about prosperity of soul. It’s a fairly common passage. And rightfully so. It’s a [...]
Bill Johnson - All Must Prophecy
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Bill Johnson - All Must Prophecy
Bill Johnson - All Must Prophecy
Numbers 11. Let’s get into the word, here. We’re gonna read a number of verses, here. Verse 24: «So, Moses went out and told the people the words of the Lord, and he gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people and placed them around the [...]
Bill Johnson - According to Your Word
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Bill Johnson - According to Your Word
Bill Johnson - According to Your Word
Today, I wanna look at one part of the Christmas story that always impacts me. The only thing I don’t like about Christmas is that we tend to look at scriptures or sing songs that we only do like one time a year. And for the believer, these themes [...]
Bill Johnson - A Shift In Seasons
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Bill Johnson - A Shift In Seasons
Bill Johnson - A Shift In Seasons
John, chapter 20. This chapter is on the resurrection of Jesus, who the Bible calls the firstborn of the dead, which is really interesting because he raised other people from the dead but their resurrection was temporary because they would face [...]
Bill Johnson - A Presence Culture
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Bill Johnson - A Presence Culture
Bill Johnson - A Presence Culture
What I did about probably two or three years ago now was to try to identify: what are the Cornerstones of thought for us that shape our life? What are the things that are the most significant pillars of truth? To be pillars would be like the legs of [...]
Bill Johnson - A Nation of Priests - Part 2
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Bill Johnson - A Nation of Priests - Part 2
Bill Johnson - A Nation of Priests - Part 2
So, seeing momentum is to give us a sense of identity in history. None of us lives unto himself. Whenever I compromise, if I say no to his purposes in my life, not only does it affect me, it affects the generations after me because I am robbing them [...]
Bill Johnson - A Nation of Priests - Part 1
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Bill Johnson - A Nation of Priests - Part 1
Bill Johnson - A Nation of Priests - Part 1
God extended himself to all of humanity and there was rejection after rejection after rejection. We see the flood as a result of the rejection, God isolating one family with Noah, raising up a new kind of people, perhaps, people that might come from [...]