Andrew Wommack - God Wants You Well - Part 8
Welcome to our Wednesday’s broadcast of The Gospel Truth. Today I’m continuing a teaching that I started over a week ago talking about God wants you well, and I’ve got a lot of product on this. Matter of fact, we’ve got probably more product than any of you want on this subject, but if you’re sick, I tell you, you want everything you can get to get well and sadly, there has been a lot of confusion about this and I’ve countered a lot of these things in my first seven days' worth of teaching on this.
We’re now moving into a second point. The very first point that I’ve really tried to establish is that healing is for us today, that it is part of Christ’s atonement, and that it’s wrong to just say, well, the real basic thing that we’ve got is forgiveness of sins. No, Jesus died to produce forgiveness of sins, healing of your body, prosperity and deliverance. All of those things are included and it’s wrong to just piecemeal them and say, well, I’m only going to accept one-fourth of what Jesus provided for me and I’m going to reject this other. Man, that’s just wrong, and because of it, it’s hurting individuals, there’s a lot of grief and suffering because people aren’t receiving their healing.
There’s a lot of people turned away from the Lord because of the church representing God as the one who’s the author of sickness and disease and all of these kind of things and plus, healing is one of the greatest tools that we have to draw people to God. If we would reach people where they are, then we could bring them to where they’re supposed to go, but most people aren’t thinking about heaven and hell and eternal issues, they’re just muddling through on a day to day basis, and I mean, some of them are hurting so much that their prayers aren’t about eternity: they’re just thinking about, how do I survive today? How do I get through these things today?
And I tell you, one of the reasons that the church isn’t more relevant and that our societies are going more and more secular is because the church has reduced Christianity to just an insurance policy for heaven or hell and it’s eternal things and it doesn’t apply to the average person’s life, and that’s wrong. Jesus met people where they were. When he taught, he taught on farming, things that every one of them dealt with every day. He healed their bodies. He set people free. He prospered people and blessed them, and because he could reach them in the physical, natural realm, they were open, thinking, you know, if he can provide these physical things, he can also do the greater things, and I think that the church, I know that the church is missing a huge opportunity by not accurately representing it being God’s will to heal.
So, that’s what I’ve dealt with the first week, is just to try and get across that it is always God’s will to heal. What I want to begin to do today is to start dealing with some of the objections, and most of the objections against healing, you know, this is sad to say and I get no pleasure out of saying it, but most of the objections to healing come from the church. Unbelievers, they may not really be seeking God, they may not think a lot about God, but they aren’t resistant. I’ve actually found, some of you would be shocked at this, but I’ve actually found it much easier to minister healing to people who aren’t saved than it is to people who are saved because most people who’ve been saved have also been taught wrong doctrine.
As Jesus said in Mark, chapter 7, verse 13 I believe it is, it says, your traditions and doctrines of men, make the word of none effect, and it’s religious traditions that have taken people’s faith away from healing. You can take somebody who doesn’t even believe in God and sometimes they won’t even let you pray for them, but if they do, it’s actually easier to see an unbeliever saved, than it is a Christian with all of this junk and wrong thinking that God is the one who has put this on them, and one of the things that is a major obstacle is the wrong teaching about Paul’s thorn in the flesh from 2 Corinthians, chapter 12, and so I am going to begin to deal with this and let me just say that, you know again, it’s like these traditions and doctrines of men are so rooted in people.
It’s kind of, you know, I had a mental picture one time of going, like, down a dirt road and after a rain or something, you know, it became soft and the ruts get so deep that you can’t go down that road without falling into this rut. It doesn’t matter how you try, you’re just eventually going to get into it and once you get into it, it’s nearly impossible to get out of it, it’s so deep. Well likewise, these traditions and doctrines of men are so ingrained in our thinking that you can’t even mention Paul’s thorn in the flesh without people immediately beginning to think, you know, the wrong things about it.
So, it’s going to take me a little while to counter this and to come against it, but I do not believe that the Bible teaches that Paul had some eye problem, that you know, God wouldn’t heal him of. That is the traditional, religious interpretation and I believe that the reason people teach that is because it is a convenient theology and you have to be predisposed to that. You have to want to believe it to find it in scripture because the scripture just makes it very clear that this wasn’t from God. It was a messenger of satan. So anyway, I’m going to be teaching on that and I think that it will really help you.
Today I want to play another one of our healing journeys testimonies about healing. This is about Scott Forsyth and for those of you who watched my program on Monday, I played the healing testimony about Hannah Terradez and Scott was in a similar type situation, a little bit different but similar, and he was struggling and just, the whole family was really burdened because they knew God wanted them well, they just didn’t know how to receive it, and they saw Hannah’s testimony and that actually was the thing that caused Scott to be able to believe and receive. It’s a great testimony. It follows right on the heels of the last one that we played, so I would like you to watch this and I’ll be back at the end of the program today.
Praise God, isn’t that awesome! I tell you, God wants you well. Scott and his parents have become pretty good friends and they just, I mean, this changed their life. It not only produced healing in Scott, but it has changed the lives of this family and this is one of the points I’m trying to get across, that healing is kind of like a stepping stone to greater things from the Lord and by us not ministering healing and backing off of sharing these truths because of criticism that we might receive, we are hindering many, many, many people from actually going deeper with the Lord and further with the Lord.