Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 12
Welcome to our Tuesday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today I am continuing a series, I’m now in my third week of teaching on the subject of God wants you well, and I am very excited about this. I know that there are thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people receiving this news and being healed. You know, one of the most exciting things about what the Lord has taught me through the word is that in the past there’s been individuals that had an anointing of healing on their life, the gift of healing or the gifts of miracles, and they would flow, but you had to be in their presence and it all came through them, and there’s a reason for that.
I haven’t got time really at this time to teach on why that happens, but God anoints certain individuals with these supernatural gifts of healing and I praise God for that. There’s nothing wrong with it, but as a whole, that’s the only way that the body of Christ has been able to receive healing was through a person that had this supernatural anointing on them. But with me, I don’t have an anointing for healing, my anointing is teaching, but I have learned that I can teach the Word of God to people and we are seeing these people who are receiving the word going out and receiving healing for themselves and ministering healing to other people, and I tell you, that is exciting to me and I am seeing this happen a lot.
I mean, we take people to our meetings now and we have our students that have been trained to be prayer ministers go down and we see miracles happen, I mean, blind eyes opened, people healed of multiple sclerosis and just all kinds of miracles, and it’s not people that have a special anointing, but people that have the truth and they are just going out. So, I’m saying these things to encourage you, that maybe you don’t feel like you’ve got a miracle ministry or a gift of healing, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t receive. All things are possible to him that can believe, and I have just been teaching people how to believe, and I tell you, I’m seeing miracles, miracles happen. It’s just awesome to see what God is doing.
So, we’ve been teaching on the subject of healing. Today I would like to play another video for you. We have these four albums, videos and there’s about five testimonies on each one of these, so altogether that’s over, that’s around 20, 19 or 20 testimonies that we have of people that have just received miracles and I’ve already talked about Mike and Caroline Hoesch just briefly, but this is a man who, similar to what we’ve been talking about, he believed God could heal, he just didn’t know how to connect, and when he got hold of my teaching entitled, you’ve already got it, it’s like a light went on on the inside of him. I would like to mention that we’re offering this little mp3 flash, I don’t know what you call these things, I’ve been through this so many times, but it’s an mp3 card, you put it in, and there’s 43 hours' worth of teaching on here and one of these teachings is, you’ve already got it, the very teaching that changed Mike Hoesch.
And I want to just warn you up front, there are some people that this will be graphic because he had a tumor here on his chest and he knew God was going to heal him so he took pictures to document this thing and this thing turned green and had yellow with it and black tentacles that went over his chest and if you have a weak stomach or think this would be offensive to somebody, you might need to make a decision right now, but if you can receive it, what a great testimony this is about how he just stood and believed God, and today he’s not only healed, but he’s answering our phones back here and God is using him in just a supernatural way. So, watch this video and I’ll be back at the end of the program.
Man, that’s an awesome testimony, isn’t it? And I tell you, not only have Mike and Caroline been healed, but they got hold of these truths like I was talking about at the first of the program, and they’ve learned that you can get a handle on healing. It’s not up to God and you never know if he’s going to heal this person or that, it’s God’s will to heal everyone and you can grab hold of these truths that it’s already been done, and not only can you get healed, but you can minister healing to others. Mike and Caroline now minister in our healing school here on Thursday afternoon, and I tell you, they are seeing miraculous results happen. You know, let me just also put in a plug for our healing school.
Some of you may not be aware of this, but every Thursday at one o’clock mountain time we have a healing school right here in our facility and it’s live streamed via the internet all over the world, and we are having people watch by the hundreds outside of just the local area, but around the world people watch and you can receive prayer and we’ve had many, many testimonies of people being healed. But what happened for Mike Hoesch can happen for you. I know that there’s some of you that have tumors, cancers that have invaded your body, God’s not a respecter of persons. What he did for them, he will do for you if you will receive the word. The word will be health unto all of your flesh. So, I encourage you to listen to our announcer. He’s going to share with you about how you can get this healing journeys video that Mike Hoesch testimony is on, along with all of the teaching that touched Mike and caused him to receive in the first place, so please listen to our announcer and call or write today to receive these materials.