Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 22
Welcome to our Tuesday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today I’m continuing my teaching on God wants you well, and we’re now into my fifth week of teaching on this, and I tell you, we have covered some powerful, powerful things. I’ve already established that healing is a part of Jesus' atonement, now, each one of these things, if you haven’t heard this, you may choke on this, but again, I’ve spent five weeks teaching on this and shared a lot of scriptures on it. I believe Jesus healed us as much as he forgave us of our sins or he, you know, delivered us from hell, it’s just a part of what Jesus died to do for us. I think that’s essential.
I dealt with some of the criticism, some of the opposition to that, people talking about Paul’s thorn in the flesh, Trophimus being left at Miletum sick, Timothy drinking some wine for his stomach’s sake, and for the last ten days or so, nearly ten days, I’ve been talking about reasons why people aren’t healed because if you say it’s God’s will to heal, well then alright, well then why isn’t everybody healed? And what I’ve been spending most of this time on so far is just saying, it’s because people have to believe.
Now, that’s not the only reason, and I think that because this is usually the only reason that people give why people aren’t healed, then there’s a lot of people that just reject this because they look at somebody who’s struggling receiving healing and this person is strong in faith and they, I mean, are believing God, they may have even seen other people healed or have been healed in the past, and they say, I know this person is believing and they just immediately reject this. First of all, let me say this. The scripture says in Romans, chapter 3, verse 4, let God be true and every man a liar. The right way to interpret scripture is to say, God’s word is true and you interpret your circumstances by what the word says, but most people don’t do that.
Most people believe that what they see and what they experience is true and they interpret the word in light of what they are experiencing, and from our perspective, sometimes it doesn’t look like people who are really strong believing God are being healed and so we just sit here and say, I just reject this that faith has to be present. But I’m telling you, whether you can see it or not, I believe, I’ve shared a lot of scripture already, I believe that you do have to believe God. You know, I had an instance where there was a man, I think I’ve referred to this already, but there was a man who had cancer. I led him into the baptism of the Holy Spirit and then after that he got cancer and he was actually on a trip. He was in New Mexico and they had to put him in the hospital and the doctors said he wouldn’t live through the night.
Well, he did live through the night and he lived for a whole week that way, and finally they just said, well rent an ambulance and go home and die in your bed at home. So, his wife brought him back to the Colorado springs area and she called me on the phone, told me what had happened, and said, he’s just dying and he wanted to say goodbye to you before he died, and I said, don’t you let anybody touch him, don’t you dare die until I get there, and I went over to his house and I started building this man up, and over a period of, I’m not sure, but three-four months, I went over to his house nearly every day and I would just feed this man the Word of God and feed him the word and he began to improve, and I mean, he was in such a state that he couldn’t even hold the phone when his wife called me. She had to hold the phone up to him, he couldn’t lift his arm. He got to where he was walking and he was driving and he was eating and he was getting better.
Now, he still had some of the effects, but I mean, huge, huge, huge improvement, and it’s a long story, but anyway, the point I’m getting at is, that he finally died, and when he died everybody was confused and at his funeral there was people that stood up and said, man, I thought he was believing God, I thought God had healed him. How could this happen? And people, you know, were interpreting what the word says based on their experience and what they could see, and according to everybody’s understanding, this man was believing God and there was these positive results, how could he just die?
But the Lord had spoken to me just a few weeks before that this man had given up and even though he was improving and over, I don’t know, three months or six months, whatever it was, he had gotten so strong, it was an effort, it was a fight, and he just got tired of fighting. He was around 70 years old and he just decided one day that he was going to go home, and the Lord showed me that. I mentioned it to him and to his wife, and his wife got angry, how dare you say this? He’s going to live, he’s not going to die, he’s going to be okay, and so anyway, since she wasn’t receptive, I just didn’t say anything. He didn’t say anything.
But did you know that after his death, we found a diary that he was writing and in his diary on that exact day that the Lord had told me that, he wrote in his diary, he says, you know what, I know that I’m getting better, I know I can eventually deal with this, but I’m tired and he says, I’m excited about going to be with the Lord, and he says, I’m going to go ahead and say that I’m healed and say that I’m believing God and say that I’m getting better because other people won’t understand, but he wrote it in his diary, he says, today I made a decision, I’m going home.
I’m quitting, and see, by looking at him, you couldn’t know that, but later through this diary, we saw what was really going on in his heart, and there’s situations that it may look to you like a person was standing and believing God and doing everything and you just can’t understand, and so because you evaluate something based on your own perspective and your own viewpoint, you just let your experience be more real to you than the Word of God, I am taking a different approach. I believe what the word says and if what I see with my eyes doesn’t match up, well then the word is right and either I am misinterpreting this, I’m not evaluating it properly or something, but you know, the word is true.
Romans 3:4, let God be true, and every man, every circumstance, every experience be a lie, and I know that right now I’m speaking to some people that you have had something happen, maybe a person has died, or maybe a person has suffered with sickness a long time and stuff, and because of your experience you just do not believe the Word of God because your experience is more real to you. I’m telling you, you need to get to this place to let God be true and every man a liar, and I can understand why people compromise on this area because it’s hard sometimes.
Here’s another experience that I’ve got, that I had a couple that, it’s a long, long story. I tell you what, rather than me go through this, maybe I’ll tell this on our program tomorrow. I would rather just play you one of these testimonies that my television department has put together, and I tell you, we have seen, I mean, miraculous, miraculous healings take place, and so what I would like to do is play for you this testimony about Connie weiskopf, and this is a woman who had cancer and was diagnosed with it, terminal cancer, and yet she got hold of the Word of God, she went to believing God, and praise God, she’s not only healed, which is a praise the Lord, but now she’s ministering healing. She started her own ministry, she has a book that she’s put out, Connie and her husband, Dave, have been so set free that now they’re setting other people free. This will bless you, so watch this.