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Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 34

Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 34
TOPICS: God Wants You Well

Welcome to our Thursday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today I’m continuing a series on God wants you well. Tomorrow’s going to be my last day to teach on this and I tell you, I’ve still got a lot to say. I could just keep teaching forever, but this is the end of my seventh week of teaching on the subject of healing and so I’m going to move on to some other things. But I do want to encourage you to please get these materials. We’ve got all of these materials that you see right here that we’re offering. We’ve got two or three different offers and this one thing right here, this little mp3 FlashDrive is a thing that you plug into your USB port on your computer and it has 43 hours' worth of teaching on healing related subjects. It would really, really be a blessing to you.

I’ve been using the last few days, Mark, chapter 5, this woman who came to Jesus and had an issue of blood and she touched the hem of his garment, the power flowed, Jesus didn’t know who she was. He didn’t size her up and evaluate whether she was worthy or not. There are just laws that govern how the power of God flows and when she connected with them, the power of God just flowed without Jesus even knowing who was the recipient. That is really significant and the last few days we’ve been talking about what are some of these laws that control how the power of God flows in a person’s life. In Mark, chapter 5, in verse 27, first of all, she heard of Jesus. Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God, Romans 10:17.

The next thing, she came in the press behind. She acted on her faith. James, chapter 2 says, faith without works is dead. By their faith was made perfect by works, and so you’ve got to act on your faith. The third thing, in verse 28, she said, if I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole, and this is what I was talking about at the close of yesterday’s program.

Let me share a little bit more on this, that Proverbs 18:21 says that «Death and life are in the power of the tongue». Words are important and most Christians do not understand this and so they’re speaking negative words that are releasing death instead of life, they let other people speak negative words over them and they don’t counter those words, and because of this, there’s a lot of people that are just hung by their tongue. They’re being destroyed by the words that are spoken over them and by them, and we’ve got to change that if you are going to start seeing the supernatural healing power of God work in your life.

Look at these passages in Mark, chapter 11, and this is where Jesus was going into Jerusalem during the last week of his earthly ministry, he saw a fig tree, he went there expecting to get some figs and the tree didn’t have any figs and so he cursed this fig tree, and in Mark, chapter 11, verse 14, Jesus answered and said unto it, no man eat fruit of thee hereafter forever. And his disciples heard it. It was the next day when they were going back into the city, and it implies that they walked right by that fig tree that evening and they didn’t notice anything, but the next day, 24 hours later, when they walked by, they saw the fig tree and it was dried up from the roots.

Now, that’s important because the moment that Jesus spoke and said, no man is ever going to eat fruit of you again, that fig tree was dead, but it died in the roots and it took about 24 hours for what had happened in the roots to become visible in the bush that was above. Now, that is really significant because if you really speak in faith, things happen, but it’s in an unseen realm, it’s below the surface, it’s in the spiritual realm. Everything happens first of all in the spiritual realm and then it manifests itself in the physical realm. So, when you speak, you have to believe that something happens right then whether you see it in the physical or not. You’ve got to believe that at the very root of that thing, in the spiritual realm your sickness is dead, your problem is over, and it may take a brief period of time for what has happened in the spiritual to become visible in the physical, but you’ve got to believe that it happened.

As it says down here in Mark 11:24, I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but he said, therefore I say unto you, whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. You have to believe you receive when you pray and then you shall (future tense) have them. You have to believe it’s done right now below the surface, and then eventually above the surface in the physical realm where we can see it, you will see the manifestation. And so when the disciples saw this thing dried up from the roots, they said, Lord, the fig tree which you cursed is withered away, and in verse 22 it says, and Jesus answering said unto them, have faith in God.

You know, we don’t get the inflection of his voice here, but I don’t believe he was pleased with this and just saying, well, have faith in God. I believe it was like, guys, what’s wrong with you? Why are you shocked to see the power of words and what I can do? You need to believe God. You ought to have faith in God. Most people today are not faith people, and I know that that’s offensive. There’s a lot of people that think of themselves than they should and they think, oh, I’m a faith person. I think our society has just been baptized in unbelief. We are so negative, we are so critical of everything and whether you know it or not, we do not live in a society of faith. We live in a society of unbelief that just gravitates towards the negative all of the time.

So, Jesus said, have faith in God, and then in verse 23 he says, for verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever he saith. Notice how many times words are referred to in this one verse. Jesus said unto them that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever he saith. That’s four times words are mentioned. Three times when Jesus was saying, here’s how you do it. He told them three different times that you have to say.

Again, this is so important and the vast majority of Christians do not put importance on their words. They will say things like, they’ll say, I’m going to be there at 7:00 and they don’t even leave home until 7:00. They’re going to be 15 minutes late or whatever. You know what? Most people think, well, that doesn’t mean anything. It does mean something. The scripture says that a godly man, a righteous man will swear to his own hurt, and change not. One of the reasons, this is not the only reason, but one of the big reasons that people do not see the healing power of God manifest in their life is because they don’t put an importance on words and they will say things like, I’m going to be at a place at a certain time and they don’t, it’s not binding to them. It’s not important to them.

You know, I had a guy come to our office one time and he was going to put in an alarm system and he came to bid the alarm system and I had a lot of things to do, but I had an appointment set up with this guy, so I was there at the time. He was like 20 or 30 minutes late and when he got there he said, you know, I’m sorry, I got stuck in traffic, but I’m here now. And I noticed that on his belt he had a cell phone in one of those holsters and I saw that he had a cell phone and I said, you had a cell phone. You could have called, and he said, well, yeah, but you know, I’m here now, everything’s fine, and I said, you know what?

I don’t need you, and he says, well, I had an appointment. I said, you had an appointment 30 minutes ago. I said, you’re wasting my time. I said, if your words don’t mean anything to you and I can understand that something could happen, a person could get stuck in traffic, but he had a cell phone. He could have call, it just wasn’t important to him, and I said, if this is the way you treat me before you get my business, I guarantee you, once you have my business you aren’t going to treat me good. I said, I don’t want to do business with you. There’s a lot of people that would look at me and think, man, you’re mean, you’re harsh. No, I just believe in words and I don’t have a lot of patience with people that don’t believe in the power of words. It’s important. It’s a godly thing.

If you tell somebody you’re going to be some place at a certain time, be there at that time. Well, you know, things can happen. Well then, plan to be there ten minutes early so that in case something happens you’ll be on time. I guarantee you, it’s ungodly. You know, the word «Ungodly» means not like God. And God, when he says something, it’s binding to him. It says in Psalms, my covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone forth out of my lips. When God says something, it’s a covenant to him. God never lies. It’s impossible for God to lie. God never says, oh, I’ll heal you, but then he says, well, you know, I just decided not to fulfill that promise. No, all of the promises of God are yes and amen. If God says something, he’s bound by that word and if you aren’t bound by your words, then you’re ungodly.

I don’t mean that as a put down or a criticism, I’m just trying to shake us out of this attitude that most people have about words that they’re just, you know, they don’t mean anything. You say all kinds of stuff and you tell people that you’re going to do something and whether you do it or not, it’s not that big of a deal. You know, there’s people today that get married and they make an oath, they swear that I’ll love you until death do us part, so help me God, and it doesn’t mean anything to most people. Matter of fact, many people today are even writing prenuptial divorce agreements. Before they even get married they’re deciding on how they’ll separate all of their assets because you know, they don’t mean anything by it and that’s the reason we have such a huge divorce rate and so many problems.

When Jamie and I got married, we made a commitment to each other, and I mean, we’ve had problems like anybody, but you know what? We’ve never considered divorce because we made an oath to each other. We’ve thought of murder a couple of times, but divorce never, amen. That’s a joke. Don’t write me about this, amen. I’m just saying that our words are important, and you know what? When you say something, you need to hold to your words. This is what this is saying. You have to speak to your mountain and believe in your heart that what you say comes to pass, and you know what? Every day you’re training your heart whether to believe or disbelieve your words.

If you just say foolish things and you promise people things that you cannot deliver, you never even intend on delivering and you don’t put an importance on your word, then you have trained your heart not to believe anything you say. So, when it comes time for your healing you say, in the name of Jesus I’m healed and I believe it. How’s your body going to distinguish between that and the other millions of words that you say that are idle words and that you never meant them and you never follow through on it. I tell you, you have to get to a place that you can say and not doubt in your heart, and that only comes by practice and putting an emphasis on words. And there’s a lot of people that just don’t live that way. They will promise anything, and words and reality are not the same thing to them.

Well, if that’s the way you are, you’re ungodly, you have trained your heart not to believe and when you start trying to use your words, if you take what I’m saying right here and you start trying to use these words to manifest healing in your body, but you’ve spent 20-30-40 years training yourself that words don’t mean anything and I can say one thing, but I certainly don’t believe this, you do those kind of things and I guarantee you, it just short circuits your healing. This is super, super important, and I know that there’s many people watching this. This is not common. This is not the way that the vast majority of people, not even the vast majority of Christians place this kind of an importance on words, and I’m aware of that, but I’m also aware that the vast majority of Christians don’t get healed.

Even the ones who believe in healing, they don’t manifest it and one of the reasons is because they don’t have this attitude. These are the very teachings of Jesus. Jesus was telling us how he was able to just speak to a fig tree. He didn’t touch it, he didn’t throw salt on it, he didn’t do anything to damage that fig tree, he just used words. How could he do something like that? Because he believed in the power of his words: this was the one who spoke and created all fig trees. He created the heavens and the earth. By words he created everything physical that we see. That’s how important words are. Everything tangible was created by words.

Words are important and he believed them and because he believed and didn’t doubt in his heart, that’s why this fig tree 24 hours later was shriveling up and dying was because of the power of words, and he’s telling us, his disciples were amazed to see it and so he says, guys, here’s how it works. Whosoever will say unto this mountain, and this isn’t talking about just a physical mountain, it’s whatever your problem is, sickness, disease, anything that’s going on in your life. Whoever will talk to it and say, be thou removed, be thou cast into the sea, and if you don’t doubt in your heart, but if you believe that what you’re saying is going to come to pass, then you will have whatsoever you say.

Boy, here’s a great truth that most people do not live by, but you can have what you say or you can either say what you have. Those are opposites, and sadly, most people just say what they have. They look around and observe, they listen to the doctor and then they speak what they have, but you can get to a place that you have what you say. You can create your future. You can create your healing with your words. Now, some people think, well, that is just silly. That’s because you don’t really believe, and there is a catch to this. It says in Romans, chapter 10, verse 9, that if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God hath raised him from the dead you shall be saved.

And then verse 10 says, for with the heart man believes unto righteousness: and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. You not only have to say the right words, but you have to believe it from your heart. This is why a lot of people will hear teaching along these lines and they’ll think, well, I’ll try this and so they’ll say, in the name of Jesus, and they’ll say something, but if they don’t see it come to pass, then they say, well, there’s no reality to that. That’s just mind control, that’s just, you know, name it claim it, blab it grab it. They come up with all of these terms to criticize it because they tried it and it didn’t work. The reason it didn’t work was because they didn’t believe it with their heart.

You have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, and Jesus made that point right here, that you have to say to this mountain, be removed, be cast into the sea, and not doubt in your heart. If you aren’t speaking in faith, then words are just sounding brass and tinkling cymbal. It won’t make any difference, but if you say it with your mouth and believe it in your heart, man, there’s power in this and you can’t get to this place to where you speak words and believe it in your heart if you just use vain idle words. You know, most people think that there’s some things we say that are really important, there’s some negative things we say that are really important, but then there’s just all this vast amount in between that is useless, it doesn’t really mean anything, just idle talk.

Again, I use those verses out of Matthew, it says, every idle word that men speak will they give an account thereof in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned. You may think that there’s just idle non-productive words that don’t mean anything, but God says you’re going to give an account for every word that comes out of your mouth. Again, Proverbs 18:21, «Death and life are in the power of the tongue». It didn’t say, death and life and a whole lot of stuff in between that is just useless idle stuff. No, every word that you speak and every word that you hear is either life or death.

There is no middle ground. It’s either building you up and releasing the power of God or it’s tearing you down, and sad to say, in this fallen world we live in, the vast majority of words that we hear are tearing us down and doing detriment to us. You know, I see a lot of people that, I’m not against, let me preface what I’m going to say by saying, I’m not against doctors. If it hadn’t have been for doctors, all of the Christians would have been dead a long time ago because I guarantee you, Christians have not known how to believe God and tap into these laws.

So, I’m not against doctors, but I’m saying, most people will let a doctor just speak death over them and you know, doctors, when they diagnose something, they have been taught not to get your hopes up. Let’s say that there’s only a 10% chance that something’s going to be fatal in your life. That means that there is a 90% chance that you’re going to beat it. But you know what? They will amplify that 10%, they will tell you how bad it is, they will tell you worst case scenario, and I know the reason they do this is because of liability issues. If they were to diminish the thing and then a person die, well people would come back and sue them and say, you didn’t tell them how desperate this was.

You didn’t give them this warning, and so you know, they have the highest malpractice insurance in the world already and they just in an effort to defend themself, they always present the worst case picture, but you know what that is? It’s speaking death over you, and you may have something that you know, 90% of the people who have this just get over it and everything’s fine, but they won’t tell you about that. They won’t encourage you, they will just speak death and speak all this negativism and most people will accept it. We have exalted doctors to a place that it trumps God. Most people know what the word says, by his stripes we are healed, but if a doctor says you’re going to die, they would believe the doctor over the Bible any time.

Again, I’m not against doctors, they’re just doing their job, and for whatever reason they gravitate towards the negative. They emphasize the worst case scenario. I’m not against them, but I’m telling you, it’s not helpful in you believing God, and people just allow the doctors to speak negative over them all of the time. Look at this verse in 1 Corinthians, chapter 15, in verse 33, be not deceived: evil communication corrupt good manners. There’s a lot of people that think, oh well I can watch TV and all of this negative stuff that’s spoken, all of the hate, all of the vile stuff, all the sexual content, all of the unbelief, I can watch that and it just doesn’t bother me.

It’s like water off a duck’s back. You can say what you want to, but this says, don’t be deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. You’re deceived if you think that you can just let people speak death over you and it doesn’t have any effect on you, you’re deceived. Now, I do believe that we can overcome negative things that are spoken against us, but it’s not without effort. It takes effort and you can’t just live in a place where you are letting people just counter your faith constantly and still prosper.

There’s some of you that watch my program and other people’s programs on television, in a sense, you’re bootlegging the gospel because you don’t go to a church that teaches these things and yet you were raised in this church, your relatives are there or whatever your reason is, but you stay in a place that is full of unbelief and you have to go to TV, to CDs, DVDs, to the internet to try and build your faith and you go to a place that is speaking nothing but doubt and unbelief and you wonder why you struggle to be healed. You’re deceived. You’re letting evil communication come at you and you don’t even understand how it will corrupt your good manners, how it will keep you from being well.

So, it’s not only the words that you speak that are either life or death, but every word that you hear is either life or death, it’s either building you up or tearing you down, it’s either fostering healing or it is coming against healing, and sometimes it’s subtle. It’s not the people who just say, well, healing is of the devil. It’s the people who say, oh yeah, God can heal, but we don’t know for sure if he wants to heal you.

You know, dear old sister so and so, she was a saint and she died. God works in mysterious ways. Maybe God wants to do something to teach you something. They could mean well by it. Their heart could be right, but their head’s wrong. It’s wrong and it’s death and it’s countering your faith. I’m telling you, if you are going to see the healing power of God operate in your life: you need to learn this law of faith about the words that you speak. It is super important. Man, that’s powerful.