Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 24
Welcome to our Thursday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today I am continuing to teach on the subject of God wants you well, and I tell you, we have been covering some powerful things. This week I’ve been talking about reasons why people aren’t healed and I’ve already started talking about two of them. The first one was, is because there is no faith present.
There has to be some degree of faith present, you have to act on your faith in order to receive, but that’s not the only reason. You could believe, and yet if you have unbelief, this unbelief will negate the faith that you have, and I’m just beginning to make those points. You know, what I would like to do today is to play another testimony of miraculous healing for you.
This is Richard Waller from over in the UK, and I tell you, he was sick for a long period of time, but until he heard the word, faith comes by hearing, hearing by the Word of God, he never got healed, and then after he began to believe in healing, he had to act, he came to a meeting. He had Charlie LeBlanc, our musician, pray for him, and then he didn’t feel anything, he didn’t feel any different, but he believed that he was healed and began to act on it, and I tell you, it was a powerful, powerful testimony.
Richard and his wife have become friends of ours now, and I tell you, they are seeing lots of people’s lives changed. This is going to bless you, so watch this testimony of the healing of Richard Waller.