Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 18
Welcome to our Wednesday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today I’m into the middle of my fourth week of teaching on the subject, God wants you well, and I tell you, I’ve already covered a lot, a lot of important things. I haven’t got time to go back and summarize that, but again, I would like to encourage you to please get all of these materials.
We’ve got a book, we’ve got CDs, we’ve got a study guide, which is the book put into a format where you can teach other people and disciple them. We’ve got a little magazine that is a free offer. You call in and get this and it has testimonies, lots of scriptures. On the back right here, this is worth a lot right here, it takes every single time that Jesus healed one person or in groups of people in the New Testament and lists every one. There’s 17 times in the gospel where Jesus healed all of the sick that were present, these are 17 different times.
You know, the gospels record some of the same events, but I’ve combined them. These are 17 separate instances where he healed every single person. There are 47 other times where he healed one or two people at a time. There’s not a single instance in scripture where Jesus ever refused to heal a person. There are some instances where people refused to receive healing, such as Mark, chapter 6, but it wasn’t because Jesus didn’t want to heal them, it was because of their unbelief. And then we also have this little digital mp3 something or another. You plug it into your computer and it has over 40 hours' worth of teaching on things that relate to healing, and so it’s just really powerful. I encourage you to please get hold of all of this.
Today I would like to play another testimony. We’ve got these healing journeys, and I tell you, these are powerful, and today I want to play the testimony about James and Timothy McDermott, two boys over in the UK who had Asperger’s syndrome and autism, and by the uk medical system were listed as being critical. Anyway, as you watch this, you will really see the mother here just really is able to verbalize how traumatic this was on her whole family and yet she got a break through by listening to these things that God wants you well, and the same thing that worked for these two boys in the uk will also work for you wherever you are.