Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 14
Welcome to our Thursday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. I’m nearing the end of my third week of teaching on God wants you well, and I tell you, this is a powerful teaching. Every time I minister on this I just see miracles happen because most people don’t know what God really feels about healing and I mention this often, but Christians will believe God can heal, but they don’t believe it’s always God’s will to heal and they don’t understand that they have a part to play in this and so they’re just real passive and they cry out to the Lord for pity and beg and plead for their healing instead of taking their authority and realizing that they can make the healing power of God manifest.
Boy, those are some big statements there, but this is what we’ve been talking about and I tell you, I’ve already shared a lot of really good things. I started sharing this week about reasons why people aren’t healed and there are many reasons, more than what I’ll be able to give here on this television program, and let me also say that even though I could probably come up with a hundred reasons of why people don’t get healed, examples that I’ve dealt with and seen people get healed as you change their thinking and stuff, even though I could come up with probably 100 different reasons why people aren’t healed, I still don’t understand all of this.
There’s people that I think should be healed, that as far as I can tell are believing God and yet, we don’t always see manifestations of healing. But I have just come to the point to believe that it’s never God who failed to heal, it’s somehow or another it’s us that fails to receive, and you know, there are so many people that are just so insecure, and I’m using that word on purpose, there are people that are insecure, that just can’t tolerate the thought that they are missing it in any area and for me to say that God wants them well, but the reason they aren’t healed is because maybe they aren’t doing something right, there’s people that just get up in arms over that and they couldn’t live with themself if they thought that they were wrong.
I tell you what, that’s just deception. You’re just in la-la land some place because I can guarantee you, we all miss it in some area. It doesn’t bother me. Actually, it’s a blessing for me to find out that it’s something I’m doing that’s wrong, whether it’s intentional or unintentional, it blesses me to find out I’m the problem because if I’m the problem, I can change, but the Lord doesn’t change. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever, and if it’s God that is willing that some people get healed and other people don’t get healed, well then, I’m just up a creek without a paddle. I’m done for because I can’t change God. It’s a blessing to me to find out that I’m the problem. I’m not offended by it, just tell me the truth.
Man, praise God, I like that and I just don’t relate to people who are so insecure that they have to live in this deception that they’re doing everything right and if you were to say that there is something that they’re doing wrong that might have caused them not to receive the healing power of God, they just can’t handle that. Man, I just don’t relate to that. You aren’t going to be very effective in your life. So anyway, we’ve been talking about this that there are reasons why people are not healed and one of the big ones is that they just aren’t believing God. It takes faith.
Yesterday I used Mark, chapter 6, Luke, chapter 7. I used a number of scriptural examples that you have to believe in order to receive. That’s simple, but again, there are so many people who just won’t accept that. You know, the pastor of the church that I go to, he was teaching a series on healing and he knew that I was strong in this area of healing, so he came to me and I went out to eat with him and two other pastors of the church and we went out to eat and it was all cordial, we all love each other, but he was asking me what I was thinking about healing and what I considered to be some of the main things, and I told him, it’s a part of the atonement, it’s not optional, God has done it for everybody, he wants everyone well.
He said, I would never say that, and I said, why not? And he said, because some people might feel condemned because they aren’t healed or because somebody they prayed for wasn’t healed and I wouldn’t want them to feel any hurt or rejection or anything like that, and I just told him, I said, well, it’s just the truth, and I gave him the same things that I’ve been teaching here on television, and he saw it, but he says, I just would never want anybody to feel that way at all, and I mean, we talked about it and just agreed to disagree, and then the next Sunday he got up and started his series and he read Matthew, chapter 17 where the disciples couldn’t heal.
Let me just turn over and read this to you. But this is where the disciples tried to cast the demon out of a boy who had something like what we would call, seizures, and when Jesus came down from the mountain, they came to him and asked him why they couldn’t cast him out and here’s what Jesus said unto them. He said, o faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you? Bring him hither to me. Jesus was not pleased at their lack of being able to cast the demons out and cure this boy. Instead he said, you are a faithless and perverse generation. You could see him being put out with these people and saying, I’m not going to be here forever.
I’m trying to teach you how to do these things, and he rebuked them and he told people that it’s because you aren’t believing God, it’s because you’re faithless, and yet this pastor says, I would never say that to anybody, and he read five passages of scripture in one message where Jesus said this exact same thing and rebuked people because of their unbelief and said, woe unto thee, chorazin! Woe unto thee Bethsaida! For if the mighty works that have been done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long time ago in sackcloth and ashes, and he rebuked them and this pastor read all of these things where Jesus rebuked people for not believing and yet then he turns around and says, I would never do that.
See, to me, that’s the influence of our secular world to where we are so touchy feeling we can’t even say a person is fat anymore, it might offend them. They are weight challenged or it’s in their genes. They can’t control it, they can’t help it and we just don’t want to say anything that’s going to offend anybody, and that’s wrong. I tell you what, whether you understand it or not, you do have to believe God. That’s not all that there is: faith is not the only thing. I’m going to share some other things with you, but you do have to have faith as a foundation of your belief and you’ve got to be a little bit aggressive with your faith. It can’t be passive.
You know, over in Matthew, chapter 11, Jesus was speaking and he says, since the time of John the Baptist, the kingdom of heaven is preached and it suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. This is talking about that you’ve got to be violently resolved. This isn’t saying that if you go out and mug somebody, rob somebody, kill them, that you’re the kind that takes the kingdom: no, he’s just talking about that you’ve got to get violent. You’ve got to get to where you don’t take no for an answer.
As long as you can live with sickness, you will. You’re going to have to get to where you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired and you’re going to have to stir yourself up and believe and you’re going to have to reach out and take hold on faith. You need a violent attitude. I tell you, and that’s missing in a lot of people. It’s totally different than people coming and saying, oh Lord, if it’s your will, please heal me for Jesus' sake, amen. You aren’t going to get healed with a prayer like that. You need to be a little bit more aggressive than that.
You know, I’ve got some good friends, Alan and Debbie Moore, who I would like to play a video for you of Alan’s healing. He had a stroke and one third of his brain was and according to the mrI’s, is still dead. He shouldn’t be alive and if he was alive, he should be a vegetable and yet, he’s answering the phones out here in my phone center, amen, and he’s healthy, but Debbie Moore has this attitude that I was talking about. She stirred herself up, she believed, she wasn’t going to let her husband die. She lost one husband, I think, to cancer: I’m not sure about that, but her previous husband died and she wasn’t about to let Alan die and she stood and she was aggressive with her faith and it’s a great example of what I’m trying to say here. You do have to believe in order to receive.
So, I would like you to watch this video and learn some things by it. I mean, the way that this testimony is it not only gives a testimony about Alan being healed, but it shows you why he was healed and how faith was involved, primarily on Debbie’s part in Alan’s healing. So, watch this. I believe it’ll be a blessing to you, and then get the dvd where we have this testimony on it.