Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 26
Welcome to our Monday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today I’m continuing my series on God wants you well, and this is the beginning of my sixth week. I know that that’s a long time and some of you wish that I’d move on to something else, but you know what, there’s just a lot of information. Plus, I’ve been playing these testimonies, these videos that my television department has produced about people who’ve been healed as a result of getting hold of these truths about healing, and I really think that these testimonies are really important. You know, it’s one thing to teach the Word of God, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, but I have seen testimonies really impact people.
Revelation, chapter 12 says that you overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony, and I think it’s really important to give modern day testimonies of miracles that have happened and things that have happened, so because of these testimonies interwoven amongst my teaching, we’re now into the sixth week and I think that we’re going to probably go at least seven weeks or maybe even eight weeks on this teaching and again, I know that there’s some people that wish I would go on to something else, but this is important.
You know, I used this logic when I first got started in this, but my dad was a godly man. He was the chairman of the deacons in our Baptist church, he loved God, he witnessed to people, he helped people. He was a good man, but he wasn’t taught about healing and because of it, he actually died when he was 42 and was raised from the dead because people were praying for him, but then he died again when he was 54 and he was invalid nearly, not totally invalid, he could get around, but he couldn’t do very much. He had to have, like, a lounge chair at his office. He was a vice president of an insurance company and he had to have a lounge chair that he took a nap every day. When he came home, he couldn’t do anything, he just had to lay down.
You know, he never got out and played ball with us or did anything because he didn’t feel good enough, and so the whole time I was growing up, he was always, you know, he wasn’t invalid, he wasn’t handicapped, but he was just inactive because of all of this, struggled, and then he died when he was 54, right after I had turned 12 years old and you know, I grew up without a dad. My mother, I forget exactly, but I think she was in her forties, around 45 or something when that happened, or forty, I guess it would have been 47 and she was a widow, raising two boys. My sister was already gone, but she still had two boys at home and it caused a lot of problems just simply because, he was a godly man, but he didn’t know what the Word of God said about healing, and so he died young, caused me to grow up without a father, caused my mother to be a widow at a young age, it caused all kinds of problems, there were hardships, and simply because people chose to not emphasize this.
Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God, and so I believe that this is important. It’s not the most important thing, there’s other things besides healing, but it’s important and it’s worth devoting time to, and all of these materials that I’ve got here, I’ve got, I could literally teach on healing for a year or two at a time on television. I really could. I know some of you think I’m exaggerating, but that’s how much I could minister on all this. So, devoting seven weeks to the subject of healing on television, I don’t believe is out of line at all. I believe it’s very good.
Now, we’ve been teaching on reasons why people aren’t healed and I’ve been over in Matthew, chapter 17, verse 20, where Jesus' disciples could not cast this demon out of a boy who was possessed, and after Jesus had set this boy free, then they came and said, why couldn’t we cast him out? And Jesus taught them in Matthew, chapter 17, verse 20, it’s because of your unbelief, and for the last few days I’ve just been trying to get across how you can believe God and yet have unbelief at the same time. New concept to some people, but you have to believe only, you can’t waver in your faith, you can’t let what other people are saying about you affect you, and I know that in my own life, I gave personal testimony about how I pulled a man out of a wheelchair, but when I didn’t see the manifestation and he fell, I immediately became fearful of, what are people going to think? I began to feel sorry for him.
You know, this is a statement that’s going to shock a lot of you, but did you know when you feel sorry for a person who’s sick, it hinders you from receiving your healing. Now, I know that that may surprise some of you. The scripture says, Jesus was moved with compassion and healed the multitudes. I believe compassion is good, but sometimes compassion, godly compassion is hard. It’s not always just touchy feely, it’s not always about what’s making them feel good. I’ve had to get in people’s face before and tell them, if you don’t change, you’re going to die, and you know what, that’s compassion. You can get to where you are so sympathetic with people that you take on their hurts and their pains and the very thing that is keeping them sick is also keeping you sick, or let me rephrase that.
The thing that keeping them sick is keeping you from ministering healing to them because you have taken their offense: you’ve taken their hurt and their pain. You’ve got to be strong. Now, compassion is a godly thing, but just sympathy, empathizing with people isn’t always going to help them. You have to get strong and you have to stand. You know, I was using this example last week about Smith Wigglesworth, and Smith Wigglesworth, one of the constant criticisms of him was that he was mean, he was hard, and I mean, he did some harsh things. I talked about that woman who he said, let her go, and she fell on this tumor and he just said, pick her up, and he did this.
There was an instance one time where he prayed for a baby that had a swollen head, water on the brain, and he took this baby, he was standing on the stage and it was like, I don’t know, a year old baby or something, it couldn’t walk, and he took this baby and actually kicked it off the stage into the front row. That’s terrible, but you know what? The baby was healed, and he would hit people and he would scream and yell and people said, why do you do these things? Why do you hit people and punch them? He says, I’m not against people, he says, I’m just angry at the devil. I’m after the devil and I can’t help it if these people’s bodies get in the way, and you can criticize that, but you know what? He saw miraculous results, and I’m telling you, one reason a lot of people don’t see the healing power of God manifest is because they empathize and sympathize with the people that they are ministering to too much. They take on their offense.
You’ve got to get to where you hate sickness and you are loving those people enough that you’re going to tell them the truth, and I tell you, sometimes you need to tell a person, you aren’t believing God, you’re letting this person affect you, and sometimes you have to give hard answers to people. I know that some of you don’t like that and this is certainly not compatible with the touchy feely stuff and how you can’t ever say anything that offends anybody. Jesus told people, he says, you snake, you viper. His disciples says, don’t you know that the pharisees were offended? And he says, if they aren’t planted by my Lord, they’re going to be plucked up. He says, let them be offended. You know, Jesus was hard by today’s standard. He told the people right here in Matthew 17, you faithless and you perverse generation, how long am I going to be with you? You’ve got to love people enough to tell them the truth.
You know, I would like to play another testimony of Lance Weldgen. Lance and his wife, Gerri, have now been healed and they actually run our office and our ministry, our Bible college in Chennai, India, but this man was on 17 pills a day, he was suffering, and one of our Bible college students met him in a coffee spot and loved him enough to tell him the truth and challenged him, and praise God, because of it, he got healed. Watch this. I tell you, it will really bless you, so watch this and at the end of our program, we’ll be giving you information how you can get a copy of this exact testimony that you’ll be seeing.