Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 35
Welcome to our Friday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today is my last day to teach on healing. I’ve been on this for seven weeks. This is the end of that seventh week, and I tell you, I’ve still got a lot I could say. This is a subject that has become really important to me. I’ve been healed of incurable diseases: I’ve seen my son raised from the dead after being dead for over four hours. I’ve seen a lot of miracles happen in this area and it hasn’t happened accidentally, it’s because this has been a focus. It’s something that God has really spoken to me, and even though I’ve taught on this for seven weeks, I could teach on it another seven weeks real easily. But today’s our last day to teach on this here on television, and I’ve got all of these materials here and we are going to start a new series next Monday.
So, if you would like to get any of these teaching materials on the subject of healing, I encourage you to please go to the effort today to request these materials. You can not only call or write us, but we have a web site and you can go and there’s a place that it says, today’s TV offer, and you can get all of these materials that we’re offering there 24 hours a day. Yesterday I was talking about the laws that govern faith, I was talking about that first of all you have to hear, faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God.
You have to act on your faith, and then you have to speak, and this was all taken from Mark, chapter 5, about the woman who had the issue of blood. And then I turned over to Mark, chapter 11, and was using Jesus' own teaching about how he cursed this fig tree. He didn’t do anything physical, he just spoke words and within 24 hours this fig tree was dried up from the roots and he told his disciples how he did it, and I was using this to emphasize how important our words are to receiving healing. It’s one of the spiritual laws. Words are important. You release your faith by words.
Here’s what Jesus said in Mark, chapter 11, verse 23, «For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever he saith». And so, right here it’s putting the importance on words, and I’ve already talked about this for a couple of days. I know that there’s people that only watch this program once in a while and you may just be getting today’s program, please get these materials because this is a huge issue. It’s much bigger than what most people think.
Let me point out something I haven’t said about this and that is in the first part of this verse it says, whosoever shall say unto this mountain. The mountain is talking about your problem, and most Christians don’t do this. Most people talk to God about their problem instead of talking to their problem about God. That’s a huge statement right there. Most Christians pray and say, oh God, I’ve got this problem, would you please heal me, would you do all of this. They don’t talk to their problem. They talk to God about their problem.
So, for him to say, whosoever shall say unto this mountain, this is implied, it’s not clearly stated, but if you’ll think about it, it’s implied that this is showing you understand God has given you power and this power is released by your words and so instead of you going to God and saying, God, we are nothing, we have nothing, we can do nothing, would you please heal me? See, that’s unbelief. But, instead you come and say, father, thank you that you’ve already healed me, you’ve put this power on the inside of me.
Now, I speak to this problem, I speak to cancer, I speak to my body. For you to speak to your problem implies that you understand the authority that you have, that Jesus has already done his part, and he gave you power over sickness and disease and so you’re taking your authority and you are commanding this situation to change. That’s huge what I’ve said right there. I’ve heard thousands of people pray and it’s usually begging and pleading with God and they’ll say things like, oh God, you know, we can’t do anything. Without you we can do nothing. That’s an absolute truth.
John, chapter 15, Jesus said that, but I’m never without him. He has given me power and authority and for you to approach God saying, oh God, we are nothing, we have nothing, we can do nothing, would you please do something, it’s total unbelief. You’ll die with that attitude, forgive me for being blunt, but I’m about out of time. I’m just trying to get these points across.
You know, let me share this testimony that I prayed with a woman in 2001 in Charlotte, North Carolina. It’s a long story, but the short part of it is that she came in with a disease that she had had for over seven years. The doctor said that on a scale of one to ten her pain was a constant eleven, and they even predicted that she would have died four years before I saw her and the only way that she was able to cope with the pain was that she had magnets strapped to her body and then a blanket with magnets sewn into the blanket and somehow this magnetic field diminished her pain somehow or another and that’s the way that she was coping, but she was basically just, you know, waiting to die and she could not overcome this pain.
So, she came in, sat down. I started countering a lot of her doctrine. She thought God allowed this, God controlled it, God was getting glory out of her suffering. I countered all of that stuff. I prayed for her and for the first time in seven or eight years she instantly was without pain, and man, she stood up, took this blanket thing off and she was without pain and just praising God, and she says, but I still have a stinging right here, and she pointed to her waist in the back, and she says, I still have a stinging. How come it didn’t leave? And I said, you didn’t tell me that you had a stinging, you told me you had pain. I rebuked pain. I said, watch this, and I prayed and I commanded that stinging to go and it was totally gone.
So then, I taught her the exact things that I’ve been teaching you here from Mark, chapter 11, verse 23, that she had to take her authority, quit begging God to do it, and she needed to believe and use the power of words and speak directly to the problem and command that pain and stinging and things to be gone, and I spent about 20 minutes or more teaching her these things and she was just praising God. So anyway, she got up to leave and as she put her hand on the doorknob, I remember her looking back at me and she said, the stinging is back. And I said, well, I’ve been teaching you how to stand on your healing and how to resist these things coming back, so I said, I’m going to let you pray, and I held hands with her and I said, you pray.
And so this woman prayed a prayer and this is nearly word for word what she said. She said, father, I thank you that you didn’t give me this sickness, this isn’t you doing this to me, that this is the devil attacking my body and that by the stripes of Jesus, I was healed. If I was healed, I am healed. I claim my healing in the name of Jesus, and she looked at me and I said, so, do you still have any stinging? And she said, yes, and I said, do you know why? And she said, well, no, and I said, it’s because you didn’t do what I was teaching you. I said, you know, that’s a good prayer in the sense that instead of you blaming God for your sickness you’re saying it was his will, by his stripes you’re healed.
The things that you said were good, but I said, that type of prayer will not get you well. There’s probably some of you watching this television program who are thinking, man, I thought that was a good prayer, because that’s the way you pray, but you’ll die with that kind of a prayer. You didn’t do what the Lord said. You didn’t talk to your problem. Instead, you’re talking to God and confessing that, by his stripes you are healed, I claim my healing and things like that, but you didn’t talk to your problem.
So, I told this woman that, and she says, you mean, I’m supposed to talk to stinging and say, stinging, and address it like it’s a person or something? And I said, yes, and she says, I’ll do it. So, we joined hands again and this woman prayed and she said, father, in the name… Or no, excuse me, she said, stinging, in the name of Jesus, and she stopped right then and she says, it’s gone. That’s all she had to do was just say, stinging, in the name of Jesus, and boom! That stinging was gone, and anyway, I went over to her house a year later and she still was walking in that healing, and I’m telling you, this is why a lot of people do not see healing manifest is because they’re passive. They say, «God, we have nothing, we can do nothing, would you please stretch forth your hand and heal».
That’s religious, most people think that’s great, but that’s the reason people are dying is because they don’t understand the power that God has given us, they don’t understand that healing is voice activated, that it’s based on the words that you speak, and so they allow other people to speak death over them, they don’t counter it, they speak death over themself, they don’t use the power of words, they don’t believe in this, they don’t talk to the problem, they talk to God about their problem.
And I’m telling you, these are some of the laws that govern how faith works. This isn’t your faith, it’s God’s faith. And it’s not up to you to pick and choose how you want to do it. This may not be the way you’ve been taught, it may not have been the way that you’ve been your whole life, but I’m telling you, it’s what the Word of God says and if you want to see the right results, you’ve got to learn these laws that govern faith.