Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 30
Welcome to our Friday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today is my last day in my sixth week of teaching on God wants you well, and I tell you, we have covered some wonderful stuff. These things have changed my life. You know, I’ve seen my children healed, I’ve seen one of my sons raised from the dead after being dead for over four hours, I saw my wife, I don’t know for sure that she was dead, but I think she stopped her heart. She fell and hit her chest, this is just in 2012, and stopped her heart and she fell over and it looked like she was dead, and anyway, because of these things she came back to life, my son is back to life, I’ve seen myself healed. I tell you, my life would be different if it wasn’t for healing.
There are many of you that if you had known about healing, your life would have been different. You know, I have people come to me often and they’ll say, I’ve been suffering with this for 20 years or whatever, and I’ll say, well, that’s 20 years too long, because you don’t have to suffer like that. It is God’s will for you to be well and that’s what I’ve been teaching on, and I tell you, it has made a difference. I’m making these programs in advance and I don’t have all of the stats in front of me, but I just know in my heart what the word has done for me, I’ve seen what it has done for other people, and I know that the Holy Spirit is taking these truths and making them come alive in people’s hearts and I know that there’s going to be lots of people changed.
Not only are bodies going to be healed, which that’s awesome, but this builds your faith when you start seeing the supernatural manifestation of God’s power in your own life and it’s going to draw many of you closer to the Lord. I could give thousands of testimonies of people, who because they’ve been healed, it just turned their whole life upside down or right side up and it made them so aware that God’s power is real and that they can depend upon him and it’s changed their entire relationship. They’ve got a zeal and a joy about the Lord that they didn’t have before, and conversely, I can tell you, many people that I’ve talked to who have suffered with sickness for decades and have just struggled with things and it has depressed them and discouraged them.
There are people that commit suicide because of the pain that they feel. There’s people that just basically check out, there’s people that become drug addicts trying to cope with it, there’s marriages that have been destroyed. I’m telling you, this is not an insignificant thing. I think it’s important what we’re doing. Let me just mention that these teachings that I have, if you get the CDs or the DVDs, there’s four parts to this, and today is going to be my last day to offer you the third teaching in this four part set. This third teaching is entitled, why isn’t everyone healed? And I’ve been ministering on this for a couple of weeks, so we’re going to continue next week to go into talking about the law of faith.
Now, that’s really significant, and I’ll be dealing with that next week, but this is my last day to offer that third teaching. We have put a price on a whole package, we ask people to send a donation of any amount for some of these things, some of these things have a price, but we’ve also been going through and each day we will offer people one single CD free as a gift to you if you will just write in and request it. My partners have enabled me to do that, and today is my last day to offer this third teaching out of the four part set as a gift, so if you are going to respond to it, you need to respond today.
Now, I’ve been teaching all of this week about reasons why people aren’t healed and I’ve talked about one of them is because people just don’t believe. There has to be some degree of faith present, and then the last three or four days I’ve been talking about how that you can believe, but you could have unbelief present too, and that unbelief will counter balance or negate, invalidate your faith. It will cancel it out, and so you have to get to where you believe only, you can’t have any unbelief in your heart or any doubt, and then, Matthew, chapter 17, verse 20, Jesus said that the way you get rid of this kind of unbelief, the kind that stopped the disciples from casting the demon out of this boy, is that you have to pray and fast.
And on our program yesterday I was sharing about why prayer and fasting will cause that kind of unbelief, which I call a natural unbelief, why that will cast that out, and it’s because you have spent so much time worshipping God and loving God, communicating with him in prayer, or you’ve been spending time in fasting, which is also another way of denying your physical senses, that you have become so aware of the spiritual realm that when you don’t see something happen in the physical, it’s no problem, you know that there’s things going on behind the scenes in the unseen world. Did you know that the vast majority of people do not acknowledge the spiritual realm? Some do, but I’m saying the vast majority of people do not acknowledge it.
Most of us have been raised to think that if you can’t see it, taste it, hear it, smell it or feel it, it doesn’t exist. That’s what the Bible calls carnal, but most of us just call that normal, natural. That’s the way that it is, but the truth is, there is a spiritual world. There’s not only a spiritual world out there, there’s a spiritual world on the inside of you. There’s a spiritual being on the inside, and most of us live our lives as only carnal, just in this natural realm. But when you start praying and fasting, you move beyond the natural realm, you move beyond food as being your source and you realize that, man can live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, and you can start drawing on the spiritual realm, and when you fast and when you pray on a consistent basis.
You can train your flesh this way and you quit being carnal, you quit being limited to only what you can see, taste, hear, smell and feel, you recognize there’s a spiritual world, and you are able to go beyond these limitations, and I’m telling you, not very many people get there. Most people are just, in a sense, imprisoned in their feelings and emotions and if they pray for, like, a healing in their body, and if they have a tumor and can’t see the tumor gone, then most people right there, that’s the end of it. They are going to be more controlled by what they see and what they feel than what God’s word says. How do you get beyond that? Jesus said, this kind of unbelief only goes out through prayer and fasting.
And I use this verse over in Hebrews, chapter 5, verse 14, it says, «Strong meat», talking about maturity, «Belongs to those who by reason of use have exercised themself to discern both good and evil». It takes time, it takes consistency doing this. You can’t just do it one time and it lasts you for a month, a year, the rest of your life. You have to consistently start spending time in the spiritual realm focused on God, worshipping him, realizing that this physical world, even though I don’t deny that it exists, I deny that that is all that exists. There is a spiritual world, a spiritual realm, out there and in me, and I have become aware of it and now, when I don’t see or feel something that lines up with the Word of God, I’m aware that there’s more than just this physical and I’m able to continue to believe and not let that unbelief stop me.
You know, what I want to do right now, I want to play another one of these healing testimonies that we have right here, and this one is on the birth of Benjamin Esau, a little boy, I met his parents, I met him, I got to hold him when he was just a little tiny baby, but I met his parents in South Africa, and they had, when he was born, he was born dead, but because they had been believing God and spending time in the word and praying and fasting, they were able to overcome what the doctors said and what they saw with their physical eyes and they were able to see their son raised from the dead because of the very things that I’m talking about. It’s a great illustration, so I encourage you to open up your heart, listen, and at the end of our program, we’ll share with you how you can get this very healing journeys dvd that has Benjamin’s testimony on here. It’ll be a blessing to you, so watch this and be ready at the end of the program to write in and get all of these materials.